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Tiada lagi part keta potong pada Jun 2011
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Used car parts import ban deadline in June 2011 – is it still a green light or not?
February 27, 2011 at 11:22 pm By Paul Tan Filed Under Cars, Local News
Time flies, and we’re already in the year 2011. The Malaysian auto industry landscape has certainly been more interesting than it has ever been. There are now far more choices available to consumers who are looking to buy a car than ever before. Automotive technology is getting more accessible – VTEC and Turbo was one of the only few buzzwords that we used to have to deal with in the past, now we have direct injection, twin clutch transmissions, CVT, engine downsizing, hybrids, EVs, and etc.
So yes, we’re happy with what 2011 will bring us. Unfortunately there’s also something admittedly quite worrisome approaching – this particular paragraph in the NAP review released back in 2009:
III. Gradual Phase-out of Imported Used Parts and Components
Safety and environmental concerns rose from the practice of importing used parts and components without any restrictions or mandatory tests. The NAP Review is introducing a mechanism to prohibit imports of used parts and components, effective from June 2011.
We may be out of the loop when it comes to matters of government policy but as far as we know the government has been rather quiet since 2009 on how they are going to enforce this ban on imported used parts.
The used parts ban is undoubtedly good news for the official importers of parts here in Malaysia as if implemented properly, will definitely increase their sales as people will be forced to go for new parts. And new parts prices are pretty much unregulated. Parts sales contribute a good amount to car manufacturer coffers and they can be quite expensive.
But it’s a mixed situation for consumers. The government’s reasoning for this move are safety and environmental concerns, but it may just be yet another way to keep our new car sales TIV boosted. No doubt, new parts are usually under warranty and are generally safer than used parts, but raise your hand if under a stressed budget you’d rather go for a low mileage used part manufactured by the original component maker rather than a new “compatible” product?
Do you own an old car because you cannot afford something new and/or do not want to compromise with “downgrading” to a new car within your budget that doesn’t serve your wants or more importantly needs? Ask yourself, when your car breaks down – do you go for new parts or used parts? If you usually go for used parts in very good condition such as from the low mileage halfcuts from Japan, you’re in trouble.
Banning used parts would mean when your 2003-2008 Honda City’s CVT transmission fails, you won’t be able to source a very good condition low mileage used gearbox from a Honda Fit Aria halfcut from Japan. You will always have the option of buying new from Honda Malaysia, but you will no longer have the more affordable option. It’s a good thing my E39 has a manual gearbox now – I don’t need to worry much as it’s known to be quite robust.. As for my own Proton Perdana, its 4-speed auto gearbox is on its last legs of life now and I’m already making arrangements with my mechanic to replace it with a good condition used one before June rolls along.
There will of course be existing stock in the country, but that’s not going to last long. According to Mr Danny of Soon Loi Sdn Bhd in Cheras, their chop shop stock is about 80% from overseas imports and only about 20% from cars already in the country that are chopped locally. Soon Loi Sdn Bhd has been running since the 70s by the way, and suddenly their business will no longer be viable. Where will the families running the chop shops go and what will they do?
According to Mr CM Tan of Happy Auto Parts Sungai Besi, the business of a chop shop is not something easy to do. The relationship with the foreign supplier has to be built over a long time and this can take many many years, which explains why a lot of these chop shops that are surviving have been running for decades. Mr Tan says sometimes even when you come across good cars to be chopped, it doesn’t mean the foreign counterpart will sell them to you as another chop shop may want it as there are so many other chop shops not only in Malaysia but in other countries that will fight for these cars.
You also need a trained eye to judge what cars are good to be brought in as parts cars. These guys are in family businesses that can span a few generations and Mr Tan had an interesting analogy to describe the ban proposal, claiming it was similar to telling medical students who have given their life to training to become a doctor that suddenly they are banned from practicing medicine.
This business is their trade and it is what they do best and when the right is taken away from then, you don’t hear anyone offering assistance for them to migrate to another business like how Open AP holders have an “Entrepreneurship Fund” promised to them once the AP system ends.
