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Author: reeves

Michael Jackson

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Post time 27-12-2003 11:09 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by fly_in_d_sky at 2003-12-26 08:00 PM:
tu kat thread lain Dragon amoi ...

tp kalau ikutkan news yg kluar tu ada ngatakan MJ masuk Islam ...

kiter baca dalam berita harian 25.12.03 tu...
katanya Michael masuk islam..
abag dia jaimine ker apa ntah... tu pun masuk islam gak!!!:stp:

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Post time 27-12-2003 03:55 PM | Show all posts

Jackson's trial could strain county's resources

SANTA BARBARA, Calif. -- Just as Santa Barbara County begins its expensive, high-profile case against entertainer Michael Jackson, public officials here are worried about how to maintain the courts, police force, and other public services in the face of significant budget cuts.

"It'll be a very expensive case, probably the most expensive one we've had here," said Mayor Pro Tempore Dan Secord. Officials declined to estimate the cost, but a consultant who works with the county has pegged it at $4 million.

County administrator Michael Brown did not dispute that figure and cited the demands a long-running trial will place on the county. "We have to provide traffic control, parking, more policing, and extra security for the court officers," he said. "We need to install computer feeds, porta-potties and anticipate other ways in which visitors will impact our region.

"A trial will certainly cost us, but until we get more details from the district attorney, we don't know how much," said Brown.

The county is already seeking ways to save litigation expenses. It recently delayed Jackson's much-anticipated arraignment one week partly because of the singer's travel plans. The new date, Jan. 16, is a furlough day for Santa Barbara Superior Courts. "That means that all of the other county courts except one will be closed that day," said Brown. Therefore, bailiffs, officers, and other court personnel from around the county will be available to help handle the media onslaught focused on the Jackson courtroom that day.

Underlying Santa Barbara County's financial constraints is the fact that it, like every other county in California, is bracing for budget cuts after Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger reduced the state's tax on vehicles. Although the state collects that tax, the money belongs to the cities and counties where those vehicles are registered.

California has a $14 billion deficit; the new governor's tax cut has deprived local governments of $4 billion. He recently pledged to return a portion of that money, $2.65 billion, over the next six months, but Santa Barbara officials remain wary.

"I'll believe it when I see the checks coming in," said Jim Armstrong, administrator of the city of Santa Barbara. The first check is due today.

Meanwhile, Armstrong and other officials worry that the state will cut other municipal-related programs in order to fund the partial return of their tax funds.

The city of Santa Barbara could lose 5 percent of its budget, or $4 million, coming on the heels of past cuts. "We've had 2 1/2 percent budget cuts in each of the last two years," Armstrong said. "This new crisis only makes things worse."

Santa Maria City, where the Jackson trial is scheduled to take place, expects to lose $3.4 million of its $38 million budget, or about 10 percent. "It would be devastating to lose all of that that money, especially with a high-profile trial coming up," said city manager Tim Ness. But a long trial will also attract out-of-town media employees who will spend money in local hotels and restaurants, generating tax revenue, he added.

Public officials aren't making budget adjustments until they are certain that the governor can legally refund local payments without the Legislature's approval. "We still don't understand how it's going to shake out," said Brown, the county administrator.

Santa Barbara County stands to lose $18.5 million in the next six months and another $38 million in the next fiscal year. That equals 25 percent of its local general revenue fund -- and the losses will set in just as the county's case against Jackson is expected to begin.

At the same time, the county will start negotiating new contracts with unions for sheriff's deputies, court officers, firemen, nurses, clerks, and secretaries. Some of the unions will be seeking raises.

The growing lack of affordable housing has stymied the county and city in attracting and retaining good workers, said Brown. "These people make on average about $50,000 to $60,000, yet a lot of them can't afford to buy a home here." The median price for a single-family home in the area is $900,000, and the median price for a condominium is $500,000, said Bill Watkins, director of the Santa Barbara Economic Forecast.

During the Jackson trial, the county will also be negotiating with the union that represents public defenders, prosecutors, and others who work for District Attorney Tom Sneddon, who has charged Jackson.

Meanwhile, Sneddon has publicly pressed for the county to streamline its antiquated jury selection process before the Jackson case goes to a jury trial. Santa Barbara is one of 14 of the state's 58 counties that still uses a two-step system. Switching to the recommended one-step process will cost Santa Barbara County more money.

