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Dr Mahathir, Khairuddin dan Anina Saman Najib

23-3-2016 03:58 PM| Diterbitkan: CARI-MAMS| Dilihat: 11402| Komen: 107

Oleh Adib ZA

Selepas Deklarasi Rakyat, kini bekas Perdana Menteri, Tun Dr Mahathir tampil menfailkan saman terhadap Datuk Seri Najib Razak di Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur.

Ia adalah untuk salah laku dalam jawatan awam dan kemungkiran kewajipan fidusiari dalam menjalankan tanggungjawabnya. 

Pakatan itu turut disertai oleh bekas Naib Ketua UMNO Bahagian Batu Kawan, Datuk Seri Khairuddin Abu Hassan dan bekas Wanita UMNO Anina Saadudin. 

Untuk rekod, ia merupakan kali pertama Dr Mahathir memfailkan saman terhadap Najib.  - CARI Infonet

Baca selanjutnya: Astro Awani 

(Sumber foto: The Star)








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Quote wana89 23-3-2016 12:55 PM
Bagus.. good move
Quote HibinoSama 23-3-2016 12:57 PM
Wow ada wyg baru.standby popcorn
Quote nirman 23-3-2016 12:58 PM
About time! Now this will be interesting because it will show the world where the judicial system is in Malaysia. Will it wimp out of its duties or will it show the world that it upholds the law and the Constitution in the dispensation of justice? The bookmakers will follow the track record and shorten the odds on the 'wimp out'.
Quote cik_tonggek 23-3-2016 12:59 PM
Quote lipstickz 23-3-2016 12:59 PM
Ini pendapat aku je la ek
Tun M & Pok Jib ni ibarat bertemu buku dgn ruas.

Dgn Pak Lah bleh la main ugut2, org tua tu step down. Dgn Pok Jib ni jenuh ko! Bergasak la memasing.
Quote ulamalu 23-3-2016 01:00 PM
..... RM2.6 billion in exemplary damages

mcm biasa dengar je RM2.6 billion ni
Quote nirman 23-3-2016 01:02 PM

Mahathir drags Najib to court, seeks RM2.6b in damages
Published on 23 March 2016 12:40 101 views
Read LessDr Mahathir Mohamad and two others have filed a legal suit against Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak.

They are seeking RM2.6 billion in exemplary damages and aggravated damages of RM42 million.
Quote AbukRokok 23-3-2016 01:04 PM
harap mahkamah benarkn saman ni jgn gugurkn.... kita nk tgk telanjang kaw kaw whoever side...  
Quote Steelheart 23-3-2016 01:06 PM
Harap2 TDM pilih credible  lawyer...... kot silap pilih sia2 kna lempar writ ke bakul sampah
Quote Loxlaxman 23-3-2016 01:06 PM
Poooooopcorn on the double pleaseeeee...!!!
Quote sukacactus 23-3-2016 01:09 PM
Dok lepak tepi diam2...ada wayang baru pulak
Quote highcastle 23-3-2016 01:11 PM
Layan Boboiboy lagi best...........
Quote roy3 23-3-2016 01:11 PM
Dr M heret Najib ke mahkamah, tuntut ganti rugi RM2.6b
Hafiz Yatim      Hari ini, 12:14 tengah hari      Hari ini, 12:32 tengah hari

Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad dan dua yang lain hari ini memfailkan saman terhadap Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak bagi kemungkiran kewajipan fidusiari dan salah-laku tort misfeasance dalam jawatan awam.

Saman itu difailkan di pejabat pendaftar Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur hari ini.

Selain Mahathir, plaintif lain adalah bekas ahli Wanita Umno Langkawi Anina Saadudin dan bekas Naib Ketua Umno bahagian Batu Kawan Datuk Seri Khairuddin Abu Hassan.
Najib adalah defendan tunggal dalam tuntutan itu.

Ketiga-tiga plaintif adalah sebahagian daripada gerakan Deklarasi Rakyat untuk menyingkirkan Najib sebagai perdana menteri.

Mereka memohon perintah mahkamah untuk mengisytiharkan Najib melakukan tort misfeasans dalam jawatan awam dan tort kemungkiran fidusiari dengan menyalah-gunakan kedudukannya.

Menurut mereka, Najib sebagai perdana menteri, pengerusi BN, presiden Umno dengan niat jahat dan mala fide menghalang, mencampuri, menindas dan menyalah pintas pelbagai siasatan dan inkuiri berhubung skandal 1MDB berserta kemasukan dana dalam anggaran USD700 juta (RM2.6 bilion) ke dalam akaun peribadi banknya.

