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Dakwaan Raja Muda Murtad, Istana Selangor Buat Laporan Polis

29-9-2015 10:12 AM| Diterbitkan: CARI-HBZ| Dilihat: 20710| Komen: 60

Istana Selangor hari ini membuat laporan polis berhubung dakwaan kononnya Raja Muda Selangor, Tengku Amir Shah murtad dan memeluk agama katolik. - Foto Bernama

Gempar! Istana Selangor semalam telah membuat satu laporan polis berhubung dakwaan kononnya Raja Muda Selangor, Tengku Amir Shah murtad dan memeluk agama katolik. Memetik dari therakyatpost, laporan tersebut dibuat oleh Setiausaha Sulit Sultan Selangor, Datuk Mohamad Munir Bani di Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah (IPD) Shah Alam, petang Isnin.

Jurucakap polis ketika dihubungi mengesahkan perkara tersebut tetapi enggan mengulas lanjut perkara itu.

“Berita pertukaran agama oleh Putera Sultan Selangor, Tengku Amer Shah, ke Katholokisme amat menyedihkan umat Islam di seluruh negara dan dunia.

“Kesedihan ini ditambah dengan dua tragedi timpa umat Islam di Mekah dan Arafah. Moga hasrat Sultan Selangor bertemu Pope Vatican City akan berhasil,” menurut status di Facebook itu.

Laporan tersebut dipercayai berpunca daripada status yang dimuat naik oleh oleh pengguna Facebook atas nama Rahim TambyChik mengenai pertukaran agama oleh Putera Sultan Selangor itu.

baca selanjutnya - therakyatpost








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Quote GhostWalking 29-9-2015 08:21 AM
Selangor prince lodges report over 'conversion' article            



                                                              KLANG: Two police reports were lodged at the Seksyen 6 police station in Shah Alam over false news that the Raja Muda of Selangor had converted to Catholicism.

The reports were lodged by the Selangor Sultan's private secretary Datuk Mohamad Munir Bani and the crown prince’s private secretary Hanafisah Jais at 4pm Monday.
In the reports, the complainants said they came across the post by a user named “Rahim Tambychik” that were deemed fictitious while browsing Facebook at the Istana Mestika in Seksyen 7, Shah Alam at about 8am last Friday.

The post said: “The news of Selangor crown prince, Tengku Amir Shah having converted to Catholics truly saddens Muslims nationwide and around the world. This sad news is added with two other tragedies that befell Muslims in Mecca and Arafah. May the Selangor Sultan’s wish of meeting the Pope of Vatican City comes true.”

The complainants said the post "is utterly baseless, untrue and slanderous."

"Therefore, an executive action should be taken by the police on this Facebook user named “Rahim Tambychik” to avoid any negative assumption of the Selangor crown prince and also the Selangor royal family.

"It is believed that this action will stop any form of abuse and wild accusations levelled towards the crown prince and the Sultan of Selangor by unscrupulous parties so that the people’s trust towards the crown prince and the Sultan of Selangor as head of state is preserved and sustained,” they said.

Police investigations showed that the allegation was based on an old and fake article published online, followed by Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar's warning to netizens not to spread such rumours on July 25.

It is learnt that the Facebook page of “Rahim Tambychik” is no longer searchable and police believed that it has been deleted.

The case was being investigated under Section 500 of the Penal Code for criminal defamation, and Section 233 of the Communications and Multimedia Act for improper use of network facilities or network service.

Quote Simunggu 29-9-2015 08:22 AM
tak akan pokok bergoyang kalau tak ada angin...
Quote atira 29-9-2015 08:23 AM
bukan udah basi ka dakwaan ini?
Quote chinta89 29-9-2015 08:30 AM
mcm dh lama bertebaran cerita ni myb mse life dia yg penuh ngn gmbr bertebaran girl n minuman keras tu kan.. ke iols silap?

myb cerita lama tu org up kan balik.. di masa dan waktu yg salah..

Quote gaara_X 29-9-2015 08:39 AM
tak de pelik pun......
Quote ellZack 29-9-2015 08:54 AM
chinta89 replied at 29-9-2015 08:30 AM
mcm dh lama bertebaran cerita ni myb mse life dia yg penuh ngn gmbr bertebaran girl n minuman keras  ...

dia dah ok la eh sekarang?
bila ntah dia keluar majalah 3..
ada tengok..
nampak macam budak baik.

Quote applemy 29-9-2015 09:00 AM
Yg Datuk Azhar Mansor tu, betul ke?..

Selalu melayu mix yg tak siap (more jawa than omputih) je yg terhegeh nak murtad.. yg muka mix omputih 90%, rilek je maintain muslim..
Quote Star_el 29-9-2015 09:02 AM
senangnya dah fitnah minta maaf gitu je
Quote akusukaq 29-9-2015 09:09 AM
Simunggu replied at 29-9-2015 12:22 AM
tak akan pokok bergoyang kalau tak ada angin...

Tak payah ada angin kipas heli pun boleh goyangkan pokok kalau ada pilot yg memandu kearah itu. Terlalu banyak fitnah sehingga ummah dah tak boleh
membezakan antara berita dan gossip
Quote budakmanentah 29-9-2015 09:30 AM
xmustahil pon
Quote bit 29-9-2015 09:40 AM
Tak heran dgn berita ni, tgk la lifestyle dia.  Yg heran adalah adalah org mcm ni yg nak diangkat jadi sultan jaga agama negeri selangor

Depan rakyat mengaji yassin, belakang teguk arak. Serupa mcm geng saud
Quote bit 29-9-2015 09:41 AM
Apa kena mengena tragedi mekah dgn perangai hauk putera raja ni

Quote nazurah 29-9-2015 09:45 AM
raja ni sepatutnya menyebarkan dakwah, mengajak rakyat lebih mendekati islam... tp tengok gaya anak-anak raja kat malaysia ni, sungguh menyedihkan...
Quote cik_tonggek 29-9-2015 09:46 AM
masalahnye mmg bdk ni perangai tak semenggah pun
yg org sebar gambar dia togok arak buat maksiat semua tu
tanak plak dorang buat report polis kata pitenah

akak takde gambar tu ye dik
akak penah nampak je kat blog ke bod kenamaan tah
Quote alesandra 29-9-2015 09:59 AM
tetiba je korang percaya rahim tamby chik pedo neh tapiii...bukanke jugak anak dia sendiri kawen ngan setiausaha sultan... kelvin ong tu?
Quote shida81 29-9-2015 10:10 AM
aku rase sultan yg ok sultan perak ngn kelantan je kot..yg lain..... ermmm
Quote harimau76 29-9-2015 10:10 AM
dia minum or togok arak sekalipun, kalau akidah dia masih teguh pada Islam, sapa la kita utk menilai dia samaada dah murtad atau tak.. bukan keje kita nak menilai syurga neraka dia.. kebykakan org termasuk sesetengah forumer2 cari ni pun ada zaman gelap/zaman jahiliah masing2..
Quote famri7 29-9-2015 10:12 AM
bukankah heshe lvl gaylord..tgk gamba berliyau berjimba trus rasa berlengas..
Quote -electrifying- 29-9-2015 10:50 AM
“Kesedihan ini ditambah dengan dua tragedi timpa umat Islam di Mekah dan Arafah. Moga hasrat Sultan Selangor bertemu Pope Vatican City akan berhasil,”

apakah yg cuba disampaikan? perlu nk jmpe pope tu? ke aku xpaham cerita?

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