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Author: nabila_78

sepinya hidup aku...

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Post time 9-2-2007 04:07 PM | Show all posts

Reply #180 MelahJanda's post

x baek taw ngutuk bekas laki kita di kalayak ramai..dah lupe ke dulu die la yg tido sbelah kiter mlm2...yg [censored] hingga dpt anak bederet ittu...

nota kaki: ye ke die x hensem? bile nk tepek muke die dlm ni...

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Post time 9-2-2007 05:05 PM | Show all posts
kutuk dalam alam maya untuk memberi pengajaran bahawa ada rupanya org2 sebegini bukannya hanya terdapat di drama-drama melayu atopun drama berbahasa tagalog
maka moral disini adalah berhati-hati memilih soul partner. kengkadang bercakap sesedap rasa sebab lidah tak bertulang.
cari soul partner tau..bukannya cari yg dok serumah sebab nak tooot then jadik terpaksa pulak sebab commit ngan anak-anak...
yg penting jgn sedih sebab kita andartu...lagi sedih jadik makjan..
tapi aku tak sedih sangat sebab aku happier than before

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Post time 9-2-2007 08:44 PM | Show all posts

Reply #153 rissa_razz's post

aku pun nak join sekali

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Post time 9-2-2007 11:32 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1 nabila_78's post

"aku penah bertunang...masa umur aku 20thn tapi 8 bulan lepas tu..aku putus. aku tak tau knp aku putus..cuma aku rasa aku takde perasaan pada bekas tunang aku. tapi takpe la..benda tu dah 6thn lepas"

cuba nko explain naper ko putus tunang....
mungkin nko dpt jawapan kena hidup nko sepi sgt

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Post time 10-2-2007 01:27 AM | Show all posts
Hmm.. baru hari ni aku jengah thread ni.. ingat sepi pasal apa..

I have no advice la.. But I would like to share my story jer..

Nabila... in  a way, aku cam nko gak.. MAsa umur aku awal 20-an (tak ingat la exactly bila) aku pernah bercinta dan later bertunang... ngan american...  Silently, keluarga aku tak berapa suka.. dalam diam mak pak aku mengharap aku dan mamat tu PUTUS... dan akhirnya putus juga...

Itu 7 tahun lepas dan dalam masa tu, aku cam tak berminat nak menjalin apa2 relationship lagi...  Ada gak kena ngorat and sekali dua terjumpa orang yg aku macam suka, tapi aku dah cam takmo nak lalui lagi the stages of relationship.  Believe it or not.. alasan aku either 1.  I am already tired or 2.  My ex is better than this guy...  Basically, I would find faults in just about everyone and would walk away!

I learned to live single life.  I live with parents and have enjoyed the moment and was never lonely.. Bila tengok orang ada family n anak2 aku tumpang gembira tapi aku cam tak teringin la nak ada seme tu.. Aku cam lagi best berkepit ngan mak pak aku.. cam budak kecik balik walaupun umur dah masuk awal 30an...  Pastu, aku layan kucing, pokok ros n aku suka menjahit.  Masa aku mmg terisi la...

LIke some of you guys, aku pung ada internet access..  Tapi mostly aku guna untuk torrent download.. INternet on.. tinggal untuk donlod...  hehehehehe.. jarang chatting nih...

IRC?  Hahahah... aku masuk cuma nak download citer NARUTO or ONE PIECE jerk.. Hampehh...  Sekarang since dah suka torrent, aku dah tak ingat the last time aku masuk IRC.. lama gile..

Then, they told me about SKYPE.. aku masuk klu bosan tahap gaban... itupun, I am mostly disgusted by desperadoes mostly from turkey.. mengarut la seme tu..

Until.. Jeng jeng jeng... Out of boredom, I came across this one site...  Hissh.. mmg tak semenggah punya site, tapi aku join jerk.. I am one of the few females yg join.. mostly lelaki Americans and Europeans.. I talked to a lot of men there..  None interesting.. UNTIL I met this German hottie.

