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Author: cluben

American Idol 4 Starts on Jan 2005 (Siapa yg ada frenster pls refer pg 166)

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Post time 24-2-2005 11:47 AM | Show all posts
Yang betul-betul meninggalkan kesan malam tadi was:
Nadia Turner
Carrie Underwood

Quite disappointed with Vonzell, she was my favourite, but although she was still good last night, the other 3 were much, much better than her.

My prediction for tonight's elimination:

Guys: Jared Yates and Scott Savol

Girls: Amanda Avila and Sarah Mather

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 Author| Post time 24-2-2005 01:46 PM | Show all posts
ade sesapa dah jumpa link utk download audio/video clip? share le ngan gang kat cni

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Post time 24-2-2005 05:00 PM | Show all posts
Prediction Lucky yg akan out malam ni ...

Girls :-
- Melinda Lira (buruknya dia nyanyi Power of Love, totally out of tune)
- Celena Rae (ntah, rasa boring dia nyanyi)

Guys (ada byk rasanya nyanyi tak bagus malam tu, susah gak nak predict) :-
- Joseph Murena (boring)
- Jared Yates (boring)

Anthony pun membosankan dgn lagu Hold On 2 The Nite, tapi d Americans tentu suka dia.. terlalu awal nak keluar.. Constantine pulak cam out of tune je malam tu.. hopefully dia tak out

Tak sangka Bo tu rupanya former singer of Creed
patut la nyanyi bagus amat

Dan Nadia.. fuhhh... memang ada potensi.. u go girl! :pompom:

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Post time 24-2-2005 05:02 PM | Show all posts
bru tngok result. taknak bgtau le sapa, tkut nnti ada org marah sbb kasi spoiler. tak ramai yg dh tngok tadi kan.

2 lelaki n 2 pompan dah terkeluar. sorang peserta lelaki yg terkeluar tu mmg patut terkeluar sbb persembahan dia biasa sgt tp yg sorang lagi mcm tak patut terkuar sbb persembahan n vokal dia hebat, cuma nmpak imitation sket n kureng originaliti kot. pompan lak... yg sorang tu silap pilih lagu... tp sorang lagi tu vokal power.. tp mybe org tak tertarik sgt dgn persembahan dia sbb tu out.

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Post time 24-2-2005 05:03 PM | Show all posts
wow!.....cruel nyerr cara ryan :ketuk: eliminate J.....  ...........


[ Last edited by defeduck on 24-2-2005 at 05:05 PM ]

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Post time 24-2-2005 05:48 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by defeduck at 24-2-2005 05:03 PM:
wow!.....cruel nyerr cara ryan :ketuk: eliminate J.....  ...........


[ Last edited by defeduck on 24-2-2005 at 05:05 PM ]

tu la..
kesian aku tgk guys kena exercise naik turun stage..

girls tu sangkarable la akan kluar those two...tapi of the 2 guys tu apsal sorg tu kena kluar...terkejut muka semua org..

i tot he was one of the favs..

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Post time 24-2-2005 06:58 PM | Show all posts
Wuaa...Judd Harris dah ape dia nyanyi...happening siot...tapi dah kuar...wuaaa!!!!

Melinda Lira nyanyi boleh tahan tapi kalau nak compare dengan Amy Adams yang nyanyi lagu yang sama masa semi-final, Amy Adams lagi best....tapi kesian gak tgk Melinda terkeluar...sedih muka dia bila dengar nama dia terkeluar....

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dinOtOpiA_kAYlA This user has been deleted
Post time 24-2-2005 10:55 PM | Show all posts
aku ska MARIO VESQUEZ ngan JUDD HARRIS...pergh!!!!!!dah lee ensem,talented lak tuh!!!kira orait laa......pompuan lak aku takleh hapai lagik nama2 depa...hahaha...tak menarik!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Post time 24-2-2005 11:55 PM | Show all posts
antara yg terkeluar tu, rasanya judd harris yg paling tak patut terkeluar/terkeluar dulu. jared yates tu mmg membosankan, sarah mather pon bosan gak. tapi melinda tu rasanya bagus jugak, better than jessica sierra.

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Post time 25-2-2005 09:09 AM | Show all posts
Sedih aku tgk masa Melinda keluar smlm.....sian dia.
Tapi this year semua best2 la, even the judges pun komen yg terkeluar ni mostly sbb salah pilih lagu je.