To be honest I still don’t know if the ban will really happen in June. |
Penat je beli Inspirah....... nak conbet Evox |
erkkk.... |
aku cakap dah,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,spare part dah tentu2 mahal nak mampos lepas ni,,,tokey2 hakat penin pala dah,,,,,barang bukan sket,,,,leni depa jual tak dak dah sket2,,,kalu bulih hamek siap teruih......complete...lantai ngan semi pon dah tak layan dah,,,half terus......damnnnnnnnnnnnnn...............................merosakkan pendapatan runner2,,,celako punya kerajaan |
Kaji larangan import alat ganti terpakai
KUALA LUMPUR: Gabungan Persatuan Peniaga Alat Ganti Kejuruteraan dan Kenderaan Malaysia (FEMPTAM) mahu kerajaan menimbang semula pelaksanaan larangan mengimport alat ganti kenderaan terpakai bermula 1 Jun ini yang dilihat membawa lebih banyak kesan negatif kepada pelbagai pihak.
Presidennya, Lim Wei Fook berkata, jika larangan itu diteruskan, tidak mustahil lebih 5,000 kedai alat ganti terpakai seluruh negara akan gulung tikar manakala kira-kira 250,000 pekerja yang terbabit dalam bidang itu akan hilang pekerjaan.
“Sebaiknya, kerajaan perlu mengkaji kesan jangka panjang yang terpaksa ditanggung semua pihak termasuk pemilik kenderaan persendirian mahu pun pengangkutan awam kerana alat ganti kenderaan tiga hingga lima kali ganda lebih mahal berbanding terpakai.
“Bayangkan bebanan yang terpaksa ditanggung jika pemilik kereta terpaksa menggantikan kotak gear rosak dengan alat ganti baru yang rata-ratanya bernilai lebih RM15,000 bagi kebanyakan kereta model tempatan berbanding alat ganti terpakai yang bernilai tidak lebih daripada RM3,000,” katanya.
Harian Metro |
fuh...sales kereta rekon jatuh la lepas ni..nak cari spare part susah.. |
Dasar gilerrr menyusahkan orang ramai... |
ape plak, bley aaaa tutup kedai potong... tapi dgn syarat kasi turun la AP kete import... semua rakyat leh pakai BMW, Merc, Audi semua....anda setuju? |
Henjin 4G93 akan turun harga......... Padan muka.... |
Henjin 4G93 akan turun harga......... Padan muka....
penyo. Post at 1-3-2011 11:04 
bole la pasang henjin 4G93, CK-4A, RB 20,kat mesin romput,go kart,moto bot..  |
aku setuju ,biar bisnes ci.... rugi |
pasni ni spare part ori jadi mahal ler... |
ado jer halfcut
cuma depa bg kt 4 5 compeni jer handle untuk bwak msuk ke msia
haha da lama org bincang benda ni dol |
Dpt msg ni dari Pengeran Zack dari page TNZ & Rare JDM........
"Attention: To all TNZ & Rare JDM...aku br blk meeting n ada berita kurang menyenangkan bahawa tarikh akhir Import Brg2 terpakai CKD(Halfcut) akan di kuatkuasakan dalam awal bulan 7...ermm...halfcut masih ada tp AP mengimport brg2 terpakai nie akan diberi pd 10 company shj dalam mane2 company halfcut yg tiada AP tidak dibenarkan mengimport brg2 terpakai ckd....
2 company yg aku dpt kenal pasti adalah.... FADER USED PARTS TRADING SDN BHD/Munlee Auto Parts Sdn Bhd mendpt AP mengimport halfcut...
kerajaan telah melantik NAZA Group selaku pengeluar/penjual AP tuk sume brg spare part kenderaan & kenderaan ckd br & juga pengeluar AP untuk mengimport halfcut...
so sekire nye sape2 nak mohon buat halfcut kne mohon dgn company naza laa...nampak sgt kerajaan nak swasta kan penjualan AP nie tuk isi duit poket mereka sendr...
kte bukan nak kondem kerajaan lbih2 sgt...antara alasan2nye: brg2 performance seperti enjin kurang berkualiti dan kurang selamat digunakan...sistem brek kurang cekap...klu pakai brek brembo pon dah xbleh die ckp terlampau mkn sgt..bhy!!!....
persoalannya ADAKAH BRG BUATAN MALAYSIA YG BARU SETANDING KUALITINYA(made in japan)??? ermmm teruk.....TAPI jgn risau lesen untuk mengimport bodyparts dan interior masih boleh di import dr japan....cuma brg2 yg berkaitan dgn enjin dan performace kenderaan dimansuhkan....mari kte berdiskusi ramai2..."
