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Raja Abdullah diumumkan mangkat

23-1-2015 09:58 AM| Diterbitkan: admin6| Dilihat: 13779| Komen: 71

ARAB SAUDI - Raja Arab Saudi, Raja Abdullah Abdulaziz diumumkan mangkat dalam pengumuman yang dibuat stesen tv negara itu awal pagi ini.

Abdullah meninggal dunia pada usia 90 tahun. Raja Arab Saudi yang baharu akan diwarisi Putera Salman Abdulaziz, lapor stesen tv berkenaan lagi yang dipetik daripada CNN.

Raja Abdullah, 90, dimasukkan ke hospital kerana menghidap jangkitan pada paru-paru. Baginda menaiki takhta pada tahun 2005.








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Quote idadzira 23-1-2015 08:37 AM

إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعونَ‎
Quote revolusi_30 23-1-2015 08:40 AM
Takziah ... masa king faisal dulu simple je pengkebumian nya .. Sampai mat salleh pun respect
Quote AbukRokok 23-1-2015 09:01 AM
senyap senyap je.....
Quote mdhelmi 23-1-2015 09:13 AM
jangkitan paru2 dan kuman pada paru2 sama x?
mcm kes chef wan?
Quote Orange1 23-1-2015 09:14 AM
Takziah. Anak2 pompuan dia yg katanya kena tahanan di rumah tu dah bebas ke?
Quote kucen_miang 23-1-2015 09:31 AM
Quote qqbeh 23-1-2015 09:41 AM
Salam takziah~
Quote alesandra 23-1-2015 09:44 AM
revolusi_30 replied at 23-1-2015 08:40 AM
Takziah ... masa king faisal dulu simple je pengkebumian nya .. Sampai mat salleh pun respect

aku ingat lagi.. tgk channel art kat astro masa tu..ambulance cabuk je angkut jenazah.berebut-rebut org ramai nak bawak jenazah.mcm kawal tak terkawal je keadaan nya.takde langsung beriya-iya adat istiadat mcm kat sini....
Quote jofizo 23-1-2015 09:49 AM
Edited by jofizo at 23-1-2015 09:54 AM

takziah dan atau kemangkatan dia permulaan suatu yg lebih besar.....? ... -masanya-makin.html

Quote kerunai 23-1-2015 09:55 AM
permulaan kepada revolusi islam akhir zaman dan penyatuan tanah arab
Quote mast3rshad0w 23-1-2015 09:56 AM
sedikit petikan....

        Saudi King Abdullah ‘Clinically Dead’; A Sign Of Mahdi’s Imminent Arrival        (Be The Media) – A Saudi journalist working for London-Based Asharq Alawsat says the Saudi monarch has been clinically dead since Wednesday, reports PressTV.
        Now keep your eyes peeled to see how Iran reacts to the news. According to a recent Islamic end-times documentary produced by the Iranian government, the Ayatollahs believe that the death of Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah will be a major sign indicating that the destruction of Israel and arrival of the Mahdi are imminent

        2 Thessalonians 2:1-4, “Now we request you, brethren, with regard to the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him, that you not be quickly shaken from your composure or be disturbed either by a spirit or a message or a letter as if from us, to the effect that the day of the Lord has come. Let no one in any way deceive you, for it will not come unless the apostasy comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction, who opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, displaying himself as being God.”
        The Islamic world eagerly awaits their “savior,” whom they call The Mahdi. According to their belief, he will unite the Musilim world agaisnt all who refuse to submit to Islam, thus creating peace and security by leading all nations into a new era of islamic “justice.” At the annual UN General Assembly and before millions of people around the world, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad announced that the world would soon witness the coming of a world leader, a “perfect human being” – a man of kindness, a man who loves people and loves absolute justice. Iman Al-Mahdi will come along with his “deputy” Jesus Christ.
        “God Almighty has promised us a man of kindness, a man who loves people and loves absolute justice, a man who is a perfect human being and is named Imam Al-Mahdi, a man who will come in the company of Jesus Christ, peace be upon Him, and the righteous,” he said. Calling the Mahdi “the Ultimate Savior,” Ahmadinejad said his arrival on earth “will mark a new beginning, a rebirth and a resurrection. It will be the beginning of peace, lasting security and genuine life.” SOURCE
         Persia In Bible Prophecy
        Imminent Arrival Of The Mahdi
        The Islamic False Messiah
        For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened. Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not. For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect  (Matt. 24:21-24).

        “Whoever guarantees the death of King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, I will guarantee the imminent reappearance of Mahdi.”

