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Legenda Mahsuri

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Post time 25-10-2006 10:10 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
Ha, maaf ye kalau thread ni dah ada ker atau kisah ni dah lapuk, tetapi saya jer nak bincang ngan other netters tentang lagenda Mahsuri dan juga keturunan ketujuh Mahsuri yang mana yang sepatutnya di Nobatkan sebagai Keturunan ketujuh Mahsuri yang menutup sumpah Mahsuri terhadap Pulau Langkawi.. Sebelum ni, seorang perempuan telah dianugerahkan beberapa hadiah dari Sultan mana I pun tak ingat kepada tujuh keturunan ni, tetapi seorang lagi perempuan iaitu sepupu nya, juga ingin meng"claim" dia adalah keturunan ketujuh mahsuri jugak, nama perempuan ni kalau saya tak silap, Wan Mahsuri dan  perempuan yang telah dinobatkan tu  nama dia Wan Aisyah..

Siapa yang ada info tentang ni, jom ah.. share lah kat kitaorang

[ Last edited by  amazed at 26-12-2008 05:21 PM ]



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 Author| Post time 25-10-2006 10:40 AM | Show all posts
hehe... dah jumpa pun keratan article dari stu majalah ni mengenai Wan Mahsuri yang nak jugak di nobatkan sebagai Generasi Ketujuh Legenda Mahsuri. kita bincang dan beri pendapat  mengenai situasi ini... boleh ye..


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 Author| Post time 25-10-2006 10:43 AM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 25-10-2006 10:47 AM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 25-10-2006 10:49 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 25-10-2006 12:13 PM | Show all posts
ada apa dgn keturunan?

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Post time 25-10-2006 12:47 PM | Show all posts
kot ye pon dressing lah yg seswai ngan imej keturunan Mahsuri...aisehh first impression dah kantoi. anyway, keturunan Hang Tuah taknak claim apa2 ke?

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Post time 25-10-2006 07:03 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sherrina at 25-10-2006 12:47 PM
kot ye pon dressing lah yg seswai ngan imej keturunan Mahsuri...aisehh first impression dah kantoi. anyway, keturunan Hang Tuah taknak claim apa2 ke?

aku ingat keturunan deep purple or metallica tadik ... :lol

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 Author| Post time 25-10-2006 09:52 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by unRESTworld at 25-10-2006 12:13 PM
ada apa dgn keturunan?

well, kan Mahsuri pernah bersumpah, yang mana selama tujuh keturunan  Pulau Langkawi ni akan jadi padang jarak padang terkukur (entah betul ker tak bahasa aku ni), jadi sebab tu lah, pihak pihak tertentu telah menobatkan generasi ketuj8uh mahsuri, kerana generasi ini lah PENAMAT sumpahan tersebut, kerana itulah bermacam hadiah dan anugerah diberikan kepada mereka ni... lagi pula, cuma keturunan mahsuri jer yang di kasi untuk berziarah ke makam mahsuri, si wan mahsuri ni mahu jugak menziarah ke makam moyang dia, tetapi tak diberikan kelulusan...

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 Author| Post time 25-10-2006 09:53 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sherrina at 25-10-2006 12:47 PM
kot ye pon dressing lah yg seswai ngan imej keturunan Mahsuri...aisehh first impression dah kantoi. anyway, keturunan Hang Tuah taknak claim apa2 ke?

ha, hang tuah ada anak ker? saya rasa tak der kot... tak sure lah aku pulak.. sape sape yang tahu kalau Hang Tuah ada anak ker takk..

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powerpuff_gurl This user has been deleted
Post time 28-10-2006 05:26 PM | Show all posts
ehh makan mahsuri tak bley diziarahi eh..yang kat langkawi tu aper eh?

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Post time 28-10-2006 05:54 PM | Show all posts
haah, selama ni aku dok ziarah replika ke?

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Post time 29-10-2006 10:51 AM | Show all posts
saper ader cerita keturunan Mahsuri yg duk menetap kat Lenggong Perak?
Ari tu ada majalah kuar citernyer.

