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Edited by eddlisa_uyuk at 20-10-2015 08:11 AM
Hi guys! Iolss baru tgok movie Goosebumps last Saturday, iolss rasa movie ni best. Ada siapa yang dah tgok?
Plot/ *Spoiler Alert (Highlight kalau nak baca text dibawah )Teenager Zach Cooper (Dylan Minnette) and his mother Gale (Amy Ryan) move from New York to the small fictional town of Madison, Delaware. His new neighbors are a girl named Hannah (Odeya Rush) and her mysterious author father "Mr. Shivers" (Jack Black), who tells him to stay away from his daughter. At his new high school where Gale becomes the new vice-principal, Zach meets and befriends Champ (Ryan Lee), a socially awkward student who is often bullied. One night, Zach hears Shivers and Hannah arguing from his window, followed by Hannah screaming. When he calls the police to investigate, Shivers assures Officer Stevens (Timothy Simons) and Officer Brooks (Amanda Lund) that the scream was from a movie. The officers lecture Zach about wasting the police's time and leave as Gale tells Zach to go home.Suspicious of Shivers and fearing Hannah is in danger, Zach anonymously calls Shivers and pretends to be a police officer and tells him to come to the police station for further questioning. Once he is gone, Zach and Champ break into Shivers' house in search of Hannah. They find several manuscripts from the Goosebumps book series, all of which are locked. They unlock The Abominable Snowman of Pasadena, but are confronted by Hannah who assumes they are burglarizing the house. Zach clears up the misunderstanding. But when he accidentally opens the unlocked book, the Abominable Snowman emerges from it and breaks out of the house. In the ensuing chaos, the Night of the Living Dummy manuscript is accidentally unlocked as well. Zach, Champ, and Hannah pursue the Abominable Snowman to a local ice rink where it attacks them, but Shivers appears and sucks it back into the book. On the way home, it is revealed that "Mr. Shivers" is actually R.L. Stine, the author of the Goosebumps books. He explains to the three kids that he created the books' monsters when he was a child to cope with severe bullying. However, the monsters became real and he had to lock them in their manuscripts. Returning to the house, Stine and the kids are confronted by Slappy the Dummy (voiced by Jack Black), the villain of Night of the Living Dummy who is angry about being imprisoned. Before Stine can capture him, Slappy burns his own manuscript and flees with the others in The Haunted Car. The Lawn Gnomes from Revenge of the Lawn Gnomes are also freed. Zach, Hannah and Champ help Stine smash them into pieces, but each gnome reforms itself making them realize that they cannot be destroyed. Slappy frees the other Goosebumps monsters and leads them on a destructive rampage across Madison where the Body Squeezer from Invasion of the Body Squeezers Pt. 1 and 2 freeze the entire police department. Zach suggests to Stine to write a new book that will trap every monster, but he can only do it on a special typewriter which is at the high school. He and the kids are attacked by various Goosebumps monsters on their way to the school, including Brent Green the invisible boy (also voiced by Jack Black) from My Best Friend is Invisible, a giant mantis from A Shocker On Shock Street and Will Blake's werewolf form from The Werewolf of Fever Swamp pursues them in an abandoned supermarket. They escape and Zach's aunt Lorraine (Jillian Bell) hits the werewolf with her car. As Stine and the kids continue toward the high school through the cemetery, Zach notices that Hannah glows a ghostly blue in the moonlight. Before he can ask her about it a zombie bursts out of the ground. After they escape the Graveyard Ghouls from Attack of the Graveyard Ghouls in the cemetery, he privately questions Stine about Hannah's existence. Stine reveals that she is not real, but a Goosebumps character he created after his wife died, though Hannah is unaware of this. They find the typewriter and Stine starts working on the new book. However, Slappy confronts Stine and breaks his fingers before it can be finished. The monsters attack the school during a fall dance, Champ rescues Taylor (Halston Sage) from Will Blake's werewolf form by biting him with his silver teeth fillings, they kiss. The students have to barricade themselves inside to keep the other monsters out. Stine and the kids board a bus and lead the monsters away from the school to an abandoned carnival on the outskirts of town. Slappy catches up with them in the Funhouse and unleashes the giant blob from The Blob That Ate Everyone. While Stine distracts the monsters, Zach finishes the story, but is reluctant to open the book because Hannah will be trapped inside it as well. Hannah reveals that she knew she was not real all along and opens the book. Slappy and the monsters are all sucked into it, and while Zach tries to hold on to her, Hannah accepts her fate and is sucked in as well after they kiss. Some time later, Stine has started working at the high school as an English teacher. After class, Zach asks him if he misses Hannah, but Hannah suddenly reappears. Stine reveals that he wrote her back into existence with another book. She and Zach kiss and leave school together while Stine burns Hannah's manuscript and tosses it in the garbage. As Stine prepares to leave the school, he sees the typewriter typing "The Invisible Boy's Revenge" by itself revealing that Brent Green had somehow evaded capture. Stine screams as his hand prints appear on the cabinet's glass.
