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Reply #2 kroit92's post
ade byk aweks cute... mane satu pilihan hati??  |
barisan pelakon masih yang sama ke?  |
Robert Pattinson is selfless in New Moon
Monday, 22 December 2008
Twilight fans will fall in love with Robert Pattinson even more when New Moon is released.
In case you are wondering what happens to everyones favorite couple,Edward Cullen and Beth Swan don't worry as we have all the New Moon gossip.
Keep reading to find out more...
Edward and his family decide to throw Bella an eighteenth birthday party but it nearly ends in disaster when Bella gets a paper cut. Joseph is overwhelmed by the smell of blood and tries to attack Bella - luckily Edward steps in just in time.
Edward realises that he needs to leave town to protect Bella but instead of telling her the real reason he says he doesn't want her anymore. Bella is devastated and becomes severely depressed. Jacob Black tries to help her through the pain of losing Robert.
As Bella and Jacob get closer Bella realises that if she puts herself in danger she gets hallucinations of Edward's voice. Jacob realises that he is a werewolf and confides in Bella. The werewolves try and project Bella when evil vampire Victoria tries to kill her.
Meanwhile, Edward's sister has a vision of Bella jumping off a cliff and tells Edward that she thinks Bella is dead. Edward calls Bella's dad but when Jacob answers and says he's at a funeral Edward draws the wrong conclusions.
Edward is so devasted that he decides to visit the Volturi vampires in Italy as only they have the power to kill him.
Bella and Alice find out what Edward is planning just in time and rush over to Italy. The Voltuni tell Robert that Bella must be killed or changed into a vampire now she knows their secrets.
When they return home Edward confesses that he still loves Bella and only left town to keep her safe. His family vote on Bella's future and decide that she must become one of them. |

credit to: lion_lamb LJ |
Reply #7 Yuni's post
hui.. rendahnya alice.. lagi rendah dari aku  |
x saba na k tgk
katanya mac 2009 kan |
Balas #7 Yuni\ catat
patutlah watak jacob diorg nak tukar org.... rupanya pendek sgt budak sharkboy tu.... sepatutnya jacob lg tinggi dr edward.. tp ni terbalik kot...
baguslah, aku sokong tukar jacob... |
Reply #12 buiscasey's post
like I told be4, I'm not sure whether it's true @ not.. I have no idea bout that! |
bgus gak tukar jcob.....
new moon ni a bit bosan sket bbanding twilight...
tp based on the novel la...
kalo die x low budget mcm twilight, msti effect die best2 |
Balas #13 Yuni\ catat
rasa mcm true kot.... aku harap true... |
wah...harap2 main actors still d same la...kalo xsame pn..ak ttp akn tgk gak cte nih otw nk khatam kn twilight...hopefully b4 new moon d movie moon d novel da bes bc bley pham sket nnti...weee |
new moon nk kuar...seronok aku!~...x sabar aku nk tgk...sedih lak aku mase bace new moon..time edward nk tinggalkan,ape yg pasti...jacob semakin ensem... |
fuyooh, best ah forumers kat forum.cari ni. dulu time aku start twilight thread, slow aje. aku syiok sendiri post sorangx2. tapi skrg banyak twilight series fan. and welcome to those who just recently became addicted to this mania.
Twilight Sequel Already Feels the Bite of Fans
The blood is not yet dry on 揟wilight, |
well.. mmg la peminat marah kalau tukar budak jacob yg comel.. tapi interpretation for jacob in the new moon is that he look like 26 year old man.. so muka dia patut lebih matured dari kristen tuh.. dan bukan sebaya.. pendapat kia la.. sure ade pelakon yg hensem bangat tapi ade iras cam jacob muda kan..  |
Rob n Ben are buddies?? ...mmg bley wat org pengsan la tgk new moon sbb ade 2 org yg sgtla bley m'cairkan ati org ngn kehenseman msg2...waduh...xsaber banget nih....mmg xkebah la demam twilight di tmbh plak ngn new moon...tmbh2 plak ade actor2 yg masyuk..bravo2.. |
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