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Anak Hampir DiCulik,Ingatan Kepada Semua Ibu Bapa

18-2-2015 01:01 PM| Diterbitkan: CMFreporter| Dilihat: 11963| Komen: 90

Father warns parents after almost losing daughter in shopping complex

Khairul Adam Abdullah, his wife, Fitri Yanah Jumat, and their daughter,  Aleesya Dania. Khairul says the recent incident where he nearly lost his  daughter to a woman in a tudung at a shopping complex was a wake-up call for him  and called on other parents to always keep a close watch on their children. — Pic courtesy of Khairul Adam Abdullah


KOTA KINABALU, Feb 18, 2015:
A father’s love has no boundaries and Khairul  Adam Abdullah is now willing to splurge on security devices to keep  his children safe.

He had thought about doing so for a while  now but had been putting it off for some time.

But after last Saturday’s incident, he knew it  had to be done. And soon.

A simple weekend outing nearly ended in tragedy  when Khairul almost lost his middle child, aged three, to a woman garbed in a  tudung (Muslim headscarf), who tried to run off with her.

Khairul, a computer technician, who now resides  in Labuan, happened to be in town for the weekend.

“I had something to do in the city. So I thought  since it was the weekend, I’d also visit my family back home in Tuaran.”

Last Saturday, the father of  three took his family for an outing at the Karamunsing Complex to  shop for some computer gadgets.

“In my line of work, I always want to get the  latest and updated computer goods.

“So the third floor at the complex is my  favourite spot as it houses computer shops. I thought I would check out some new  items.

“My wife was at one of the aisles, with our  daughter, Aleesya Dania, still in her field of view.

“She noticed a woman, wearing a tudung, walking  close to my daughter.

“The woman looked at my daughter a few times  before suddenly grabbing my daughter’s hand, but Dania managed to pull her hand  free.

“The woman again grabbed Dania’s hand and  started to walk away.

“My wife quickly called out my daughter’s name,  shocking the woman who then released my daughter’s hand.

“My wife heard the woman saying ‘sorry’, before  she hurriedly left,” said Khairul, relating the ordeal.

Khairul said it was odd that the woman had  mistaken Dania to be her own.

“She could have said sorry and looked at my  wife. She didn’t. Instead she left hurriedly.”

He said Dania could have been seen as an easy  target because the three-year-old was also wearing a tudung.

“The woman could have taken my daughter, removed  their tudung and walk out of the complex easily because everyone would be  looking for a woman with a child, also in tudung,” said Khairul.

He said he once read on social media about a  mother who nearly lost her daughter while buying food at a busy Ramadan  bazaar In Kuala Lumpur.

“I actually spoke to my mother just the night  before the incident about wanting to buy gadgets or devices that look like  accessories for my children.

“These devices actually have a GPS linked  to my cell phone that will track down my children if something bad happens to  them.

“It costs RM100 to RM400, and sometimes  more.

“But I am willing to spend that much as long as  my children are safe.”

Khairul, who goes by the name “Adam Rascals”, posted his ordeal on his Facebook, reminding other parents to keep a close watch  on their children.

“There are opportunists everywhere. I don’t mind  people sharing my Facebook status because I know I am doing good.

“What happened to me could happen to others.  It’s important for us to be alert always.”








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Quote mak_wa95 18-2-2015 07:23 AM
bernasib baik je
Quote batmana 18-2-2015 07:24 AM
org gila ada kt mana2..
Quote Aliaskotonggo 18-2-2015 07:48 AM
patut kejar dan tangkap je perempuan tu
Quote pooh~key 18-2-2015 07:50 AM
Awak kat mana? Awak awak kat mana?
Quote juita 18-2-2015 08:02 AM
anak2  pun kene ajar jgn ikut sesape sesuka ati...kalau ader org tak kenal  pegang/tarik tangan soh dia jerit kuat2 biar org  keliling bagi perhatian
Quote chinta89 18-2-2015 08:06 AM
juita replied at 18-2-2015 08:02 AM
anak2  pun kene ajar jgn ikut sesape sesuka ati...kalau ader org tak kenal  pegang/tarik tangan soh  ...

