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Author: populargurlz


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garlicunion This user has been deleted
Post time 8-7-2003 08:54 PM | Show all posts
citer ni mmg best....susah nak miss.
geram sgt kalo ade klas waktu 2!

Use magic Report


Post time 9-7-2003 02:40 PM | Show all posts
today sinopsis pd sesaper yg miss cite nie ..

episode 181:

Beabianca put Angelo on the spot and told Yna that he had something to say. Angelo made up a story that she turned Beabianca's invitation to a party for he and Yna had plans. Beabianca smiled slyly but did not say a word about it. On their way home from work, Angelo and Yna felt uneasy with each other. Yna felt something fishy was going on and Angelo's conscience still bothered him.
Alpha Kappa Sorority had a social event in Payatas to give out donations for the poor. Maria Amor caught Lia's attention. Lia approached her and Pilar and handed them a bag of food.
Amor was surprised to see a bouquet of flowers on her desk. It was from Eduardo with a note that said she could call him a coward for not fighting for her, but he definitely did not feel ashamed of her. Amor was touched. The next day, Eduardo asked one of Amor's staff if Amor got mad about the flowers he gave. Suddenly Amor arrived and asked her staff why she was not in her desk working. The staff covered up for Eduardo. When Eduardo was about to leave, Amor thanked him for the flowers. As he was about to approach her, Amor closed the door. Inside her office, Amor smiled and felt flattered.
Beabianca was in her car when she saw Flerida walking. She asked the little girl if her family had any hard feelings on her. Angelo warned Flerida not to talk to Beabianca or accept gifts from her so she tried to walk away. Beabianca was persistent until she convinced Flerida to speak up. Flerida said Yna was kind of jealous of Beabianca. Beabianca handed Flerida a few hundred pesos and promised no one would find out about their encounter. Beabianca called up Angelo on his cellophone. Tata Isko was playing with it so Yna was trying to get it from him. Angelo had a feeling it was Beabianca so he grabbed the phone. He pretended he was talking to his boss. Yna was suspicious. Then Angelo went outside the house and cursed Beabianca for not leaving them alone. Beabianca wanted to meet up but Angelo cut off the line. Beabianca called back, feeling angry, and threatened Angelo that if he did not show up at that moment, she would go straight to their house and invite him in front of Yna. In a few minutes, Angelo was all dressed up to meet Beabianca. Yna wondered why he had work on a Saturday. Angelo lied that his boss wanted him to handle a client named Mr. Quisumbing.
Kenneth noticed that Yna was going home without Angelo lately. Yna said Angelo kept telling her about his overtime stay at work. Yna could not handle her emotions anymore and opened up to Kenneth that something was going on between Angelo and Beabianca. Sunday morning, Eduardo had just gone out jogging and passed by the office to get some documents to work on. Amor, too, was on her way there. All sweaty in sporty clothed, Eduardo looked sexy and Amor could not help but take a glance on his well-shaped backside.
Yna was sorting out clothes before doing the laundry. She smelled Angelo's clothes of a familiar scent. It was the perfume of Beabianca. When Angelo arrived, she quickly put away the clothes. Yna was so hurt.
The board was discussing whether to go into advertising or not to increase the Liberty-Powers' sales. Eduardo was quiet during the meeting and when Amor asked him a question, he was not able to reply right away. He said he was just absorbing everything they were talking about. Then Eduardo pointed out the pros and cons of advertising. He said if the company was ready for it, then it was definitely a very good move. Amor was impressed with Eduardo's ideas.

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Post time 9-7-2003 02:41 PM | Show all posts
episode 182:

A group of teenage boys from the rival fraternity, Alpha Kappa, was waiting for Vinnie. Before they could make a move to fight, Vinnie saw Lia and put his arm around her. He did this for the guys would not touch him if he was with a girl. Jonathan saw what happened. When he confronted Lia about it, she was not able to explain her side for Lia's co-neophyte friend pulled her away from Jonathan. There was a big fight between fraternities and in the name of brotherhood and sisterhood, they had to help. Jonathan did not want to let Lia go. He said the sorority was just using her and leading her to trouble. Lia did not listen to him. Yna told Kenneth about her suspicion.
Kenneth encouraged her to confront Angelo. She did not want to do that yet for she wanted stronger evidences. Kenneth asked what she would do if she did found proofs. Yna hoped there was none for she did not know how she would handle it.
The fraternity rumble turned into a night of disaster. Vinnie and his brods were beaten badly. Someone was even stabbed. Lia, together with some girlfriends, went with the guys to go to a nearby hospital. Jonathan saw Lia with them. He tried to stop her but Lia did not listen. That night, the brotherhood vowed to get even. The next day, Lia apologized but Jonathan said, the only way for them to be okay was if Lia quit the sorority. When Lia told her friends about it. They did not want to let Lia go since their service period was almost done and their final rights was nearing. Lia was caught in between.
The company was doing well and Amor wanted to treat her board members for dinner. Most of them could not make it so Amor did not have a choice but to set it aside. Eduardo suggested they went together since he was free. At the restaurant, they only talked about business. When Eduardo lighted Amor's cigarette, she felt electricity inside her. That night inside her bedroom, Amor stared at herself in the mirror to see if she still looked attractive.
It was Nancy's wedding. Angelo caught the garter and Nancy made sure Yna catch her bouquet. When Angelo was putting the garter on Yna, most of the people in the place made sounds and murmurs. Cookie tried to shush them but the people were uncontrollable. Yna noticed the commotion, too. She was not aware that the people were gossiping about Angelo and Beabianca fooling around behind Yna's back.
Angelo's officemate, Butch, dropped by the house to check on Angelo upon their boss' order. Yna asked if there was anything wrong. Butch told her that Angelo's performance in the office was getting poorer. He did not report to work regularly, always took undertime and did not show up in the office for three days in a row. Yna said that Angelo always took overtime and was in a business training for three days. Butch made it clear that they did not have any training that week. As soon as Angelo got home, Yna told him about her encounter with Butch. Angelo denied everything and twisted the story - that it was Butch who always took undertime so Angelo was forced to finish Butch's work. Yna asked more questions but since Angelo was guilty, he lost his temper right away. He did not finish his food and went to the bathroom. Then his cellphone beeped. Yna grabbed it fast and read the message. It was from Beabianca saying she would pick up Angelo from office the next day. She even said I love you. Yna quickly deleted the message. When Angelo went out to get the phone, Yna was on the verge of crying but did not show it.
Julieta and Caloy went to the doctor for check-up. The doctor said Julieta's period was just delayed so she was not pregnant. Julieta insisted she was. Caloy pulled her and told her to stop making illusions. She wanted to make a baby but Caloy said he did not want to have a child with her. Julieta knew Caloy was sticking with her only because of her money.
Beabianca asked Yna if she could accompany her to the parlor. Yna was cold and made up excuses that she could not leave the office. Beabianca did not force the issue for she also felt Yna's aloofness. She sprayed perfume then left. Yna was familiar with the scent, it was the one she smelled on Angelo's clothes.
Since his date with Amor, Eduardo started making a fuss on his looks. He spent a lot of time in front of the mirror dressing up. Claudia noticed it. Amor also found herself visiting Puntaverde frequently. After office hours, Eduardo and Amor were talking about his plans for the company. Claudia arrived and was surprised to see the two very engrossed on each other. She said she could leave if they were not done yet. Eduardo told her to do so but Amor said they call it a day because she did not want Eduardo to prioritize work over his family.
Yna sought for Kenneth's help. She could not function well in the office and wanted to see for herself if all her proofs were enough to judge Angelo and Beabianca. They parked near Angelo's office and waited for Beabianca to pick him up. After a few hours of waiting, Beabianca arrived, went off the car and gave Angelo a warm embrace and kiss. Yna ordered Kenneth to drive toward them. Then Yna went out and Angelo and Beabianca were caught in surprise.

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Post time 9-7-2003 02:42 PM | Show all posts
episode 183:

