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Serpihan Sayap Kapal Terbang Ditemui Di Pulau Reunion. MH370?

30-7-2015 09:54 AM| Diterbitkan: CARI-HBZ| Dilihat: 83808| Komen: 568

Oleh : Dean BZ

Susulan penemuan serpihan berukuran 2 meter yang dipercayai sayap kapal terbang, Malaysia telah menghantar satu pasukan ke Pulau La Reunion yang terletak di luar pantai timur Afrika untuk mengenal pasti sama ada serpihan yang ditemui di perairan itu mungkin milik pesawat Penerbangan Malaysia (MAS) MH370 yang hilang pada tahun lalu.

Sumber foto :

Serpihan itu ditemui ketika pembersihan pantai dan dilaporkan telah dibawa ke Perancis dan pasukan penyiasat telah mula melakukan kerja-kerja forensik.

Xavier Tytelman, pakar keselamatan udara berkata, ia mungkin serpihan milik MH370 yang hilang tanpa kesan pada 8 Mac tahun lalu.

Pesawat MH370 yang membawa 239 penumpang dan anak kapal ketika dalam perjalanan dari Kuala Lumpur ke Beijing gagal dikesan sejak dilaporkan hilang pada Mac 2014. 

Selepas hampir setahun kehilangannya, Putrajaya mengisytiharkan pesawat MH370 telah berakhir di Lautan Hindi. - CARI Infonet.








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Quote shahx 30-7-2015 12:34 AM
Quote shahx 30-7-2015 12:37 AM
Quote kemaruk 30-7-2015 12:38 AM
boleh divert isu najib

-pemerhati politik tahap peon
Quote akudot 30-7-2015 12:42 AM
bukan kah kapal tu Ada lagi n dh tukar wajah skrg.....opssssss
Quote sgbuloh 30-7-2015 12:45 AM
Madagascar? jauhnya..
Quote slavehunter 30-7-2015 12:46 AM
Mh370 memang sedih kalau teringat....dia macam scar kat dalam remains inside eternally.....
Quote primemova 30-7-2015 12:47 AM
Hrp2 dpt rungkai misteri mh370
Quote cicicumel 30-7-2015 12:49 AM
hrp2 bukan...
Quote lazim 30-7-2015 12:52 AM
xhenti2 mcm mh370. hujung2 sepi jugak. malas nk harap dh
Quote kemaruk 30-7-2015 01:01 AM
@ResellerMaxis jom lepak sini meh

alololo... jom sembang2 ngan bangkem
Quote primemova 30-7-2015 01:02 AM
Pulau re union tu kecik je di tgh lautan hindi... Kuasa tuhan serpihan kecil tu sampai ke pulau tu juga.... Tuhan nak bantu beri petunjuk utk rungkai misteri mh370... Maybe ada lagi debris disekelilinb perairan laut sekitar pulau tu
Quote slavehunter 30-7-2015 01:04 AM
Still tak.jauh from Indian Ocean kan? Harap2 la debris ni Mh370 punye.....ada closure....semoga termakbul doa kita semua....aminnnnn
Quote primemova 30-7-2015 01:13 AM
slavehunter replied at 30-7-2015 01:04 AM
Still tak.jauh from Indian Ocean kan? Harap2 la debris ni Mh370 punye.....ada closure....semoga term ...

Mmg pulau reunion tu dlm indian ocean pun... Kat google ada baca update terbaharu kata serpihan tu matches dgn boieng 777... Possibility mh370 tu tinggi
Quote slavehunter 30-7-2015 01:19 AM
primemova replied at 30-7-2015 01:13 AM
Mmg pulau reunion tu dlm indian ocean pun... Kat google ada baca update terbaharu kata serpihan tu ...

