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Cari buku untuk improve english terutama dari segi grammar
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Buku apa yang boleh saya baca untuk memperkukuhkan bahasa inggeris terutama dari segi grammar (contoh saya keliru masa penggunaan dan perbezaan seperti had been= have been ; sekadar contoh). If rakan-rakan ada tahu satu buku yang bagus untuk tujuan improve english, saya akan segera ke MPH @ Kinokuniya @ Popular @ Borders etc cari buku itu. Terima kasih. |
bacalah novel adaptasi filem yang awak minat (eg, twilight, harry porter,LOTR, host....). paling tidak, majalah berbahasa inggeris pun ok. |
reader's digest ok...kalau suka novel, boleh beli novel kategori yang u suka. romance ke, thriller ke, ape-ape la. ke nak buku rujukan? byk kan ada kat bookstore tu? easy english la, english for learning la. macam-macam kot. happy reading ![](static/image/smiley/onion/handsome.gif) |
vanillarexy posted on 29-3-2013 11:54 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
reader's digest ok...kalau suka novel, boleh beli novel kategori yang u suka. romance ke, thriller k ...
thanks a lot ![](static/image/smiley/onion/hooray.gif)
kalo rajin baca buku pegi buat latihan2 grammar dari buku2 mcm Schaum's series or Pearson/Longman.
red dulu rajin ke Kinokuniya dan beli buku2 latihan yang boleh tunjuk grammar satu persatu. until now red still guna buku2 tu sbb sgt berguna untuk reference. |
umur berapa dik?
kalau masih muda mulakan dulu dgn pembacaan yg ringan. yang englishnya sgt mudah faham.
masa bel from 1 dulu bel rajin baca enid blytons series...then apply ayat2 dlm tu dlm karangan.
masa tu bel mmg suka menulis. rajin tulis short stories, poem gitu...
redsinner posted on 2-4-2013 10:50 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
kalo rajin baca buku pegi buat latihan2 grammar dari buku2 mcm Schaum's series or Pearson/Longman.
wah bagus tu, kalau tak kebeeratan boleh share nama buku dgn pengarang nya?
hest posted on 4-4-2013 09:44 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
kamus ni ley guna time off9 tak? hest ada donlod gak hest ambik english malay dictionary free.. bl ...
besta tu bel pernah tgk...rasanya ok. blh dgr pronounciation.
yg wordbook tu rasanya blh offline sbb nnt akan download data.
hmmm...buku apa yg hest penah baca dan rasa suka?
cuba bg contoh, maybe bel blh suggest buku yg menarik...
kalau umur2 kita ni hest english yg mudah ni dlm kategori chick lit...ringan aje bacaan nya
beldandy posted on 4-4-2013 09:54 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
besta tu bel pernah tgk...rasanya ok. blh dgr pronounciation.
yg wordbook tu rasanya blh offline ...
hest tak berapa kisah sangat, hest kalau blh nak cari buku cerita dari majalah. sebab buku cerita kita akan lebih teruja nak habeskan. kalau english ni hest tak kisah genre kot. kalau novel melayu je hest tak suka kisah cinta berat
hest posted on 4-4-2013 10:05 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
hest tak berapa kisah sangat, hest kalau blh nak cari buku cerita dari majalah. sebab buku cerita ...
hmmm....kalau camtu cubalah baca buku a walk to remember by nicholas spark
best dan bg bel english dia simple.
nak ebook ke?
beldandy posted on 4-4-2013 10:39 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
hmmm....kalau camtu cubalah baca buku a walk to remember by nicholas spark
best dan bg bel englis ...
ebook? hest pakai BB la.. screen kecik ada link ke? kalau ada blh je bagi. buku tu nanti hest cari.
u cuba tanya cikgu english kat universiti....diorang mesti tahu ...zaman i dulu, we all pakai buku author dia Azar **** (sorry tak ingat nama full author tu) but i believe now sure dah byk buku yg bagus...what u need to do is....u tgk a few grammar books yg elok and u belek buku tu...u can tell which one yg plg sesuai dgn u...and make sure penerangan dia ada time line sb grammar is all about time line and contoh yg buat comparison.....u akan senang faham...klu takde time line tak perlu beli la...
hope that helps.
hest posted on 4-4-2013 09:16 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
hest dah tua tapi teringin nak fluet dalam english skang ni kalau kat opis.. apa aje yg terp ...
hi...u guna besta...bagus ke? i ingat nak beli utk anak2 i....tlg kasi feedback ye...
hest posted on 4-4-2013 09:13 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
wah bagus tu, kalau tak kebeeratan boleh share nama buku dgn pengarang nya?
sorry @hest for my tardy reply.
i bought a lot of books when i first started learning english aeons ago, one of them was this book - Schaum's English Grammarbut i found that this book had a some discrepancies on both the theories and answers so i switched to other books. try online too, i found that chatting and emailing to e-pal around the world helped a lot with my written english and basic grammar rules.
at the moment, my choice of reference would have to be this one - Longman Advanced Learner
i used this book day and night for all of my grammar query. Expensive, yes. but that was my determination in improving my english.
another suggestion on top of dictionary, buy a Thesaurus. a dictionary gives you the definition of words, whereby a thesaurus would give you list of antonyms to use. this will definitely increase your vocabulary!
both books and thesaurus would be available at Kinokuniya, as that was my favourite place to lepak. thesaurus would be sitting near dictionary.
hope this helps hest.
hest posted on 9-4-2013 09:58 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
time kasih redsinnder.. insyaAllah nanti hest cari 2 buku tu...
haa tgk hest paham je apa re ...
haaa cuba hest reply dlm english..
tgk sikit. ![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif)
time marah nak jadi wonder woman pun boleh. dulu time belajar french buleh je maki dlm french. lol |
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