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Haramkan vape: Selangor, Kedah 
tidak ikut jejak Johor

1-12-2015 04:24 PM| Diterbitkan: CARI-SFG| Dilihat: 9578| Komen: 36

Selangor dan Kedah Tak Ikut Johor, Haramkan Vape

sumber foto:

Oleh Fyruz Hanna

KUALA LUMPUR: 2 negeri iaitu Selangor dan Kedah tidak mengharamkan penggunaan vape seperti yang dilakukan di negeri Johor.

“Setakat ini belum ada undang-undang yang melarang penjualan produk rokok elektronik dikuatkuasakan termasuklah di negeri ini. Bagi kerajaan negeri, kita tidak ada kuasa untuk menutup dan melarang penjualan atau penggunaan produk rokok elektronik.

“Sekiranya undang-undang larangan itu telah ada dan dikuatkuasakan, maka tiada lesen akan dikeluarkan oleh PBT untuk premis penjualan produk tersebut,” kata Ean Yong Hian kepada Utusan Malaysia.

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Quote -electrifying- 1-12-2015 02:56 PM
Selangor kalau diharamkan, menggelupor vapors2 skalian
Quote batmana 1-12-2015 04:05 PM
patutnya geng vapors ni kreatif la sket.
cuba tukarkn produk vapors ni jadi biskut je. potato cip ka.
bole makan vape tu cm biskut

selesai masalah.

ni dari dulu jadi end users smpai skrg.
vape pn org tanah besar mainland yg cipta.

malukn betul.
Quote Acong 2-12-2015 03:32 AM
batmana replied at 1-12-2015 04:05 PM
patutnya geng vapors ni kreatif la sket.
cuba tukarkn produk vapors ni jadi biskut je. potato cip k ...

bahalol mana KETAGIHAN makan natang nie?

Quote Acong 2-12-2015 04:02 AM
Press release
E-cigarettes around 95% less harmful than tobacco estimates landmark review

From: Public Health England
First published: 19 August 2015
Part of: Smoking

Expert independent review concludes that e-cigarettes have potential to help smokers quit.

An expert independent evidence review published today by Public Health England (PHE) concludes that e-cigarettes are significantly less harmful to health than tobacco and have the potential to help smokers quit smoking. ... -an-evidence-update

Key findings of the review include:

- the current best estimate is that e-cigarettes are around 95% less harmful than smoking
- nearly half the population (44.8%) don’t realise e-cigarettes are much less harmful than smoking
- there is no evidence so far that e-cigarettes are acting as a route into smoking for children or non-smokers

The review, commissioned by PHE and led by Professor Ann McNeill (King’s College London) and Professor Peter Hajek (Queen Mary University of London), suggests that e-cigarettes may be contributing to falling smoking rates among adults and young people. Following the review PHE has published a paper on the implications of the evidence for policy and practice. ... -an-evidence-update

The comprehensive review of the evidence finds that almost all of the 2.6 million adults using e-cigarettes in Great Britain are current or ex-smokers, most of whom are using the devices to help them quit smoking or to prevent them going back to cigarettes. It also provides reassurance that very few adults and young people who have never smoked are becoming regular e-cigarette users (less than 1% in each group).

However, the review raises concerns that increasing numbers of people think e-cigarettes are equally or more harmful than smoking (22.1% in 2015, up from 8.1% in 2013: ASH Smokefree GB survey) or don’t know (22.7% in 2015, ASH Smokefree GB survey).

Despite this trend all current evidence finds that e-cigarettes carry a fraction of the risk of smoking.

Emerging evidence suggests some of the highest successful quit rates are now seen among smokers who use an e-cigarette and also receive additional support from their local stop smoking services.

Professor Kevin Fenton, Director of Health and Wellbeing at Public Health England said:

Smoking remains England’s number one killer and the best thing a smoker can do is to quit completely, now and forever.

E-cigarettes are not completely risk free but when compared to smoking, evidence shows they carry just a fraction of the harm. The problem is people increasingly think they are at least as harmful and this may be keeping millions of smokers from quitting. Local stop smoking services should look to support e-cigarette users in their journey to quitting completely.

Professor Ann McNeill, King’s College London and independent author of the review, said:

There is no evidence that e-cigarettes are undermining England’s falling smoking rates. Instead the evidence consistently finds that e-cigarettes are another tool for stopping smoking and in my view smokers should try vaping and vapers should stop smoking entirely.

E-cigarettes could be a game changer in public health in particular by reducing the enormous health inequalities caused by smoking.