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Post time 25-2-2005 09:13 AM | Show all posts
the girls i think better Amanda tu dikluarkan drpd Melinda tu...tapi dia lawo so...

kalau Judd Harris tak kluar sapa yg patut ekss?

Lagi satu:

aku rasa tak patut diorg kasi yg kalah tu menyanyi lagik...mana boleh nyanyi with all those emotions bottled up inside..hishh...aku pun sendiri sedih tengok diorg thats cruel!! :agr:

[ Last edited by kulit on 25-2-2005 at 09:38 AM ]

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Post time 25-2-2005 09:42 AM | Show all posts
sedihnya JUDD HARRIS out....... i like him

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Post time 25-2-2005 09:49 AM | Show all posts

American Idol 4: In the Name of Good Television… by Sting7 -- 02/24/2005

The message boards and emails are absolutely humming with anger. American Idol may have sunk to a new low with the first night of Top 24 eliminations. But, is American Idol simply following a surprising new, and mean, trend in reality television? Maybe we shouldn’t be surprised at the treatment Melinda Lira and Judd Harris received. Maybe there is something you can do about it!

Melinda Lira stood with her hands on her hips, her face pale with shock and anger. Somewhere, deep down, she expected this, but that didn’t make it any easier to swallow.

Just moments before, Ryan Seacrest went through the painstaking process of informing each of the Idol contestants of their fate. Either they were safe, or they... weren’t. Having gone through ten women, Melinda Lira and Janay Castine knew they were as on the bubble as they could be. Janay already had tears welling in her eyes, Melinda seemed to silently praying for just one more chance. Both young women knew they hadn’t been their best, but Melinda figured it was good enough.

She was wrong.

Seacrest quickly babbled that Janay was safe and, "Melinda you are out!" Melinda first appeared not to understand, she looked at Ryan expectantly as if he were going to say something else. Ryan babbled the dreaded, "I’m sorry, your journey ends here." Melinda continued to stare off into the distance, finally covering her face. But, it wasn’t just sadness she was feeling. She was pretty mad too.

Seacrest stupidly asked when she went to bed last night, could she have possibly dreamed this, and she decided to tell him. "I didn’t get a lot of exposure in the beginning that I thought I should’ve had... you see people earlier in the competition and they gain favorites with people they’ve seen... and I just felt it was totally against me."

And you know what? She’s absolutely right.

We saw bad auditions out the ever-lovin’ wazoo this season. We could have seen more of Melinda, as well as Jared Yates and Judd Harris. But, we had to endure Mary Roach, Derek Braxton, etc. We even had to awkwardly watch the false drama of Jaclyn Crum’s mother whose MS didn’t have to be splashed across the country, considering Jaclyn didn’t make the cut. Why? It’s good television.

Is it fair television though? We know Anthony Fedorov had health problems and wasn’t expected to speak. We know Scott Savol is the penultimate underdog who doesn’t play well with others. We know Anwar Robinson is the angelic music teacher. What did we know about Melinda Lira? Nothing. How could she have possibly been expected to succeed when we were just now first laying eyes on her, when there are other contestants we know like relatives?

The point I’m making is for all the production that was lent to the endless bad audition segments, why not make sure that we know at least know the Top 24? By the time American Idol 4 started on the air, Lythgoe and company knew who the Top 24 was. Jared Yates could make the same argument. We’d never seen him before! Judd Harris got some airtime, but Joe Murena was seen plenty, but we never knew his name! Why? Victims in the pursuit of good television.

Judd suffered an even crueler fate. Judd’s row was first under fire, and Jared Yates was eliminated. Based on what we’d seen of the women, we thought the second victim would come from the other row. In fact, Ryan had all of the men from the top row line up around him... and he told all of them, two by two, that they were... safe. Huh?

To his credit, Ryan looked completely uncomfortable doing it, but he wheeled to Judd, who sat in assumed safety (it’s true Ryan told the row to "relax," he never said they were safe) and blurted, "Judd you’ve been eliminated!" It must have hit him like a Mack truck. This silly Simon Says-style verbal nitpicking is just exploitive.

American Idol is billing itself as "family entertainment," but the tactics of tonight were as family-oriented as midget wrestling. It was absolutely unnecessary to treat the contestants who devoted months of their lives to keeping Idol’s secrets, even from their families and closest friends, as well as non-compete clauses and the danger of never being able to try out again, like trained seals at a zoo. It was just mean.