        How are World Events Being Interpreted by Iran’s Islamic Regime? “The Coming is Near,” released Mar. 28, 2011 is an Islamic video translated and subtitled by Reza Kahlili. The video is an abbreviated version of a documentary produced by allies of the Iranian Islamic regime in response to recent crisis in the Middle East. Its intention is to show how these violent chaotic events indicate the imminent arrival of the Mahdi – the Shiite Islamic messiah – and the unification of the world under Islam. The target audiences are Muslims throughout the middle east and throughout the world. Iran is destined to arise as a great power in the last days to defeat the US and Israel and to be used in the return of the Islamic messiah, the twelfth Imam called Mahdi. Iranians believe that time is close. The promises of Ulema, the religious authorities, say that the reappearance is very close. (One of the main differences between true, scriptural eschatology and false Islamic eschatology is the means of the end. Islamic scholars teach Muslims must foment the chaos to bring on the end. Whereas, the Bible declares Christians to watch and wait for the return of the LORD by preaching the truth and turning people to Jesus Christ; NOT by starting wars, killing infidels, and terrorizing nations.)
             Analysis of common questions regarding the timing of the reappearance of the twelfth Imam Mahdi: Analysis of the Hadith and how they relate to the current situation in the Middle East with the focus on what role the Islamic Republic of Iran will play at the time of the reappearance. Whoever guarantees the death of King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, I will guarantee the imminent reappearance of Mahdi. People will rise from the East preparing the way for the reappearance of Imam Mahdi. “The messiah will not rise unless fear, great earthquakes, and sedition take place.” –Imam Bagher. “The worst kind of humans will become leaders.” –Mohammad. (The video then shows pictures of world leaders like George Bush, Ariel Sharon, Benjamin Netanyahu, Barak Obama, Angela Merkel, and Nicholas Sarkozy).
             “Women will rid themselves of the Hejab.” –Imam Ali. “Adultery will become common, Men will dress like woman. Men will content themselves to men and woman to woman.” –Mohammad. “A Nation from the East will rise and prepare the way for the Coming of Mahdi.” –Mohammad. “The world is filled with injustice and thirsty for the justice of Mahdi.” –Iranian newspaper Kayhan. In the occupation of Palestine, the wars of Korea and Vietnam, the occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq, the wars in Africa and the one against Iran,  hundreds of millions of innocent human beings were slaughtered, injured or became refugees. Over 20,000 nuclear warheads are at the disposal of the world powers; half of them belong to America. In 2009, FAO, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, announced that hunger has spread to over one billion people. The growth of hundreds of evil worshipping groups in the world threatens the youth.
             The reappearance has other conditions that require strong beliefs and pious leaders with a strong will. In the Hadith, they have been named as the preparers of The Coming, and will rise from Lebanon, Yemen and Iran. “Those of my descendants will manifest the truth and justice so that God commands The Coming.” –Mohammad (side note: the king of Jordan claims descendancy from Mohammed and the crown prince of Jordan Hussein bin Al Abdullah is the 44th descendent of Mohammad [there is English and Palestinian mixed in their blood] from the Hashemite Kingdom). “I can tell you with utmost confidence: The promise of Allah for The Coming and the establishment of a new Islamic civilization is on its way.” (shows a picture of Ayatollah Khomeini). The Hadith have clearly described the events and the transformation of various countries in the Middle East and also that of Iran in the age of The Coming.


Quote mast3rshad0w 23-1-2015 10:04 AM
Edited by mast3rshad0w at 23-1-2015 10:08 AM

Arab Saudi Bina Tembok 1,000 Kilometer Halang Militan IS -


RIYADH – Insiden serangan militan pelampau Islamic States (IS) terhadap pos kawalan sempadan di utara Arab Saudi minggu lalu yang juga membunuh pemerintah tentera bertaraf jeneral, menyebabkan kerajaan negara itu mula bertindak balas.
Sebelum ini Arab Saudi tidak mahu terlibat secara langsung dalam konflik IS, namun kejadian berdarah Ahad lalu menyebabkan pemerintah Riyadh dijangka membina tembok besar sepanjang 1,000 kilometer sebagai cara menghalang kemaraan IS.
Tembok raksasa itu menggabungkan lima lapis pagar konkrit, parit pasir jerlus, 40 buah menara pemantau, kamera khas waktu malam dan kamera radar serta tambahan 30,000 anggota pasukan pengawal di utara Arab Saudi dengan wilayah Iraq.
Rancangan pembinaan tembok itu sebenarnya pernah dibangkitkan ketika kemuncak Perang Teluk II pada 2006 dan menyaksikan rejim Presiden Iraq, Saddam Hussein ditumbangkan pasukan tentera penceroboh yang diketuai Amerika Syarikat (AS).
Bagaimanapun, keganasan IS yang kini menguasai sebahagian besar Syria dan Iraq serta semakin menghampiri Arab Saudi mengakibatkan kerajaan Riyadh mempercepatkan projek pembinaan tembok mega yang sudah bermula sejak September tahun lalu.
See more at: ... thash.detY17KO.dpuf

Quote AbukRokok 23-1-2015 10:05 AM
jofizo replied at 23-1-2015 09:49 AM
takziah dan atau kemangkatan dia permulaan suatu yg lebih besar.....?
http://petunjukzaman.blogspot ...

tggu adik beradik dia habis bru bleh speku
Quote AbukRokok 23-1-2015 10:06 AM
dlu raja fahd mangkat pun speku juga
Quote itik_kuning 23-1-2015 10:18 AM

jangan terlampau percaya sangat, nnt terpesong akidah pulak.

takde sape pun yg tau bila imam mahdi akan turun. wallahualam.
Quote prettyuglybabe 23-1-2015 10:18 AM

Quote maja07 23-1-2015 11:16 AM
mast3rshad0w replied at 23-1-2015 10:04 AM
Arab Saudi Bina Tembok 1,000 Kilometer Halang Militan IS -

Kaya la sapa dapat tender ni. Harap2 bukan yang buat untuk Israel tu..
Quote Artemesiaa 23-1-2015 12:09 PM
Innalillah ... takziah kepada keluarganya
Quote mast3rshad0w 23-1-2015 12:10 PM
umat akhir zaman memang penuh dgn fitnah....fitnah terbesar adalah pada umat Islam di akhir zaman..

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