Yna went out of Kenneth's car and looked at Angelo and Beabianca with shame. She did not say a word but her silence said it all. Yna went back inside the car and ordered Kenneth to drive away. Angelo screamed at Beabianca to get out of his life and followed Yna home. In the car, Yna was still in a state of shock.
On their way home from the office, Claudia was talking to Eduardo but he seemed to be caught in a daze. He was still overwhelmed with the very good time he spent with Amor. The next day, Eduardo went straight to Amor's office and promised to give her the proposal as soon as he was done with it. He looked like a teenage boy wooing his puppy love. As he was about to leave, Eduardo did not see the door and slammed straight on it. Alone in the office, Amor could not help but smile. Everyday, Eduardo always took time to dress up and fix himself well to make a good impression on Amor. He would ask Amor's secretary if her boss was in and felt disappointed when she was not.
When Yna got home, Belen knew something was very wrong with just one look at her. Suddenly, Angelo arrived and approached Yna. Yna hit him, screaming how they cheated on her then threw him out of the house. Angelo left. Yna dropped down on the floor, very much pained. Outside, Angelo wept and recalled the time he gave a ring to Yna with a promise she would be the only one in his life. He got back to his senses wheh his cellphone rang. It was Beabianca. Angelo could not stand her anymore so he threw away his cellphone and freaked out. Some of the neighborhood boys saw Angelo lost control of himself and tried to calm him down. When Angelo was all settled down, a friend offered his place where Angelo could spend the night.
The next day, Cookie and Nancy accompanied Yna on her way out to the office. They were convincing Yna that Angelo was a good-for-nothing guy. Somehow, Nancy was still open for giving him a second chance but Cookie was firm that Yna dumped him for good. Then they chanced upon Angelo. Yna just looked at him scornfully. It was Nancy and Cookie who were mocking him and gave a warning that once he messed around with Yna again, Angelo would have to face them instead.
Lia knew she would lose Jonathan if she continued with her initiation. So she faced the sorority and told them about her resignation. The leader called her a quitter and insulter her, saying, Lia and Jonathan were better off in the convent.
Debra noticed Yna was unusually quiet so she asked what was bothering her. Meanwhile, Beabianca arrived and approached Yna as if nothing happened that night. Yna could not control her anger so she slapped Beabianca. Beabianca fought back and the two caused a great commotion. Amor and the rest of the employees rushed toward them. Beabianca kept saying Angelo liked her better because she was beautiful and Yna was ugly. Amor tried to stop her. Beabianca felt Amor was taking Yna's side so she ran away. Yna went straight to the restroom and cried. Amor followed and comforted her. On their way out, Amor gave a piece of her mind that Yna must learn to move on and handle life by herself because nothing is permanent in the world. Amor suggested she take a leave for the meantime. Yna said that would not be a good idea for she wanted to be kept busy.
Angelo went to Eduardo's office and told him about what happened. Eduardo advised that Angelo let Yna's anger subside before he talked to her. He suggested it would be better if Angelo went back home to Puntaverde while things were unclear at the moment.
Amor and Beabianca had a talk. As usual, Amor told Beabianca to stay away from Angelo but the latter just did not want to quit. Beabianca said it would be better if Amor would help her get Angelo now that he and Yna were in bad terms. Amor had had it gave a warning that if Beabianca did not follow her orders, she would not push-thru with the adoption anymore.

to be continue tomorrow ..

Use magic Report

Post time 11-7-2003 01:09 AM | Show all posts
ada sesaper tgk cite nie ari nie?????
tgk tak cam ner si Yna pukul si Angelo sebb rahsia si Angelo pecah ....
pukul bagai nak rak ... tak cukup ngan tangan - guna kiri kanan plus lg ngan beg Yna n beg Angelo. Cian .. cian ....

Use magic Report

Post time 13-7-2003 01:49 PM | Show all posts
tu arrr .cian Angelo merayu2 mintak maaf kat Yna.kesian tul.takpe nanti dia maafkan juga.hehehe.see next episode

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Post time 14-7-2003 06:58 PM | Show all posts
hmmm Yna maafkan si Angelo .. lambat wehhh ... tersgt ler lambat ...
diorg separate gak nanti .. Yna dok kat situ lg n Angelo dok tmpt lain, dekat ngan office dia. Yna jd model utk BuenoTelco Telecommunications .. dia jd sebb Amor Powers yg minta lgpun model terbaru diorg ngandung n hampeh. So Angelo nanti keje keras sebb nak bukti kat Yna yg dia leh pakai sebenornyer. So si Bea Bianca still gila2 kat Angelo n dia sanggup tukar imej cam Yna .....

Use magic Report

Post time 1-8-2003 01:09 PM | Show all posts

pangako website

hai! pangako websites...ada gambar semua pelakon termasuklah hero heroinnya yang betul betul bercinta kat luar.

Use magic Report


Post time 2-8-2003 02:56 PM | Show all posts
hmm .. nanti diorg tukar masakan? cite nie tukar kul 2.30pm kat tv2 ...
kalau tak salah minggu kedua dlm bulan august nie ....

