View: 3547|Reply: 23
Palestinians can only blame themselves - choose HAMAS, choose HELL
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The Peace Test
Bush offered Palestinians a state; they said no deal.
By Clifford D. May
The anniversary passed with scarcely a mention. Six years ago, on June 24, 2002, President Bush turned American policy in the Middle East in a new direction. In a ground-breaking speech, he announced that the U.S. would support the creation of a Palestinian state. His only condition was that Palestinians first choose 搇eaders not compromised by terror. |
bohsan pasal palestin bagai ni. ... baik mampus semua ler .. . dah la sesama islam berbunuh antara satu sama lain. .. . cemar nama islam yg maha suci ajer. ... |
Reply #1 zenslack's post
abis tu, di Amerika mcm syurga ka?  |
Reply #3 DTECCONAN's post
Better than Middle East countries  |
Bodo punya zenslack. Kau ingat kau quote berita dari american kau dah cerdik?!!!
Actually Israelis are losing and they are scared to death that a lot of them are signing out of that illegal country. And yes!! Hamas is winning. Anyway, who cares about other people think especially a moron who think he is smart like zenslack. Wake up man!!! you!! Stupid Moron |
Originally posted by diva-vogue at 5-7-2008 03:22 PM 
bohsan pasal palestin bagai ni. ... baik mampus semua ler .. . dah la sesama islam berbunuh antara satu sama lain. .. . cemar nama islam yg maha suci ajer. ...
mamposss??? huh...
tu laa bila ada yg nak pada islam dan ada yg x berapa nak, tak berapa yakin dgn agama sendiri.. itu le jadinya
kalau dah huru hara.. dah merempat dah melarat.. baru masanya untuk mencari TUHAN? agaknya laa |
Reply #3 DTECCONAN's post
America kan land of freeeeeedom nd opportunity bebas ! boleh beli prostitute, seks bebas, straight atau gay teda peduli, beli senapang timbak budak sekolah...
America! land of the free and the brave! |
Reply #7 Obersliutenant's post
jom borong semua senapang dan pistol,lepas tu tembak dan hancurkan mana2 bandar2 dlm USA...this is America man!!!You can buy as many weapon as you can!!Freedom!!!  |
Reply #7 Obersliutenant's post
Itu agaknya yang dimaksudkan syurga oleh pendita zenslack, neraka bila rakyat palestin hendakkan Hamas  |
kalau tak tau sejarah jgn nak bercerita. ada yg lembu sgt suruh semua palestin mati tu apsal? dah cukup ubat yahudi ko makan? |
Reply #1 zenslack's post
suka hati rakyat dier la nak pilih siape....thats what democracy is all about...
who the hell is israel people?they are not the palestinian....
buat aper nak jd lembu cucuk idung,ikut ckp penjajah? |
Originally posted by diva-vogue at 5-7-2008 03:22 PM 
bohsan pasal palestin bagai ni. ... baik mampus semua ler .. . dah la sesama islam berbunuh antara satu sama lain. .. . cemar nama islam yg maha suci ajer. ...
ko tu islam sgt ker...?suruh org islam lain pegi mampus semua....
cerminla diri...ini ckp tak serupa bikin ataupun ckp tak guna otak |
zenlack.. walaupun ko chinese dan bukan islam.. tak payah laa nak mainkan isu anti islam kat sini... nanti kalau kena beggar.. ko gak yg marah.. aper kata kalau ko konfius tentang islam.. ko pegi kat muslimim muslimat tuh.. kat sana senang soal jawab nya....
aku tahu dalam masyarakat cina nih pun ader kaum cina yg anti malay,
ader cina yg anti islamik,
dan ader cina yg anti agama
dan sedangkan budha sendiri pun bukan agama, tapi ia ajaran sahaja..
tapi tak bleh kah ko hormatkan agama org lain...
harap maklum...
[ Last edited by mieza386 at 5-7-2008 07:39 PM ] |
Why can't answer bold statements in first posts  |
aku rasa baik semua palestian mampus sekaligus. ... menyusahkan orang lain ajer. .. . ntah ajaran ape mereka amal sampai kiamat pun idup siyal. ... mana ada islam camtu. ... |
moronic minds |
Tanah yang di occupy rejim Zionis 100% hak orang Palestine. |
Reply #14 zenslack's post
wheres your so called ' political will' now .... hipokrit sungguh |
Reply #18 Obersliutenant's post
Like HAMAS  |
apa dok hell.. hell nih Zen, kat thread sebelah kata "hell doesn't exist". kenapa kat sini dok paste hell ke hulu hell ke hilir nih? |
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