Movie Info
On the last day of the first manned mission to Mars, a crew member of Tantalus Base believes he has made an astounding discovery - fossilized evidence of bacterial life. Unwilling to let the relief crew claim all the glory, he disobeys orders to pack up and goes out on an unauthorized expedition to collect further samples. But a routine excavation turns to disaster when the porous ground collapses, and he falls into a deep crevice and near certain death. His devastated colleagues attempt to recover his body. However, when another vanishes they start to suspect that the life-form they have discovered is not yet dead. As the group begins to fall apart it seems their only hope is the imminent arrival of the relief ship Aurora.
Director: Ruairi Robinson
Stars: Liev Schreiber, Romola Garai, Elias kxtxas
Last edited by eddlisa_uyuk on 29-9-2013 04:04 PM
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yeay, another sci-fi space movie. 
sape nih???? ngape kene censored? |
annehuda posted on 27-9-2013 11:57 AM 
sape nih???? ngape kene censored?
ler. x pasan lak kne censored.
elias k0teas, pelakon yg muka iras2 mark strong.
ak suspek plot berkenaan kena serang zombie -zombie yg datang dari bakteria yg mereka jumpa dlm fossil yg kemudiannya menyerang kesemua krew 2 itu |
cter ni baru tyg kt hbo kot? ahad aritu.
bosan gila. x sebest cter sci-fi/space exploration lain.
Mmg bosanpun. Aku suka filem genre mcm ni. Sekali tgk adehh. Tangkap muat je jalan citer. Aku suka citer yg charlize theron berlakon tu pasal asal usul alien tu kan. Prometheus. So kalau ada citer genre mcm ni aku akan bandingkan dgn citer prometheus ni |
hahahahahahahaha nama dia k0te-as.  |
tgk gak kat hbo...tapi leh tetido...ehehe..
pelik gak..nape leh tak pasan cite nih kat wayang dulu..ke memang tak ade kat wayang malaysia? |
tak tyg pun kt wyg mesia. |
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