Post Last Edit by Nisda_ at 21-12-2009 13:52
Based on the true story of Micheal Oher pemain football terkenal di USA. Cite ini bukan pasal football tapi tentang kehidupan dia hidup sgt susah dari kecil, keluar masuk rumah anak yatim, takde baju, 9kali tukar sekolah, takde rumah dan akhirnya di ambil jadi anak angkat oleh keluarga orang kulit putih dari tak pandai belajar sampai masuk universiti sehingga berjaya jadi salah seorang pemain termahal football di USA. I suka cite macam ni, cite kisah benar kenyataan yang ada di dalam hidup kita seharian
American teenager in Memphis, whose father was murdered and whose mother was a crack addict, is shuffled through the public school system, despite his low grade point average and absenteeism. But his tremendous size and quickness attracts the interest of a wealthy white couple who take him in and groom him both athletically and academically to become one of the top high school football prospects in the country. |
best citer ni...lagi best dr the hurt locker.... |
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