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Anak comelku Autistic Spectrum Disorder

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Post time 24-12-2006 05:21 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mami06 at 23-12-2006 10:40 PM
delifrance, how old is your son? dia bole berkawan and pi main bole kira ok gak tu. Anak I even though mild ASD, he got no sense of danger. Kalau dia tengah seronok tu kalau dibiarkan mmg dia main  ...

my irfan just turned 5 lat oct.

yes dr kadir is very2 strict...apa dia nampaksilap salah kita mmg dia sound cukup2...

i will see him again in a few months time if irfan still cannot catch up on his reading... esok2 nak kene pegi jugak klinik dia sebab roselle kat rumah dah habis...

i should try the almond milk recipe...kalau irfan suka, mmg i nak berenti kan his fresh milk intake terus... hopefully berjaya!! aminnn

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Post time 24-12-2006 06:12 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mami06 at 22-12-2006 11:22 PM
Kak Fie, ni contoh menu anak saya:

Pagi - scrambled egg 2 biji (Dr Kadir recommend telur LTK sebab ada DHA) ataupun nasi lemak

Tengah hari - Nasi (anak saya suka sup, pas tu gorengkan sket ik ...

mami, rice milk and almond milk tu camana ya?

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Post time 24-12-2006 06:47 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by KakFie at 24-12-2006 06:12 PM

mami, rice milk and almond milk tu camana ya?

u can get the recipes from the links yg mami provided

likealmond milk tu macam2 style buleh guna...ade yg pakai roasted almonds ade ygpakai raw almonds..
ada yg blanch in hot water ade yg direct blend gitu aje

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Post time 24-12-2006 08:41 PM | Show all posts
psl sekolah utk anak2 kita ni mmg I risau. Harapan I depa boleh la blend in dgn budak2 lain kat sekolah biasa. Lagi satu x berapa suka sekolah khas psl x pernah lagi la jumpa sekolah khas utk budak2 cam ni yg dikendalikan oleh org melayu, org Islam. Bukan racist, tapi cuak la jugak...I dah tanya pun Dr Kadir psl sekolah. Dia recommend pi sekolah biasa, lama-lama dia pandai la bergaul, dok tengok budak lain bergaul all the time kan. Tapi I sebagai mami dia, still risaula...mcm2 bole jadi kan, sekolah dari pagi sampai tgh hari plak tu...not like tadika which is just 3 hours.  Btw, kak fie bagi lagi fresh milk kat anak you? x kena marah dgn Dr Kadir ke?

Pagi semalam I bagi almond milk kat anak I. Dia x mau, rasa pelik kot psl campur dgn madu. So hari ni I cuba campur non-dairy chocolate powder. Mau plak dia minum, licin! DIa kata air milo! So mlm ni nak try experiment. Nak cuba bancuh almond milk ni dgn van houten chocolate powder, campur madu sket, dan raw sugar...main hentam la, tengok ok ke dak...bukan apa, yg non-dairy chocolate powder yg I mula2 pakai tu dah dicampur gula putih, so x elok sgt. Jadi kena la mereka-reka resepi sendiri.

I buat almond milk cam ni:

Mula rendam almond dlm air panas jap (dlm 30minit)
Bila kulit luar tu kembang, I kupas la, tinggal isi putih kat dlm.
So isi tu I letak dlm bekas ,rendam dlm air masak, then simpan dlm fridge satu mlm.
Esoknya I blend la almond tu, pas tu masukkan dlm kain (I pakai kain napkin), dan perah.
Susu tu I simpan dlm fridge, rasanya 3 hari dlm fridge ok, x basi pun (make sure bekas susu tu tertutup, mana tau simpan durian ke...lekat plak rasa durian dlm susu tu)
Ada org minum susu tu gitu je, campur dgn kurma pun bole, madu ke, letak esen vanilla sket pun ok, bagi wangi.

