Twenty-two years after the events of Jurassic Park, Isla Nublar now features a fully functioning dinosaur theme park, Jurassic World, as originally envisioned by John Hammond. The park is owned by the Patel Corporation. Owen (portrayed by Chris Pratt), a member of Jurassic World's on-site staff, conducts behavioral research on the Velociraptors. After many years, Jurassic World's attendance rates begin to decline, and a new attraction created to re-spark visitor interest gravely backfires.
Last edited by eddlisa_uyuk on 23-11-2014 10:52 PM
Universal Pictures Brasil has released a teaser with the phrase "Something big is coming," on their Facebook page to drum up excitement for the impending Jurassic World trailer.
The teaser is repurposed footage of water vibrating, from Jurassic Park. The water vibrating warned the human characters that the Tyrannosaurus Rex was heading their way. In this instance, it’s meant to warn you that a teaser trailer is heading your way.
You can see it below. Or, just go watch Jurassic Park and see it there. Either way. The full teaser trailer will be released in 7 days, according to the countdown on the Jurassic World website.
Jurassic World, directed by Colin Trevorrow and starring Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard, will be released in theaters June 12, 2015.
Masrani Global is a Fortune 500 company founded in 1973 by Sanjay Masrani. After Sanjays passing in 1992, Simon Masrani (Irrfan Khan) took over, and soon expanded into the lucrative oil industry. In the year 1997, John Parker Hammond (the late Richard Attenborough) of International Genetic Technologies (InGen) passed away, and Masrani Global acquired the company in 1998. By this time the San Diego Incident has occurred, and InGen was under the close scrutiny of the public eye. However, this did not stop Simon Masrani from pursuing the Jurassic World project on Isla Nublar, the original resting place of Jurassic Park.
kuat irfan khan berlakon holiwud
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