And the county and Santa Maria City have formed a special projects team to study the logistics and finances of handling the big case. "It's an unprecedented situation," said Watkins, but officials are bracing for what could turn into the most sensational celebrity trial in today's 24-hour cable world. Staff members have spent several weeks on that task, and will spend many more until they are ready to deliver their recommendations, said Brown. "We are looking at not just the media, but the impact from fans who come to watch the spectacle."

Sneddon is now referring most media inquiries to his new Hollywood public relations firm, Tellem Worldwide, which specializes in crisis management for celebrities. Over the years, the firm has done work for Warner Brothers, Clear Channel, and Universal Studios.

Publicist Susan Tellem did not return telephone calls seeking comment, but according to the Associated Press, she said she offered her free services after watching Sneddon's first news conference last month.

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Post time 27-12-2003 04:00 PM | Show all posts

Michael Jackson unrepentent

Michael Jackson has said he still thinks it is acceptable to share his bed with children, but added he would rather "slit his wrists" than hurt a child.

In his first interview since being arrested for child molestation, the pop superstar told America's CBS network that he isn't a paedophile.

Asked if, in his current circumstances, it was still acceptable to sleep with children, Jackson replied: "Sure, why not? If you're going to be a paedophile, if you're going to be Jack the Ripper, if you're going to be a murderer, it's not a good idea. That, I am not."

Jackson, 45, who lives near Santa Maria in his famed Neverland Ranch, was charged last week with seven counts of molesting a boy under the age of 14 and two counts of plying him with alcohol beforehand.

In the interview, excerpts of which were released by CBS on Friday, Jackson vehemently denied all the charges.

'Privacy violated'

"Before I would hurt a child, I would slit my wrists," he said.

Speaking of the police search of Neverland, Jackson said his privacy had been so badly violated that he no longer considered the ranch his home.

"I won't live there ever again," he said. It's a house now. It's not a home anymore. I'll only visit."

Jackson also discussed his time in police custody, specifically an injury he says was inflicted on him when he was handcuffed by police during his arrest 20 November.

Allegations denied

Currently free on $3 million bail, Jackson is due to appear in court in Santa Maria on 16 January for an arraignment at which he could enter a plea.

Each of the child molestation charges carries a jail sentence of between three and eight years on conviction.

And the charges of administering an intoxicating agent to a minor carry a maximum sentence of three years each.

His lawyer and other members of his entourage have rounded on the family of the young accuser, saying the allegations are part of an extortion attempt and that they are motivated by "greed and revenge".

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Post time 27-12-2003 04:07 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by herokampong at 27-12-2003 10:44 AM:
Boleh check ni site... sini <<

Tapi tak tau lah... betol ke tak... ader orang cakap ni hoax... :stp:

hmmm .. no komen laa ...
bunyi cam betul jer ... :stp: :stp:

Use magic Report

Post time 27-12-2003 11:14 PM | Show all posts
kalau mj masuk islam tu, itu kena tengok bukti dulu baru bleh percaya.

Use magic Report

Post time 28-12-2003 01:09 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Muntz at 27-12-2003 11:14 PM:
kalau mj masuk islam tu, itu kena tengok bukti dulu baru bleh percaya.

yep betul tu
bukti yg kukuh ialah surat pengesahan yg tunjuk MJ ni dah convert Islam
pastu ada la penukaran nama jer .. r segala bukti yg berkenaan
baru org percaya .. takat ckp kat mulut
takleh pakai

Use magic Report

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Post time 28-12-2003 01:17 AM | Show all posts
Errmm..aku dengar Busta Rhymes pun pengikut NOI jugak..betul ke??:eek::stp::stp:

Use magic Report

Post time 28-12-2003 01:20 AM | Show all posts
naper majoriti yg convert Islam ialah African Amerika n diorg convert NOI ...
Fly tertanya ...

Use magic Report


Post time 28-12-2003 11:53 AM | Show all posts

Jackson: 'Not wrong to sleep with children'

Accused star says he will no longer live at his Neverland ranch after it was 'violated' by police search.

Michael Jackson will begin his fight-back against charges that he sexually molested a child by telling millions of Americans tonight that there's nothing wrong with sharing a bed with children. He will also reveal that he is to abandon his spectacular - and now infamous - Neverland ranch home, after it was "violated" by police searches.

In his first interview since he was arrested in November, Jackson tells CBS's Ed Bradley on the 60 Minutes programme that he would sooner slit his wrists than hurt a child.