Norsha, kalau u jumpa Dr Kadir, mesti u akan cuba gak stick to his recommendations. Dia dah cakap awal2 kalau x nak ikut, x yah datang klinik dia lagi...mmg strict. Mlm kadang2 anak I x nak makan nasik (jemu kot) so I  bagi je dia minum air masak campur madu. Risau gak dia lapar, tapi I terpaksa buat cam tu, no choice, I nak dia baik, kalau I ngelat, bagi biskut atau susu, nanti dia berbalik ke tahap asal. I guess ini la org panggil hard love kan..mmg payah nak buat, tapi terpaksa. Nasib baik dia x melalak lapar...mungkin air campur madu tu buatkan dia rasa kenyang, I pun x tau.

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Post time 24-12-2006 09:41 PM | Show all posts
Cuba baca artikel ni, ditulis oleh parents yg dah cuba GFCF diet....Artikel ni panjang, jadi saya amik sikit je, Basically dia kata budak2 autistic ni ada yg dah ketagih susu dan makanan yg ada gandum, jadi sebab itu dia x mau makanan lain.

A word about proteins and receptors:

Now for a bit of metabolic biology! Research has found that certain autistic kids (most but not all) cannot break down these proteins. Their body lacks the enzymes necessary to break down the protein and use it successfully in the body. When they eat foods containing gluten or casein the protein is only partially broken down and therefore becomes a peptide (a molecule made up of two or more amino acids).

These peptide chains can pass through the gut lining and into the bloodstream. Some people, especially those on the autistic spectrum, have been shown to have damaged intestinal walls - which makes it much easier for these peptides to escape into the bloodstream.

When the gluten protein is not digested properly it is converted to a peptide chain known as gliadorphin (also called gluteomorphin) and likewise casein becomes casomorphin. Each of these chains are composed of seven amino acids and they are considered to be biologically active, meaning that they can function as opioids.

This makes it possible for them to interact with opiate receptors in the brain and body. Receptors are found on the surface of cells throughout our body and await messages about what task they need to perform. There many types of receptors - each suited to a particular function and there are millions of each kind.

Peptides that fit a particular receptor are called ligands. The ligand acts like a messenger, providing information to receptors. The gliadorphin and casomorphin peptides are ligands that react specifically with the opiate receptors - the same ones that heroin, morphine and our natural endorphins use. Gliadorphin and casomorphin can mimic the effect of narcotic drugs, specifically opiates.

People with autism, schizophrenia, attention deficit disorder and many others are often found to have extremely elevated levels of these two peptide chains in their urine. These same people are often found to crave for and eat high amounts of bread and milk products.

You can picture what happens: An autistic child eats lunch that consists of a grilled ham & cheese sandwich, milk and cookies. Not the healthiest lunch, that is true. But a lot of autistic kids refuse to eat other foods like fruit and vegetables.

Now the food is being digested. But there are two problems. The casein - in the cheese, milk, bread and possibly the cookie and ham - can't be broken down. Similarly the gluten, found in the bread and cookie, is also unable to break down completely.

The proteins form into peptide chains, pass into the bloodstream, and find their way to the brain's opiate receptors. Now the child is high, literally, as if he had used opiates. What is that like?

Maybe you or a loved one has had to visit the emergency room and receive a shot of morphine or some other narcotic drug, because of an accident, scheduled surgery, or illness perhaps. You can remember how that made you feel - groggy, spacey, disconnected, numb. Maybe the world around you looked cartoonish. You felt disoriented and unsure. Lights were harsh and bright, voices sounded muffled. When peop
le spoke to you their words seemed nonsensical and silly. You were easily confused and had great difficulty concentrating.Now imagine that same thing happening to a young child each day.

Dan ni apa jadi bila the parents start the diet on their son and daughter:

The first night he was okay with the cup of juice instead of his milk. The next day we gave him water, juice and soy milk. By the end of the day he was not happy. That night when we handed him a cup of juice instead of formula he started screaming. And didn't stop. For three days.

Over the next week, which we will say was the most difficult, both kids reacted like we'd taken them off oxygen. They threw their plates in the floor and cried at breakfast and dinner. We kept our patience because we knew that this reaction was something they couldn't understand or control at their age.

They had no idea what was happening to their body. They begged for cookies, bread, chicken nuggets, cereal, milk and yogurt. Although it broke our heart, we refused to give in. We knew we were on the right track. They were craving the food that they were addicted to, so to speak.

Despite all the new challenges we were dealing with, really incredible things happened that first week.

