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Resident Evil : Afterlife....
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sedap ke cerita ni? ehehe |
hai logy ;)
ada gak RE4 ek... ingat dah abih gitu je...
aku suka RE1-3 nih, tapi tengok trailer afterlife ni macam over the top plak heh |
Rasa nia pg main game RE balik. |
a must see movie
cant miss it .....
kalau 3D ... x rasa nak tgk
tgk 2D jer la
Claire Redfield?
did they make it to Alaska?
Alice cloned herself (selves) at the end of RE3, no?
what happened to them? |
dia tak tulis RE4 mungkin sbb lepas RE3 ada keluarkan RE : Degeneration |
cerita ni mcm x sambung yg dlu nye je.... |
entahlahhh... nak kater tak kena....
tapi dia ader bagitau virus tue dah merebak jauh ke seluruh dunia...!
tapi action diorang tak leh blah.... mcm nak terkuar dlm skrin dia wat..!
citer nie sepatutnya ditayang kan tahun nie tetapi...3d punya pasal, postpone tahun depan...! |
ada Ali Larter........ Wow |
must seen  |
eh korang.. movie Resident Evil : Afterlife ni ada sambungan y klon Alice tu bnyk2 x ek.
aku rs kalo xde sambungan klon y bnyk tu x bes ar.. |
pas raya baru tgk ...
skrg masa utk raya |
neh review dari acerky,M'sia
It's not very original, but it's still so much fun, 10 September 2010
Author: acerky from Malaysia
Resident Evil: Afterlife is the 4th instalment of the Resident Evil series. Milla Jovovich goes back to do what she does best: kick ass.
With a new villain, new location and a big man with a big axe, RE4 sees Alice trying to find Arcadia, the so called last safe haven for survivors of the T-virus. She finds her old ally Claire from the 3rd film, who has lost her memory, and together they meet up with a new group of survivors trying to get to Arcadia. Easier said than done when they're all surrounded by the undead.
Jovovich and Ali Larter do well as the leading ladies of action, but Shawn Roberts is basically just channeling The Matrix's Agent Smith as the villain Wesker, from the voice right down to the sunglasses. He comes off looking like a video game character all right. Prison Break's Wentworth Miller does alright as Claire's brother Chris, but still sounds like Michael Scofield, as always.
Roberts isn't the only thing here that reminds me of The Matrix, all the slow mo action sequences just screams of it too. But you know, it just works very well. To his credit, Paul W.S. Anderson doesn't pretend to make a cerebral action horror flick, he just gives what his audiences want: a bloody good time. You want blood, gore, monsters and Alice looking awesome? They're all here.
The familiarity of it all might annoy you at first, but after a while you'll feel comfy and end up getting a real kick out of this.
Bring on RE5! |
aku x pernh follow lain2 ke cite nie???
mcm bersmbungan dr 1-1 je... |
alamak... aku tak penah tgk crita ni... tp baru2 aku ada tgk trailernya... mcm best je... so, bleh fhm ke kalu aku hanya tgk film ni je?
uhuhu. |
cerita ni tak byk dialog...agak membosankan aku....
tapi kire ok la..aku tgk bukan dari mule2 filem nye..aku main skip ke re4 nih...still boleh paham lagi jalan cerita... |
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