‘Mission Impossible 4’ to be filmed in Dubai
September 28, 2010
Tom Cruise will star in ‘Mission Impossible 4’ to be filmed in Dubai. – Reuters pic
DUBAI, Sept 28 – The fourth sequel of action blockbuster “Mission Impossible” starring Oscar-winning actor Tom Cruise will be partly filmed in Dubai, the Gulf Arab emirate’s media office said today.
Dubai, a regional tourism and trading centre, is slowly emerging from a debt crisis following a crash of its property market after a global financial downturn. The slowdown led to billions of dollars in project cancellations and thousands of job losses.
“Preparations for filming in Dubai have been agreed with the production company, Paramount, following two months of meetings and location scouting,” the media office said in a statement.
“Actual filming of the project, that will attract more than 400 industry professionals, is expected to commence within a few weeks,” it added.
Dubai has been on a mission to become a Singapore-style global business and leisure centre with fast living and no income tax.
As part of its ambitions, it has strived to become a movie hub in the region, launching a film festival to much fanfare in 2004, and marketing itself as a one-stop-shop for international movie production with projects such as Dubai Studio City (DSC).
Government-run Dubai Media Incorporated will provide technical and staff support for the production of the movie, while DSC will assist with technical and logistic support. The film will be directed by Brad Bird, known for pictures such as “The Incredibles” which grossed more than $261 million (RM807.53 million) in box office takings in 2004, and “Ratatouille”, which won the Oscar for best animated film in 2007.
Cosmopolitan Dubai has become a magnet for celebrities and movie stars with its luxury hotels, overlooking soft sandy beaches, palm-shaped man-made islands, and a skyline boasting the world’s tallest tower. – Reuters |
kat maner yg cakap pakai bond's girl nie??bukannya cerita james bond... |
who's bond's girl?
aisyah_putri Post at 29-9-2010 08:04 
Michael Yeoh.  |
Khabarnya Josh Holloway (Sawyer dari Lost) turut membintangi instalmen terbaru Mision Imposible nih. Selain itu Simon Pegg, Jeremy renner dan Michael Niqvist turut terlibat. |
Apa Bond girl, Michael Yeoh hahahaha...adoila... |
Reply 6# johan3036
bukan james bond eh?? hahaa.. hampuun.. maaf maaaaf.. tersilap filem..   |
Apa Bond girl, Michael Yeoh hahahaha...adoila...
johan3036 Post at 29-9-2010 16:37 
hahaooi..aku yang dah mengantuk gila ni pun tergelak tetiba |
haha lawak ar korg.
MI3 mcm x brapa sgt ni MI4 nak kuar plak ... emm.. tgk dvd jela. |
dubai ?
nak buat watak org arab jd jahat la 2 ye..!? :re: |
Kalu dubai mesti Ethan Hunt nk terjun dari Burj Dubai tu baru gempak... |
aku suka yg MI2 n MI3...harap Mi4 powerla.... kat dubai byk bangunan canggih...lehla ethan wat aksi power2 skit..hehe |
Ada scene parkour macam Bond, panjat tower crane macam Bond etc etc. |
yeh mi4.. go go go.. x sabo den... |
Kalu dubai mesti Ethan Hunt nk terjun dari Burj Dubai tu baru gempak...
johan3036 Post at 30-9-2010 10:02 AM 
semestinyer ada aksi terjun2 bangunan gitu..hehehhe... |
adui. tk sabarnya..
aku suke bebenor tgk cite2 mcm nie..
boleh sesiapa suggest cite2 lain yg ada kesamaan mcm trilogi MI sblm nie? |
Semestinya James Bond, Italian Job, The Heist, Bourne Trilogy..etc |
dengar cite fasha sanda dpt jadi ethan's girl.. |
erk...tom cruise lagi ke?
bukan ke dia tak dok kontrak ngan paramount pictures dah ka? tak paham la pulak aku...hehehe...sesapa tolong explain... |
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