Our daughter potty trained herself on the fourth day. Just like that - as if someone had flipped a switch. She suddenly used the potty every time she had to go, without us asking or telling her. She switched from pullups to underwear that week and never went back. Doctors would explain that she really couldn't "hear" her body's signals when she was under the influence of the morphine-like peptides. The bathroom calls just never got through to her until we removed gluten and casein from her diet.

She became more alert and responded to our voices much quicker. People commented on how observant she was, something that had not happened since she was 12 months old. She didn't talk much better but she did talk more and it had meaning, unlike the repeated echoing of before. She started asking a lot of questions. She was able to put her shoes and clothes on right, slowly, but she did it herself.

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Post time 24-12-2006 10:11 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mami06 at 24-12-2006 08:41 PM
psl sekolah utk anak2 kita ni mmg I risau. Harapan I depa boleh la blend in dgn budak2 lain kat sekolah biasa. Lagi satu x berapa suka sekolah khas psl x pernah lagi la jumpa sekolah khas utk budak ...

oooo..ptt ler member my hubby ustaz pakai resepi almond lebey kurang mcm nih gaks..dia kater baik utk otak..haku buat first time dulu tak jdk..sampai skang aku tak follow.rugi gaks..kalo kita roast almond tuh ok kan?kasik air kering n thn lama..then make it like powder..that ustaz said kalo  dlm makanan anak2 tabur skit..
huhu..aku aku ni pun reactive skit.. i believe the secret of food....aiyark should eat it rite..actually kite org pompuan pun tak elok take animal fat sgt..n dairy..penah i bc those yg ada breast cyst ka should avoid dairy n kafein..

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Post time 24-12-2006 10:20 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by honeybee1802 at 24-12-2006 10:11 PM

oooo..ptt ler member my hubby ustaz pakai resepi almond lebey kurang mcm nih gaks..dia kater baik utk otak..haku buat first time dulu tak jdk..sampai skang aku tak follow.rugi gaks..kalo kita roa ...

some ppl use roasted almonds..ade gak yg pakai raw...

dah lepas tapis tu...all the serdak2 serbuk2 yg balance2 tu leh taburkan atas cereal

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Post time 24-12-2006 10:27 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mami06 at 24-12-2006 08:41 PM
Dia dah cakap awal2 kalau x nak ikut, x yah datang klinik dia lagi......

sebab tu la takde pi jumpa dia lagi .. ha ha ha

when did i go to see him eh? i think about two months ago...

i am a super lazy mom (an ADHD sufferer too) ...apa2 buat pon sume nye hot hot chicken #
tp must do jugak la..for the sake of my son...

yg sedap telinga dengar tu dr kadir kata "he's  iq is above average so you must syukurrr (in arabic style)..."
gembira hati dengar..but iq alone doesn't contribute much to success.... hidup ni mesti byk berusaha...sama la dgn apa yg kite usaha utk anak2 kite nih..byk usaha byk la hasilnya..setakat baca buku sana sini tapi buat nye tak so kene dengar success stories org aje lah... ngeh ngeh ngeh..kes ngutuk diri sendiri nih...

but anyhow mami, you really inspire me!! big time!! thank you!!!

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Post time 24-12-2006 10:30 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Delifrance at 24-12-2006 10:27 PM

sebab tu la takde pi jumpa dia lagi .. ha ha ha

when did i go to see him eh? i think about two months ago...

i am a super lazy mom (an ADHD sufferer too) ...apa2 buat pon sume nye hot h ...

deli..apo laie..mlm nih p le beli almond..kat pasar borong kat kedai balaji tuh about rm20++ sekilo..hehe...kene byk2 mkn almond london nih  nak kasik huruf R tuh jelas nih..hehe..

