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China Olimpics - 2008 - We should bycott it.
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By Lindsay Beck Sun Mar 16, 7:39 PM ET
BEIJING (Reuters) - China prepared to tackle more unrest in its ethnic Tibetan enclaves on Monday, after crushing Lhasa protests against Chinese rule in which Tibet's exiled representatives say as many as 80 people were killed.
Lhasa, the capital of the remote Himalayan region, was under tight police watch, but reports and officials said demonstrations by ethnic Tibetans flared in at least two Chinese provinces, widening the worries of the Communist authorities.
In the Sichuan county town of Aba, a police officer said a crowd of Tibetans had hurled petrol bombs and burned down a police station and a market. In Gansu's Machu town, a crowd of 300-400 carried pictures of Tibet's exiled spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, and shouted slogans as they marched on government buildings, breaking windows and doors and setting fire to Chinese shops and businesses, the Free Tibet Campaign said.
The London-based group said 100 Tibetan students staged a sit-in at Northwest Minority University in Gansu's capital, Lanzhou, a worry for a country with a history of student unrest, notably the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 that ended in a military crackdown. In Lhasa, the situation was quiet but tense and police locked down the region as a midnight deadline loomed for protesters to give themselves up to the police. The government advised foreign tourists to leave and confirmed it had stopped granting foreigners tourist permits. |
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Sun Mar 16, 4:04 PM ET
BERLIN (AFP) - International Olympic Committee vice-president Thomas Bach said a number of top athletes were considering boycotting the games in China over the bloody crackdown on protesters in Tibet.
Bach told Bild am Sonntag newspaper he understood the athletes' concerns about the situation in Tibet but said he was advising them to participate.
"They will realise when they assess the situation that it is better to make an appearance than to stay away. That is a symbol that will be noticed by the public," he said. Asked if human rights had been a concern when Beijing was selected to host the August Games, Bach said the IOC believed the intense focus on China would have a positive effect. "We are of the opinion that the Games will help China open up. But we cannot solve the problems that UN secretaries general have not been able to solve for generations," he said.
"I have considered whether I can compete in China under these conditions," equestrian Ludger Beerbaum said. "We will surely discuss the issue amongst ourselves here at the tournament in Dortmund (running until Sunday)." Javelin thrower Christian Obergfoell said the Games were her first priority but that her impression of China had worsened with the latest developments.
"I had been asking myself the whole time why they gave the Olympic Games to China," she said. "After Tibet, my feeling will not be any better."
This situation reminds me of the 1930s Olimpics games which was held in Berlin. Adolf Hitler used that Games as a way of showng of his Aryan Race's superiority by telling his atheles to win every medal possible. It was supposed to be a propaganda Games for his goal. But God had different plans in His mind. 
Same here, China's Communist Party will use the same Games to for it's own propaganda. No matter how successful China have become by organizing this Games. It will use the Games to show how Communism have made things better for the human race, just as Hitler tried to show that his Aryan Race was superior. It will show the World and laugh at the World on how it could manipulate them for ignoring the violence China is commiting toward the Tibetan people.
Bycott the Olimpics games 2008, show China that we are the people of the World DO NOT tolerate such behaviours anymore. Do not let Tibetan people stand alone against this oppressed Regime, or the World WILL BE HELD ACCOUNT FOR ALLOWING ANOTHER VIETNAM MASSACRE WHICH HAVE KILLED OF OVER 1 MILLION PEOPLE AND HAVE YET TO HAVE ANYONE TAKING THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR IT.
And Don't be so Surprise if God have other plans for this Games as well. 
Think carefully and act accordingly. May your consciousness be clear and May God be with you. :flower: |
Source :
By CARA ANNA, Associated Press Writer Thu Mar 20, 3:14 PM ET
TONGREN, China - A Tibetan monk crouched in the quiet courtyard of a nearly deserted monastery and bitterly recalled the words he and his fellow monks have been forced to recite every year at government-organized classes: "I love this country."
The "patriotic education classes" have been imposed on the monks for the past decade, but the young monk in the centuries-old Rongwo monastery still can speak his own mind to a journalist. "We want freedom," he said. "We want the Dalai Lama to come back to his land."
What the monks wouldn't say, a Buddhist nun from Taiwan would. "There is no religious freedom here," said Shi Chuan, who had spent the past month visiting the monks in Rongwo. "They have no way to express themselves. It's like they have their hands tied." She said police treated her aggressively until they realized she was a foreigner.