Itupun, 2 hari berturut2 dia pujuk nak chat ngan aku through YM.. last2 aku cakap OK.. Tapi, aku mmg biasanya tak berminat for second chat... but he had been stubborn like a donkey.  Banyak la insiden kejar mengejar.. stalking and spying *yes, he stalked and spied on me, mmg gile!* Last2 aku tak larat, aku mengalah...  Gila, kalau ada lelaki tempatan yg separuh cam dia, pasti aku pinang hari ni jugak! Serious!

Something that he did... He made me feel lonely again...  Me made me need someone.. basically, he destroyed the peace I have preserved all these years by breaking up the walls surrounding it... What i built in 7 years, he destroyed within days jerk!!  MENCIII!!!!  

Aku asyik berfikir.. why him?  what did he do?  Apa specialnya dia compared to those others I have met or talked to (in real life or internet?)  Then  I realised something, like with my ex, I find comfort in him.  I could be a bitch or a slut and he would take all of me.  And he is persistent, sexy and mentally stimulating!

Skrg aku dah mula wish that I have someone.  Someone like him to be specific.  Tinggi, hidung seksi, mata green/blue, full luscious red lips, etc etc...  SO vulnerable and adorable in the morning but cool and composed in the evening.   Mana nak cari tuuu????  Uhwaaaa!!!

Menyesal kenal dia... Sekarang hidup aku dah tak best!  I hate this feeling dammit!  Rasa nak fly gi Frankfurt sekarang jugak and hempuk2 dan sepak tendang dia.. even better, letupkan Deutsche Bank and then say "thank you for making my life miserable!" Mwahahahahahhaha... heee.. evilnya akuuuu!!!

Kisah aku, ada terbalik sket ngan kisah pembuka thread... Hidup aku sepi kerana ADA someone.. not without someone...

Hehehehe... Patutla.. aku semakin rajin menjahit sekarang nih!  Aku lonely rupanya..

[ Last edited by  nenekglamer at 10-2-2007 09:59 AM ]



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Post time 12-2-2007 12:13 PM | Show all posts

Reply #185 nenekglamer's post

weh, ni patut bukak nu topic...

aku sajest ni title topic ko tu nenek: aku, slk dan menjahit..

p/s: mcm tajuk novella plak kan...:hmm:

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Post time 12-2-2007 07:58 PM | Show all posts

Reply #186 philipinoe2's post

tak pe la pinoe.. cukup la aku luahkan sket kt sini...  lagipun tak de komplikasi sangat antara aku, slk n menjahit...  + mamat PT dsb...  

Tapi thanks mod for the credit.. mwahhsss!!!

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Post time 12-2-2007 08:00 PM | Show all posts

Reply #187 nenekglamer's post

Actually, the best topic would be "The German Donkey that never sleeps" mwahahahhahaha...

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Post time 12-2-2007 08:48 PM | Show all posts
sori la nenek, sbb ko xnk gune title yg aku sajest tu, aku da gune utk 1 citer seram aku yg br...check dis out... ... page%3D1&page=4

sebarang persamaan adelah disengajakan...TQ..

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Post time 12-2-2007 09:00 PM | Show all posts
kalau ada jodoh tak kemane..ape nak risau.. tuhan maha adil

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Post time 12-2-2007 11:13 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by philipinoe2 at 12-2-2007 08:48 PM
sori la nenek, sbb ko xnk gune title yg aku sajest tu, aku da gune utk 1 citer seram aku yg br...check dis out... ... page%3D1&page=4

kah kah kah..

Aku suka citer nko.. cam citer benarrr jerk? Psstt... ada info tambahan.. apa lagi.. nko goreng bagi hanguss.  Hihihihihihihi...

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Post time 13-2-2007 10:11 AM | Show all posts

Reply #191 nenekglamer's post

x baek tau menambah mende yg kurang...

nota ketiak: weh, kalu ade pics mamat yg mnjadi subject matter citer seram tu, jgn luper send kt aku, buleh haku tepek dlm tu....:pmuka:

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Post time 14-2-2007 05:31 PM | Show all posts
Making do with what she抯 got

KAMARIAH (not her real name) is very much in love. She has been in such a mood with Yusri (not his real name) for several years now. However, there is a problem. Yusri has a wife.  

