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Resident Evil: Retribution:Lebih aksi kureng serem

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Post time 29-8-2012 07:28 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
10 tahun lalu, ketika muvee pertama, Resident Evil diperkenalkan, ramai yang ragu2 dengan karya diadaptasi daripada permainan bideo ini.Walaupun berdepan pelbagai kritikan, daripada siri pertama hinggalah 3 muvee seterusnya, iaitu Resident Evil: Apocalypse (2004), Resident Evil: Extinction (2007) dan Resident Evil: Afterlife (2010), Francais Resident Evil terus mencatat kutipan membanggakan di seluruh dunia.Meneruskan kejayaan itu, siri ke-5 muvee ini dengan judul Resident Evil: Retribution bakal menemui penonton 13 September ini.

Last edited by bluezink on 14-9-2012 12:03 AM


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Post time 29-8-2012 09:47 AM | Show all posts
errr claire & chris redfield takde ke dlm pilem kali ni?

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 Author| Post time 29-8-2012 12:19 PM | Show all posts
annehuda posted on 29-8-2012 09:47 AM
errr claire & chris redfield takde ke dlm pilem kali ni?

nmpak nyer gitu laa annehude..mreka ber2 di pencen kn dlm muvee ne
Milla Jovovich...Alice
Michelle Rodriguez...Rain Ocampo
Jason Isaacs...Dr. William Birkin (voice)
Kevin Durand...Barry Burton
Sienna Guillory...Jill Valentine
Oded Fehr...Carlos Oliveira
Johann Urb...Leon Kennedy
Bingbing Li...Ada Wong
Shawn Roberts...Albert Wesker
Boris Kodjoe...Luther West
Colin Salmon...James One Shade
dan jugak parasit paling pames akn bnyak mucul dlm muvee neh

Last edited by bluezink on 14-9-2012 12:36 AM


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Post time 29-8-2012 12:31 PM | Show all posts
aku plg suka resident evil ni bab kostum mmg mereka hampir sama ngan dlm filem.

ni ada wong

jill hot...!!!

claire redfield...oklah hampir sama gak tp ttp hot..


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 Author| Post time 29-8-2012 01:13 PM | Show all posts

Below the state synopsis for Re5ident Evil: Retribution


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Post time 29-8-2012 03:23 PM | Show all posts
lagi 2 mgu...xsaba nk tgk.hoho

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Post time 29-8-2012 10:46 PM | Show all posts
harap2 3D die tak mengecewekan macam spiderman baru2 ni. nak tengok kat Imax.

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Post time 30-8-2012 03:09 PM | Show all posts


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Post time 30-8-2012 08:22 PM | Show all posts
nak tgk x sabar nyer ...
oh milla .... miss u alot ...


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Post time 30-8-2012 10:15 PM | Show all posts
klu leon s kennedy ada, chris redfield mesti xde dan begitu lah sebaliknya...mcm dalam game jgk ...bila agaknya diorg nk bergandingan menentang zombie yakk

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Post time 31-8-2012 04:57 PM | Show all posts
edee_91 posted on 30-8-2012 03:09 PM

waser senjata yg diorang lemparkan tue terkeluar kat screen pc bro......

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Post time 31-8-2012 05:03 PM | Show all posts
logy posted on 31-8-2012 04:57 PM
waser senjata yg diorang lemparkan tue terkeluar kat screen pc bro......

wah bro, kau tengok trailer 3D die ke? kat website mane tu? nak tengok gak..


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Post time 31-8-2012 05:17 PM | Show all posts
edee_91 posted on 31-8-2012 05:03 PM
wah bro, kau tengok trailer 3D die ke? kat website mane tu? nak tengok gak..

tak laaa aku sarcasm tgk trailer tue cam terkeluar (citer 3D laaa katakan hahahha... tapi kalo ada 3d kat panel playback youtube memey dia akan tukar jadi 3D) tapi kalo mung gie panggung wayang yg tayang 3D memey dia ada tayang iklan yg 3D... aku tau pasal aku dah gie tgk citer yg tyg 3D... iklam movies dia 3D jugak huhuhuhu!!!!!

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 Author| Post time 31-8-2012 08:00 PM | Show all posts

Lickers return in Re5ident Evil: Retribution

It seems that Resident Evil: Retribution will be bringing the franchise back in full circle. We’ve already heard that several characters from the previous films will be making a return..

*based on interviews and bits of data given in interviews etc...

Re5ident Evil: Retribution mengisahkan tentang T-Virus engineerin, Umbrella Corporation yang telah menyebar di Bumi dan mengubah manusia menjadi zombie ganas.
Satu-satunya  buatan umbrella corp, yang masih bertahan, Alice , kembali bertugas untuk melawan zombie2 tersebut dan sekaligus menguak rahasia masa lalunya yang berhubungan dengan perusahaan Umbrella
Retribution kicks off with Afterlife's payoff with a battle zone aboard the Arcadia. While everyone scrambles among explosions and the invading Umbrella soldiers, Alice loses sight of her friends Claire Redfield, Chris Redfield, and KMart.

She becomes distracted briefly at the sight of what appears to be her old friend Jill Valentine, who seems to be in charge of the invasion. Near shore, Luther recognizes his friends in trouble and quickly assists them by using a nearby tank, taking down a couple of aircraft himself. The odds are overwhelming though, Alice barely evades Valentine's gunfire and jumps off the Arcadia as a last attempt to save her life. As Jill approaches Alice, she receives orders from Wesker via tech device, to capture Alice and her friends instead. Jill is displeased, but like Elle Driver in Kill Bill, ultimately obeys.