What I don't understand is ... is Tibet an independant country or not? If it is, what right does China have to send any troops or its own people into another country?
What I know is that Tibetans are being abused in their own country, and the World doesn't do much about it. Hell, they ready to celebrate the "triumph of human nature" in form of Olimpics games next August in China. Some how, that makes me sick. It seems the World have forgotten what human nature is.  |
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By CHARLES HUTZLER, Associated Press Writer 1 hour, 47 minutes ago
LHASA, China - The stage-managed tour of Tibet's holiest temple was going according to the government script. Suddenly, 30 young Buddhist monks pushed their way in, slammed the door, and began shouting and crying to the foreign reporters that there was no freedom in the riot-torn region.
"What the government is saying is not true," shouted one monk, first in Tibetan until the confused reporters asked them to speak in Chinese. Then a wellspring of grievances poured out before government officials abruptly ended the session and told the journalists it was "time to go."
The emotional, 15-minute outburst by the red-robed monks decrying their lack of religious freedom was the only spontaneous moment Thursday in an otherwise tightly controlled government trip to the Tibetan capital for foreign reporters following this month's deadly riots.
As reporters were ushered toward the temple's inner shrine by a senior monk and administrator, the 30 young monks began shouting to them. The monks said the believers then in the shrine were fake |
April 21st...akan berada diKL
nanti masa torch relay lalu kat malaysia pi la protes....bawa banner the support...aljazeeera will be there |
i am a chinese,the truth is
i only want you to find truth
tibet was ,is ,will be a province of china ! |
I am with you, bielieve. I support the Beijing Olympics. I support the Chinese government on this issue. I support the anti-CNN movement. And I agree that Tibet is part of China.
In fact, the Chinese and Muslims should join hands to boycott western products and services as a show of protest for abusing the media against Asian countries and people. |
Originally posted by bielieve at 28-3-2008 08:00 PM 
i am a chinese,the truth is
i only want you to find truth
tibet was ,is ,will be a province of china !
Tibet was NEVER the province of China, either was Taiwan for that matter. China is invading this nations which suppose to be independent.
China have been slipping Chinese people into this countries for years, and this traitors could become Mao Supporters, like in Nepal situation now, as well as India where a small country within country is controlled by them. China even dared to stated that the Urda Pardesh state (in India) belongs to them openly.
Remember the PKM (Parti Komunis Malaya) and the guerilla warfare this godless ba$tards have been conducting from 1950s to 1980s? Well, those godless ba$tards are at it again in Tibet as well as other nations.
And from the looks of it, there's a few godless ba$tards right here in this forum too. How much does China pay you to sell your souls? :@ |
It seems that there are a lot of good people who cares for Tibetans in the World. I'm touched. :flower:
Source :
By JULIANA BARBASSA, Associated Press Writer Tue Apr 8, 3:59 PM ET
SAN FRANCISCO - The Olympic torch arrived for its only North American stop amid heavy security Tuesday, a day after its visit to Paris descended into chaos and activists here scaled the Golden Gate Bridge to protest China's human rights record.
Meanwhile, International Olympic Committee president Jacques Rogge said the body's executive board would discuss Friday whether to end the international leg of the Beijing Olympic torch relay because of widespread protests.
Rogge told The Associated Press he was "deeply saddened" by violent protests in London and Paris and concerned about Wednesday's six-mile relay in San Francisco, where activists expressed fears that the torch's planned route through Tibet would lead to arrests and violent measures by Chinese officials trying to stifle dissent.
The flame arrived in San Francisco shortly before 4 a.m. and was immediately put in a vehicle to be whisked away to a secret location, San Francisco Olympic Torch Relay Committee spokesman David Perry said. Security was heightened because several protests were planned before the relay.
"We are begging for five hours of peace," said Sam Ng, president of the Chinese Six Companies, a prominent benevolent association.
Funny ... Tibetans have been begging for years from China for their freedom, China never bothered to give them their freedom. WHY should they be entitled for five hours? In my opinion, China is not entitled for even 5 minutes of break. This Olimpics could be a thing China will remember as long as that Communist Nation exists. :mad2:
As for the supporters of Tibet worldwide; in Paris, US, in London and elsewhere, I salute all of you. :flower:
If only your politicians and governments have the same common sense as you heroes do. |
Aku rasa psl Tibet ni .. apsal la drp dulu tak kecoh2 nk kuar.. apsal baru tahun ni... sbb tahun ni ada Olimpik kat China...
so ... ni sume isu mainan org dengki kt China .. tuh jek...