Professor Peter Hajek, Queen Mary University London and independent author of the review said:

My reading of the evidence is that smokers who switch to vaping remove almost all the risks smoking poses to their health. Smokers differ in their needs and I would advise them not to give up on e-cigarettes if they do not like the first one they try. It may take some experimentation with different products and e-liquids to find the right one.

Professor Linda Bauld, Cancer Research UK’s expert in cancer prevention, said:

Fears that e-cigarettes have made smoking seem normal again or even led to people taking up tobacco smoking are not so far being realised based on the evidence assessed by this important independent review. In fact, the overall evidence points to e-cigarettes actually helping people to give up smoking tobacco.

Free Stop Smoking Services remain the most effective way for people to quit but we recognise the potential benefits for e-cigarettes in helping large numbers of people move away from tobacco.

Cancer Research UK is funding more research to deal with the unanswered questions around these products including the longer-term impact.

Lisa Surtees, acting director at Fresh Smoke Free North East, the first region where all local stop smoking services are actively promoted as e-cigarette friendly, said:

Despite making great strides to reduce smoking, tobacco is still our biggest killer. Our region has always kept an open mind towards using electronic cigarettes as we can see the massive potential health benefits from switching.

All of our local NHS Stop Smoking Services now proactively welcome anyone who wants to use these devices as part of their quit attempt and increase their chance of success.

Ends ... tes-landmark-review
Quote Acong 2-12-2015 04:04 AM
Facts About Vaping That Shut Down The Haters
by Mr. Cloud | Nov 4, 2014 | Vaping | 162 comments

Facts About Vaping That Shut Down The Haters

Vaping may not provide us with vitamins and nourishing minerals to sustain life, but it would suffice to say most of the noise surrounding this topic is just that – brouhaha. Well, we wanted to save you the trouble of looking it all up, trying to discern truth from fiction!

We have compiled a list of vaping facts supported by various studies conducted over the years. Here’s what you should know.

Second-hand Vapor has Nicotine, but it Lacks Combustible ToxinsPublished by the Oxford Journal in December 2013, it involved an examination of the toxins that might be present in second-hand vapor. Scientists established that there are no combustion-related toxins present in vapor which also contains small quantities of nicotine.
However, it was agreed that more work needs to be done to determine whether there is any risk associated with second-hand nicotine exposure, a topic that still attracts divided opinion. ... .ntt203.short?rss=1

E-cigs do not stiffen the Arteries
This one was courtesy of Greek researchers from the Onassis Cardiac Surgery Center who compared the impact of e-cigs versus burners (traditional cigarettes) on heart function. Guess what they found out?
Two tobacco cigarettes will stiffen the aorta. E-cigarettes, on the other hand, made no difference to the aorta, and were not found to stiffen the arteries.
facts about vaping

E-cigs have no Effect on the Oxygenation of the Heart
This one was courtesy of Dr. Konstantino Farsalinos who wanted to establish if vaping does indeed impact on oxygenation of the heart. The results were in the negative: e-ciggies do not affect oxygen supply and coronary circulation in general.
The findings would later make their way to the European Society of Cardiology Annual Congress that was held in Amsterdam in 2013.

E-liquid has no Adverse Effects on Heart Health
Scientists from the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health studied the impact of e-liquids on heart cells.
They would go on to test 20 different e-liquids and the general consensus was that vapor had no negative effect on cardiac cells.

E-cigarettes are Effective in stopping Smoking and Inhibiting Relapse
One of the commonly misconstrued facts about vaping is whether electronic cigarettes can really help one quit smoking.
A team from the University of Geneva joined forces with University of Auckland researchers to study the impact of e-cigs on ex-smokers. The conclusion was that e-cigarettes could prevent former smokers from relapsing into the habit again, and they could effectively provide succor to current smokers to kick the habit. ... i/S0306460313003304

Smoking is Deadly, and so is E-cig Regulation
Dr. Gilbert Ross is a medical and executive director of the American Council on Science and health.
He tabled a comprehensive report on e-cigs, and his conclusion was that you can use common sense to determine that e-cigarettes are much healthier than combustibles. He also noted that regulation of e-cigarettes could be a fatal decision for public health. ... igarette-regulation

E-cigs are not a Gateway for Tobacco Abuse amongst Teens
Dr. Ted Wagener studied the impact of e-cig use on 1,300 college students.
The researcher from the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center found that only a single person who first used nicotine disguised as e-cigarettes later took to tobacco cigarettes, concluding that e-cigarettes should not be used as a scapegoat for tobacco use.
http://tobaccoanalysis.blogspot. ... ne-e-cigarette.html

Flavored E-liquids can help Smokers Quit
Another study by Dr. Konstantino Farsalinos looked into the effect of flavored e-liquids on the success rate of smokers looking to quit.
Part of his findings was that e-liquid flavoring is an ‘important contributor’ in cutting down cigarette use, or eliminating it entirely.