CastCast overview, first billed only: | | | ... | | | | ... | | | | ... | | | | ... | Champ
| | | ... | Gale
| | | ... | Lorraine
| | | ... | Coach Carr
| | | ... | | | | ... | Davidson
| | | ... | Principal Garrison
| | | ... | | | | ... | Officer Stevens
| | | ... | Mr. Rooney
| | | ... | Hallway Player
| | | ... | |
Trailer :-
Tak tgk dh baca komik dia dkt kino khatam jln cerita terus...but masuk must watch movie this year |
Pg ni dgq radio ckp sumting pasai movie ni..novel dia ka apa laris..ka apabenda yg laris..x dgq clear..bestnya mcm nk tgk... |
dulu kecik2 suka tgk citer goosebumps kat ntv7 |
Cam best je cite ni. Leh bawak anak gi tengok ni |
Aku da baca texts itu...Untung laa yang sudah baca, boleh tahu jalan cerita..And siapa sudah penah baca buku-buku Goosebumps?kalau mahu tahu,jalann cerita muvee ni,bacala text kat atas tu
karekter seperti Slappy, Professor Shock, Scarerow, Jack O Lantern, The Executioner, Haunted Mask, Bog Monster atau Mummy adalah mimpi ngeri bagi kanak-kanak mat salleh @ orange puteh kalau kat sini mcm antu toyol,pocong, bunian, langsuir,antu galah antu kum kum sebagai contoh
err...JUMANJI - LIKE ???? |
takde pulak terpikir macam Jumanji, Goosebumps is a series of children's horror fiction. Jumanji is more to fantasy adventure.
dah tgk..
bawak anak 2 tahun g tgk..die pun suke..hahaha.. |
dah tgk. and recommended. 8/10. |
horror fiction fantasy adventure?
hmm...make believe world semua tu ye hoccay ....
just that bila tengok buku tu terbuka ada keluar characters macam adegan jumanji yg depa main dadu ...then something happen...
Teringin nak tengok..sebab dari kecil memang dah baca buku2 rl stine
Tapi prefer cerita under fear street saga mcm evil cheerleaders semua tu.. yg goosebumps ni sesuai utk kanak2 |
selalu tgok siri goosebumps di ntv7 circa 2001 |
pada i cerita ni tak syok sgt.
tapi kalau utk kanak2 mungkin mereka suka. |
asyik tengok citer thrill & intelligent je.. sekali sekala tengok citer komedi pun best gak... citer ni memang kelakar 
Paling kelako si Champ ...
Biler dia menjerit ... Stine nengok dia ... dan bertanya .. adakah dia yang menjerit .... ngan muka kelako,dia cakap .. dun judge me okie ... hahahah |
Dylan ni ... nak cakap ncem ... tak ncem ...tapi mmg suweet....
He got very deep manly voice .... melting dengar sore dia  |
Better stop!!! pmbacaan anda SE-KA-RANG jika anda bniat utk mlihatnya d pawagam.
Coz bluzin akan mngulas sehabis baik......

Jika masih berkeras, silakan terus mbaca.
Zach dgn ibunya baru pindah rumah d kwsn Greenland. Berjiran pula dgn keluarga pelik. Jiran mereka hidup berdua iaitu Hannah dan bapanya. Si ayah tiba2 bagi amaran supaya Zach xmelintasi pagar yg mmisahkan kawasan rumah mereka dan tdk mngacau anak perempuannya, Hannah.
Satu hari, Hannah ajak Zack ke tempat rahsia d sbuah hutan. Rupanya sbuah kawasan 'funfair' yg sudah lama d tggalkan.
Mereka kawan rapat dari situ. Bila balik pd wktu malam, Hannah d marahi bapanya.
Di rumah Zack, Zack skodeng rumahHannah di balik tingkap. Dia mlihat bayangan bapanya mlakukan sesuatu sehingga Hannah mnjerit nyaring siot!!. Zach panik dan bergegas ke rumah Hannah. Dia juga call polis untuk mnyelamatkan Hannah. Anehnya...kelibat Hannah tdk ada di dalam rumah. Pihak polis beranggapan Zach hnya mbuat laporan palsu. Ibunya.... jg tdk percaya.
Zach cam x berpuashati. Sepeninggalan ibunya utk mghadiri mjlis tarian di sekolah, Zach curi2 masuk dlm rumah Hannah. Sebelum itu, dia mbuat pggilan palsu kpd bapa Hannah.... dan mnyuruhnya ke balai.
Zach sempat mngajak rakan sekolahnya, Champ utk dtg ke situ jg.
Mereka berdua pecah masuk ke rumah Hannah dan cuba mncari kelibat Hannah. Zach branggapan yg Hannah kmungkinan d kurung oleh ayahnya. Mereka tiba di suatu kabinet yg tersusun buku2 dari siri Goosebumps,..... hasil karya RL Stine. Kesemua buku tersebut berkunci.