China dah nk buat open trade bagai...
US taku China bakal mendominasi ekonomi dunia.. dgn kapasiti tenaga kerja dan kemahiran yg diorg ada....
lagi2 bila org tengok olimpik 2008 ni.. lagi membuka mata orang akan kewujudan China...
so... Tibet... memang salah sebuah province di China...
sekian... |
You want to bull$hit also, do it with facts. Now shut up and read the facts.
Source :
The Chinese Communist Government claims it has a right to "ownership" of Tibet. It does not claim this right on the basis of its military conquest in 1949 or alleged effective control over Tibet since then or since 1959. The Chinese Government also does not base its claim to "ownership" on the so-called "Seventeen Point Agreement for the Peaceful Liberation of Tibet" which it forced upon Tibet in 1951.
Instead, China's alleged legal claim is based on historical relationships primarily of Mongol or Manchu rulers with Tibetan lamas and, to a lesser extent, of Chinese rulers and Tibetan lamas. The main events relied on by the Chinese Government occurred hundreds of years ago: during the height of Mongol imperial expansion, when the Mongol Emperors extended their political supremacy throughout most of Asia and large parts of Eastern Europe; and when Manchu Emperors ruled China and expanded their influence throughout East and Central Asia, including Tibet, particularly in the 18th century.
The reader of China's White Paper "Tibet: Its Ownership and Human Rights Situation" will be struck by the scant attention its authors pay to Tibet's modern history in the decades before 1949. This is because from 1911 to the completion of the Chinese occupation in 1951, there is no evidence of Chinese authority or influence in Tibet which can support China's claim. In fact, the preponderance of the evidence shows precisely the opposite: that Tibet was to all intents and purposes a sovereign state, independent of China. This conclusion is supported by most legal scholars and experts on the subject. The International Commission of Jurists' Legal Enquiry Committee on Tibet reported in its study on Tibet's legal status: Tibet demonstrated from 1913 to 1950 the conditions of statehood as generally accepted under international law. In 1950, there was a people and a territory, and a government which functioned in that territory, conducting its own domestic affairs free from any outside authority. From 1913-1950, foreign relations of Tibet were conducted exclusively by the Government of Tibet, and countries with whom Tibet had foreign relations are shown by official documents to have treated Tibet in practice as an independent State.
[Tibet and Chinese People's Republic, Geneva, 1960, pp. 5,6]
Tibet IS an independant nations. Tibetans are people who are born free, have their own culture and supposed to be living a free life. The World is turning a blind side toward this Invasion of nation by China. And worse, the World is preparing to celebrate with China despite of it's ruthlessness toward other nations, races and its own people through the Olimpics games.
PS : To those who trying to grab hold the Olimpic torch ... why making things so hard for yourselves? The next time the torch bearer comes running by, just throw balloons fill with gasoline toward him. I'm very sure that he could drop the torch himself. Unless he wants to become the (human) torch himself.
well aku tak tahu laa Tibet ni China jajah ke hapa....
BTW dlm news tuh byk yg letak gambar bukan chinese officer torture Tibetan.. which aku pun tak sure laa...
since my fren from China ni kata it's all about to divide China...
so ada satu group Falun Gong ni yg dok sibuk2 timbulkan isu human rights ni...
apa pun aku lebih suke nk tau pasal negara aku sendrik...
selamat laa yek China...semoga berjaya setelkan sendrik benda ni..
nk boikot olimpik.. buat apa.. apa kita dpt???
adakah boikot Malaysia akan dpt lebih pingat...
nk suh org simbah minyak kt pembawa torch tuh... buat apa.. apa salah pembawa torch tuh..
ko patut simbah minyak kt pemimpin China tuh... buat pe susahkan org lain...
ko yg nk boikot.. ko boikot laa  |
yelah, sham. Apa salah pembawa torch. Si Sephiroth ni konon human rights tapi suruh orang bakar hidup-hidup pembawa torch pulak. Inilah respect human rights dikatakan...  |
Originally posted by csham at 11-4-2008 06:18 AM 
well aku tak tahu laa Tibet ni China jajah ke hapa....