Strongly denying the charges against him, Jackson, 45, says that he sees nothing wrong with having children sleep with him. "Of course. Why not?" he says in the interview, recorded on Christmas night at a Los Angeles hotel. "If you're going to be a paedophile, if you're going to be Jack the Ripper, if you're going to be a murderer, it's not a good idea. That I am not... Before I would hurt a child, I would slit my wrists."

Jackson, charged with seven counts of lewd and lascivious acts on a child under 14, and two counts of administering an "intoxicating agent" to facilitate sexual contact, goes on to say that the police search of Neverland ranch, California, after his arrest on 20 November was excessive, and violated his private space. "I won't live there ever again. It's a house now. It's not a home any more. I'll only visit."

The charges against Jackson relate to the alleged drugging and repeated abuse of a 13-year-old boy who had been undergoing treatment for cancer. The star is currently on

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Post time 29-12-2003 12:32 PM | Show all posts

Parents' greed behind molestation accusations, Jackson says

NEW YORK - (KRT) - Michael Jackson said the boy who sparked the pedophile charges against him is a "sweet child" who is being manipulated by greedy parents.

For the first time since his arrest last month, Jackson sounded off about the boy he's accused of molesting, and the cops who "manhandled" him.

In a taped interview aired last night on CBS' "60 Minutes," the 45-year-old superstar described his 13-year-old accuser as a cancer-stricken kid he wanted desperately to help.

"I would have to carry him from the house to the game room, or push him in a wheelchair, to try to give him a childhood, a life," Jackson said.

But the boy he once climbed a tree with turned on him when his parents saw dollar signs, Jackson said.

"Parents have power over children. They feel they have to do what their parents say. But money is the root of all evil," Jackson said. "And this is a sweet child. And to see him turn like this, this isn't him. This is not him."

Jackson's friendship with the boy exploded into a scandal that led to his Nov. 20 arrest and booking on multiple counts of child molestation, an experience Jackson described as nightmarish.

"They manhandled me very roughly," he said. "My shoulder is dislocated, literally. It's hurting me very badly. I'm in pain all the time."

Jackson showed photos of a bruised right wrist he said was a result of the tight handcuffs sheriff's deputies slapped on him.

He said the abuse wasn't just physical. He said at one point, deputies tried to humiliate him.

"Once I went to the rest room, they locked me in there for, like, 45 minutes. There was doo-doo, feces, thrown all over the walls, the floor and the ceiling," said Jackson, whose attorney, Mark Geragos, was on hand for the interview, shot on Christmas Day.

"Then one of the policemen came by the window. And he made a sarcastic remark. He said, `Does it smell good enough for you in there? How do you like the smell?'"

Santa Barbara County Sheriff's Department officials refused to respond Sunday night to Jackson's allegations. In an earlier statement, they said he was "treated with courtesy and professionalism."

Jackson said that while his latest album has hit No. 1 around the world, a "conspiracy" has prevented it from succeeding in the United States. He declined to elaborate.

Use magic Report

Post time 29-12-2003 03:15 PM | Show all posts
Aku baca paper hari rabu tu...
metro kalau tak silap..
m.jacson nie dah kahwin dgn pompuan Islam...
muder lagi dalam 20an lah...

Use magic Report

Post time 29-12-2003 04:55 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by DragonLady82 at 29-12-2003 03:15 PM:
Aku baca paper hari rabu tu...
metro kalau tak silap..
m.jacson nie dah kahwin dgn pompuan Islam...
muder lagi dalam 20an lah...

ye ker?
cite ler skit .. lebih details ker ...
Fly tak baca Metro during weekdays n weekend ..

Use magic Report

Post time 31-12-2003 11:48 AM | Show all posts
Alah....kiter pun tak berapa ingat sangat tapi katanya Michael dah nikah dgn gadis Islam yg umurnya dalam lingkungan 20an lah...
girl tu tak der lah terlalu mimat muzik yg dibawa oleh michael.
katanya pernikahan dorang di uruskan oleh nation of islam yg org kulit itam nyer tu...