Kamariah will have to do without the love of her life today.  

揑 have been in love with a married man and I should know the repercussions and sacrifices that come with it,'' she said.

揑 cannot help my feelings, and I guess I'll just have to be alone this Valentine's Day.''  

Yusri is celebrating the day with his wife. However, he has promised to make time for Kamariah when his obligations to the wife have been done.

"Being with a married man, I can understand that my time with him is limited,'' said the public relations executive.   
揑'll have to wait and see if there's any left for me.''  Kamariah takes consolation in the fact that Valentine's Day isn't the only time one showers his or her love for someone else.    揑t should be celebrated everyday, not just on Feb 14,'' she said.   揂nd, that's what relationships are all about, at least where mine is concerned.''

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Post time 14-2-2007 08:59 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by philipinoe2 at 13-2-2007 10:11 AM
x baek tau menambah mende yg kurang...

nota ketiak: weh, kalu ade pics mamat yg mnjadi subject matter citer seram tu, jgn luper send kt aku, buleh haku tepek dlm tu....:pmuka:

Baik aku send kt nko gambar aku jerk.. Buleh la nko pastikan... betapa HUDUHnya muka aku nih... sampai mamat muka model pung buleh sangkut... Mwahahahahaha

[ Last edited by  nenekglamer at 14-2-2007 09:08 PM ]

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Post time 14-2-2007 09:19 PM | Show all posts

Reply #194 nenekglamer's post

concept die same je mcm mane omputih leh suke siti rasah bt raisudin...

kalu omputih suke siti nurhalija tu x berape nk heran la sgt kan, ni aku ulangi: SITI RASAH BT RAISUDIN...

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Post time 14-2-2007 09:21 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by philipinoe2 at 14-2-2007 09:19 PM
concept die same je mcm mane omputih leh suke siti rasah bt raisudin...

kalu omputih suke siti nurhalija tu x berape nk heran la sgt kan, ni aku ulangi: SITI RASAH BT RAISUDIN...


Itu namanya BALANCE...  kebetulan nama aku pung ada ala2 dua artis yg nko sebutkan tu... Bapak aku pung selalu tersasul.. mwahahahahhahaha...  

Pino, nko hensem/jelita tak?

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Post time 14-2-2007 09:40 PM | Show all posts
tang belen tu yg paling tepat skali....kalu yg hensem kawen ngan yg cantik je, yg huduh kawen ngan yg muke cam usop je, x belen la dunia ni...

pino jelita la, x jelita mane pino mmpu utk mengate ct rasah bt raisussin, eh raisudin..

aku tau ape nama hang nenek, sitikusendang...kan?..:cak: tu bapak hang terbabaih time panggei nama hang, kekadang tikus, kekadang kusen...

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Post time 15-2-2007 09:53 AM | Show all posts

Reply #197 philipinoe2's post

yap ampun lawaknya pino nih :lol :lol

nasib baek tak ditaruknya siti hayina... ..

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Post time 15-2-2007 10:01 AM | Show all posts
sepi.........hmmmmm...dah mati nnti baru x sepi kot.

krna kesepian lah........ hawa dijadikan untuk Nabi Adam a.s.

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Post time 15-2-2007 10:50 AM | Show all posts

Reply #198 mekjena's post

jenap, x baek taw ngutuk hayina, die pon makhluk tuhan jugak...

kawan pino kalu die sunyi, katekan time wiken la kan, dah xde mende nk wat, xde bf nk g deting, xde kawan2 nk ajak g window soping, xde muvi best nk g tgk kt tgv/gsc, so ape die wat, tanpa planning die akan g cuti2 mesia....slambe je die akan drive g PD, langkawi ke, desaru ke, tioman ke, pangkor ke...pegi ari sbtu, balik ari taw pegi cuti tanpa dirancang jgn la pegi time public holiday/cuti sekola, komfem xde accommodation la, jem la etc...

conclusion: jom g langkawi, leh g mencandat sotong..:pmuka:

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