Ya Allah syukur sangat kalau tu Mh370 punye.....termakbul doa rakyat Malaysia hari tu tengok dorang ber yahanana....Habib tu doakan semoga jumpa la kapal. Kalau betul la Mh370.....mesti masa Malam Laillatulqadar baru2 ni orang semua berdoa......harap betul la....
Quote AbukRokok 30-7-2015 01:23 AM
hancur teori konspirashit sharifah sofea syed rasyid klu betul
Quote enchikfitz 30-7-2015 01:25 AM
Tumpang letak ye

A French aviation expert believes he may have found the wreckage of MH370 – the Malaysia Airlines flight which disappeared off the coast of Malaysia in March 2014.

Xavier Tytelman, a former military pilot who now specialises in aviation security, was contacted on Wednesday morning by a man living on the island of Reunion, in the Indian Ocean. The man sent Mr Tytelman a series of photos showing wreckage of a plane, which the Frenchman said could possibly be the missing jet.

"I've been studying hundreds of photos and speaking to colleagues," Mr Tytelman told The Telegraph. "And we all think it is likely that the wing is that of a Boeing 777 – the same plane as MH370.

"Police in Reunion examining the wreckage say that it looks like it's been in the water for around a year, which again would fit with MH370. We can't say for certainty, but we do think there is a chance that this is it."

The plane vanished with 239 people on board in circumstances which have baffled investigators, and left distraught families searching for answers.

Wild theories emerged about the plane: that it had landed in Diego Garcia, or flown on to North Korea.
But Mr Tytelman believes that the Indian Ocean location makes sense for wreckage of the plane to have washed up.

"The French police are now looking at it, and the Australians – who are in charge of the search – are interested too," he said. "We don't know how long it will take to get confirmation or a definite denial. But it's an intriguing development."

Writing on his blog, Mr Tytelman said that the photos of the wreckage had aroused significant interest on the AvGeek website – a closed forum for pilots.

He said that there was much discussion over a code part of the wreckage: BB670.

"The code is not that of a plane number plate, nor that or a serial number on machinery," he wrote.

"But if the flaperon does indeed belong to MH370, it's clear that the reference will be swiftly identified. In a few days we will have a definitive answer."
Quote enchikfitz 30-7-2015 01:26 AM
Tumpang letak ye

A French aviation expert believes he may have found the wreckage of MH370 – the Malaysia Airlines flight which disappeared off the coast of Malaysia in March 2014.

Xavier Tytelman, a former military pilot who now specialises in aviation security, was contacted on Wednesday morning by a man living on the island of Reunion, in the Indian Ocean. The man sent Mr Tytelman a series of photos showing wreckage of a plane, which the Frenchman said could possibly be the missing jet.

"I've been studying hundreds of photos and speaking to colleagues," Mr Tytelman told The Telegraph. "And we all think it is likely that the wing is that of a Boeing 777 – the same plane as MH370.

"Police in Reunion examining the wreckage say that it looks like it's been in the water for around a year, which again would fit with MH370. We can't say for certainty, but we do think there is a chance that this is it."

The plane vanished with 239 people on board in circumstances which have baffled investigators, and left distraught families searching for answers.

Wild theories emerged about the plane: that it had landed in Diego Garcia, or flown on to North Korea.
But Mr Tytelman believes that the Indian Ocean location makes sense for wreckage of the plane to have washed up.

"The French police are now looking at it, and the Australians – who are in charge of the search – are interested too," he said. "We don't know how long it will take to get confirmation or a definite denial. But it's an intriguing development."

Writing on his blog, Mr Tytelman said that the photos of the wreckage had aroused significant interest on the AvGeek website – a closed forum for pilots.

He said that there was much discussion over a code part of the wreckage: BB670.

"The code is not that of a plane number plate, nor that or a serial number on machinery," he wrote.

"But if the flaperon does indeed belong to MH370, it's clear that the reference will be swiftly identified. In a few days we will have a definitive answer."
Quote enchikfitz 30-7-2015 01:28 AM

Quote enchikfitz 30-7-2015 01:31 AM
A look at wing flap on an airplane.

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