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Author: achik2009

Updated: Siti Nurhaliza, Tengku Zawiyah sudah berbaik (pg.40)

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Post time 26-11-2012 10:27 PM | Show all posts
krukx posted on 26-11-2012 09:10 PM
anak2 perempuan Hishamuddin dua2 org bentuk muka cantik macam mak dorang...sweet sangat
aku rasa CT ...

mengaku urban, perangai mengalah makcik flat kg kerinchi...kennn?

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Post time 26-11-2012 10:32 PM | Show all posts
Lawanya mak pengantin perempuan...Awet muda...

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Post time 26-11-2012 11:40 PM | Show all posts
murasaki posted on 26-11-2012 08:48 PM
dan lagi

keluarga Hishamuddin ni lawa lawa belako
kalah artis
ni baru beauty wt brains

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Post time 26-11-2012 11:56 PM | Show all posts
murasaki posted on 26-11-2012 08:46 PM
lagi gamba pengantin yg cantik

subhanallahh.. chumells!! seri pengantin ni.. semoga kekal hingga ke syurga..

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Post time 27-11-2012 12:01 AM | Show all posts
mamapip posted on 26-11-2012 09:26 AM
Allah ni Maha Adil.....dia bagi kite idop mewah & ada kesemua yg kite mau tapi tak diberinya rezek ...

stuju tu.. sian dato ct.. asik kna kutuk aja..

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Post time 27-11-2012 12:02 AM | Show all posts
lawanya pgntin pompuan.. mak pgntin pon lawa.. iols suka bini pak mudin ni x bz cover keje somi beliau.. sure cucu tok t comey lotey..

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Post time 27-11-2012 02:21 AM | Show all posts
murasaki posted on 26-11-2012 08:47 PM

suka tgk baju n mekap simple jer tp nice

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Post time 27-11-2012 06:08 AM | Show all posts
sweetnye penganten pompan...lembut jek muke...macam muke mak dia jugak..

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Post time 27-11-2012 08:55 AM | Show all posts
eyrA622 posted on 27-11-2012 02:21 AM
suka tgk baju n mekap simple jer tp nice

setuju, simple je kan.....

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Post time 27-11-2012 08:58 AM | Show all posts
walaupon anak dato, tp akad nikah baju simple jah.. bestnya..

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Post time 27-11-2012 09:07 AM | Show all posts
tiba-tiba aku rasa suka pulak kat Dato' Hishamudin ni..

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Post time 27-11-2012 09:09 AM | Show all posts
memang cantik jelita wife Hishamuddin ni
teringat dorang kawen dulu2 dalam majalah wanita
muda remaja sangat2 masa tu wifenya

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Post time 27-11-2012 09:24 AM | Show all posts
cantiknye pelamin dia.. simple & elegen

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Post time 27-11-2012 09:50 AM | Show all posts
tak menahan baca caption kat insta ct... we r happy family. kot ye pun happy, tak payah la nk bgtau. tp ye ke happy...

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Post time 27-11-2012 09:53 AM | Show all posts
bini hishamudin ni nmpk muda je. dia da nmpk mcm adik beradik da ngan anak dia.. hehehe..

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Post time 27-11-2012 09:54 AM | Show all posts
murasaki posted on 26-11-2012 08:46 PM
lagi gamba pengantin yg cantik


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Post time 27-11-2012 10:05 AM | Show all posts
eyansss posted on 26-11-2012 09:01 PM
awat orang pertikaikan kehadiran tok ti...  tapi takde pun pertikaikan kehadiran suami baru TZ...


well said

tlg laa..dorg masing2 da move kat forum ni pulak nk cakap lebih2 ..

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Post time 27-11-2012 10:12 AM | Show all posts
mmg betul ke tok ti cintan cintun dgn ramli ms....dulu ...kiranya tok ti mmg taste org tua la ye....