Smokers Improve Health after Switching to Vaping
A team of independent university researchers wanted to know if switching to e-cigs had any impact on one’s health.
They established that 91% of smokers that switched allegiance to e-cigarettes tended to have improved health. They also found that 97% of those reduced or entirely saw off chronic coughs.

E-liquids pose no Public Health Concerns
Prof. Igor Burstyn of the Drexel university School of Public Health wanted to determine if the chemicals present in e-liquids could be dangerous.
He ended up refuting all those prevalent health concerns regarding e-liquids that most mistake to be facts about vaping. ... lichealth/ms08.ashx

Electronic Cigarettes Reduce the Risk of Tobacco-related Deaths
Scientists from the Boston University of Public Health examined the impact of electronic cigarettes on mortality risks compared to tobacco.
They concluded that the former are a far safer alternative. ... pdf/jphp201041a.pdf

Second-hand Exposure to Vapor has no Health Risks
A group of French scientists established that vapor dissipated within 11 seconds on average. Conversely, cigarette smoke lingered for about 20 minutes on average.
The consensus was that second-hand exposure to e-cig vapor poses no public risk. ... i/S0761842513000855

Taken at The ECC Expo 2014 in Ontario, CA. Chillum Vapor

E-cigarettes have no major Respiratory Impact
Juxtaposing first and second-hand impacts of exposure to e-cig vapor, some researchers wanted to learn how it would impact on respiratory function.
It was established that second-hand exposure to tobacco smoke had a damaging effect on lung function as compared to first-hand exposure to e-cig vapor. It was also agreed that electronic cigarettes do not cause any acute respiratory harm.

The Last Word on Vaping Facts
These facts about vaping are just a handful of the dozens of studies that are being conducted. Vaping is a controversial subject, so you can definitely expect more to follow.
Quote kodokbawang 2-12-2015 07:44 AM
semua isu vape acong adalah juaranya............
Quote bluehedgehog 2-12-2015 07:45 AM
ayuh, selangor dan kedah ialah syurga vape melayu...mari berhijrah ke sna
Quote tipuware 2-12-2015 10:06 AM
kat serdang UPM, ada kedai makan nama Grill, Viper and Chicken ke apa.. tapi kedai tu memang tak benarkan budak 18 tahun ke atas masuk.. even kat tingkap pun, diorang tinted tinggi gak.
Quote JokesCop 2-12-2015 10:23 AM
tipuware replied at 2-12-2015 10:06 AM
kat serdang UPM, ada kedai makan nama Grill, Viper and Chicken ke apa.. tapi kedai tu memang tak ben ...

Customer dia bdak2 sekolah? Ada untung ke? Dalam tu buat apa budak sekolah ramai2?
Quote tipuware 2-12-2015 02:17 PM
JokesCop replied at 2-12-2015 10:23 AM
Customer dia bdak2 sekolah? Ada untung ke? Dalam tu buat apa budak sekolah ramai2?

budak2 18 tahun ke bawah tak dibenarkan masuk. tak tau la untung ke tak. culture nye ada tapi lokasi salah. kalau kat KL, maybe ok la kot. ni serdang UPM, pkl 10pm dah mati~
Quote R2D2 2-12-2015 02:37 PM
Tiga lagi negeri mungkin tidak ikut tindakan Johor

KANGAR 1 Dis. – Tiga lagi kerajaan negeri tidak akan mengikut langkah kerajaan negeri Johor yang mengharamkan penggunaan rokok elektronik dan vape buat masa ini, sebaliknya berpendapat sebarang keputusan perlulah menunggu hasil kajian yang dilakukan oleh Kementerian Kesihatan.

Menteri Besar, Datuk Seri Azlan Man berkata, adalah tidak adil untuk membuat keputusan secara menyeluruh tanpa kajian terperinci oleh pihak berwajib.

“Oleh itu, kerajaan negeri berpendapat perlu ada garis panduan jelas oleh Kementerian Kesihatan tentang vape yang bahaya dan jenis apa yang sebaliknya.

“Jika kajian mendapati semua vape adalah berbahaya, maka wajarlah ia diharamkan. Kita tidak mahu sesuatu keputusan itu diambil dan menjejaskan punca pendapatan peniaga vape,” katanya ketika ditemui selepas menghadiri Mesyuarat Ketiga, Penggal Persidangan Ketiga Dewan Undangan Negeri Ke-13 di sini, hari ini.

