Aku dah search pasal filem ni, tak jumpa kat mana-mana thread. Apsal ek? Tak best ke cite ni?
Ini sinopsis & gambar aku copy paste dari internet.
Any comments?
p/s:aku tgh cari-cari cite pe nak pegi tengok sat lagi ni. Tx
After years of dating, Zoe has decided waiting for the right one is taking too long. Determined to become a mother, she commits to a plan, makes an appointment and decides to go it alone. That same day, Zoe meets Stan - a man with real possibilities. Trying to nurture a budding relationship and hide the early signs of pregnancy becomes a comedy of errors for Zoe and creates confusing signals for Stan. When Zoe nervously reveals the reason for her unpredictable behavior, Stan commits fully and says he's in. Never before has love seen a courtship where a wild night of sex involves three in a bed - Stan, Zoe and the ever-present massive pregnancy pillow. Or, where 'date night' consists of being the 'focal point' at a near-stranger's water birth which does for kiddie pools what "Jaws" did for swimming in the ocean. The real pregnancy test comes when both of them realize they really don't know each other outside of hormonal chaos and birth preparations. With the nine month clock ticking, both begin to experience cold feet. Anyone can fall in love, get married and have a baby but doing it backwards in hyper-drive could be proof positive that they were made for each other.
tgk poster tu sebijuk cam ZIANA ZAIN!! |
ada tertgk trailer citer nih.. cam best jer.. mcm nak tgk.. biler release neh?? |
dlm website gsc, citer ni kuar 1 july 2010.. |
ler...ingat dah lama keluar... |
citer ni citer hollywood paling sampah penah aku tgk |
Reply 6# mucxha
sampah??? how can? |
Aku dah tgk citer ni. not bad laa.. sesapa yg leh layan citer2 JLO i.e. Maid in Manhattan, Wedding Planner leh aa layan citer ni. lite entertainment. tak de la sampai tahap sampah. |
smalam masa tgk knight n day..ader preview pasal pelem neh..macam best...lawak pon ader...
chantik sngt jlo neh!!~ |
errr tk best bg aku.sume leh predict |
Reply 6# mucxha
apsal tahap sampah??? |
apsal dalam muvi ni tgok jLo macam selebet je..pastu cam tak hawt macam dulu..  |
rating filem ni teruk gak..filem maid in manhattan bg aku pun tak best. |
cite nih ok lah...fun to watch... |
tgh donload la cite ni...
blum bis lagi donload... |
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