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Azmin slams Pakatan?

9-5-2013 12:23 PM| Diterbitkan: admin6| Dilihat: 30666| Komen: 355

Azmin slams Pakatan
Lisa J. Ariffin |         May 9, 2013
Azmin Ali criticises Pakatan Rakyat for getting the people involved in their failure to capture Putrajaya during GE13.

PETALING JAYA: PKR deputy president Azmin Ali yesterday criticised Pakatan Rakyat for getting the rakyat involved in their failure to capture Putrajaya during the recent general election. Azmin, who was noticibly absent from Pakatan’s rally in Kelana Jaya last night, criticised his coalition for “dragging the rakyat into our own failure”.

“The cry for reform has to start as a whisper within our own hearts. Don’t drag the rakyat into our own failure,” Azmin said yesterday in a tweet.

“The rakyat are tired with politics that are over the top. Accept results. Scrutinise yourself. Admit weaknesses. Move forward. Focus on the rakyat, not yourselves,” he added.

The outspoken politician has since received scores of praise from Twitter users, including Pakatan supporters, one which said: “You are our new hope”.

“Accept the people’s choice. Move forward with policies that put them (the rakyat) first, not bully them using the country’s peace and stability,” said Azmin, a very close confidant of PKR chief Anwar Ibrahim.

He also promised to reveal the causes of Pakatan’s failure in near future.

“The failure to capture Putrajaya. Whose fault is it really? Follow my explanations soon.”

Azmin is also believed to be eyeing the Selangor menteri besar’s post, wanting to replace Khalid Ibrahim who has the support of both PAS and DAP to retain the top post.

The tussle for the MB post between the two is said to have caused a major problem within the party, leaving Anwar ina dilemma on who to back.

Azmin meanwhile is expected to hold a press conference tomorrow.

Following the general election on Sunday that saw ruling Barisan Nasional capture their 13th consecutive victory, Pakatan and their supporters have been claiming the polls were rigged.

Disgruntled supporters had even resorted to signing an online petition seeking intervention from US President Barack Obama, in which the US government responded that they were pleased to be working with Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak after BN returned to power.

State Department spokesman Patrick Ventrell said the US recognised Malaysia’s election results and called it the “most competitive” in Southeast Asian nation’s history despite opposition claims of irregularities in the vote.

Ventrell called for all parties “to peacefully respect the will of the voters” as it was important to strengthen confidence in the electoral process.








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Quote azharariff 9-5-2013 12:05 PM
Ini lah yg dinantikan umngok katak katak bermasalah
Quote ushioz 9-5-2013 12:07 PM
satu side azmin yang baru aku tau.

-ali g
Quote alesandra 9-5-2013 12:08 PM
kalo betul harus ummi hafilda buat sujud syukur
Quote fazila17 9-5-2013 12:08 PM
Dah kena beli ka?
Quote alesandra 9-5-2013 12:09 PM
totok taknak komen apa2 ke?kawasan dia kan?
Quote dauswq 9-5-2013 12:09 PM
patutlah abg aku buat undi rosak tak vote him  hehe..
Quote atira 9-5-2013 12:10 PM
dia dah sedar dia tak de peluang jadi MB?
Quote C.K 9-5-2013 12:10 PM
selangor pun duduk bergolak kes ga puas hati siapa mahu jadi MB kah?
Quote atira 9-5-2013 12:10 PM
alesandra posted on 9-5-2013 12:09 PM
totok taknak komen apa2 ke?kawasan dia kan?

aku pon kawasan dia...
dan aku undi dia..
bukan setakat dia.. kalau babi pon aku pangkah
Quote atira 9-5-2013 12:11 PM
C.K posted on 9-5-2013 12:10 PM
selangor pun duduk bergolak kes ga puas hati siapa mahu jadi MB kah?

katanye PAS dan DAP okay je khalid gagap jadi MB
makhluk sekor ni la yg moyan kot
Quote Vokuro 9-5-2013 12:11 PM
apa yg beliau katakan itu betul jikalau beliau ikhlas dan maksudkan nya.
tiada apa yg salah tentang statement beliau. itu yg patut pakatan lakukan, muhasabah dan perbaiki diri jikalau ingin berjaya kelak.

jangan pula beliau keluar statement itu hanya karena tidak boleh jadi MB. itu sudah tidak ikhlas.
Quote d'zeck 9-5-2013 12:13 PM
azmin dah mula nampak
kalo nak jadi MB kena berwibawa
dan bukan tadah kencing selamanya

Quote perang_candu 9-5-2013 12:13 PM
Asal kritik je, mangkuk ayun... Cakap azmin tu ada betulnya.. usaha reformasi ni berterusan mungkin memakan 1 atau 2 generasi.. bukan sepanjang hayat politik Nuart je.. Sebenarnya tingggal sikit lagi usaha azmin n the gang untuk tawan putrajaya di PRU 14 nanti..  tapi kena tampal bocor sikit sana sini dulu lah..
Quote aireen24 9-5-2013 12:13 PM
kalau tengok dalam artikel itu bukan direct daripada dia, tetapi mereka ambil dari twitter dia.

kalau tengok twitter dia pun rasanya apa dia cakap adalah umum bukan direct to semalam punya rally..

mungkin sebab dia cakap pasal reform tu yang orang ingat dia bashing anwar.

aku selagi tak de direct daripada dia aku tidak percaya..aku tunggu dia punya press conference..

Quote Acong_II 9-5-2013 12:13 PM
d'zeck posted on 9-5-2013 12:13 PM
azmin dah mula nampak
kalo nak jadi MB kena berwibawa
dan bukan tadah kencing selamanya

kasik azmin nie kat UMNO dah laa........
Quote ushioz 9-5-2013 12:14 PM
Vokuro posted on 9-5-2013 12:11 PM
apa yg beliau katakan itu betul jikalau beliau ikhlas dan maksudkan nya.
tiada apa yg salah tentang ...

this. kalau bukak sebab meroyan tak dapat jadi MB memang betul apa yang dia kata.
Quote alesandra 9-5-2013 12:14 PM
atira posted on 9-5-2013 12:10 PM
aku pon kawasan dia...
dan aku undi dia..
bukan setakat dia.. kalau babi pon aku pangkah

azmin  mmg vevulu ngan khalid mmg dah lama kann.aku rase ini sentapan yg lite2 je...tapi kalo dia nak lompat pon takkan luak apa2 kot.
Quote atira 9-5-2013 12:14 PM
Acong_II posted on 9-5-2013 12:13 PM
kasik azmin nie kat UMNO dah laa........

uols pi spam FB azmin ni.. suruh dia jgn gila kosa dan setuju khalid berahim jadi MB... asap
Quote atira 9-5-2013 12:15 PM
aireen24 posted on 9-5-2013 12:13 PM
kalau tengok dalam artikel itu bukan direct daripada dia, tetapi mereka ambil dari twitter dia.


smalam dia tak hadir rally...
sgt obvious protes

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