Tanpa syak apa2, Zach mbuka sebuah buku dengan kunci yg dtemuinya..... dekat kabinet atas desakan, Champ kawan baek zack. Hannah tiba2 muncul entah dari mana ngan mbawa pemukul. Dia panik mlihat buku kepunyaan ayahnya dibuka. Segalanya kucar kacir apabila watak jahat/antu/monster dalam buku tersebut keluar dan merosakkan alat disekelilingnya. Watak pertama kluar adalah hantu salju berbulu, diikuti Slappy, sebuah patung boneka kayu berkot yang kejam. Dia telah mncuri smua buku dan mulai melepaskan satu2 watak jahat/antu/monster/mambang dlm buku2 tersebut.
Terbongkar rahsia, rupanya ayah kpd Hannah itu...... adalah pnulis yg bernama ,.....RL Stine.
Maka, Zach, Hannah, Champ n Stine berusaha mnghentikan pbuatan Slappy. Smua monster bole dikurung smula ke dalam buku jika buku tersebut dibuka dan diarahkan kepada setiap monster mngikut tajuk buku. Nmun segalanya tlmbat apabila Slappy mmbakar setiap buku yang dibukanya.
Klimaks, mereka terkurung di sekolah tempat majlis tarian diadakan sementara monster lain memunculkan diri dan berusaha mendapatkan Stine. Seluruh pnghuni di sekolah mjadi panik dan kucar kacir termsukla ibu Zach.
Satu2nya cara utk mghalang Slappy adalah menaip sebuah cerita baru mnggunakan mesin taip misteri....misteri laaa sangat!! untuk dijadikan buku di mana semua monster akan dpt dikurungkan semula. Slappy brtindak pantas mnghalang Stine dr mnyiapkan cerita tersebut.
Sekali lg terbongkar rahsia di mna Hannah jg adalah watak di dalam salah satu buku karya Stine. Nmun wataknya adalah watak baik dan mnyerupai manusia sbenar.
Ditakdirkn, Stine myerah diri untuk diambil oleh monster2 ciptaannya. Dia sempat mberikan mesin taip kepada Zach dan mnyuruhnya mnghabiskn cerita tersebut. Zach berjaya mnaip sehingga buat cerita tamat dan dia perasan, dia ada mnaip ....'lalu semua monster disedut msuk semula ke dalam buku...". Ini bermakna, Hannah jg mngalami nasib yg sama. Namun Hannah telah lama tahu yg dia bukannya mnusia biasa. Semua antu/monster/mambang berjaya disedut masuk smula ke dalam buku.
Zach pula berat hati mlihat pmergian Hannah.
Pnghujung cerita, RL Stine bkerja sebagai guru bhasa Inggeris d skolah tempat Zach belajar. Kegembiraan dirasai Zack smula apabila RL Stine sekali lg mncipta watak Hannah di dlm buku dan lahir d dunia realiti. Buku tersebut dibakar oleh RL Stine... kmudiannya agar Hannah kekal bersama mereka.
Kejutan berlaku tatkala RL Stine mlintasi kabinet kaca yg mnempatkan mesin taip msteri miliknya. Mesin bergerak tiba2 dan mnaip ayat2....Pembalasan Si Halimunan...
The end. Mybe ada sekuel la ni...
Kelebihan ; Pelakon mmg terer wlupun bnyk wajah baru. Watak Champ mmg melucukan. Monster seakan2 real, contoh, manusia ais & mentadak gergasi. Jln cerita tersusun wlupun sy xpnah baca versi buku.
Kekurengan ; Plakon RL Stine tu agak chubby klu dbandingkn dgn pnulis asal. Mujur lakonan dia mantop! Dan ada ketidaklogikan berlaku.
1) Scene Champ, Zach n Hannah dlm roda gergasi funfair yg bergolek sepanjang jln. Langsung xjatuh dr bngku?
2) Scene klimax bila smua monster/antu/mambang d sedut smula. Hannah ada bgtau yg monster/antu/mambang tu hnya bole d sedut masuk ke dlm buku jika buku dibuka ber-de-ka-tan dgn monster/antu/mambang. Wktu tu, bnyk makhlok2 sereeemm ni yg brjauhan turut disedut ke dlm buku. Sy fikir positif. Kmungkinan buku yg baru dtaip tu kuasa dia lebih dahsyat sbb smua makhlok2 serem2 ni dperangkap cuma mgunakan 1 buku. Tp semuanya salah. Sila lihat point seterusnya.
3) Scene ujung tu ktika si halimunan bagi amaran utk bls dendam. MACAMANA dia bole lepas dr disedut oleh buku tersebut padahal terang2 dia tulis 'semua monster...'. Hannah pun ter-sedut sekali. So c Halimunan? Oh. Adaka sbb dia halimunan? Xmungkin. Sbb watak Hannah pun disedut masuk. Mcm xlogik kan... 😑
Still, msih sbuah muveeyg berbaloi d tonton. Hrp2 psoalanku tjwb klu ada next sekuel.
Sila komen utk mnangkis sebarang info2 dr ulasan ini...
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Edited by cicicumel at 27-10-2015 03:31 AM
muka tipikal US teen je i teringat Freddie Prinze Jr tgk muka dia..
Hannah plak mcm muka Mila Kunis
apa citer si freddie tu skrg erk??? dah tenggelam habs dah .... iols dulu minat giler ngan s freddie nie
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