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reeves This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 31-12-2003 05:33 PM | Show all posts

album baru MJ

hi guys,
     kontrak michael ngan sony yng bernili 1 billion us d,, kan berkhir lepas 2004..... michel  terpaksa mengeluarkan album number ones. kerana kontrak..... dan mengikut mjni...michael jackson perlu mengeluarkan satu lagi album untuk sony.....mj sudah tukar manager dan lawyer... mulai sekarang dia akan bersama david koppelman. yang akan bersamanya  untuk album nanti....tapi. no world tour for the moment...mj sekarng lebih minat pada movie productions....neverland production akan mula penggambaran cerita..."they cage the animals at night"...........perubahan besar dalam dunia music mj  n jackson 5 hanya selepas mulai 2004..dan world tour ngan jackson 5 mengikut d.koppelman selepas 2003.. bythe way. number ones album kelima kat world album sales chart......sales reached 6 million coppies...till todayeurope alone 2 million copies


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Post time 31-12-2003 06:45 PM | Show all posts

Jackson 'treated well' on arrest

US sheriff's officials have denied a claim by Michael Jackson that he was "mistreated" during his arrest on child abuse charges.
Mr Jackson had said he was "roughly manhandled" and had his shoulder dislocated while in custody last month.

But officials at the Santa Barbara County Sheriff's office said the 45-year-old singer had been treated with "courtesy and professionalism".

Mr Jackson has been charged with child abuse but denies any wrongdoing.

He faces seven counts of child abuse and two of plying a minor with alcohol to commit a crime.

Jim Anderson, Santa Barbara County Sheriff, was planning a news conference on Wednesday to discuss Mr Jackson's mistreatment claims.

On CBS News' 60 Minutes programme, Mr Jackson had displayed what he said was a bruise on his right arm. He said he had received it from his jailers on 20 November, although he has not filed a formal complaint.

Chief Deputy Fred Olguin, who oversees the jail and was present at the arrest, said he did not understand Mr Jackson's claim.

"I don't run my jail that way, and I take a lot of pride in how the jail is run," he told the Santa Barbara News-Press newspaper.

Earlier Mr Jackson's chief spokesman, Stuart Backerman resigned over what he called "strategic differences" with other members of the singer's entourage.

US religious organisation The Nation of Islam has denied a report that it is rallying to support Mr Jackson and has begun handling some of his security.

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Post time 1-1-2004 04:38 PM | Show all posts

CBS Denies $1 Million Payday to Michael Jackson for Interview

Michael Jackson Under Seige: Day 43: CBS and Jackson's camp yesterday denied a published report that the network added $1 million to the license fee it paid the singer for a prime-time music special to get him to talk to "60 Minutes" about the child molestation charges he faces.

"Categorically false" is how CBS News, in a statement, labeled the report, and Jackson adviser Charles Koppelman, who first brokered the music special in September, called the New York Times report "nonsense."

In other Weird and Wacky World of Michael Jackson news, the Nation of Islam held a news conference yesterday to announce it has no "official" business with the so-called King of Pop. And the Santa Barbara County sheriff held another one to play video and audio of his people being polite to Jackson during his arrest -- countering the singer's claim that he was "manhandled" by police. The sheriff said that Jackson has seriously undermined his credibility.


In the Times story, headlined "Michael Jackson's $1 Million Interview Deal," an unnamed former business associate of Jackson says CBS agreed to pay the extra money to the star to reschedule the special that was supposed to air in November, coinciding with the release of Jackson's new album, "Number Ones."

CBS shelved the special last month after the Santa Barbara district attorney put out a warrant for Jackson's arrest. (He was later charged with seven counts of child molestation.) A "60 Minutes" interview to address the charges against him was part of the package, the source told the Times, adding, "in essence, they paid him" for the interview.

But Koppelman, a former EMI Records suit, insists no such renegotiation took place and says it was Jackson's people who were trying desperately to get the special back on the schedule.

"That was us. . . . We wanted it on the air, and before Christmas, to sell zillions of albums. That was the whole point of doing it to begin with. The fact that it's on the air now makes us happy, but we will not get nearly the bang for the buck we wanted to get."

He vehemently denies that CBS upped its payment by $1 million to jump-start the special.

"The deal I made was the deal we ended up with," he said. He would not discuss the license fee CBS paid for the entertainment special other than to say that the New York Times figure of $5 million was wrong; some sources familiar with the talks said the figure was less than half that amount. CBS has the right to air the special twice, but Jackson owns the program and can sell it overseas.

"Candidly, if CBS would have run it before Christmas, we would have given [the special] to them for nothing, and that's the truth," Koppelman said. "We wanted to promote the CD. And Michael owns the show, which will air all around the world and again help promote the CD and, ultimately, we will have a DVD out."

