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i wud like to draw attention to all the book lovers...
about my view and thot regarding this very famous author
non other than danielle steel..
during her earlier days in writing books -- in early 80s i reckon --
most of her books were-- BEST SELLERS --
i read almost all her books till -- the last one i read was MALICE --
(in mid 90s)
some of her best books that i can remember reading them
years ago --
fine things
once in a life time
the promise
full circle...
and many many others...
UNTIL....... one day i bought MALICE...
it was after about a year she didnt write
and.... the first half of Malice was great..
moving plot...BUT suddenly -- after 3/4 ...
i found her writing became LAZY....
and the book just so dull and didnt have great
imagination... and the plot just dropped...
then i read THE GIFT... and the writing was
lazy as well ---
by lazy -- maksud saya - seolah malas nak
memperkembangkan watak dan membuat jalan
cerita yang baik --- tetapi mencari jalan mudah
untuk ending the storyline dan tak ada imaginasi......
i wrote in feedback regarding this -- cuz i know
ms steel is one of the best authors - then found out
i am not the only one who found her writing became
lazier each time... but thousand others...
since then i did try to read her works -- and i found
it less vibrating (less feeling) and getting worst each time..
such as granny dan -- ( useless plot ) and Mirror Image --
after that i stopped buying / reading any works of
Danielle Steel..
now - i am wondering kalau ada forumers sini -- memang
fan of Ms Steel dan rasa yang novel dia sekarang still
great and good stories...
kalau ada - apakah buku2 terbaru dia yang worth it di baca ----
- hope some of forumers will share the info --
thanks... |
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just have a talk with a friend this morning...
saying - most of her books now tak ada bestsellers lagi..
is that true? genre dia still romance kan? -- saya langsung tak
berminat lagi baca Steel's novel - maybe cuz lepas 3 latest
yang i read few years ago were a let down .... |
my mom pon collect danielle steel punya novel..
esp yg zaman dulu2 punya
my fav the ring ngan his bright light
but tak larat aa nak kumpul title dia nih
banyak gila
the last one i read His Bright Light
pasal kisah anak dia yg meninggal sebab bipolar tuh
tp mmg dah lama buku dia tak masuk bestseller
i think the last one pon cam 2002 camtuh
tp rate dia kuar buku cam hebar je...setahun 2-3 buku
maybe pasal tuh dia tak kisah sangat kualiti kot |
Reply #3 lady_nF's post
thats true...
terlalu banyak.. jadi lazy writing..
best seller..
lagi satu - orang questioned kan juga private dia
cuz her hubby was a in prison --
not sure still there or not...
saya baca the ring --
very good novel... |
aku tak pernah baca danielle steel.. and as usual, jalan short cut, tengok movie or cerita bersiri kat tv.. banyak novel dia diadaptasi ke drama/filem.. tapi my sis pernah baca, bagi dia danielle stelle ni, bukunya mungkin target readers of early 30's.. sebab lokasi, watak dan plot cerita selalu pasal keluarga yang hebat-hebat |
A380 This user has been deleted
My other half insisted i read ZOYA. She was moved to tears, so tht's why she asked me to read it as well. Not bad lah.
Are her books mainly romance? I dont quite know wht her genre is. Care to enlighten? |
Reply #6 A380's post
genre: mostly romance -- almost all but not quite..
tapi dia akan mixed with family background...
so - romance and family..
yang makin lama makin bosan cuz
asyik2 rich family background - as if in america
semuanya kaya raya and stuff..
i read zoya - years ago-- not so bad though..
i suka FINE THINGS -- HA!! this one about a jewish family..
dari kinda poor sikit...his name was FINE
buka business - nama company : fine things --
tapi dia kawin dengan perempuan kaya...
and lots of turbulance...
good book though..
well - i think her books now - memang tak begitu
banyak interesting plot anymore -- hence orang
tak baca romance macam tu lagi... so tak best sellers --
romance macam sandra brown --
or tami hoag ( the best from her is STILL WATERS)
or romance macam susan elizabeth philip... baru best!!..
sebab ada fun and good humor....