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Post time 24-12-2006 10:39 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by honeybee1802 at 24-12-2006 10:30 PM

deli..apo laie..mlm nih p le beli almond..kat pasar borong kat kedai balaji tuh about rm20++ sekilo..hehe...kene byk2 mkn almond london nih  nak kasik huruf R tuh jelas nih..hehe..

ko kalau nak tau... berkilo2 dr tu kasik tips and nasihat..aku je yg tak ikut bebetul.. (kebetulan mase aku pegi tu the next appountment tu lambat byk peluang dia nak bersyarah kat aku the lazy mom)

one thing..since aku keje..dia suh aku sediakan dulu makanan utk irfan before i go to work.. ya amponnnn.... mmg tak pernah buat....

lepas tu dia kata...kalau mampu berneti je keje dok umah jaga anak... yg ni mmg aku nak buat sgt tah bile boleh jadi kenyataan ... maybe i should take a maid lah so that at least the maid can help to prepare for me eh.. nak kata exposure tu dah 5 tahun dia dpt exposure kat i guess he has had good experience and exposure dgn kawan2 and cikgu2 taska...:hmm::hmm:

yeaahh..esok aku akan aku beli almond tu byk2.... madu dah ade.... yeehaaa.. semoga mission ku berjaya! jom honey kite sesama try! aku pon nak minum gak la almond milk tu... mintak otak aku jadi bijak sekali:nerd:

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Post time 25-12-2006 12:07 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Delifrance at 24-12-2006 10:39 PM

ko kalau nak tau... berkilo2 dr tu kasik tips and nasihat..aku je yg tak ikut bebetul.. (kebetulan mase aku pegi tu the next appountment tu lambat byk peluang dia nak bersyar ...

hehe..kite buat jdk azam 2007 ler..insya Allah...
br tingat...ada ari tuh member kasik brownies amanda from bandung...member indon ckp itu buat dr tpg beras..memula haku tak cayer..then biler ngk ingredient betui...ghupernyer tpg beras pun leh buat kek ek...tak penah haku terpk...

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Post time 25-12-2006 01:08 AM | Show all posts
wahh..kalau jumpa Dr Kadir, 1st thing kena buat is to change his diet..mmg kena pk 2-3 kali dulu baru nak jumpa la camnie..:lol

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Post time 25-12-2006 12:57 PM | Show all posts
strict ye dr kadir tu..?

tapi utk kebaikan apa salahnya..

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Post time 25-12-2006 01:03 PM | Show all posts
nak citer sket pengalaman dua hari lepas kat one utama..

my son nak berkawan dgn ada budak ni..tapi dia cam takut2 dgn my son..

padahal my son approach budak tu dgn sentuh bahu ajak main sekali..tapi budak tu refuse..

ibu budak tu ada kat situ and dia nampak the situation..

tahu apa ibu budak tu cakap kat my son sebab approach anak dia?

"are you normal??"

my fil ada kat fil tenung je ibu budak tu..

sedih kan bila jadi macam gini..

the moment my fil bagitau i terus broke down..

tu baru sikit jadi..rasa tak adil org nak judge my son...

my husband dah takut nak bagi anak i bergaul..takut nanti dia get hurt emotionally atau physically..

tapi tak boleh la macam gitu kan..susah cemana pun kena la bagi dia bergaul gak..

cuma most of kanak2 sebaya dia susah nak terima dia as a friend..malah lebih nak jauhkan diri..

tak tau la next time kalau i dengar komen2 macam gitu i boleh tahan telinga atau boleh bergaduh plak dgn mak2 budak..

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Post time 25-12-2006 02:48 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by nashra at 25-12-2006 01:03 PM
nak citer sket pengalaman dua hari lepas kat one utama..

my son nak berkawan dgn ada budak ni..tapi dia cam takut2 dgn my son..

padahal my son approach budak tu dgn sentuh bahu ajak main seka ...

baik nye FIl kau..
kalau FIL aku.. sure pakcik tu dah jawab "He is. What abt you??"

Well... udah jgn sedih2.... now it's time to do our part..who knows adam might be the one who makes big changes to the world in 20-30 years time

There are 3 types of people...
those who WATCH things happen
those who MAKE things happen
those who WONDER what happens

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Post time 25-12-2006 05:00 PM | Show all posts