Mereka juga memohon perisytiharan yang sama di mana Najib menyalah-gunakan kedudukan beliau untuk mengambil tindakan terhadap Anina dan Khairuddin.

Mereka juga menuntut RM2.6 bilion sebagai ganti rugi teladan dan ganti rugi berpanjangan sebanyak RM42 juta.

[Baca berita penuh]

Mereka memohon mahkamah perintah mahkamah untuk mengisytiharkan Najib mengambil tanggungjawab terhadap salah-laku tort misfeasance dalam jawatan awam dan atau kemungkiran

fidusiari dalam jawatan awam yang dilakukan olehnya.
Quote kecimpret 23-3-2016 01:13 PM
umno lwn umno rakyat tepuk tgn
Quote Jagendas 23-3-2016 01:13 PM
kuasa peguam dlm tgn najib
itu yang dipraktik zaman madey dulu
now barulah dikatakan senjata makan tuan
2x5 je
Quote nirman 23-3-2016 01:33 PM
UALA LUMPUR, March 23 — Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad today sued Datuk Seri Najib Razak for alleged interference in government investigations on 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) and the RM2.6 billion political donation.

In the lawsuit filed against Najib for alleged misuse of power and breach of duty, Dr Mahathir claimed that the prime minister had taken steps to impede investigations on the two controversies.

“This suit is with regard to the tort of misfeasance in public office and tort of breach of fiduciaries in public office committed by Najib Razak in furtherance of his corrupt practise of carrying out various steps that were actively and deliberately taken in bad faith and with mala fide to obstruct, interfere, impede and derail the various investigations and inquiries which were being conducted by various legal enforcement agencies and statutory bodies pertaining to the allegation of the above,” his lawyer Mohamed Haniff Khatri Abdulla said in a statement today.

This is the first lawsuit against Najib by Dr Mahathir, Malaysia’s longest serving former prime minister who has been leading a campaign calling for the former’s removal over alleged financial irregularities.

Haniff, who filed the suit on behalf of Dr Mahathir and two other former Umno members, said his clients felt that they had to seek the court’s help to “reverse the destruction of the rule of law and the sanctity of the provision of our Federal Constitution”.

He said his clients are expected to give a press conference regarding the lawsuit soon.

The two others who filed the lawsuit at the Kuala Lumpur High Court are Datuk Seri Khairuddin Abu Hassan and Anina Saadudin, two former Umno members who earlier this month signed the “Citizens’ Declaration” along with Dr Mahathir and 42 others to seek Najib’s resignation as the prime minister.

In the trio’s statement of claim sighted by Malay Mail Online, the three plaintiffs in the suit claimed that Najib had attempted to avoid negative repercussions from the investigations.

They also said that the prime minister has no constitutional and legal power to use his public office for personal gain.

They are seeking for the court to declare that Najib has committed the alleged tort by using his official positions as prime minister, Barisan Nasional chairman and Umno president to interfere with the investigations, as well as to “unjustly punish” them for exercising their rights and duties as citizens to question and demand answers on 1MDB, the RM2.6 billion donation and a RM42 million sum involving former 1MDB unit SRC International.

They also want the court to order Najib to pay exemplary damages of RM2.6 billion and aggravated damages of RM42 million to the government of Malaysia, although they said the exact sum will be left to the court to assess.

On January 26, Attorney-General Tan Sri Mohamed Apandi Ali cleared Najib of criminal wrongdoing in the corruption probes on former 1MDB subsidiary SRC International Sdn Bhd, and the transfer of an alleged RM2.6 billion donation into the prime minister’s private accounts.

Among other things, Apandi said evidence showed that a US$681 million (RM2.08 billion) sum was a personal donation from the Saudi royal family to Najib without any consideration, with the unutilised portion of US$620 million (RM2.03 billion) later returned.

Apandi had also said there was no evidence to show that Najib had any knowledge of or had given any approval for the transfer of funds from SRC International’s accounts into his accounts.

He also said he will return the three investigation papers to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) and instruct them to close the cases.

- See more at: ... thash.dptZ4AsJ.dpuf

Quote amira_safia 23-3-2016 01:37 PM
Tapi peguam negara dah cakap x ada kesalahan apa2 yg najib buat pasal duit derma ni!    
Ada harapan ke menang kalau peguam negara dah cakapa macam tu ...
Quote amira_safia 23-3-2016 01:37 PM
Tapi peguam negara dah cakap x ada kesalahan apa2 yg najib buat pasal duit derma ni!    
Ada harapan ke menang kalau peguam negara dah cakapa macam tu ...
Quote nour2001 23-3-2016 01:39 PM
Itulah tunggu hari selasa nak saman, last2 diri kena saman..

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