When it pulled the special, CBS said it did so because of the gravity of the charges against Jackson, adding that it reserved the right to reschedule it once the legal process had run its course.

But last week, CBS announced that Jackson had agreed to address the charges against him with "60 Minutes" correspondent Ed Bradley; the network also announced it had rescheduled the Jackson music special for tomorrow night.

CBS spokesman Chris Ender acknowledged that CBS had told Jackson's reps that they could not air the special unless Jackson sat down with the news division to talk about the charges against him, but he denied all suggestions that the news interview was a case of tit for tat.

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Post time 1-1-2004 04:39 PM | Show all posts

continue ...

Koppelman, however, says that CBS had suggested, about three days after Jackson's made-for-TV arrest, that the singer make a statement about the charges at the start of the entertainment special to get it back on the network's schedule. Jackson's lawyer, Mark Geragos, nixed that idea, Koppelman said.

The unnamed principal source of the Times report said he was talking to the media because he had not been paid his commission for negotiating the deal for the entertainment special and had been denied access to Jackson since Leonard Muhammad, a senior official in the black separatist group Nation of Islam, had become involved in the singer's affairs.

"In addition to being riddled with inaccuracies, it [the New York Times article] is based entirely on one anonymous and admittedly disgruntled source with a clearly stated agenda," CBS said in its statement.

"For the record, CBS News does not pay for interviews and did not pay Michael Jackson or anyone connected to him for this interview, directly or indirectly."

We wish we could tell you about all of the other strangeness surrounding this story and the various responses it received yesterday. Such as how the New York Times reported that Bradley tried months earlier to get an interview with Jackson, for which, the story seems to say, CBS also promised the singer $1 million. Bradley even set up at Jackson's Neverland Ranch and was greeted by Jackson, only to have Jackson balk until they showed him the money that Bradley assured him would be paid according to the Times. But it all ended badly, with Bradley going away scoopless.

Koppelman and Jack Sussman, CBS vice president for specials and CBS's liaison to Jackson, tell a different story. Sussman calls it a "complete and utter fabrication."

Sussman says there was no $1 million offer for that interview either and that Bradley never had that conversation with Jackson; Koppelman said Jackson would never "in a thousand years" have demanded to see money. They say Bradley set up at Neverland Ranch and Jackson came out to say hello and chat briefly off-camera before going to get his hair and makeup done. But he received a phone call that the two men say freaked him out and he never came back. According to Koppelman, the call was from Marlon Brando, warning him not to do the interview.

See what I mean? We could go on and on, but editors say otherwise.

The New York Times yesterday put out this statement about its report: "Our story was accurate. We stated CBS's position in the second paragraph and other paragraphs."

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Post time 1-1-2004 09:05 PM | Show all posts

Sheriff seeks state probe of Jackson's allegations

SANTA BARBARA, Calif. -- The Santa Barbara County sheriff called Wednesday for a state investigation into abuse allegations by Michael Jackson and threatened to seek criminal charges against the pop star if his claims are found to be groundless.

Jackson was arrested Nov. 20 on suspicion of child molestation and held at the Santa Barbara County Jail for 63 minutes after a speedy booking process. He was released on $3 million bail. Jackson has been charged with seven felony charges of child molestation and two felony counts of providing an intoxicant to a minor for purposes of seduction.In an interview with CBS "60 Minutes" broadcast Sunday, Jackson claimed his shoulder was dislocated and his arm injured by deputies who manhandled him. He also said he was locked for 45 minutes in a jail bathroom with feces smeared on the walls, floor and ceiling.

At a news conference Wednesday, Sheriff Jim Anderson strongly refuted the allegations, saying he was "shocked and troubled" by the charges. He played video and audio tapes he said support his deputies. Jackson, Anderson said, was treated with "the utmost respect and courtesy."

On an audio tape recorded during the ride to the jail, Jackson was heard whistling and humming to himself and responding "wonderful" when asked by a deputy how he was doing.

"His treatment by this department can only be described as professional," Anderson said. "The entire booking process was personally supervised by the jail command staff. At no time during this process did Mr. Jackson complain of any injury incurred during the course of the arrest or mistreatment by the jail staff."

