Chinese Railways![]() China now ranks first in the length of high-speed railways (more than 150 km per hour). At the end of 2012 in China, there were 6,400 km, Russia - 180 km. By 2020, the Chinese plan to build 50,000 kilometers of expressways, thus connecting all major cities. China on this matter annually plans to invest about $ 100 billion. Construction is carried out very quickly, directly on extended sections. For example, the way "Hada" (Harbin-Dalian, 914 km., Train type G) constructed in just 5 years, it is very fast, it is enough to compare with the plans to build a road London-Birmingham - it is, if possible, will be put into operation only in 2026. Date of birth of high-speed railways in China is considered to be 2004. Ministry of Railways has entered into several agreements with the Japanese and the British, who were then the most advanced in this case. China was also an outsider: in 1993 the average speed of passenger trains was 48 km / h, and this show is not increased. In total, in 2006-2010 for the construction of high-speed railways have spent more than 150 billion dollars. 5 years after the opening of expressways in China, they are transported in a month twice as many people than planes. Now the roads are in about 54 million people - as much as the Americans - domestic flights. But not everything went smoothly from the Chinese. Construction of high-speed train Beijing-Shanghai in 2009 was marred by a scandal involving litigation between foreign (Siemens, Kawasaki) and local companies. Briefly, it looked as follows: foreigners began to build the line, the Chinese realized how to do it, and expelled foreigners to finish all by yourself, much cheaper. Beauty! Former head of the department and the chief engineer of the Ministry of Science and Technology Zhou Yiming in an interview admitted: «Our trains look almost exactly the same as their peers overseas». In fact, the Chinese make up foreign trains, which in no way inferior in quality, but is much more favorable price. If you like German trains Siemens - ride in Tangshan where local wagon factory launched production of nominally Chinese, and virtually all of the same German trains. If you prefer French Bombardier, your way - in Qingdao, on there the Carriage Works. In addition, high-speed trains do in Changchun, and an industry leader said China Southern Wagon Company, acting for investment agreements with a Japanese company, "Kawasaki". In 2011, around railways major corruption scandal erupted. Railway Transport Minister Liu Zhijun, as it turned out, took kickbacks from the construction of roads in the amount of up to 2.5% (!), Thus obtaining a $ 122 million illegally. In addition, officials were many mistresses in different cities of China. This he could not forgive, and put the unfortunate minister to prison. Oh, and he was sentenced to death, but then postponed its execution for 10 years. Mistresses he was 18. 01. Stations begin with. Chinese porter waits for customers. All employees wear suits and generally very neat and tidy. ![]() 02. Mandatory inspection at the entrance. ![]() 03. Ticket. Without knowledge of the Chinese buy something very difficult. For tourists there are special sites where the information is duplicated in English, but to redeem the ticket still have on hand your passport. Somewhat reminiscent of Russia. Imagine that you want without knowledge of Russian train ride from us). If you still help Moscow, in the province you are sure you have a problem. English in China almost nobody knows. ![]() 04. Tickets can be bought through the machine, if you Chinese and you have a local passport. Foreigner - only in cash. ![]() 05. At stations cleanliness. ![]() 06. Waiting room. ![]() 07. The yield on the platform before boarding only through the turnstiles as the plane. ![]() 08. TGV train station in a small provincial town. ![]() 09. The people almost there. ![]() 10. Almost all stations for high-speed trains look the same. I took some on the way from Beijing to Shanghai. ![]() 11. Everywhere tall ceilings and a bunch of platforms. ![]() 12.'s How ![]() 13. Or so ![]() 14. Smaller stations look like. All highways are on the trestles. ![]() 15. ![]() 16. And here are the trains. ![]() 17. Nearly all copies ![]() 18. Japanese ![]() 19. But our Peregrine, ie Chinese fake at Siemens ![]() 20. ![]() 21. Speed trains denoted by the letter «G». Initially trains G (from gaotie - gaote - "high rail") had to drive at a speed of 350 km per hour, but in July 2011, an accident occurred (one train caught another on a bridge in Wenzhou, called the incident an accident 7/23 ( date), killing more than 30 people were seriously injured more than 200. Thereafter, the train speed was limited to 300 km per hour ![]() 22. Here only seats. Distance Beijing-Shanghai (1300 km) train travels in a 5.5 hour trip costs 553 yuan (3,100 rubles) in economy class. It's a business: ![]() 23. But Economy ![]() 24. Overall, as our Peregrine, just go faster. ![]() 25. A high-speed train is a train D (动 - Dong), the first generation of high-speed trains. Average speed of 150 km / h, maximum 252 km / h.These trains are often called electric trains - they go between the main cities in China with high frequency. ![]() 26. Trains of this type come from Beijing to Shanghai 9:00, ticket costs 408 yuan (2,300 rubles). ![]() 27. ![]() 28. Interior ![]() 29. Upstairs sockets ![]() 30. All charged ![]() 31.Posadka to train groups too. All collected in one room, and then run the train. ![]() 32. ![]() 33. Separately, it is worth noting one of the fastest trains in the world - Shanghai maglev (name - short for magnetic levitation train, magnetic levitation train) which connects one of the stations of Shanghai Pudong Airport and the subway. Distance 30 km he overcomes in 7 minutes 20 seconds, while accelerating at the peak to 431 km / h If you have a plane ticket, the ticket for the maglev cost 230 rubles and 460 economy / business. Commissioned in 2004. ![]() 34. Business class looks like this ![]() In Russia, these roads will never be, because we will not pay them too little ridership. In China, between the major cities of high-speed trains depart every 30 minutes, as we Aeroexpress. We've just had on the Moscow Peter can get something. Well, the Chinese or Russian should settle here and build high-speed railways.