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Selepas tragedi Rayan, tragedi Fawaz pula timbul.
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Fawaz Al-Qutayfan is the name of a Syrian child who is experiencing a brutal tragedy that coincides with the shock of the Arab world in the death of Moroccan child Rayan, on Saturday.
Unidentified persons kidnapped Fawaz al-Qatifan from the village of Ibtaa in the countryside of the Syrian governorate of Daraa, and his kidnappers published videos of his torture, demanding a ransom of 500 million Syrian pounds, equivalent to about 143,000 US dollars.
The pioneers of social networking sites launched the hashtag “Save the Child Fawaz Al-Qatifan”, and some of them even announced a donation campaign to save the child.
Although the child Fawaz Al-Qatifan was kidnapped more than 90 days ago, the videos of his torture made his story top the search engines and social networking sites again, especially as it came in conjunction with the tragedy of the death of the Moroccan child Rayan inside a well in which he fell for 5 days.
Musab Al-Qutayfan (the child’s uncle), said that the kidnappers gave them a deadline until next Wednesday to secure the required amount, and threatened them to amputate the child’s fingers if the requested money was not sent.
According to the boy’s uncle, on November 2, while Fawaz and his 9-year-old sister were going to school in the morning, 4 masked men, including a woman, kidnapped him on two motorcycles. His sister tried to follow them for a few minutes, and then they disappeared in front of her eyes with Fawaz.
The pioneers of “Social Media” circulated pictures of the kidnapped child Fawaz Qetaifan, and the video was circulated in which the child appears half-naked and being flogged, and he has no choice but to beg his kidnappers with the phrase “For God’s sake, do not hit me.”
Artists interacted with the case of the child Fawaz Al-Qutayfan, calling for all efforts to be made to release him.
The Lebanese singer, Nancy Ajram, posted on her Instagram story, a picture of Fawaz Al-Qutayfan, to express her sadness at the situation and the violence that the child is experiencing.
And the Lebanese artist, Cyrine Abdel Nour, published a tweet on Twitter, in which she wrote: “You saw that the devils live between us. You saw that the war exists between innocence and impurity. May God forgive you and guide you to mercy for your unjust hearts, oh without conscience. demons”.

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Post time 7-2-2022 10:36 AM
From the mobile phone
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SOHR: “Save Fawaz Al-Qatifan”… Wide Sympathy For A Kidnapped Syrian Child Who Is Being Tortured
On Feb 6, 2022
The case of a kidnapped Syrian child named Fawaz al-Qatifan gained wide attention from followers on social media recently, after a video was circulated showing him being beaten and disgraced by the kidnappers in exchange for a ransom.
Fawaz is from the village of Ibtaa in the Syrian countryside of Daraa, and a video was circulated by the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, showing him being beaten horribly and cruelly.
Followers on social media circulated the hashtag #Save_the_Child_Fawaz_Qetaifan and the hashtag #Save_Abta_Child in several Arab countries, in order to work for his release and rescue.
According to the trader, Fawaz is eight years old, and four months ago he was kidnapped by a gang while returning from school, but a video of his torture was published by his kidnappers last Thursday.
According to the media, the Daraa countryside is witnessing a deterioration in security and frequent thefts, kidnappings and extortion.
Fawaz’s case gained attention recently, in conjunction with the case of the Moroccan child Rayan, who was stuck in a deep well for five days, which attracted the attention of public opinion and Arab followers, before the Moroccan Royal Court announced his death yesterday evening (Saturday).
He appealed to followers to seek to save the Syrian child from the kidnappers, and to pay attention to his case, similar to the case of the child Rayan.
The gang blackmailed the relatives of the child Fawaz to obtain money in exchange for his release. Facebook posts revealed that the required amount is 500 million Syrian pounds, equivalent to 140,000 US dollars.
In this context, the Syrian actor, Abdul Hakim Qetaifan, announced his leadership of an initiative, accompanied by his family, to save the child Fawaz in Daraa governorate. In a video posted on his Facebook page, Qetaifan said that his family decided to collect 500 million pounds to give to the kidnappers of the child who bears the family name.
And the Syrian actor continued, “This ordeal that the Qetaifan family was subjected to proved the generosity, magnanimity, generosity and giving of the Syrians, and their standing by each other in times of crisis.” He added: “No person, organization or humanitarian association has been asked to collect donations and secure the necessary amount for the ransom. In the coming hours, the issue will be resolved and the child, Fawaz, released.
Qetaifan continued: “I hope that the incident of the kidnapped child will not be an excuse for some to collect donations that they do not know where they will go or to whom they will reach, especially since he did not ask any organization, association or person to do so, and if this person is found, please do not hurry. And he disposes of the money so that he does not fall prey to scammers or kidnappers.”
Source: The Globe Echo
SOHR renews appealing | Mother of the kidnapped Kid “Mohammed Hassan” demand bringing her son home from “Al-Shabiba Al-Thawriyah”
dah gila ummah ereb sial ni |

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Post time 7-2-2022 10:41 AM
From the mobile phone
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ChildrenOfBodom replied at 7-2-2022 10:39 AM
dah gila ummah ereb sial ni
Sampai kurus kering budak tu kena siksa.... X dpt bayang dlm berbulan2 didera..... |
Sekali baca aku ingat jenis variant baru melanda....
Kahkahkahkahkahkah |
Dah tengok video. Memang sial betul pendera tu. Bila lah nak mampus. Tak sampai hati tengok Fawaz kena pukul. |
jah dah sakit kepala belum baca berita fawaz innihh? sebagai seorang ibu kepada anak lelaki membuatkan heshe tersentuh katanyehh

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Post time 8-2-2022 05:15 PM
From the mobile phone
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Nurul8001 replied at 8-2-2022 03:18 PM
Dah tengok video. Memang sial betul pendera tu. Bila lah nak mampus. Tak sampai hati tengok Fawaz ke ...
Mmg manusia celaka btol, bertalu2 dia pukul budak tu... Dah mcm tahanan perang aku tgk badan Fawaz tu, kurus kering |
Bukan dia je ramai lagi mangsa penderaan kanak2 serata dunia. Sebelum ni ramai yang diam mengenainya. |
Kena kidnaps.. kesiannya la. Moga jahanam penculik2 tu semua. |
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