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How I am I supposed to feel, react?
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About an online friend.
I have known him for a long long time. Then out of touch and now jumpa balik (some of you may know about this guy). It seems to me that now we are getting closer and more intimate. Hari-hari mesti contact. Twice a day to be specific. Dah macam orang couple la pulak wakakkaka... Agaknya the old flame has rekindled kot?
Sblum ni, aku cam heran ngapa la orang2 keliling aku ni asyik mesej jer gf/bf derang all the time.. Tak letih ke? Tak jemu ke? Ye la, dulu aku pernah gak bercinta.. (tapi takde teknologi sms kaedahnya, just tepon le tapi takde la kerap). Now tanpa aku sedari, I am doing the exact same thing - cuma mamat ni aku tak consider BF ke apa.. Just friends la. Tak de pulak rasa penat or jemu or letih or bosan. Kalau aku tak mula, dia akan mula and vice versa. To know how he is doing, and to talk with him is something I need to make my day OK.
Kalau jadi, we will meet in real life next month (lepas bertahun2 kenal). Excited? HELL NO. Urgh, I don't know.
Hari ni.. dia finally got his new laptop working. And he invited me to view his webcam - well, we see each other on cam a few times before - but today.. as I was staring at this skinny, tall, white guy, blue eyes... smiling at me with his 2 beautiful cats.. aku terpaku sendiri, terfikir sejenak...
"I am really gonna meet this guy? Am I really ready for him? Who the hell am I kidding? Is this what I really want?"
Ntah ler memacam lagi soklan menyerang palahotak aku... Padahal just meet as friends jer. Actually, in June, I am meeting another online friend jugak, an Englishman.. Tapi I don't feel this way at all.. Cam relax selamba je...
With this one... aisehh...macam2 komplikasi la pulok... lagi2 considering that, we are getting clingy to each other lately, and he seems a bit more caring pulok tuu... Yg buat aku lagi tersyahdu.. dulu2 masa kita orang mula2 kenal online, dia siap beli buku Bhs Melayu lagi.. punya la nak impress aku - and he didn't tell me until now - after berbelas tahun. Heh..
How am I supposed to feel? How do I prepare for him? |
jgn neves dulu... layan dia cam kawan..
ekceli ko berdebar sbb ko dah sayang dia.. tp secara virtual je... ko takut dia tak seperti aper yg ko bayangkan selama ni biler jumper real life... err kire below expectation.... |
cinta antara benua kah?...xtra careful |
Erk.. I dont think I am in love lah...
A ah.. aku salah bod la.. patutnya thread ni kt bod love n friendship. wakakkaka.. gomen gomen... |
Originally posted by True-X at 24-4-2008 05:04 PM
jgn neves dulu... layan dia cam kawan..
ekceli ko berdebar sbb ko dah sayang dia.. tp secara virtual je... ko takut dia tak seperti aper yg ko bayangkan selama ni biler jumper real life... err ...
Sayang ke? Hmm... |
Reply #5 nenekglamer's post
nenek.. ko layan sumer call dia kan...... hehehe tuh dh tanda2 ko ske dah tuh.. |
kalu tarak feelings ko tak rasa pe2 nenet oii... |
Reply #1 nenekglamer's post
ada potensi nenek sudah jatuh hati padanya....
huhuhu..ngaku je la nek...
thats y u so nervous... |
Uhm, I am trying to get my mind off him. Layan Naruto besh... |
hoho..nenek...cinta sudah berputik kah? |
Reply #9 nenekglamer's post
ko layan naruto pun mesti ko teringat that guy kan
aku rasa ler kan..ko nak try tipu diri sendiri yg ko ngan dia just ko rasa tak leh...sebab sometimes ko rasa ko sayang ngan dia...ko mesti ader member lain takderlaa ko berkwn rapat mcm ko kwn ngan si skinny tall and blue eyes nie kan |
what about the flirt to be flame?
are we still on?
alah buat besejelah nenek...
kawan2jer...dia takde ckp cintan cintunkan... |
Originally posted by reenz013 at 25-4-2008 07:46 AM
alah buat besejelah nenek...
kawan2jer...dia takde ckp cintan cintunkan...
Erhhh... Define 'cintan cintun' tuh...
Setakat ayat2 flirty, ngan yg lain pun biasa buat... |
aler nenek biasala nie..
we met somebody on the net,
then kite chat, samaada ader keserasian or the guy pandai layan nenek
then that makes u more comfortable with him and we want to chat more...
so in the process maybe la kite pun tanpa sedar terjatuh suka ke or more.
ader lagi nak taip.. tapi nak gi keje...
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Category: Cinta & Perhubungan