[/quote] |
naseb mu la yob(rare jdm autoparts group)....leh gi on nak buke ngan lili v6 part interior & bodyparts ni,,,,,meja makan makap rega la pehni ...side maker letak 300 sebijik |
haha so ape mslhnya lagi |
Post Last Edit by otomen_taro at 1-3-2011 21:04
Walaupun semua keter aku bergantung penuh pd hafkat aku terpaksa jugak bagi komen yg fair.
Dulu pun dah banyak kali aku terangkan, dalam ekonomi moden, Business class/Kapitalis tetap akan menang sbb gomen bergantung pd produktiviti derang......regardless of sapa yg memerintah.
Pada pendapat aku, gomen tetap akan laksanakan jugak krn:
1) Of coz kerana gomen nak duit.
Company2 besar mcm Naza, Mun Lee, Fader etc ni adalah company besar yg mungkin owned by satu holding company yg lagi besar.
Company2 kecik blh terus meniaga dgn dapatkan supply dari company2 ni
Company besar selalunya well managed dan teratur........derang bayar cukai.
Hafkat tak bayar cukai, yg bayar pun selalunya derang akan tipu invois supaya sale nampak rendah........ada sapa2 yg jadi runner full time/part time kat sini yg bayar cukai?
Langkah ni serupa mcm GST, so gomen blh collect tax awal2 lagi.
2) Utk meningkatkan jualan kereta baru.
Setahu aku, Persatuan2 penjual kenderaan dan MAA main peranan melobi bbrpa dasar dlm NAP.
Kita mungkin kata banyak hafkat akan jadi mangsa, cuma kita lupa yg ramai jugak yg bergantung hidup dgn menjual kereta baru.
3) Terlalu banyak industri bergantung pd jualan kereta cth industri berat, manufacturing, eletronic, insurans, bank etc.
4) Jualan kereta baru termasuk dlm indikasi ekonomi negara....hafkat tak termasuk.
5) Memudahkan kerja penguatkuasaan.
JPJ nak mudahkan kerja, derang dah serabut nak kena ingat banyak sngt performance part dan bodipart rare.
6) Enthusiast mcm kita ni tak ramai, sedangkan ramai rakyat bergantung pd ekonomi negara dan company2 besar tempat derang bekerja.
7) Golongan marhain tertindas?.......yg reply dlm forum guna iphone, BB, Android etc ni golongan marhain?
8) Walaupun tak semua, yg selalu merempit atas jalan ni la yg merosakkan nama enthusiast kereta...
dan kebanyakan kete2 megaboost ni kuat makan minyak (pembaziran)
Terus terang, aku tak puashati sbb lepas ni tak blh nak rare lagi (susah sikit nak bergaya).........bukan psl hidup aku jadi susah atau famili aku akan mati kebuluran.
Aku memandang dari sudut positif, kalu NAP ni blh meningkatkan taraf hidup rakyat secara keseluruhan....aku sanggup berkorban sikit utk kebaikan semua org.
Mana tau, bila hafkat dah makin rare, mungkin bbdak kita akan jadi lebih kreatif dan mula berinovasi dan mula produce barang2 performance sendiri mcm kat Thailand? dicedok dr forum kete..sekian |
masalahnye..ape kena mengena dengan part enjim yg dikatekan laaaaa mudah rosak n bahaya dengan satu dua tiga sarekat pegang AP?kerajaan kate laaa,sape2 leh bagi aku pencerahan..... |
gomen ni cam biaso la ado2 jer yg depa xberkenan |
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