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Share Hackathon Benefits: Why Participating in Hackathons Can Accelerate Your Growth
Andrewpaul9005 25-9-2024 12:23 PM
Hackathons have become a cornerstone of innovation and collaboration in the tech industry. These events, typically lasting 24 to 72 hours, bring together programmers, designers, entrepreneurs, and tech enthusiasts to solve complex problems or develop new products. Hackathons are more than just codi ...
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Share 美國欠兩百億美元軍備!郭正亮直言:未把台放心上
jki356879 25-9-2024 12:03 PM
華夏經緯網9月24日訊:根據香港「中評社」報道,2024年8月美國軍售相當活躍,而目前美國積欠台灣軍火價值已達205億美元(約合新台幣6554億元)的美國武器。聚焦亞太政治的刊物《外交家》(The Diplomat)21日稱,美國在供應武器上的克制,讓台灣地區陷入進退兩難的國防困境。對此,前民調代表郭正亮23日表示,美國 ...
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Share 2023年台軍自殺人數創6年新高
jki356879 25-9-2024 11:58 AM
根據香港《大公報》報道:根據台灣地區防務部門統計,2024年上半年及2023年全年台軍軍職人員自殺人數創6年新高,引發島內關注。有網友在島內網路論壇上評論稱,「想到要為垃圾民進黨上戰場送死就想不開」。 根據台灣《聯合報》報道,台防務部門近期發布的《台軍士官兵傷亡人數統計表》顯示,2023年台軍有23名軍 ...
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Share 卓榮泰官邸電費爆表惹眾怒台名嘴掀「劫民濟官」內幕
jki356879 25-9-2024 11:52 AM
台當局行政機構負責人卓榮泰24日赴民意機構備詢,官邸電費爆表爭議成為輿論關注焦點之一。 (示意圖/資料照/姚志平攝) 華夏經緯網9月25日訊:根據台灣「中時新聞網」報道,台當局行政機構負責人卓榮泰遭質疑官邸兩個月用電超過2萬度、電費15萬元(新台幣,下同),卓回應表示,一個禮拜只去兩天,家人沒有 ...
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Share 超思蛋總算辦了?台北市議員遊淑慧1年前就抓出其中貓膩
jki356879 25-9-2024 11:45 AM
超思蛋爭議爆發超過一年時間,如今北檢終於採取大動作偵辦,但民眾疑慮能否辦得出來? (示意圖非事件進口蛋/資料照) 華夏經緯網9月25日訊:根據台灣「中時新聞網」報道,針對超思進口蛋涉不法爭議,北檢24日指揮調查局台北市調查處機動站兵分14路搜索超思、亮採2家公司、農業主管機關、「畜產會」等地,約 ...
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Share 台南汽車驗車場凌晨大火輪胎雜物全燒盡
jki356879 25-9-2024 11:40 AM
仁德驗車場凌晨火警,燒了1個多小時撲滅。 (讀者提供/曹婷婷台南傳真) 仁德驗車場凌晨3點44分失火,燒了1個多小時終於撲滅。 (讀者提供/曹婷婷台南傳真) 華夏經緯網9月25日訊:根據台灣「中時新聞網」報道,台南市仁德區中山路一家驗車場25日凌晨3點44分突然起火,保全第一時間發現失火,立刻用滅 ...
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Share Baltimore Ravens Honor History
sunshine666 25-9-2024 11:36 AM
The Baltimore Ravens is an American professional football team founded in 1996 and belongs to the American Football Conference (AFC) of the National Football League (NFL). The team has a super high rating of 91 in the Madden 25 game. The team's history and honors are as follows: Team History ...
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Share Explore 10 Relaxing and Energizing Activities with Kratom Powder
brilliant4258 25-9-2024 08:15 AM
Taking kratom powder can provide a variety of effects, from energy boosts to a sense of deep relaxation, depending on the strain you choose. Whether you’re looking to stay active or unwind, your day off is a perfect opportunity to pair these effects with engaging and enjoyable activities. Here are ...
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Share Unlocking Sustainable Living: The Power of a 3kW Off-Grid Solar System
johnthomas 25-9-2024 07:31 AM
In a world increasingly driven by the need for sustainable energy solutions, off-grid solar systems have emerged as a beacon of hope for eco-conscious individuals and businesses alike. One such solution is the 3kW off grid solar system , a compact yet powerful energy setup that can transfor ...
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Share Tattoo studio
NathanClay 25-9-2024 06:55 AM
When searching for the right tattoo studio, L.O.V.E.machine stands out as a top choice. The moment I entered this shop, I was impressed by the welcoming atmosphere and the professionalism of the staff. They made me feel comfortable and took the time to discuss my ideas. The artists here have a re ...
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