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Slogan Terbaru Malaysia Tiru Israel?

23-8-2013 06:11 PM| Diterbitkan: admin9| Dilihat: 8115| Komen: 34


Tourism Ministry Director-General Amir Halevi: “Israel is very well suited to the conference and incentive market – it is a modern, vibrant country with Jerusalem at its center and its advantages include a good year-round climate for events, its relatively small size that allows for easy, fast access from everywhere and its varied geography.”

The Ministry of Tourism promotes international conventions in Israel and is working to establish Israel as a major player in the incentive market. To this end, the ministry has recently launched a dedicated website promoting Israel as a unique destination for international conferences and incentive travel, under the slogan  “Israel. One place. Endless Possibilities”.

The site, which is available in English and Russian, is aimed at the decision-makers and tourism specialists working in the conference and incentive market, in particular in Russia, UK, Germany, Italy and Holland. The website launch is being supported by a NIS 200,000 campaign in print and digital media.

In order to promote convention and incentive tourism, the ministry participates in trade fairs, organizes seminars and hosts orientation visits in Israel for tourism specialists and decision-makers in which they are introduced to the many options available for pre- and post-conference touring and activities for participants and their partners.

Research shows that employees who receive an experiential prize from their employees remember it better and for longer than a financial reward. Based on experience and research, the experiential incentive makes the recipient feel more loyal to his/her workplace and better appreciate his/her employer who not only invested money but also time and effort in arranging the experience. Employees who receive a special incentive return with greater motivation to the workplace and positively influence their colleagues who also want to share the experience.

Included within the website are videos, images, and detailed, user-friendly information that show how Israel can accommodate conferences from 50 – 10,000 participants in hotels and universities with state-of-the-art convention facilities, and a wide and varied range of incentive options underlying the message of one country with endless possibilities. These are divided into four main categories:

body and soul: holistic spa treatments, meditation, kabala etc
sports: every type of water, land and air sports at different challenge levels through to extreme, including swimming with the dolphins in the Red Sea, bird-watching, cycling, jeep rides and more
food and wines: boutique wineries, olive oil and cheese farms, open-air food markets and more
leisure and history: cultural and entertainment options, archeological sites, lavish nighttime productions in the desert, museums and more

The site also includes contact details of relevant Israeli service providers who specialize in conference and incentive travel, as well as the Israel Government Tourist Offices around the world








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Quote namirulmukminin 23-8-2013 08:47 AM
Huh... 1 Malaysia = 1 Israel... Dulu kini dan selamanya... Malaysia copy paste Israel je la..
Quote nour2001 23-8-2013 08:49 AM
ni dasar pandang ke Israel ke.....
Quote ifanonline 23-8-2013 08:50 AM
rupa2 nya melayu jilat anal yahudi...
Quote Psychedelia 23-8-2013 08:56 AM
Oh no... kalau nak tiru pun, jangan la tiru Israel.. ye ye je kata DSAI support Israel.. rope2nya Najib pun sama...
Quote taikor 23-8-2013 08:57 AM
Ha Ha !

Di Israel: Israel. One Place. Endless Possibilities.
Di Malaysia: 1Malaysia. Endless Possibilities.

Ha ha !
Quote totokreturn 23-8-2013 09:01 AM
Consultqnt tukang tarik hidung najib kan yahudi apco... apa yahudi buat.. semua najib dan umno kena ikut.... umno yahudi malaysia... dah lama dah...
Quote DeMax 23-8-2013 09:04 AM
namirulmukminin posted on 23-8-2013 08:47 AM
Huh... 1 Malaysia = 1 Israel... Dulu kini dan selamanya... Malaysia copy paste Israel je la..

Apa salahnye, takkan nak tiru ummah Morsi pengganas tu..tak menyumbang langsung kpd ketamadunan ummah Melayu
Quote brownstone 23-8-2013 09:08 AM
Jibby ni suka sgt Yisroil ni ntah2 ade simpan duit biliyun biliyun kat akuan rahsia di bank Yisroil ke???
Quote namirulmukminin 23-8-2013 09:09 AM
DeMax posted on 23-8-2013 09:04 AM
Apa salahnye, takkan nak tiru ummah Morsi pengganas tu..tak menyumbang langsung kpd ketamadunan um ...