I don’t blame Idol for wanting to build the drama of the results shows. They are among Idol’s highest rated, and you have to do business. I won’t begrudge that. But there is a line between suspense and being disrespectful to the people who make it possible for you to have a show. What happens when these talented kids decide they want a music career, but not at the expense of their dignity? What happens when the only people who try out are the Leroy Wellses of the world? Who do you blame?

As you can probably tell, I’m pretty steamed at my favorite show right now. If you feel they have crossed the line, as I do, why not let them know?

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Post time 25-2-2005 11:41 AM | Show all posts
Nampaknya my prediction for elimination only 50% correct ..

I still think Amanda Avila should have been axed first -but of course we know that the fact that Simon Colwell wants to come back as her microphone in his 2nd life helped her a lot .. Melinda Lira is right - if she had more airtime, she would probably have had more fans voting for her this time round, but for all the hue and cry, even if she had been safe last night, she would have been axed soon enough after - there really isn't anything "super" about her.

I thought Judd Harris was unfairly cut though. Granted, the way he dresses himself is simply awful, but he had a good voice, charisma and although it wasn't probably the best song choice, he still pulled it off way better than say, Scott Savol. Now Scott has a good voice too, but his choice of song was horrendous to say the least and he has absolutely no charisma to speak of. But Scott's been given a lot of airtime and all that drama about how it's so sad that his dad said all those awful things to him and how sweet that he has a kid who's looking up to him, etc, well all that helped Scott to remain safe. If Scott had not been given any airtime and we're seeing that scary looking big guy singing that song for the first time, I bet you he would've been axed in an instant.

Oh well, I guess, that's TV for you ...

btw- Anwar is still awesome!!

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Post time 25-2-2005 01:04 PM | Show all posts
[quote]Originally posted by ColbyRaikkonen at 25-2-2005 09:49:

American Idol 4: In the Name of Good Television

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Post time 25-2-2005 02:49 PM | Show all posts
[quote]Originally posted by ColbyRaikkonen at 2005-2-25 09:49 AM:

American Idol 4: In the Name of Good Television

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Post time 25-2-2005 03:28 PM | Show all posts
actually sejak tengok American Idol tu..aku cam dah malas nak tengok lagi dah...kalau dia buat tak respect kepada contestants begitu rupa...that's just sure its for the money...more rating more money....

sakssss badly..

Ryan Seacrest la yg akan jadi scapegoat producer2 yg kt dlm tu...:siok:...nampak jugak muka Ryan masa nak announce Judd Harris tu muka terpaksa nak buat je..

kalau camni rupa gaya American Idol this season...nxt season(kalau ada)..tak payah la ramai2 dtg audition..kalau nak kena 'humiliated' mcmtu depan tv...:agr:

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Post time 25-2-2005 07:00 PM | Show all posts
Cara Ryan eliminatae Judd & Melinda tu kan permintaan produser so dia kena ikut je la.....sian dia...

By the way, harap-harap peserta

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Post time 25-2-2005 07:58 PM | Show all posts
kita boleh agree dgn article tu..yeah..melinda didnt get that much of exposures like others did..memang boleh salahkan producer in this case..but ada part memang salah melinda jugak..becoz she didnt choose the perfect song for her this..remember latoya london??...we didnt actually tahu banyak bout her or dgr her voice during the theater elimination ..but she chose a right song, which was, all by myself..dan mengejutkan  audience and even the judges with a powerful yet superb performance....and ppl chose her to continue her journey dgn persembahan tu..basicly its like that..hehe

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Post time 25-2-2005 10:00 PM | Show all posts
maks 50-50 setuju dgn article tu
mungkin ada possibilities tak banyak exposure
so diaorang kurang fan base
tapi Aloha pun maks tak kenal langsung
tapi masih bertahan
but then bila tengok Melinda nyanyi semula
tak de lah superb sangat vocal dia
mungkin masa tu dia pun dah tak bersemangat nak nyanyi
macam Sara tu, nampak sangat dah tak de mood bila nyanyi semula
maks pun kesian tengok dia masa tu
pastu bila kawan kawan dia yang lain sorak-sorak
maks lagi kesian tgk Sara
of course yang lain tu sorak untuk kasi semangat
tapi maks rasa Sara masa tu dah tak bersemangat pun

you guys perasan tak cara  Mikalah tu bercakap ada sikit sikit macam pelakon The Nanny?

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