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RAMD jadi guard kat Buckingham Palace

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Post time 8-4-2008 08:51 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
Assalamualaikum semuer,

SEmalam si Najib kater, gomen akan antor bbrp ratus oghang asokar melayu ke Buckingham Palace.
Dier kater...............ini sebagai satu 'PENGIKTIRAFAN' terhadap Asokar Melayu.

Persoalan nya.
1. Perlukah kita mendapat 'pengiktirafan' dari negara luar??
2. Glamour sangat ker jadi guard kat istana tu?
3. Dah banyak $$$ rakyat?
4. Pak Jeneral n Menteri dah kehabisan idea ker??

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Post time 8-4-2008 09:05 AM | Show all posts

Reply #1 niceghost2005's post

sedikit info drpd berita pagi tadi...kekuatan satu kompeni 130+-, bermula pada 14 april  membuat "London public duties". Malaysia negara keempat diberi 'penghormatan' tersebut selepas australia, kanada dan jamaica dgn peruntukan sebanyak lebih RM 1 juta.

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Post time 8-4-2008 09:06 AM | Show all posts
Malas nak komen kat thread ni sebab cuma tiru thread si Zam kat CI, anyway wa dah kasi feedback kat CI, lagipon ni hanya ruang untuk Uncle nak make fun kan? so x berbaloi nak kasi input panjang lebar, sekian terima kasih

Have a good day

[ Last edited by  yipun78 at 8-4-2008 09:08 AM ]

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Post time 8-4-2008 09:06 AM | Show all posts
Ada dua facet debat ttg perkara ni. Satu aspek memanglah ironic macam kita masih terjajah dan menjaga Queen api satu aspek lagi ia satu aspek promosi kepada Malaysia dari segi pelancongan serta juga memaparkan tradisi ketenteraan Askar Melayu..Sebelum ni askar Jamaica, NZ, Australia pun ada juga terlibat...tepulanglah kepada interpretasi masing2

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Post time 8-4-2008 09:07 AM | Show all posts

Reply #1 niceghost2005's post

Bagi ler peluang deme berjalan2 yop, asyik yg berbintang je ke london

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Post time 8-4-2008 09:15 AM | Show all posts
Mungkin sbb kita spend duit juta2 utk 'berkhidmat' dan bukan dibayar utk berkhidmat...that's why benda nampak jadi issue pembaziran..

aku x salahkan sapa2 yg hentam kat bod CI pasal issue nie..sbb byk sgt benda2 merepek lately initiated by govt guna duit rakyat...yg paling bangang aku rasa nak htr Ma#ah gi kaunseling rakyat Brit yg nama Sufiah tu...

so Yip...biarlah geng CI dgn point diaorng...kita tgk point geng MPSA plak esp. yg geng2 dlm army sendiri

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 Author| Post time 8-4-2008 09:23 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by yipun78 at 8-4-2008 09:06 AM
Malas nak komen kat thread ni sebab cuma tiru thread si Zam kat CI, anyway wa dah kasi feedback kat CI, lagipon ni hanya ruang untuk Uncle nak make fun kan? so x berbaloi nak kasi input panjang l ...

Miker patut bacer pandangan mfadilaa, Mod Yip

Don't judge the book by its cover!!!

Ada sebab nyer teman postkan tajuk ini di Bod MPSA.
Seperti kater mfadilaa.........itu kat CI.
Pandangan oghang awam.............

Now kiter nak tengok plak pandangan Asokar dan yg sewaktu dgn nya.

Harap maklum.

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Post time 8-4-2008 09:25 AM | Show all posts
cost rm1.9million.

rejimen istiadat nie bleh berperang tak? ke mmg utk hal ehwal istiadat jerk?

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Post time 8-4-2008 09:27 AM | Show all posts
cost rm1.9million.

rejimen istiadat nie bleh berperang tak? ke mmg utk hal ehwal istiadat jerk?

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Post time 8-4-2008 09:33 AM | Show all posts

Reply #7 niceghost2005's post

setuju, teman akan bukak tred nih kat MPSA klu pun mike tak bukak....

so mcmn dengan persoalan yg mike keluarkan tu? udoh dapat jawapan ke belum?

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Post time 8-4-2008 09:39 AM | Show all posts

Reply #6 mfadilaa's post

sorrylah for me nak baca posting bodo sesetengah manusia yang x paham erti sesuatu seperti ni pada orang yang berkhidmat dalam TD tu.... nak hentam Gomen, go ahead buat ler tapi x perlu nak memperlekehkan misi anggota tu ke sana ngan unnecessary remark pasal JAGA, ke amende... derang menulis sesukahati mereka dengan prejudis ... so their postings not worth my tym to read anyway.... setakat menulis meraban camtu, i can do it better than them, right?

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Post time 8-4-2008 09:40 AM | Show all posts

Reply #7 niceghost2005's post


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Post time 8-4-2008 09:41 AM | Show all posts
Royal Malay Regiment To Perform Public Duties In London

By B. Hariharasuthan

KUALA LUMPUR, April 6 (Bernama) -- The 1st Battalion of the Royal Malay Regiment (RMR) will experience the touch of British royalty when the 75-year-old division of the Malaysian Armed Forces perform the prestigious "London Public Duties" in London, England soon.