Masalahnya tak reti nak cipta sendiri punya ke??? Nampak sangat PM tu bodow... idea cedok memanjang... orang buat, dia ikut... orang buat, dia ikut.. tapi fail..

Quote mybluegetz 23-8-2013 09:11 AM
Ye ke? bukan nk tiru illuminati ngan freemason ke?

Knight of templer ke?

Quote DeMax 23-8-2013 09:12 AM
namirulmukminin posted on 23-8-2013 09:09 AM
Masalahnya tak reti nak cipta sendiri punya ke??? Nampak sangat PM tu bodow... idea cedok memanjan ...

Aku dah kata tak salah copy paste coz ciptaan sains dan teknologi ummah Yahudi termasuk FB n komputer yg hang guna ni semua negara ambil...tak kan nak ke hulu ke hilir jerit hidup ummah Arab! hidup ummah Arab
Quote namirulmukminin 23-8-2013 09:14 AM
DeMax posted on 23-8-2013 09:12 AM
Aku dah kata tak salah copy paste coz ciptaan sains dan teknologi ummah Yahudi termasuk FB n kompu ...

Sebab tu melayu payah maju... Pasai ide pemimpin dari dulu copy paste... satu apa pon tak tau nak cipta sendiri... Yang macam hang pulak duk sokong buta tuli... akai ada ka?
Quote MissMamamia75 23-8-2013 09:26 AM
Najib & team....copywriter terhebat di abad ini...
maklum ler...Yahudi/Israel & pemimpin2 negara/dunia xdpt dipisahkan...
kalu tak...mana dtg dana berjuta2 lemon tu....
Quote gaara_X 23-8-2013 09:29 AM
copy mengopy budaya kita ke??????
Quote DeMax 23-8-2013 09:36 AM
namirulmukminin posted on 23-8-2013 09:14 AM
Sebab tu melayu payah maju... Pasai ide pemimpin dari dulu copy paste... satu apa pon tak tau nak  ...

Aku sokong puak yg cipta komputer, FB, Kapal terbang and no to puak2 hanya gempak jerit Allahu Akhbar ke hulu Allahu Akhbar ke hilir last2 bom sana sini nak tunjuk dia tu ori muslim dari ummah lain
Quote namirulmukminin 23-8-2013 09:56 AM
DeMax posted on 23-8-2013 09:36 AM
Aku sokong puak yg cipta komputer, FB, Kapal terbang and no to puak2 hanya gempak jerit Allahu Akh ...

Laaaa... yang hang betegak bagai dgn aku tu pasai apa?? Aku ingat kan hang sokong PM copy paste tu... ropenye hang sokom Bill Gate.. Kalu dah sokom Bill Gate tu tak payah la sujud sembah PM Copy Paste tu... duk bela PM copy paste tu apa ke "jadah" nye..
Quote pyropura 23-8-2013 10:01 AM
totokreturn posted on 23-8-2013 09:01 AM
Consultqnt tukang tarik hidung najib kan yahudi apco... apa yahudi buat.. semua najib dan umno kena  ...

..punaisihat yahudi, kabinet kristian, lengkaplah pumerintahan Umeno...

Quote DeMax 23-8-2013 10:03 AM
namirulmukminin posted on 23-8-2013 09:56 AM
Laaaa... yang hang betegak bagai dgn aku tu pasai apa?? Aku ingat kan hang sokong PM copy paste tu ...

And aku sokon PM kito...tolak PAS=Brotherhood AlMorsi
Quote Acong 23-8-2013 10:09 AM
nour2001 posted on 23-8-2013 08:49 AM
ni dasar pandang ke Israel ke.....

israel kan penasihat mesia....... welkam israel......!!!

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