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Post time 29-10-2006 10:54 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sherrina at 28-10-2006 05:54 PM
haah, selama ni aku dok ziarah replika ke?

YA ...hat kita pi dok ziarah kat Langkawi tu replika sahaja...
sebenaqnya.. makam Mahsuri yg sebenar
ada beberapa meter jauhnya dari "Makam" yg berhias jadi mercu tanda tu.

Depa tak nak org salah guna memuja makam kot...

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Post time 29-10-2006 01:00 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by LailaTempawan at 25-10-2006 09:53 PM

ha, hang tuah ada anak ker? saya rasa tak der kot... tak sure lah aku pulak.. sape sape yang tahu kalau Hang Tuah ada anak ker takk..

ada lah  .. Hang Tuah ada 2 orang anak

seorang lelaki dan seorang perempuan. YG lelaki namanya Tun Biajid.

Yg perempuan aku lupa pulak. Tapi apa aku tau ialah anak perempuannya telah berkahwin dgn Tun Khoja Hassan.

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 Author| Post time 29-10-2006 08:35 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sya_sugar_sugar at 29-10-2006 10:51 AM
saper ader cerita keturunan Mahsuri yg duk menetap kat Lenggong Perak?
Ari tu ada majalah kuar citernyer.

ader ker? sapa sapa yg ada majalh tu, tolong paste kat sini boleh tak>heh

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 Author| Post time 29-10-2006 08:36 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by senyum_77 at 29-10-2006 01:00 PM

ada lah  .. Hang Tuah ada 2 orang anak

seorang lelaki dan seorang perempuan. YG lelaki namanya Tun Biajid.

Yg perempuan aku lupa pulak. Tapi apa aku tau ialah anak perempuannya tel ...

yer ker.. thanks for the info..

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 Author| Post time 29-10-2006 08:37 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sya_sugar_sugar at 29-10-2006 10:54 AM

YA ...hat kita pi dok ziarah kat Langkawi tu replika sahaja...
sebenaqnya.. makam Mahsuri yg sebenar
ada beberapa meter jauhnya dari "Makam" yg berhias jadi mercu tanda tu.

De ...

ohh begitu.. siapa ada gambo MAKAM REPLIKA tu ha? tolong paste kat sini boleh tak.. please..

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Post time 2-11-2006 04:56 PM | Show all posts
The best known legend of Langkawi is of Mahsuri, a pretty maiden

who lived some 200 years ago.

Once upon a time, there lived in Langkawi two Muslim Siamese immigrants, a childless couple, Pandak Maya and Mak Andam, who prayed for a child.
Their prayers were answered when they had Mahsuri, a sweet delightful child who grew into a beautiful young woman. Being kind-hearted and of such a beauty,

she captured the heart and soon married Wan Darus, a warrior and the son of the headman of the village and Chief of Langkawi

Their idyllic lives were disrupted when her husband went off to fight against an invading Siamese army. A travelling minstrel and poet named Deraman arrived at the village and soon, Mahsuri and Deraman became good friends.

Mahsuri was said to have allowed him to stay at her house. This soon gave

rise to the vicious gossip that Mahsuri was a faithless wife

She was soon a victim of a conspiracy and was falsely accused of committing adultery with the handsome Deraman.

There are many versions as to the reasons behind the treachery.
Widely believed was that her own mother in law, Wan Mahora, was jealous of

her beauty and popularity and had plotted against her.

Yet another version says that the village headman, Dato Karma Jaya

(her father in law) was so enamoured of Mahsuri, that he tried to make use

of her husband's absence to his advantage. Needless to say, his caused wife

(her mother in law) was not amused and plotted to have Mahsuri done away with.

Hence, she was accused Mahsuri of being an adulteress, and was sentenced

to death by Dato Karma Jaya, her own father-in-law.

