![]() I don't know how these fake facts come to be, but people go around thinking that they know the truth about things, but it's all lies. LIES, I TELL YOU - LIES! Most of these threw me for a loop, because I've heard them and just accepted them as fact, only to have my concept of reality shattered when I found out how wrong I was to believe them. Prepare to have your mind blown... Disclaimer: I realize that I'm generalizing by saying that everyone believes these to be true, and that some people have always known the truth.1. "Fact": Your tongue has divided parts that are dedicated to different tastes Truth: All tastes can be sensed on every part of the tongue. ![]() via dellaterra wellness 2. "Fact": Sugar will make you hyperactive Truth: It's all in our heads. A study from Yaledisproves that sugar can make you hyper. ![]() via troll me
3. "Fact": Coffee is made from beans Truth: Coffee is made from the seeds of berries called coffee cherries. ![]() via tumblr /jersey drag 4. "Fact": Chameleons change color to blend in to their environments Truth: They actually change color to show their moods and mating behaviors. It's a communication technique. ![]() via quick meme 5. "Fact": There are 50 statesTruth: There are actually 46, because Kentucky, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, and Virginia are labeled as commonwealths; although, this has no bearing on...well, anything, really. ![]() via my birdie 6. "Fact": Frankenstein is a monster that came alive by a timely strike of lighteningTruth: Frankenstein is actually the name of the doctor that created the monster. The monster was nameless. ![]() via memegenerator 7. "Fact": Mount Everest is the tallest mountain in the world Truth: A mountain is defined by how far it is above sea level, which would make Mauna Kea the tallest mountain. ![]() via fanpop8. "Fact": You should always wear a hat because we lose 80% of our body heat through our head Truth: You should wear a hat in winter because you lose heat through any part of your body that isn't covered. You don't lost more heat from your headthan other body parts. ![]() via flickr / WarOnioN9. "Fact": Vikings wore horned helmetsTruth: There is actuallyno reason to think this. Artifacts found do not have horns. ![]() via web park 10. "Fact": If you dropped a penny off the Empire State Building and it hit someone, they would dieTruth: Actually, it would feel like aflick to to the head. ![]() via pennstate 11. "Fact": Bulls can see the color red/the color red makes bulls angryTruth: They arecolor blind. It's actually the movement of the cape being flipped around that gets the bull to be aggressive. ![]() via trekearth 12. "Fact": An orange (the fruit) was named that because it is orange (the color)Truth: It's actuallythe other way around. ![]() via hdwallpapers ![]() via memecenter 14. "Fact": Penguins mate for lifeTruth: Penguins are mostly monogamous, meaning that they will stay with one mate for the season and will usually go back to that mate next season, but if the mate isn't there, they move on to another because the need for breeding is urgent ![]() via over the horizon 15. "Fact": Cracking your knuckles will lead to arthritis Truth: It won't. ![]() via thought you may ask 16. "Fact": Gum takes seven years to digestTruth: It actually just passes through, pretty much untouched, within a normal amount of digestion time ![]() via memecenter 17. "Fact": Napoleon Bonaparte was really shortTruth: He was actually five foot seven, which wasactually taller than the average french male in that time period. ![]() via knarfMain image source: steam community Collage source: 1. steam community 2. hdwallpaper3. dellaterra wellness |