London: A super-spicy burger on sale in Brighton is being touted as the hottest in Britain — after five people landed in hospital attempting to eat it. Nick Gambardella, who serves the XXX Hot Chilli Burger in his restaurant in the popular seaside town, asks customers — who must be over-18 — to sign a legal disclaimer before trying it. The dish has a chilli sauce on it measuring an eye-watering 9.2 million on the Scoville scale which measures spicy heat in foods — compared to an average chilli pepper at 500 Scoville units. To give some idea of how hot that is:
The dish is sold at his Burger Off restaurant in Brighton, Sussex, Gambardella said, “I am amazed I am allowed to sell it — but it’s been a massive hit with the customers.” “Obviously, I always take my responsibilities as a food retailer seriously, but if my customers want super spicy food, I am entitled to give them what they want. The burgers are cooked properly — it’s the sauce that is maybe too hot to handle,” added Gambardella. The burger gets its heat from a red-hot sauce based on a piri piri chilli concentrate, which is created through steaming and is later infused with carbon dioxide. Mid Day