kadang2 budak2 ni.. diorg jenis baik. tak kira org kenal tak kenal, ikut je.

adik aku dah dua kali kena. manangis tak berlagu.. nasib dia ambik rantai je lps tu tgal tepi teksi. last, mse kat shopping complex. mujur buat announce dan ade org jumpa. kalau tak...

hmmmm... aku dah jenuh suh dia jerit kalau orgtak dikenali, tp dia ni main ikutttt je. eiii gram aku.
Quote Lina66 18-2-2015 08:08 AM
Aliaskotonggo replied at 18-2-2015 09:48 AM
patut kejar dan tangkap je perempuan tu

a'ah kan...
nape tak tahan pompuan tu.. sorry no cure
Quote alinone78 18-2-2015 08:08 AM
wahhh ini macam kalu mmg kena kepit anaklah
Quote missDollie 18-2-2015 08:10 AM
lepas ni bagi pakai baby harness..
Quote Toppaz 18-2-2015 08:13 AM
Ngeri nye ppuan tu psycho kot, suke ati jek tarik anak org. Kalau aku dah aku heret ppuan tu pi balai pulis.
Quote juita 18-2-2015 08:15 AM
chinta89 replied at 18-2-2015 08:06 AM
kadang2 budak2 ni.. diorg jenis baik. tak kira org kenal tak kenal, ikut je.

adik aku dah dua k ...

MasyaAllah...nasib baik takde pape....anak me plak jenis pemalu,kenkadang ngan sedara yg jarang jumpa pun dia tak nak sgt,kenkadang anak2 sepupu nak ajak main, tarik tgn derang ,dia akan jerit "MAMAAAAAAA"...hadehhh....jenuh soh dia main ,asik nak melekap je ngan kita ..kita nak sembang pun payah
Quote fire_place 18-2-2015 08:15 AM
Budak2 ni pandai..mak pak kena lah ajar
Tunjuk video dll.anak aku,mmg aku ajar..knp kena jerit bila org xkenal cuba dekati.lpstu sangkut wisel dlm baju.
Kalau tgh jln kwn laki aku pegang..mmg jerit.mcm bab ggguan seksual pun aku ajo.

Lg satu..mak pak gedik.anak kecik tahu cakap takut berita itu tgedik2
Nak pakaikan anak brg kemas.rantai beso,gelang,anting2. Dgn gitu dh buat anak mcm umpan.
Quote abas8888 18-2-2015 08:34 AM
patut belasah dulu pompuan tu..baru dia tahu erti penyesalan cuba menculik anak orang...
Quote Munnalicious 18-2-2015 08:40 AM
Hishhh xnampak la tulisan yg sebelah tepi tu. Nak baca kena phm sendiri puleee apa benda ayat yg xnampak tu.
Quote CrowneGlory 18-2-2015 08:47 AM
Careless punya mak walaupun dlm anak masih within view, baya tu patut ke lepas dr pegangan...

aritu terbaca ada budak nak kena culik dr aeon...
Quote applemy 18-2-2015 09:15 AM
Tesco Ampang pun hati2 ye..
Quote rayna_raynes 18-2-2015 09:33 AM
sebab2 aku pakaikan harness kat anak aku
tapi ada orang kutuk2 cakap aku buat anak mcm anjinglah apa lah
Quote iza_yuss 18-2-2015 09:55 AM
sebab tu kalo aku gi mall.... aku bawak 2 org je budak2 ni..... sorang dlm stroller, sorang yg besar tukang tolak stroller.... atau

pegang tangan dua2 tu.....

pastu tu tempat tu x sesak sangat..... dan aku limit kan masa dan bilangan tempat yang aku nak pergi

tapi kalo nak shopping sungguh2....slalu aku x bawak budak2 ni ler.... mengganggu kekdahnya....

Quote clarizsa 18-2-2015 10:06 AM
i mmg fobia bab ni.. tambah dgn anak aktif suka lari2 kekaddang gedik sembunyi2.. mmg kalut jap... dan mmg i jerit kuat2 je pggil nama anak klu tetiba x nampak dia.. kekadang in split seconds je dh lari sembunyi...

leh mati i klu hilang anak... mimpi anak hilang pun leh nangis berhari2... hmmm

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