Reply #194 nashra's post

so far my son mmg tak penah ada problem kat his kindergarten..semua kids including the teachers love him, kadang2 bila i nak pegi pick him up kat nursery ptg2, dia yg besar gajah tu boleh duduk atas riba cikgu2 kat situ..ntah la..maybe sebab these kids dilahirkan tak cam normal, Allah bagi speciality in certain my son tu..mmg org tengok dia, sejuk je..he loves to smile..air muka dia mmg manis je sentiasa..mmg other kids suka sgt berkawan dgn dia..kalau bawak dia pi mana2 supermarket kat miri nie..selalu je ada pekerja2 yg volunteer untuk bawak dia jenjalan..biasa kalau shopping complex kecik2, i just let them take my son while i do the shopping..

actually my youngest child..son jugak sebijik cam muka yg son yg ASD nie..tapi u can see that air muka son yg bongsu nie air muka sgt garang, susah nak senyum..i dont think other kids senang2 nak berkawan dgn dia nie sb nampak muka unfriendly..

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Post time 25-12-2006 05:05 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by nashra at 25-12-2006 12:57 PM
strict ye dr kadir tu..?

tapi utk kebaikan apa salahnya..

bukan apa son nie kena semua ikut order..kalau change, dia rasa terganggu..and menangis nya, I think yaite tahu..nak describe pun moms yg takde anak camnie just cant imagine style dia org nangis..they will only change any routine or even food when they are ready..
my son sampai sekarang his paed give up on trying to give him medicine..he's very strong, dia boleh tendang2 senang2 je 4 org yg pegang dia,, everytime dia sakit, hanya normal antibody yg heal kan dia..kalau teruk sgt..doc injek je sb ubat makan2 ..sorrry..itu menganggu rutin harian makanan n minuman, he rebels..

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Post time 25-12-2006 06:05 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Delifrance at 25-12-2006 02:48 PM

baik nye FIl kau..
kalau FIL aku.. sure pakcik tu dah jawab "He is. What abt you??"

Well... udah jgn sedih2.... now it's time to do our part..who knows adam might be the one who ...

fil aku tenung dulu..

kalau pompuan tu cakap sentence kedua baru la fil aku nak fire..

apa nak buat..dugaan aku ler tu deli..

aku tengok adam suka bebenar nak berkawan..

kalau boleh aku tak mo la dia dok kat umah je..nanti takut dia create his own world plak..

buat masa ni aku tunggu result speech theraphy tu..kalau ada perubahan and nampak positive result baru nak hantar pi playschool..

takut nanti dia dok bebel gini org tak faham, kawan2 sebaya tak faham kang dok ejek dia ka asingkan dia ka..

dr pun ada prescribe supplement neurogain, utk otak dia..minyak ikan..utk cergaskan otak dia..

pasal makan tu aku risau sket..bukan tak leh buat cam mami tu..tapi adam nih very very picky..

hari2 dok gaduh dgn dia pasal makan je..

kalau dia good mood, tak suruh pun dia makan..

kalau bad mood, food yang paling dia suka pun dia tahan tak mo makan biar lapar perut..

sabar je la..

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Post time 25-12-2006 06:06 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by norsha at 25-12-2006 05:00 PM
so far my son mmg tak penah ada problem kat his kindergarten..semua kids including the teachers love him, kadang2 bila i nak pegi pick him up kat nursery ptg2, dia yg besar gajah tu boleh duduk ata ...

good for you norsha..

at least dia pandai mingle around..

maybe my son belum pandai kot nak mingle dgn rakan2 sebaya..

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Post time 25-12-2006 06:14 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by nashra at 25-12-2006 06:05 PM

fil aku tenung dulu..

kalau pompuan tu cakap sentence kedua baru la fil aku nak fire..

apa nak buat..dugaan aku ler tu deli..

aku tengok adam suka bebenar nak berkawan..

kalau boleh ...

ye lah..itu hari ko..ari lain org lain pulak yg kene
tiap2 manusia tu kan ade dugaan masing2
like hallmark channel kata "in every life, there is DRAMA'

anyway..hope he is progressing well after all the treatments given

neurogain tu dr nasir, paed irfan kat ampang puteri pernah kasik kat dia when he was lansung dia reject eventhough aku letak dlm susu or ribena or whatsoever lah... so last2 expired gitu je..

now dr kadir ade kasik another dha supplement..lupa brand apa... he tried tp reject jugak sebab dia tak reti nak telan mende tu without breaking it in his mouth..mende tu dah la hanyir big time kan... erghh...

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