Malaysia is the fourth Commonwealth nation, after Canada, Australia and Jamaica, to be honoured in performing the Public Duties in England.

One of the tasks awaiting the RMR team is to guard the official residence of the British Monarch, the Buckingham Palace.

Acting Director of the Malaysian Armed Forces Public Relations Office, Colonel Fadzlette Othman Merican said a total of 122 RMR personnel from the royal ceremonial team had been selected for the assignment.

"On Feb 28 2007, Chief of General Staff of the United Kingdom, Sir Richard Dannat paid an official visit to Malaysia and witnessed our RMR soldiers conducting guards-of-honour. The coordination and discipline among the soldiers during the march won his heart, and later graced the RMR to perform Public Duties.

"Basically Public Duties are divided into two tasks, firstly the "Queen's Guard" where we have to guard the Buckingham Palace, St James's Palace and Tower of London. Secondly, the Windsor Castle Guard, where we will guard the Windsor Castle, one of the Queen Elizabeth II residences," she told Bernama in an exclusive interview here Sunday.

She said the RMR would be involved in regimental tasks with other battalions in the Household division along their placement in Buckingham Palace. The team will depart for London on Apr 16 and expected to start their duty on April 18 until June 12 and the trip (including insurance, attire, flight tickets) cost almost RM1.9 million.

Army chief Tan Sri Muhammad Ismail Jamaluddin and RMR's Colonel-in-Chief, the Sultan of Kedah, Tuanku Abdul Halim Mu'adzam Shah will visit the team on May 19 and June 5 respectively.

Public Duties are performed by military personnel and usually have a ceremonial or historic significance rather than an overtly operational role, she said.

"The team will be attired in ceremonial temperate dress, comprising a red coat, black pant and the bearskin cap. They also will be provided with M16 Crome machineguns for duty routines.

"They will also participate in Changing of the Guard ceremony at the forecourt of both palaces, as well as conducting night patrols, guarding the palace's check-posts and be a part of the quick reaction force," she said adding the team would be given accommodation at the Wellington Barracks in central London.

Three infantry battalions of the British army are currently tasked with the provision of Public Duties. Two of these are from the Foot Guards of the Household Division, and one (since 1996) is a line infantry battalion.

"The team are undergoing intensive trainings in marching skills, English language classes, learning history of the RMR and Malaysian Armed Forces and mastering computer skills. Training and classes are conducted at the Sg Besi Army base by special trainers from UK," she said.

On the sideline of the duty, the RMR "Brass Band" (official RMR band) will be performing at a tatoo at the Windsor Castle and during the official opening of the Arsenal football club's Emirates Stadium in London.
She said the opportunity given to the RMR to serve in Public Duties would be the best platform to upgrade their profesionalism and their knowledge capability.


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 Author| Post time 8-4-2008 09:43 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by yipun78 at 8-4-2008 09:39 AM
sorrylah for me nak baca posting bodo sesetengah manusia yang x paham erti sesuatu seperti ni pada orang yang berkhidmat dalam TD tu.... nak hentam Gomen, go ahead buat ler tapi x perlu nak mempe ...

Ini lah SIKAP ANGKUH lagi BONGKAK........
Camana ler nak maju.???

Anggap oghang lain TAK PAHAM.

Open skit laaaa pemikiran miker tu..................think outside of the box skit, Mod Yip

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Post time 8-4-2008 09:43 AM | Show all posts
dpt main band kat stadium emirates tuh

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 Author| Post time 8-4-2008 09:46 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by tangopapa at 8-4-2008 09:33 AM
setuju, teman akan bukak tred nih kat MPSA klu pun mike tak bukak....

so mcmn dengan persoalan yg mike keluarkan tu? udoh dapat jawapan ke belum?

Masih belum dapat jawaban yg PASTI.
Sebab ramai lagi yg belum vote...............

Or deme nie masih ada ARMED FORCES SYNDROME???

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Post time 8-4-2008 09:47 AM | Show all posts

Reply #7 niceghost2005's post


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Post time 8-4-2008 09:48 AM | Show all posts
kes cam nih aku tgk lebih kurang serupa ajer gi buat lawatan muhibbah kat negara luar oleh kapal tldm. nampak cam takde ape ape.. kos lak kita tanggung sendiri tp kalo tuan rumah dah jemput bukan kita nak tolak lak..

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Post time 8-4-2008 09:50 AM | Show all posts
itu macam kursus laaaa...

bekerja sambil belajar.

there's always 2 sides of the coin. you can either take a negative or positive views.

why must we be so negative? Ini bukan kali pertama anggota kita dihantar untuk bekerja untuk dapatkan pengalaman. sejak dulu lagi dah ada. tanya orang lama, jadi tukang gosok dek kapal pon ada, padahal pegawai tuh. tapi dari situ la belajar.

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Post time 8-4-2008 09:51 AM | Show all posts

Reply #14 niceghost2005's post

u laaa yang think outside from ur conservative box... for u all its abt Gomen.... can't u see anything +ve form anything? aren't u tired being antagonist at all tym? people like u darn hypocrite....  u done nothing but condemn

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