Alice awakes in the clandestine facility where she is heavily interrogated by Umbrella officials. Why did you turn on Umbrella? What is your agenda? Alice is silent for days on end. FLASHBACKS before the outbreaks.Alice also questions silently, why Jill has turned on her.

Meanwhile Luther meets Leon Scott Kennedy along Barry Burton and other survivors. A convoy similiar to Claire's from Extinction. They search for Alice. Leon and Barry are privy to Umbrella's secret location and entrance where they're certain Alice and co have been taken to.

Wesker's other assistant Ada Wong shows up to aid Alice in escaping her cell. Alice does not trust her, but she has no choice.During their adventure across the globe...they encounter the undead and armies of Umbrella soldiers, among them, clones of old friends including Rain, Carlos Olivera, and One. Ada informs her that there are many more. The soldiers and army of clones are led by an irate Jill Valentine hot on their heels.

As they head on, they encounter a group of Licker eggs. Alice recognizes a clone, that looks just like her daughter Rebbecca (Chambers nod, maybe??) from her old life before the outbreak..and before something even more sinister. Although Ada confirms her as a clone, Alice brings Rebbecca with them, much to Ada's disagreement. As they near a secret exit, The women are ambushed by Jill Valentine and her troopers. One of them, a Rain clone who is closing in on Alice. Somehow, Alice talks some sense into her, just as a group of undead is unleashed. Ada distracts Jill telling Alice to run, assuring her that she will go another route turning the heat on herself. Meanwhile Alice and Rebbecca are overcome by the undead, Alice using guns and chains to try and survive, Rain jumps into the fray, aiding Alice in her escape..out of the facility..that is set to explode at any moment.

Alice and Becky(short for Rebecca) emerge somewhere in Russia, where Leon, Luther, and Barry(and co) approach them in a hot Rolls Royce. At just a brief pause of relief, a giant, mutated Licker attacks, causing the good guys and gals to speed off.Not only is the Licker hot on their tail, so are the mutated plaga infested undead. They're riding motorcycles too and intent on killing Alice and co. Leon, Luther and Barry take out the ganados, and Alice takes out the Licker with her mean driving skills.

The group is invaded again however, this time by more undead and Jill Valentine and her troopers. Jill and Alice go at it while Leon and the other men cover Rebecca and take care of some business. Eventually they are able to escape, just of their group, is severely injured.

Based on some reliable information, Alice's friends, Claire, Chris, and KMart are possibly in another Umbrella location, a base underground the Antarctic. Alice leads the group, towards the base as more FLASHBACKS take place. Some characters have known each other previously. Leon and Jill for example. Leon also stumbled upon Plagas somewhere in Europe, hence his skills on dealing with them during the previous battles.

As they arrive, Jill Valentine, Bad Rain, more soldiers and a captive Ada Wong crash the scene before Alice is able to investigate further. Leon, Luther and Barry are ready for another battle as Rain takes down Ada, who is quickly saved by Leon...Alice and Jill Valentine have a war of words, where it is revealed, her friends are not in this underground base and more importantly, that ALICE was born and created, to be part of a superior species of human beings. This is why her DNA bonded with the T Virus years ago. Not only has she been brainwashed, monitored and exploited for years, she serves a more blood tied purpose. She is the sister of Albert Wesker whom is also created as she is, and are part of a group of Wesker Children. Created, designed, and guided, by their father, the founder of The Umbrella Corporation, Ozwell Spencer, who despite his old age, is still alive somewhere. Monitoring, still tracking Alice, who sent for his daughter, to finally come home.

Alice is in shock, but after a moment, realizes, her family are with her(Becky, Leon, etc) right now. Her family are also Claire, Chris and KMart, whom she won't quit looking for....Jill asks her to decide. Come home Alice, or death is the other choice.

Jill looks towards Rain who has boosted her strength via a Plaga serum, "Is that all you've got?" Alice asks looking at Jill.

"It's more than enough...Alice..."

The epic battle ensues. Blood is spilled, and midway through the battle, Jill's battle suit becomes shredded, partially exposing the red scarab on her chest. The fight continues, both Alice and Jill Valentine injured heavily, but finally...Alice is able to take out the device and killing Rain clone again in the process. Jill is knocked out as Alice looks towards her friends and back down at Jill. She retrieves the communication device attached to Jill's waist and before she can figure it out, Wesker and Ozwell Spencer appear on the tiny monitor. Wesker informs Alice that her friends are still alive, but not for much longer as through the device, Ozwell's eyes pierce into Alice's. She stares back into his icy, yet inviting eyes. Alice in disbelief.

End Movie


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Post time 1-9-2012 12:22 AM | Show all posts
Nasib baik mesia x der zombie yippieee!!!!

dgr kater the next film will be last film on franchise betul ker?

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Post time 2-9-2012 01:25 PM | Show all posts

ini dia Li Bingbing, yang bawak watak Ada Wong dalam Resident Evil Retribution.

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Post time 3-9-2012 08:29 PM | Show all posts
suke sgt michelle rondigues...
camne dia leh hidup balik dalam siri terbaru ni?
sama-sama la kita nantikan....
dulu sheols pernah couple dgn vin diesel kan?

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Post time 3-9-2012 08:44 PM | Show all posts
so skrg nih... bila main cite nih...

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Post time 4-9-2012 01:29 PM | Show all posts
berusjamban posted on 3-9-2012 08:29 PM
suke sgt michelle rondigues...
camne dia leh hidup balik dalam siri terbaru ni?
sama-sama la kita ...

oh die pernah kapel dgn vin diesel ye? adekah disebabkan fast n furious?

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 Author| Post time 4-9-2012 11:18 PM | Show all posts

Alice is back...!!!


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