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5.5 Tan Coklat Nutella Dicuri
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Selera pencuri sekarang makin kreatif......kira2 5.5 tan coklat nutella telah dicuri di Jerman; bernilai kira2 16,000 euros. Sebelum ini, minuman jana tenaga juga telah dicuri dpd lokasi yg sama. Sekian, melaporkan utk forum Salam hormat.
(sedapppp tul makan nutella sapu roti ni...)

Thieves in Germany have stolen 5.5 tonnes of Nutella, the chocolate-hazelnut spread. They stole the jars from a parked trailer in the central German town of Bad Hersfeld.
The haul of Nutella, which is manufactured by the Italian company Ferrero, is worth around 16,000 euros (£13,600).
Police said that an unknown number of culprits made off with the spread over the weekend.
Germans news agency dpa reported that thieves had previously stolen a load of energy drinks from the same location.
sumber : ... olen-114322452.html
lepas ni, polis perlu mengetatkan kawalan terhadap van/lori kek & roti pulak.....  |
teringat kes ada orang curi bertin tin maple sirop kat sini...
tapi maple sirop memang mahal pun... |
faraway1 posted on 10-4-2013 04:50 AM 
teringat kes ada orang curi bertin tin maple sirop kat sini...
tapi maple sirop memang mahal pun... ...
ko kat mane, faraway ?? |
laxmanall posted on 9-4-2013 02:54 PM 
ko kat mane, faraway ??
quebec city, canada
brp hrga nuteella kt malaysia skrg?
pack yg besar ,,. |
AHMADVW posted on 10-4-2013 05:04 AM 
brp hrga nuteella kt malaysia skrg?
pack yg besar ,,.
entah la ahmad, da lama betul aku x makan nutella ni.... |
nutella ni kira spread yg mahal sket but famous.
bese beli yg brand supermarket je.
bole la tu..janji ade untung..nk rompak bank, telo x cukup besar lagi (x berani).so rompak cokelat je la.. |
airfilterbersih posted on 10-4-2013 05:42 AM 
bole la tu..janji ade untung..nk rompak bank, telo x cukup besar lagi (x berani).so rompak cokelat j ...
NK rompk lmbu,
lmbu duk kt kondo
@AHMADVW - Pls komen pandai sikit..nnt kate hang bodoh mcm lembu hang marah lak...
cite cokelat ok lobai bukan lembu...nk cite lembu kalu...pi cari benang lembu.
prfffttthhhh... |
Nutella ni pakai minyak sawit special blend malaysia 
Tp depa dengki nak naikkan tax kaw2 biar kurangkan kebergantungan kt sawit mesia... |
nuttella ni menggemokkan ok |
nutella sedap..tapi mahal ya hamattt |
Nutella is so overrated. rasa coklat murah jah, tapi harga mahal.  |
faraway1 posted on 10-4-2013 04:50 AM 
teringat kes ada orang curi bertin tin maple sirop kat sini...
tapi maple sirop memang mahal pun... ...
ooo ingat kat malaysia je mahal maple syrup...bukan ka bendera canada gambar daun maple??? harus maple syrup murah2 aje kat sana khen...
*x dapat beza daun maple dgn daun ganja
nutella ni sekali sekala bila teringin je ku beli, sbb mahal la..... |
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