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Post time 27-11-2012 10:15 AM | Show all posts
pluto posted on 26-11-2012 12:23 PM
anak hishamuddin nih skolah tak pandai kan dah anak menteri leh la hantar belajar kat mana2 liar aku ...

i guess u salah....bace komen korang kat sini buat aku gelak kih..kih...
anak die alyssa ni pandai..yg lain2 tak tau la kan...spm die score straight As...i boleh ckp beauty with brain sister one of kawan yg dapat invitation...and her best fren too....byk gak gambar i tgk ..malam pas nikah sis amik..when i asked her..CT camner..die just ckp..CT patut tau mana die berdiri...tu jer die kp...
dah ni statment last i kat tread nih..ckp lebih2..nanti ramai sentap...
next recep kat shagrila sabtu nih...bye..bye...

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Post time 27-11-2012 10:17 AM | Show all posts
pluto posted on 26-11-2012 12:23 PM
anak hishamuddin nih skolah tak pandai kan dah anak menteri leh la hantar belajar kat mana2 liar aku ...

I'm happy to send mine to national schools

Now that international schools are open to Malaysians, some parents will be switching their children from the national to foreign stream. Education Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein will not be one of them and shares with KAREN CHAPMAN how his children have flourished under the Malaysian school system.

HIS ELDEST child Nasha Alyssa was educated in national schools and obtained straight As in all her public examinations. But she is no mere bookworm.

Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein
“She has developed in a very holistic way and has many friends from different backgrounds and races, which make up the Malaysian society. National schools have given her and my other three children a more-rounded education,” says proud father and Education Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein.

He has no regrets making the decision to let his children attend national schools while some of his peers have done otherwise.
Where parents choose to send their children is a very personal decision, he says. One type of school may not necessarily be better than another but certainly different schools meet different needs.
“At the end of the day, it is the right of the parents to decide. We know they have various reasons. Sometimes, it is not even related to education.
“It could be giving the children exposure or access to a certain language. The good thing is that the Government is able to provide options for them to choose from,” he adds.
As for liberalising international schools and setting a maximum quota of 40% for Malaysian students, he says this is a new option for parents.
However, this is an expensive alternative and not everyone can afford it.
“I have four children and I definitely cannot afford to send all of them there but that is not the main reason. If the gap between the education systems in national and international schools were really wide, then perhaps I would not have an option.

Hishammuddin’s daughter Kyra Arianna (second from right) comparing UPSR results with her friends (from left) Steffi Solpiee, Jacqueline Lim Chin Nun and Alesha Nazrin last year. – Filepic

“But since that is not the case, I made the decision to have my children educated in national schools,” he says in reference to Nasha Alyssa, Faris Hussein (Form Three), Kyra Arianna (Form One) and Fahd Hussein (Year Two).

Nasha Alyssa, who obtained nine 1As in the Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) examination last year, is taking the Trinity College Foundation Studies Programme in Melbourne.
“My children started school long before I was a minister, let alone an education minister. We started planning for our children's education long ago.
“My eldest daughter is 17 and she has gone through the whole education system. I wanted her to go to Australia, not because of the education, but to become more independent and to appreciate home,” he says, adding that even this has created all kinds of allegations.
“I do not judge people for the decisions they make. So how I bring up my children shouldn't be judged either. I have given her the best education in Malaysia right up to SPM and she has done very well here and in Melbourne.
“My job as education minister is to give as many options as possible to all Malaysians. They must love their country, understand our identity and our unity. That is one reason why the ministry has stressed the importance of learning the national language in international schools too.”
He adds that those who could afford international schools have an additional option. “As humans, we always think the grass is greener on the other side. When Malaysians can't get into international schools, we think that they are better but once you are there, it may not necessarily be the case.
“As a father, I find our national schools just as good. My parents sent me overseas when I was young and I found that I lost out on friends. I always tell my children that the friends they make in school now will be the friends they remember for life.
“I have no problems with the schools I sent my children to. They have done well and even if they haven't, it's not because of the school but my own children who didn’t study or missed out on certain things,” he says
credit the star online ... 6&sec=education


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