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bila geng PPRT berbalah.. HUKM terlibat sama
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Four pay price for revealing medical records
KUALA LUMPUR: A High Court here has ordered a director of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre (UKMMC), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) and two others to pay RM400,000 to a community leader for revealing his psychiatric medical records.
Judicial Commissioner Vazeer Alam Mydin Meera instructed UKMMC and UKM to pay RM200,000 in general damages.
PPR Kampung Muhibbah II residents Khairulnizam Nordin, 32, and Zulkefli Mohd Rusly, 44, have also been ordered to pay RM200,000 in damages to Mohd Zairi Rasidi Abd Hadi, 36.
JC Vazeer also told the four defendants to pay RM25,000 in costs.
He said he was satisfied that Mohd Zairi had proven his case against UKMMC, UKM, Khairulnizam and Zulkefli.
Khairulnizam and Zulkefli distributed documents containing the personal particulars and medical records of Mohd Zairi’s treatment to other residents of PPR Kampung Muhibbah II in Jalan Puchong.
They also told the residents that the documents showed that Mohd Zairi was a lunatic.
In his judgment yesterday, JC Vazeer said the UKMMC director and UKM had a duty to ensure patients’ medical information were safeguarded and not disseminated in any unauthorised manner.
He said medical professionals and hospitals must take this duty of confidentiality very seriously.
“If not, the bedrock of society’s belief in the medical profession keeping a patient’s information safe from unauthorised disclosure would be shattered.
“Another disturbing feature of this case is the lackadaisical attitude of the UKMMC in investigating the plaintiff’s complaint when he first lodged it,” he said.
In his statement of claim filed on Nov 7 last year, Mohd Zairi named UKMMC, UKM, Khairulnizam and Zulkefli as defendants.
He said he was active in voluntary work and, among others, he was the PPR Kampung Muhibbah II Rukun Tetangga chairman and Rela member for Cheras district.
He said due to his activities in the NGOs, he felt that he suffered from mental pressure (tension), stress and migraine and had sought help from the hospital’s psychiatric clinic.
He said that one of the residents of Kampung Muhibbah II passed him the documents containing his personal information, his appointments with the doctors at the psychiatric clinic and other medical details on April 24.
He said the documents were circulated to the residents to humiliate him and implied he was a lunatic, of unsound mind and unfit to hold positions in the NGOs.
He sought RM2mil compensation for negligence and failure on the part of UKMMC and UKM to safeguard his personal documents, exemplary and punitive damages, costs and other reliefs deemed fit by the court.
tu baru pasal jawatan tahap rukun tetangga/rela...
sampai korek medical record ngan org dalam hospital..
kalau geng ppr ni cerdik.. mereka akan faham bukan semua yg dapat rawatan dari klinik Psychiatry sebab gila..
knape staf hospital tu boleh bagi macam tu jer rekod pesakit
kena rasuah ke ape ni???
teruk benor kedengkian yg 2 org tuh
kes nk berebut jawatan la ni gamaknye
smoge kes ni jadik pengajaran kt staf2 yg lain, yg senang2 jer leh reveal rekod pesakit kt org lain
banyak tuh hosp. kne bayor
bukan setakat ppr.. orang urban duduk rumah banglo pun ramai tak cerdik. klu gi jumpa pakar psikiatri maknanya orang tu gila. tu pasal la pakar psikiatri tukar nama jawatan jadi pakar motivasi |
Demi nak jatuhkan org sebab jawatan tak seberapa sanggup buat sampai tahap ni.. |
molek laa....dok balaoh sokmo kerja |
ni macai pprt kem mana ? |
ni kes berebut jawatan pengerusi Rukun Tetangga kah? |
edoraixora posted on 17-12-2013 11:10 AM
knape staf hospital tu boleh bagi macam tu jer rekod pesakit
kena rasuah ke ape ni???
teruk benor ...
aku nak speku...
ada kakitangan yang ada access kepada rekod pesakit duduk di PPRT yg sama..
kalau setakat access rekod pastu sebar secara verbal sahaja payah jugak kes nak lekat...
tapi kalau dah siap print medical record, tarikh appointment bagai... memang cari nahas..
hospital nak bayar takde masalah.. memang insurance cover...
tapi" PPR Kampung Muhibbah II residents Khairulnizam Nordin, 32, and Zulkefli Mohd Rusly, 44, have also been ordered to pay RM200,000 in damages'
mamat dua ekor ni mana nak cari duit nak bayar 200k...
elaun rukun tetangga cukup kot |
Sebab ni laa orang kita x nak jumpa counsellor, psychiatrists. .
pastu bunuh diri, bunuh orang, buang bayi.. |
selayaknyalah bagi beliyau |
Cakkkk....aaaa posted on 17-12-2013 12:48 PM
aku nak speku...
ada kakitangan yang ada access kepada rekod pesakit duduk di PPRT yg sama..
I speku Kamaruzzaman or Zoulkeflie tu yg kije HUKM ne...salah sorang la kot ....selayaknya la kene bayar 400k + RM 25000 ...hahah ...btw Doc RT takde elaun la..just kopi ngan biskut kering ja..HaHa
Ne Baru pasal Jawatan RT or Ketua Penduduk ...Kalau bertanding Bahagian ka ..Ahli Parlimen Ka...Lagi teruk La PA kot ...huhu -
Selayaknya La . |
hamik..nak cekau mana 200k?
hadap sgt jwtn sampai busukkan nama org..menjawab la |
sampai macam tu sekali nak aibkan orang...
sekarang sapa yang terima padah |
dapat 400k freeeeeeeeeeee |
Bersepah aku jumpa staff yang ada access pasal medical history di suka dedahkan hal ni pada umum samada secara sengaja atau tak. termasuklah orang yang pergi dapatkan kaunseling. teruk betoi. manalah etika kerja diaorang ni
“Another disturbing feature of this case is the lackadaisical attitude of the UKMMC in investigating the plaintiff’s complaint when he first lodged it,” he said.
UKMMC ni gomen ka? |
He said he was active in voluntary work and, among others, he was the PPR Kampung Muhibbah II Rukun Tetangga chairman and Rela member for Cheras district.
Jarang laa aku dengor pengerusi RT berbalah sesama sendiri.
Tapi kalu jawatan Ketua Cawangan tu aku percaya. Apakah.....
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