Use magic Report

Post time 2-8-2003 06:34 PM | Show all posts

fly citer beshh aaarr

Originally posted by fly_in_d_sky at 7-7-2003 01:28 AM:
yna n angelo kawin sebb diorg bukan adik bradik. yna anak eduardo & Amor. Angelo anak diego n saper, tak tau lak.
bea bianca mmg jadi giler sebb plan dia nak buat angelo jatuh cinta tak success. p ...

lagi apa terjadi pd isteri diego yang dikehendaki polis tuh? lagi budak pompuan yang jadi maid claudia tuh anak amor kan...?alar yang claudia bunuh tuh...anak amor ngan sape yer...?bapak yna yg gila tuh dah baik ke lum? maleh lar baca sinopsis ko, panjang sgt, citer lar kat aku...dah lama aku tak nengok citer tuh...dah abis kot...

citer lar lagi fly...makasih............:stp:

Use magic Report

Post time 3-8-2003 01:45 AM | Show all posts
haduh .. banyak sungguh soalan .. ngalahkan reporter ....
cam yer nak cite ... sebenornya soalan awak tu takleh dijawab sebb takut spoiler walaupun tak ramai yg tgk cite nie ....

tp yg leh cite skarang nie ...
Yna dan Angelo dah break up buat sementara dan masalah nie timbul sebb si Bea Bianca dah jatuh cinta kat Angelo dan juga sebb pas dicucuk oleh Claudia. Hal nie dah diketahui oleh Amor Powers tp dia hanya tgk ajer dan pada masa yg sama dia beri semangat pd Yna. Yna dr setiausaha trus jd model utk company Buenotelco iaitu komunikasi utk I-Powers. Bea Bianca jeles dan marah kat Yna dan Amor Powers dan Claudia bertambah-tambah meluat. Angelo dah berhenti keje jual umah dan balik ke umah dia kat Puente Verde dan ingat nak kejekan ladang diorg yg terbengkalai tp masalah duit lak timbul. so Angelo ada habaq kat Claudia n Claudia try mintak kat Tony (musuh ketat Amor Powers) dan juga persaingan terhebat pd company Amor Powers.  Tony bg duit tu kat Claudia tp ngan syarat duit kene digunakan utk membeli smula syarikat2 yg telah dibeli oleh Amor Powers. plan Angelo utk kejekan ladang tu terbengkalai. Bea Bianca masuk hospital sakit jiwa sebb dia cuba bunuh Yna masa pelancaran I-Powers dan Bea Bianca dihalang oleh Angelo. Hubungan Amor Powers dan Eduardo dah bertambah erat dr semasa ke semasa sebb Amor Powers dah meluahkan perasaan marah pd Eduardo cuma Amor Powers tak bgtau yg diorg ada anak.  Amor Powers cuma bgtau yg idupnya menderita ngan James Powers semasa di Amerika. Amor Powers telah didera dan hampir mati akibat didera. Eduardo dan Amor Powers sedang bercinta dan bercinta tanpa pengetahuan sesiapa dan diorg meluangkan masa di umah Amor Powers yg jauh dr bandar. umah tu Amor Powers beli dr Angelo.
Cookie menjadi jurusolek peribadi pd Yna. Yna n family dah pindah ke umah baru iaitu umah yg telah disediakan oleh Amor Powers dan Yna kene bayor melalui potongan gaji tiap2 bulan. Caloy, abang pd Yna menghadapi kesusahan sebb dia berhutang sebanyak 1 juta pesos dan duit tu patut digunakan utk membeli kereta sebb org umah dia (tak ingat nama) yg suruh beli n sebb nak gembirakan ati kerana dia takleh pregnant lagi. n dia mengalami keguguran sebb ditolak oleh Caloy. Caloy tau mane tmpt tinggal si Yna yg baru sebb kwn p'puan Caloy iaitu Sheila yg bgtau. Sheila tau sebb adik Yna iaitu Flerida yg bg alamat tu.
Lia membelakangkan kumpulan yg dia baru masuk iaitu Delta Kappa ngan memberitahu perkara sebenar pd Jonanthan dan geng dia. Diorg buat piket dan buat bantahan di kampus diorg. segelintir ahli kumpulan Delta Kappa dah berpaling tadah include Vinnie dan juga ahli kumpulan baru iaitu kwn kepada Lia.
ttg Yna .. Yna makin kurus sebb dibuli oleh Joey yg juga tak suka pd Yna dan sebb dia lebih suka Bea Bianca trus jd model.
ttg Diego .. Diego ada ternampak Eduardo dan Amor Powers dijalan raya .. masa tu Diego dibalik semak dan hampir kluar utk halau lembu2 dr trus menghalang jalan. Diego tak tolong sebaliknya dia hanya tgk dr semak2. Diego seperti tak suka tgk Eduardo dan Amor Powers. Kalau tak salah, Diego suka kat Amor Powers.

so tu jer la sinopsis sepanjang yg telah saya tgk ler ... insya allah akan bersambung dr semasa ke sama. dan saya takkan beri spoiler ... tak best aaa ... so hope u enjoy ...