Sultan Johor, Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar menitahkan supaya penggunaan semua produk vape diharamkan di seluruh negeri itu dan memberi tempoh sebulan kepada pengusaha premis peranti berkenaan untuk menamatkan operasi tanpa sebarang alasan.

DI KUALA TERENGGANU, Menteri Besar, Datuk Seri Ahmad Razif Abdul Rahman berkata, pihaknya akan menunggu perkembangan lanjut daripada Kementerian Kesihatan sebelum mengambil sebarang tindakan susulan dibuat.

“Kita menunggu sebarang arahan daripada Kerajaan Pusat dan jika ada arahan, kerajaan negeri akan ikut. Kita juga perlu keputusan Kementerian Kesihatan dalam aspek ini.

“Kita tiada kepakaran sebab itulah kita serahkan kepada Kementerian Kesihatan. Kita tidak akan buat keputusan sendiri,’’ katanya kepada pemberita di sini hari ini.

DI MELAKA, Ketua Menteri, Datuk Seri Idris Haron berkata, kerajaan negeri hanya akan mematuhi dan mengikut langkah yang akan diputuskan di peringkat Kerajaan Pusat, sama ada untuk membenarkan atau mengharamkan penjualan produk berkenaan.

Beliau berkata, kerajaan negeri tidak menganggap isu penggunaan vape sebagai sesuatu yang memberikan kesan besar terhadap rakyat Melaka.

“Kerajaan negeri telah membuat pemerhatian dan kita dapati penggunaan vape ini tidak begitu ketara di Melaka. Saya juga ada bertanya kepada para pemilik pusat jualan makanan di negeri ini dan kita dapat lihat sendiri penggunaan vape di Melaka agak terkawal walaupun kawasan ini merupakan tempat terbuka yang dibenarkan merokok,” katanya.

Beliau berkata demikian ketika ditemui selepas merasmikan Mesyuarat Perwakilan Agung Tahunan Gerakan Belia 4B Malaysia negeri Melaka kali ke-42 di Restoran Melayu Melaka di sini malam tadi.

DI KOTA BHARU, Kerajaan Pas Kelantan tidak menolak kemungkinan akan mengikut jejak langkah Johor untuk mengharamkan vape.

Timbalan Menteri Besar, Datuk Mohd. Amar Nik Abdullah berkata, walau bagaimanapun pihaknya belum membuat sebarang keputusan mengenai isu tersebut.

Semalam Selangor dan Kedah menyatakan mereka belum berhasrat mengikuti langkah kerajaan negeri Johor itu.
Quote lurve82 2-12-2015 02:39 PM
eh n9 xckp pape lg? area umah hakak ada 3 kedai vapor..ingtkan 1 jah...lpas ni tumbuh mcm cendawan la...
Quote crossfire 2-12-2015 02:41 PM
dgn ini AbaM K istiharkan JDT akan keluar dari Malaysia.
Quote crossfire 2-12-2015 02:47 PM
batmana replied at 1-12-2015 04:05 PM
patutnya geng vapors ni kreatif la sket.
cuba tukarkn produk vapors ni jadi biskut je. potato cip k ...


Vape baru, semoga vapors akan beralih kepada perisa baru ini.

Quote zwaty 2-12-2015 03:42 PM
nak bervape sila keluar dari johor k....
Quote axl_bach 2-12-2015 08:26 PM
tipuware replied at 2-12-2015 02:17 PM
budak2 18 tahun ke bawah tak dibenarkan masuk. tak tau la untung ke tak. culture nye ada tapi loka ...

dey, 18 tahun KE ATAS ke KE BAWAH??

"kat serdang UPM, ada kedai makan nama Grill, Viper and Chicken ke apa.. tapi kedai tu memang tak benarkan budak 18 tahun ke atas masuk.. even kat tingkap pun, diorang tinted tinggi gak. "
Quote HannahMontana 2-12-2015 08:45 PM
kalau aku MB aku cadangkan vape halal di jamban

Quote tipuware 2-12-2015 09:45 PM
axl_bach replied at 2-12-2015 08:26 PM
dey, 18 tahun KE ATAS ke KE BAWAH??

"kat serdang UPM, ada kedai makan nama Grill, Viper and Chi ...

Hahaha 18 tahun ke atas aje dibenarkan masuk.. sorry1 excited nak kongsi
Quote DaisyD 2-12-2015 10:45 PM
lurve82 replied at 2-12-2015 02:39 PM
eh n9 xckp pape lg? area umah hakak ada 3 kedai vapor..ingtkan 1 jah...lpas ni tumbuh mcm cendawan l ...

akak duduk dekat senawang kah?

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