Despite her parents' pleas and the cries of her child at her skirts, Mahsuri was dragged away and tied to a tree. Vehemently protesting her innocence,

she begged for mercy, but the villagers, under the influence of the headman's

wife, gave her no quarter. Legend says that the swords and machetes used

by the executors could not injure her. The people really should have believed her when all the spears that they threw at her fell harmlessly at her feet. They were baffled but still convinced that Mahsuri was guilty of wrong-doing.

Finally, Mahsuri, having resigned herself that only her death would appease them, told them how they could kill her. She would only die by the blade of the

ceremonial sword kept at her home. Someone was sent to fetch it and

legend has it that the sky became overcast and there was thunder and

lightning as Mahsuri was fatally stabbed.

At her execution by stabbing with a sacred 'keris' or dagger, the villagers were shocked to discover that the blood flowing from her body was white, signifying

her innocence. Others maintain there was the sudden appearance of white

mist that enveloped the spot where she was executed, which it was believed

was a sign of mourning of her innocence.

Mahsuri is is probably best remembered for her curse. With her dying breath Mahsuri placed a curse on the island of Langkawi by uttering, "For this act of injustice Langkawi shall not prosper for seven generations to come."

In 1821, not long after Mahsuri's execution, Siam invaded Langkawi. To starve the invading Siamese soldiers, Dato Karma Jaya ordered all the rice on the island

be collected and burnt in Padang Mat Sirat.

This proved to be a foolish move, for the residents soon died from starvation.

Remnants of the burnt rice could still be seen in a cordoned area in Padang Mat Sirat, Kampung Raha. The burnt rice is said to have been buried below ground before being burnt, but often appears on the surface after a rainy day.

Do you not think it strange that the rice grains have not turned into soil after so long? Some things have to be seen or experienced first-hand to be believed.

The village headman and his sons were killed fighting the Siamese and

neither was his wife spared.

Decades after Mahsuri's death, Langkawi experienced a period of tribulation

with her population dwindling in size. The island became a desolate place,

beset by series of misfortunes.

As for Mahsuri's family, they left Langkawi and settled in Thailand.

No one knew much about what had happened to them until the year 2000

when the Kedah government located them on the island of Phuket. They were invited to Langkawi for a visit and to see if they would like to make the island their new home. The time for Mahsuri's seven generation old curse to end was at hand and it was hoped that with the arrival of her descendants, Langkawi could finally put its sad past behind and move forward towards prosperity and progress.

Wan Aishah Nawawi pointing to her very famous ancestor Mahsuri

Coincidence or not, one of the two siblings who are of the seventh generation descendants, is a young and pretty fourteen year old girl (at 2003) named Wan Aishah Nawawi who bears a striking resemblance to Mahsuri as depicted in a portrait painted quite some time ago. The family has since returned to Phuket as they have not yet been able to make the all important decision of becoming Malaysian citizens and resettling in Langkawi. The public was first introduced to Langkawi by the late Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra al-Haj, the first Prime Minister of Malaysia. As a young District Officer in Kedah, the Tunku used to visit Langkawi and had wanted to visit Mahsuri's gav to pay his respects. However, no one could tell him where it was. So, the Tunku made up his mind to find it. He was not one to give up and so persevered until one day, he came across a grave hidden in some undergrowth.

He was sure that it was Mahsuri's although there was no marker indicating that fact or otherwise. He approached a Chinese contractor to build a tomb for her. Shortly after the tomb was erected, the Tunku was given a promotion and was eventually to become the first Prime Minister of Malaysia and the contractor who had borne the costs of building the tomb became rather prosperous

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Post time 3-11-2006 02:26 AM | Show all posts
aku pun pelik....mahsuri yg cuma lagenda atas setia dan mempertahankan kebenaran...pun di puja sampai keturunannya...tapi cucu cicit  pahlawan melayu yg betul berjuang sampai tertumpah darah untuk tanah air...terbiar jer..

mana dia anugerah/hadiah/sanjungan untuk pewaris..pahlawan macam mat kilau..pahlawan bukit kepong...sepatutnya cucu cicit diorng berhak dapat pengiktirafan sama seperti keturunan mahsuri dapat...

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