Anderson said he asked California Attorney General Bill Lockyer to investigate whether Jackson's rights were violated during his arrest. Anderson said he would then consider whether to seek criminal charges against Jackson for filing a false report of police brutality.

Mark Geragos, attorney for Jackson, did not respond to a request for comment. But in a statement to The Associated Press, Geragos said he welcomes a state investigation and that Jackson stands by the charges he made. Further, Geragos said the sheriff's release of the audio and video tapes was illegal.

The issue of Jackson's treatment by sheriff's deputies coincides with another continuing controversy over reports of increased involvement in Jackson's business and personal affairs by the Nation of Islam, headed by Louis Farrakhan.

Jackson's brother, Jermaine Jackson, who is a Muslim, first sought the Nation of Islam's help for security reasons after the allegations of child molestation surfaced, according to several people involved. Farrakhan sent his chief of staff and son-in-law, Leonard Muhammad, to supervise an increased relationship, those sources said.

The result was a power struggle in recent weeks between the Muslims and leaders of Jackson's previous inner circle, according to several people close to Jackson. The conflict was made public after the departure of longtime Jackson spokesman Stuart Backerman, whom Geragos said was fired Dec. 20 after speaking without the lawyer's permission at a Neverland party for Jackson supporters.

Backerman said Wednesday he will not speak publicly about the dispute at this time. Others, however, said his departure came after he said he did not want the Nation of Islam involved with the entertainer.

As a result of the growing negative publicity, the Nation of Islam has begun to back away from its involvement with Jackson's affairs.

Meanwhile, several legal experts said the back-and-forth between Jackson and the sheriff adds a credibility problem for the singer. Robert Pugsley, professor of criminal law at Southwestern University School of Law in Los Angeles said the sheriff's readiness to bring the Attorney General's office into the case shows Anderson is confident he can prove Jackson's story might be a lie.

"His claim now becomes an object of investigation," Pugsley said. "Now the question is did he fabricate the charges. And what's critically important here is that Jackson's lawyer has not filed any formal complaints on this."

Agreeing that Jackson's credibility will probably be damaged by his statements, Laurie Levinson, a professor at Loyola Law School in Los Angeles, said that while state Department of Justice guidelines permit such an investigation, it is questionable whether state law allows officials to charge Jackson with a crime if they determine his statements are false.

"The law speaks of filing an allegation of misconduct and requires law enforcement to warn any complaining party that they might be prosecuted for a misdemeanor if caught making a false statement," she said. "It's not clear that it allows for criminal prosecution in casual speech."

Lockyer, meantime, accepted Anderson's request.

"I cannot predict when our investigation will be completed, but we will work as quickly as possible to conduct a thorough and fair investigation . . . and ensure that appropriate action is taken as necessary," Lockyer said.

Responding to Jackson's comments about being locked in a bathroom coated with feces, the sheriff said the pop star "was escorted to a holding cell . . . designed to hold up to seven individuals and had a toilet located in one area. He was alone in the holding cell for approximately 15 minutes."

"The cell," Anderson said, "had been cleaned by a work crew just prior to Mr. Jackson's request."

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Post time 1-1-2004 09:13 PM | Show all posts


Jermaine Jackson ... SHUT UP!!

Despite your bizarre claim that Santa Barbara cops you label "racist rednecks" roughed up brother Michael, nobody laid a glove on The Gloved One, my inside sources insist!

Remember... I'm the only journalist who's reported details of the booking procedure -- Michael describing his eye color as "Chocolate," for example -- and my sources sneer at your charge that he was "very much mistreated" physically!

In fact, they say, Michael was so grateful for respectful treatment he had an assistant deliver AUTOGRAPHED PHOTOS OF HIMSELF -- complete with holiday greetings -- to the booking officers! (Which annoyed his lawyer no end, I hear!)

My sources also say Michael can't stand you, Jermaine -- and rarely speaks to you! You dissed him years ago with your notorious song, "Word to the Badd"! Sniping at Bro's plastic surgery and weirdness, you warbled, "Once you were made, you changed your shade. Was your color wrong? ... Could not turn back. It's a known fact, you were too far gone!"

At the time, Jermaine, you called it "an attempt to heal our relationship." Are today's outrageous lies your latest pathetic stab at healing? -- Mike Walker

[ Last edited by fly_in_d_sky on 1-1-2004 at 09:16 PM ]

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Post time 1-1-2004 11:16 PM | Show all posts
minat betul ko kat michael jackson yek?

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