bLUe_jaMBu Publish time 12-6-2007 12:26 PM

baru nak try makan epo ni utk fertility, hormon..hopefully ada good news! 2-3 org member yg makan tak sampai 2 bulan conceive!

Utada_Hikaru Publish time 13-6-2007 02:11 PM

Reply #261 bLUe_jaMBu's post

:) n jgn lupa makan asid folik..bagus utk conceive as well

cupcakes~~ Publish time 14-6-2007 12:18 PM

erkk...nak tanye. sehari brape mg kite kne consume eh..

saleharr Publish time 15-6-2007 10:03 PM

selain daripada EPO anda sekalian boleh juga mengamalkan Nu Age.....
Diadun daripada sumber makanan asli mewah yang menakjubkan, iaitu sumber marin (polysakarida, collagen, protein, chondroitins, elastin, karbohidrat dan lain-lain), ekstrasi dari buah anggur (grape) dan sayuran terpilih. Tanpa bahan kimia, suci dan halal.

julia robert Publish time 16-6-2007 09:24 AM

Nak makan EPO nie brand apa2 pon bolehkan....

Tora_D_Great Publish time 16-6-2007 01:43 PM

Originally posted by julia robert at 16-6-2007 09:24 AM
Nak makan EPO nie brand apa2 pon boleh牋kan....

Kalau was-was amik je brand Naturelle keluaran CCM..
sbb ada tanda halal lagipun buatan malaysia

neisya Publish time 20-6-2007 01:16 PM

tumpang tnya..

neisya memang amalkan EPO ni, tp bila neisya pregnant..terus stop...
now dah abis pantang n dah start kerja...ada dekat 3/4 lagi baki dari yang neisya ambik tu..boleh sambung balik tak sbb dah buka lebih 11 months?
neisya ambik 1000mg EPO dari brand Kordel's

neisya Publish time 20-6-2007 01:17 PM

Reply #266 Tora_D_Great's post

kat mana boleh dapat brand ni?..kat watson ada ke?

juecy Publish time 20-6-2007 02:07 PM

Jue pun amal mengambilan EPO ni sejak 4 bulan yg lepas. Dulu period tak tetap. Sejak amik EPO ni sharp2 date dia keluar. Klu 1st 2days tu, berketul2 darah yg beku tu keluar. Kulit muka klu dulu berminyak teruk sekrg getting better. Kulit smooth jer. Makin cerah kulit Jue.

Jue mkn brand Bio-life...Australian product :funk: takde tanda halal cuma ader MAL Reg No. Lepas ni nak tukar la kepd naturelle tu. Sumber bahan dia takde lak tulis dr lemak binatang ker haper but suitable for vegetarian. :L

juecy Publish time 20-6-2007 02:18 PM

terlupa satu lagi, EPO ni mengemukkan ker ?

akulynn Publish time 20-6-2007 02:28 PM

aku dah berhenti makan EPO ni..tak leh..naik jerawat..maybe tak sesuai untuk aku yang mudah tumbuh jerawat..:mad:

sha_n Publish time 21-6-2007 09:55 AM

sha ngan family sume mkn EPO ni..vegecaps nye EPO brand biolife..
mmg bagus..dr dulu da amalkan..:)

putri22 Publish time 21-6-2007 10:07 AM

Reply #272 sha_n's post

aku pun makan brand biolife nie..capsule dia lembut jer..rasa nak picit2 jer..;P ..aku makan sehari dua far so good..mmg bagus amalkan utk kesihatan dalaman dan luaran..:D

putri22 Publish time 21-6-2007 10:44 AM

Efamol甊igel Evening Primrose Oil
Uses / Indications:
Acne, Atopic Eczema, Diabetic Neuropathy, Premenstrual Syndrome & Mastalgia, Psoriasis, Healthy Skin Complexion

Atopic eczema, premenstrual syndrome & mastalgia are link to EFA deficiency. Sufferers of these conditions usually have adequate levels of the omega-6 EFA namely the Linoleic Acid (LA) but very low levels of the Gamma-Linolenic Acid (GLA) metabolite, which is important for good health.

In the body, LA needs to be converted to GLA and the subsequent Prostaglandins (series-1) in order to be fully utilized. However, this conversion is slowed down by many factors such as poor eating habits, ageing, stress, alcohol, cholesterol, viral infections, saturated and trans fats. The administration of GLA is therefore of value to provide sufficient amounts of GLA and further metabolites, thus bypassing the conversion process.

Efamol甊igel, a new breed of the evening primrose plant, is a rich source of omega-6 EFA that delivers 12-14% of GLA. Scientific studies show that regular intake of Efamol甊igel can help ease problems relating to skin condition and women menstrual cycle.

Adult: For general health maintenance, take TWO capsules three times daily with food for up to 12 weeks after which the dosage can be reduced to TWO capsules daily.
For atopic eczema, acne, dry skin, premenstrual syndrome and mastalgia, take THREE capsules up to three times daily with food for a maximum of 12 weeks.

Children (6-12 yrs): For general health maintenance, take ONE capsule twice daily with food. For atopic eczema and dry skin, take TWO capsules twice daily with food for a maximum of 16 weeks.

Contra-Indications / Caution:
* No signs of chronic toxicity or carcinogenicity have been found in laboratory testing. However, it may cause headaches in sensitive individuals especially those who are prone to headaches due to alcohol consumption.
* Certain people with poor fat digestion may feel nauseous when they start taking evening primrose oil capsules. It is best to split the dosage throughout the day.
* Some people might experience minor skin rashes especially pimples when starting on six capsules of Evening Primrose Oil but these tend to subside after 8-12 weeks of regular supplementation.


juecy Publish time 21-6-2007 12:03 PM

Putri...Efamol ni 250mg but others is 500mg or 1000mg.
Mean kena amik 4biji sekali makan. Utk dptkan 2000 or 3000 mg sehari u kena makan lebih. Klu product lain sebiji sekali mkn.

My friend ader amik product ni dia ckp white discharge dia makin menjadi2. So dia tak advise amik Efamol. Mungkin org lain serasi.

putri22 Publish time 21-6-2007 12:18 PM

Reply #275 juecy's post

oo mcm tue..thanks..kita ambil epo biasa pun kdg2 ada white discharge kuar secara byk..mgkn effect biasa di awal pengambilan epo nie..

kakcik Publish time 21-6-2007 12:26 PM

kakcik dah mkn epo dr bio life dlm sebulan ni.setakat ni ok skrg nak try cosway punya.ok tak?ada sesapa yg mkn epo dr cosway tak?

juecy Publish time 21-6-2007 05:31 PM

1st time makan EPO ni Jue amik Cosway punya...agaknya mana2 EPO tu sama jer. Cuma better kita mkn yg ader cop HALAL. Takde la was2. Since mcm2 forumer yg lain ckp tu setgh2 guna sumber yg NON-HALAL.

kakcik Publish time 22-6-2007 02:44 PM

cosway punya brand ni halal tak?

kamar22 Publish time 22-6-2007 04:21 PM

Reply #279 kakcik's post

cosway punya ada tanda halal. jgn risau...
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