*note that ms steel romance -- tak ada humor --
serious romance ;) |
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A380 This user has been deleted
Byk sgt dia tulis buku, sbb tu dah jadi macam stereo-type kot? Predictable. Idea yg sama kalau dok ulang2 mmg bosan. |
Reply #8 A380's post
u know what!!thats so true..
thats the thing..
but then sandra brown banyak gak...
tapi dia ada 2 types of novels..
short -- yang serious just plain novel..
then big one - murder / mystery + romance
sebab tu ms brown boleh bertahan lama...
cuz banyak idea boleh berkisar ..
and most of ms steel books - same thing!!.. |
kebanyakan novel dia lebih kepada kehidupan.bukan romantik semata-mata
tahun 2000 saya pinjam dua buku danielle steel dari kedai buku sewa kat cm.
tajuk novel tu ialah accident dan the ghost
saya baca kedua-dua buku tu sampai tak jadi nak pulangkan balik sebab nak jadikan koleksi.time tu memang dah berkira-kira nak kumpul buku2 dia tapi tak jadi sebab banyak sangat buku2 dia
accident-sangat2 best.sampai sekarang saya ingt plot cerita tu.tentangh dua upper middle class family yang ditemukan dan menjadi rapat setelah kedua2 anak mereka terlibat dlm kemalangan.sgt best.
lepas tu saya beli buku dia the klone and I-cerita ni ada2 unsur2 lucu skit. |
Reply #10 sixret's post
i did read accident..
ingat lagi buku tu -- i read many years ago though
not so bad -- not as good as all her previous writing..
thats what i mean - romance - tapi ada family
and mostly RICH family..
almost all - rich family..
thats why her works tak jadi best seller in new york times
anymore -- cuz people get used to it...
and want sumfin' interesting...
i read ghost and not really fan on that though...
but - some people still love her writings -- she still have thousand/million
fans in the world no doubt...
unfortunately - i wish she didnt just write books just for the sake
of writing and profit -- better to take time and people waiting in eager
and looking forward --- macam dan brown or baldacci or archer --
good response though.. appreciate your thots on that..
* i read only half - klone and I cuz i dun particular
like the way she wrote that -- |
Originally posted by dexa at 6-9-2006 12:55 PM
genre: mostly romance -- almost all but not quite..
tapi dia akan mixed with family background...
so - romance and family..
yang makin lama makin bosan cuz
asyik2 rich family background ...
tp kalo tgk background dia pon interesting
kawin sampai 5 kali suma cerai
pastuh kawin orang pelik2...ngan perogol laa drug addict laa
tp yg bagus dia jaga suma anak2 dia |
Reply #12 lady_nF's post
interesting ye...
mungkin banyak dari experience dia juga
tentang family ni...
ex hubby dia yang convicted tu -
dealer rasanya - gosh dah lupa dah...
tapi - her real life -- sad though -- although
she is a millionaire now - still...
money is NOT everything - and can't buy happiness... |
i got a friend who is a great fan of danielle steels...est penah baca satu jek danielle steels books nih..yg ceriter pasal accident tuh kot. pinjam dari dia..tapi ntahlah..the story is just unable to capture my heart to read her other books further..mcm banyak sgt halangan dlm cite dua ke cam ne ntah...but since dexa said her earilier writing is quite good, perhaps i should give the earlier one a try. but ade one friend insist me to read cite yg pasal twin kot (xsure sgt the title)..but i recognized the cover..wink |
Reply #14 estrellas's post
estrellas --
kalau nak try danielle steel - yang best --
yang ni memang yang lama - and very good writing...
moving story -- sad happy .....
and great storyline...
happy reading... |
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betul dexa.... especially The Secret.... I still cry whenever I read the book. (Jusr reread it last week.....)
well.... maybe of the problems Daniialle Steel had to face in real life buat dia dah hilang dia punya magic touch..... |
for me star pun best gak. no greater love dgn
message fom nam pun best. meleleh-leleh gak
la airmata.. :cry: |
I used to love her books..her old books mmg best..tapi lately, dah mmg tak beli lagi..buku dier yg baru ni dah kurang menyengat..
[ Last edited by KRUfan at 7-9-2006 10:59 AM ] |
tak tau kenapa, tapi dari dulu tak pernah minat buku dia.. i've read a few, kat rumah pun ada buku hardcover danielle steel ni yang 3in1, salah satu ceritanya Fine Thing.. (tak ingat dah baca ke tak cerita tu)
Kalau orang tanya 'author yang ramai orang suka tapi awak tak suka', i would answer danielle steel & nora roberts..
[ Last edited by periwinkle.. at 7-9-2006 12:31 PM ] |
Originally posted by eleisha at 7-9-2006 10:12 AM
for me star pun best gak. no greater love dgn
message fom nam pun best. meleleh-leleh gak
la airmata.. :cry:
tu la dia...
magic writing dia longtime ago...
just now - tak ada 'magic touch' seperti kata macadamia
- saya setuju kata2 mac tu...
no greater love! star message from nam, secret
all best selling new york times --
millions sold --
now -- too bad - but then lots of other great authors
and we can still enjoy reading.... other books -
dex |
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