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Untuk Acong on Atheis logic ... sila komen
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[Atheis] argued that ........ differing biology does not give a religion the right to give different rights. or duties
[Muslim] countered ...... to put his claim to the test – he claims equality, so do men and women have the same reproductive rights? Andrew agreed that generally they should be equal. So I continued by asking whether both the man and the woman have the same right to a developing foetus in the womb (since they both created it)?” He said yes. Then I asked if the woman wants to terminate the foetus, but the man wants it to live – can the women terminate it anyway? – to which Andrew replied that it was impossible for the state to tie a woman down to prevent women from terminating their own foetus over 9 months. To which I replied that there was no need to tie a woman down, my question is, should the state enact legal punishments for women who terminate the foetus containing his genetic material, without the consent of the man?, shouldn’t the man have an equal say in the fate of the foetus he helped create from himself?” – to this Mr Copson responded as most Liberals would – the woman is the one who carries the child, it should be her choice.
So I said, “exactly”, even you concede that biological difference necessitates unequal rights and treatment”. The Atheist side went silent… |
Paham ke si 'm̶a̶t̶ ̶s̶l̶o̶w̶' ... acong tu , ko bagi panjang2 dlm english.
Dia tu slow sikit. Nanti melalak tak habis .....
Tak apa. Bagi dia tunjuk kebijakannya. Kalau dia boleh conclude tuhan tak wujud, dah tentu English tu macam makan kacang nak faham.
Ada lagi logic yang akan dibawa, inshaa Allah, tapi hari ni, yang ini ajer.
terpulanglah pada perempuan itu nak abort atau tidak...... pe masalahnya? 
bahalol, mana bukti kewujudan tuhan kau? 
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cuba ko berdua doa pd tuhan korang 
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I have been proven right once again .... melalak tak habis.
BTW , ko tak jawab lagi soalan logik tu. Ko tak paham ye scenario tersebut ....
apa yg tak jawabnya? ko nie mabuk kaa? 
Ha ha , tu pasal aku tanya ko paham tak scenario tersebut dlm english.
Rupa2 nya ko tak paham pasal ko langsung tak jawab soalan yg ditanya. Ko ni betul2 'mat slow' yg hanya tau melalak.
Ko nak kejar credit kot .....
ko nie mabuk kaa? bukankah aku dah bagi pendapat aku? 
ko ingat aku kena jawab cam penganut bahalol ikut skema dlm kitab palsu korang? 
LOL , yg ditanya adalah 'A' . Ko jawab 'B'. Langsung tak jawab soalan
Oop .... 'mat slow' lah katakan. Lagi pon scenario tersebut dlm english. Ko tak paham english kot
cuba ko quote kan soalan yg mahu dijawab 
Boleh tak ko baca sendiri dan jawab. Tak ada org nak tolong ko pasal ini terlampau basic.
Aiyoo , kalo ko tak paham english , pasal apa ko gatal nak melalak kat sini?
Wah .... Acong pun berfikiran macam Atheist dalam debatu tu.....
Ini jawapan Acong
terpulanglah pada perempuan itu nak abort atau tidak...... pe masalahnya?
Ini jawapan Atheist:
to this Mr Copson responded as most Liberals would – the woman is the one who carries the child, it should be her choice.
Pukulan dari Muslim:
“exactly”, even you concede that biological difference necessitates unequal rights and treatment”.
yang mana sekarang 'you' ditujukan kepada Acong dan Copson.
Ini membuktikan...... keperluan biological membenarkan hak dan layanan yang tidak sama. Ini pun kalau Acong tak faham atau faham....... silakan keluarkan argument mu wahai Acong..... mari kita sambung sembang-sembang..... 
OOkay, inshaa Allah, aku doakan Acong diberi hidayah oleh Allah... Aamiiiiin. 
amin......... bercukurlah....... 
apa yg bahalol mau? cuba pi minta dgn tuhan ko 
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LOL , ko yg 'mat slow' tak paham english mintak tolong tiba2 suruh org mintak dgn tuhan pulak
There is something wrong with you.
Nak kejar credit ye ....
itu la kau tak nampak masaalah kau. kau mengata orang buat pilihan macam pilihan kau tu saja yang betul.
kau tak perasan kot asalnya si atheis tu kritik gender unequality tapi lepas tu sebok pulak mesti ada unequality.
Atheist argue on logic dan dengan cepat akan tukar bila jawapan tak logic walaupun bercanggah.
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