BTW dlm news tuh byk yg letak gambar bukan chinese officer torture Tibetan.. which aku pun tak sure laa...
since my fren from China ni k ...
Ini perbezaan antara manusia dgn haiwan.
Manusia tak akan tanya "apa kita dapat" bila melihat manusia lain dgn tindas. Mereka akan bertindak, walaupun dgn bersuara tanpa menanyakan apa yg mereka akan dapat sbg balasan. Haiwan pula hanya akan fikirkan akan keuntungan mereka sendiri.
Saya hanya berminat berbual dgn manusia, bukan haiwan. |
Originally posted by taikor at 11-4-2008 02:08 PM 
yelah, sham. Apa salah pembawa torch. Si Sephiroth ni konon human rights tapi suruh orang bakar hidup-hidup pembawa torch pulak. Inilah respect human rights dikatakan...
Respect MUST be earn, not given.
Kerajaan China sudah menghindarkan permintaan dunia utk menjaga hak asasi kaum mereka sendiri serta berhenti menbuat kerja2 yg menbawa kpd kesengsaraan kpd kaum lain - spt menghantar senjata kpd kaum pemisah di Darfur serta menindas negara Tibet. Semuanya mereka ingkar akan permintaan dunia. Kalau bertindak kasar shj caranya, tindakan itu patut diambil.
Biar China shj berlumuran darah dr semua negara2 di Asia yg lain. |
Reply #14 Sephiroth's post
Uihhh.....bersemangat sungguh crita pasal human and animals. Alangkah baiknya kalau Seph ni tak bias. Tengok ayat dia "Manusia tak akan tanya "apa kita dapat" bila melihat manusia lain dgn tindas. Mereka akan bertindak, walaupun dgn bersuara tanpa menanyakan apa yg mereka akan dapat sbg balasan. Haiwan pula hanya akan fikirkan akan keuntungan mereka sendiri."
Wow!! I'm impress!! Aku akan support Seph kalau dia pun bagi clear stands on the Palestinian. Dah berpuluh tahun ditindas oleh Haiwan (bak kata Seph). But who cares? Do you? |
Reply #11
We all have freedom of expression, but we condemn advocator of violence. Sport is sport, all malaysians should be civilized enough not to be influenced by hypocrite. |
Originally posted by kuching2u at 17-4-2008 10:38 PM 
We all have freedom of expression, but we condemn advocator of violence. Sport is sport, all malaysians should be civilized enough not to be influenced by hypocrite.
Sports is Sports? IF Sports is mere sports, then why are those who are busy protesting against China?
IT IS because the People are civilised that they will not tolerate China Government's involvements in activities concerning the abuse of Human Rights in Sudan and Tibet (among other places). ARE you saying that those who protest against the abuse of others are UNCIVILISED? And those who SAY NOTHING AND PRETEND THAT PEOPLE ARE NOT SUFFERING IN TIBET AND SUDAN ARE CIVILISED? YOU have to go and Learn what being Civilised is about.
PS : To Muslims who attend to go and join in the Torch Relay runs, coming soon to Kuala Lumpur ... REMEMBER THE MUSLIMS IN SUDAN AND DO THE RIGHT THING, IF YOU CAN.
We are not responsible for Muslims in Sudan and we will not be held responsible if you held hands with those who help to shred blood of fellow Muslims. Pakistan have already hold hands with this people, now is Malaysians Muslims' turn to think and act. That is all I wish to say to Muslims in this Matter.
Thank you. |
Originally posted by sharfox at 15-4-2008 04:52 PM 
Uihhh.....bersemangat sungguh crita pasal human and animals. Alangkah baiknya kalau Seph ni tak bias. Tengok ayat dia "Manusia tak akan tanya "apa kita dapat" bila melihat manusia lain dgn tindas ...
And what is wrong with Pakistan, may I ask?
At least Pakistan is willing to change their ways if the World finds it is at fault, as evidence by it's recent election (and unfortunate death of Benazir Bhutto). China is not willing to change ANYTHING. It is still supplying weapons to Sudan, causing massacre in Darfur (which Muslims are nice enough to ignore in Pakistan during the Torch Relay Event) and it is STILL abusing the people of Tibet, refusing them of their freedom.
As I have already mentioned, Tibet was a free country, up to 1915. It was invaded by China illegally now. This is an Invasion. |
Reply #19 Sephiroth's post
I'm talking about the Palestinian la Bro. |
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