Stolen Childhood - Girls prostitutes of Bangladesh
Imagine a girl under 13 years old, who plays the adult, wears a dress, painted to hide his youth under the mask of makeup. Imagine the smile on her face and her innocence.Imagine that instead of just playing that she is an adult, the girl goes out and sells his body to men up to 12 times a day. That's what life is underage prostitutes Brist, who lives with his mother - a former prostitute - in Daulatdii, the largest brothel in Bangladesh.Brist - one of the most popular here, mainly due to his young age.
1. Young prostitute Brist apply makeup to appear more mature clients.
2. Client trading at underage prostitute in a brothel Daulatdiya, on the banks of the river Padma, Bangladesh.
3. Confused person hide from the photographer.
4. Girl named Mushimi before heading to an evening performance.
5. Young Sonia waiting for customers. Sonya serves up to 12 clients a day.
6. Customers and shop owners in the alley at the brothel.
7. Prostitutes in the corner waiting to dance for customers.
8. Underage Sonia painted to seem older.
9. Underage putana Sumi's largest brothel Daulatdiya Bangladesh.
10. Children of prostitutes from a brothel Daulatdiya in school classroom, which is sponsoring organization "Save the Children" in Faridpur.
11. Prostitute in a small pharmacy is on a drip due to dehydration.
12. Everyday life on the river Padma near brothel Daulatdiya Faridure in Bangladesh. Trucks with rice, jute, sugar cane and fish from the west and south-west of the country are here two or three days to cross the river in the capital Dhaka.
13. The boy looks at the camera, which is held by a minor toiler panel.
14. Many of these prostitutes and yet 15.
15. Trucker sleeping in one of the guest houses in the alleys Daulatdiya quarter. Truck drivers make up a large part of the brothel customers.
16. Handbag one of the prostitutes.
17. Minor tangles in a dark alley largest brothel country.
18. Client approaching underage Sonya.
19. Daughter prostitutes dressed up for a birthday celebration. Girls whose mothers trade body take over their work at the age of 12-13 years.
20. Misumi with her boyfriend. In a brothel, "boyfriend" called the most regular customer who has the right not to use a condom.
21. Sacred prostitute washes paint from his body after she fainted from dehydration.
22. Client and underage confused.
23. Underage Dzhessna resting in his room before the night shift.
24. The store owner and patron of the brothel.
25. Girls born in a brothel, playing fields, a small lake behind the brothel. This place also serves as a graveyard for prostitutes.
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