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CCNA/CCNP atau Master Degree?
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Hi! Forumers....I really need u guys to help me sort it out. Aku ni nak sambung belajau, kalau boleh nak ambik Master. Tapi kan, ada best friend aku cakap baik ambik CCNA then after lulus ambik CCNP pulak sebab sekarang gaji memang demanding. Masalahnya, aku dah pening mana nak dikejau dulu. Networking pun best, Master pun best jugak. Dengar my friend cakap, kawan dia masuk O&G co., gaji sampai 9K sebulan padahal ada CCNA jek...Tolongggggg, bagi pandangan...TQ |
eddom This user has been deleted
So... First thing to ask. Are networking your favourite?? If no, then go for master. I suggest you to involve in the one which you are interesting in. I study Networking before, it is not that easy man, you got CCNA, CCNP, CCIE, CCIP. With CCNP, you could get high salary, but if i going to give you 9k and ask you to stanby 24hours for maintaining, you want? if it is ok for you, then go for it. Dont force yourself to do what you doesnt like, you going to have a hard time and it is hard for you to get certain target. |
Reply #2 eddom's post
Thanks a lot, eddom. I definitely would go for Master not becoz I don't like networking. Just that I want to get rid of the 'standby' things. I did it with one of the major telco's company in M'sia, maintained the microwave system. And with my age right now, it doesn't sound enjoying anymore. So, I'm thanking u for open up my mind a bit wider 'bout the networking stuffs, and best of luck to u 'ya...... |
setuju dgn eddom.Apa yg ko minat sebenarnya?Kalau ambil professional cert,kena ingat yg cert tu ada tarikh luput dia dan kita kena sentiasa upgrade kita punya knowledge utk kekal relevan.Kalau ambil Master,sampai ke mati cert Master kau akan laku.Tetapi,pada pendapat akulah,professional cert ini akan prepare/prove yg kita ni practical dlm bidang masing2.Kita specialised dgn produk atau teknologi tertentu.Kalau Master tu,aku rasa lebih berbentuk ilmiah/teori/general dan tak terikat pada sesebuah product/company sahaja,cthnya kalau CCNA/CCNP utk product cisco,OCA/OCP utk database Oracle,MCDBA utk database Microsoft,etc. ...just my 2sen
[ Last edited by ultra78 at 3-7-2006 02:42 PM ] |
Reply #4 ultra78's post
Thanks a lot to u too, ultra78. U were all correct! Eloklah aku complete on papers dulu,kan? Kot2 lah sok2 ada rezeki lebih atau pala otak aku tetiba guna engine turbo, bolehlah aku ambik pulak ccna ni. Networking ni best..tapi yerlah..kot dua2 aku ambik, takut nanti tak terkejau pulak...huwaaaa,sad but true. |
Originally posted by ultra78 at 3-7-2006 02:34 PM
setuju dgn eddom.Apa yg ko minat sebenarnya?Kalau ambil professional cert,kena ingat yg cert tu ada tarikh luput dia dan kita kena sentiasa upgrade kita punya knowledge utk kekal relevan.Kalau ambi ...
:setuju::setuju:..bole tahan susah nye kalu x bape minat.pening pale gak aku nak menyetadikan diri utk CCNA neh..ngan paper yg lain lagik.. |
hsbc This user has been deleted
membe aku aku CCNP,gaji 1800 je.sebenarnye,bukannye disebabkan CCNA ke,CCNP ke,CCIE ke,tp berape lama experience ko(at least 5 tahun+CCNP) & how well understanding ko pasal cisco product& related networking issues & how much are going to sacrifice your life?
come on people,korang piece of cake ke nak dpt gaji besa2 tuh?
p/s-brape ramai bebudak CCNA yg menganggur skarang korang x pikir? |
Reply #7 hsbc's post
tqtqtq....alhamdulillah dapat ambik pandangan korang dulu sebelum aku buat keputusan. Nak mengorbankan diri lebih kepada kerja e.g. standby taknaklah, tak sanggup dah, cukuplah dedulu dah rasa. Dulu masa standby on call, nak 'memerut' dalam tandas pun terkejau- kejau. Nanti masa utk family aku takderlak..Aku ni more to family man..huhuhuhu...thanks guys.. |
hsbc This user has been deleted
tulah,satu lg aku tgk,sorry la ade yg terase,byk MCSE ngan CCNA ni sebenarnye wayang je lebih.aku x ckp semue,tp
most of them memang,advice aku,jgn la mengorbankan duit gi amik MCSE ke,CCNA ke,keje dulu cari experience |
kwaytiau This user has been deleted
I m going to take CCNP course.....
Anyone can share and guide which book is easy to understand and study the CCNP?
Any tips...
Thank you..
Cheers, |
Kalau ambil Master kalau nak jd ceo ka co ka...tu mesti ada la pada pendapat aku la...kalau ada CCNA or CCNP mmg ada advantage sikit aje....putar sini...putar sana...dia tanya balik "how many exprience u have?"...jd kesimpulan sendiri mau ingat |
nak paling cantik, kerja sambil tu amik CCNA...
lepas kelas balik opis praktikkan...
lepas grad mintak company power..
mavelesss meh...:cak: |
actually, aku rasa CCNA/CCNP is better and easier and more direct impact to our salary and working enviro. MAster degree is more like 'passion' towards excellency. |
my opinion.. prof. certs can boost up your career..
kalau u nak ambik prof cert, pastikan u mmg minat, then better u kerje yg related to that certs, eg, kalau nak amik oracle nyer cert, keje la bende2 yg pakai oracle as end user pon ok sbb nak hands-on experience, then if u are confident enough, terus go for the certs, yg penting u know the market.. sometime bende nih depend on your luck gak.. kalau tak minat baik jgn ambik, yg penting hands-on dulu, baru tau cinta tak cinta.. ambik double degree pon kalau tak minat tak berguna jugak, betul tak..
master or prof certs, sama je, at the end employer mahu tgk kita boleh kerje.. |
aku rasa baik ko ambik master and sambil tu ambik CCNA
benda bukan susah sgt CCNA tu, takat 3 - 4 jam seminggu, aku pun study lg and di masa yg sama buat CCNA
senang je, kalau payah sangat ko study buku dia yg tebal giler tu and then ko cari soalan dia.
belambak kat web. |
minat networking kalo takde bakat, tak gune.. huhu.. tapi kalo minat, better amik CCNA.. then sambung CCNP, then sambung CCIE.... |
amik master la.kalau amik professional certificate,benda tu expire dan kena renew balik selepas beberapa tahun..Kalau dapat master,takyah renew pun sampai ngko mati....
professional cert = nak jadi expert in specialised area
master = move up career (kalau berminat nak jadi manager, gm, etc).The higher you move, the less technical it gets.. |
lagi satu....kalau suruh jaga network, berapa org yg dia nak ambik.....kalau setkt sorang, baik tak ni kena ade byk org.....kena ade rotation lagi....kalau sorang sorang jaga network 24 jam, mati laa... |
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