Use magic Report

Post time 4-8-2003 08:32 PM | Show all posts
sinopsis utk ari nie ....  secara ringkasnya ...

Angelo dah tau hal sebenar selepas dia cekik si kuring (kwn mak dia) n dia nak explain kat Yna tp tak dpt. while Yna .. pun dah dpt tau hal sebenar n dia rasa bersalah yg amat bangat n dia menangis n hampir nak tarik diri n menolak tawaran dr syarikat lain utk menjadi model. tp Amor Powers beri kata2 perangsang utk meneruskan idup walaupun ada masalah . Bea Bianca masih lg dlm hospital mental n masih lagi cuba nak kluar. Lia n Jonathan ok jer so far tp hubungan dia ngan mak dia tak brapa baik sebb dia dapat tau hal sebenar dan juga duit 1 juta Pesos. Eduardo asyik kluar ajer sebb berkepit ngan Amor Powers n balik lewat. Claudia n Eduardo bergaduh sebb Angelo n Eduardo kata kalau terjadi aper2 pd Angelo n jika Angelo trus takkan balik ke Puente Verde, Eduardo akan membuat sesuatu. abang Yna, Caloy ada call umah Yna n mak Yna jawab iaitu Belen tp Caloy tak respon aper2 .. dia diam ajer.
Yna tak sempat nak beritahu yg dia dah tau sapa punca retaknya hubungan diorg berdua n tak sempat ckp yg dia sayang kat Angelo. Angelo dah naik bas n bas pun dah pegi jauh .. while Yna baru sampai kat situ. Yna nangis kat situ .. sambil sebut aku sayang ko, Angelo. Angelo sampai disuatu tempat yg masih tak tau namanya (tmpt tu ada nama cuma Angelo tak pnah sampai kat situ). Angelo sampai kat pantai .. n masih mencari tmpt tinggal yg sesuai. Angelo ada telefon Lia n ckp yg dia nak bersendirian n mahu berfikir ttg smuanya n nak tenangkan pikiran n Angelo tak cakap dia kat mana pd Lia. Yna ada call Lia sebb nak tau aper jd pada Angelo seblum tu dia ada call Jason (kwn seumah Angelo) tp Jason kata Angelo tak balik lg. so Yna decide call Lia n tanya Lia .. tp Lia kata dia tak tau aper2 sebb Angelo tak bgtau aper2 pun ....

to be continue tomorrow ....

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man_utd This user has been deleted
Post time 4-8-2003 09:38 PM | Show all posts
hahhhh????nk tukar ,mase???patutlah pg td x der...alah...camner aku nk tgk kalu kol 2... nyesal x tgk bln 12 thn lepas kat astro ria...mase tuh kan aku ade gak tgk iklan dier...igtkan x sedap...alah camner nih??x per...korg tolong citekan bley????

Use magic Report

Post time 5-8-2003 12:09 AM | Show all posts
hmmm ... kalau nak cite dr mula .. payah skit .. tp leh gi kat website dia .. clik page no. 1 ... ada link dia. kalau rajin baca ler ...
skarang nie dah cite dah tgh2 ... kalau tak salah dah masuk 190 lebih ...

cite Pangako Sa Yo di TV2 pd hari Isnin - Jumaat pd pukul 2.30pm - 3.30pm

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man_utd This user has been deleted
Post time 5-8-2003 09:39 AM | Show all posts
fly...aku da tgk episod memula...cume tolong citer episod yg aku x dpt tgk...maksudnyer episod hari isnin-jumaat yg baru mula kol 2.30 ko citerkan lah bermula dr episod kol 2.30..

Use magic Report

Post time 5-8-2003 11:25 AM | Show all posts
insya allah man utd ....
mlm semlm ada game kat ntv7 ... football antara man utd n barcelona .. tp tak tau ler live ke idak sebb tv tgk kita .. bukan kita tgk tv ...
score man utd 2 barcelona 1 ....

Use magic Report


Post time 5-8-2003 02:05 PM | Show all posts
3-1 laa Fly..MAn uTD da great Menang.hehhe..Hidup Pangako Sa'Yo

Use magic Report

Post time 5-8-2003 10:09 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by shamsay at 5-8-2003 02:05 PM:
3-1 laa Fly..MAn uTD da great Menang.hehhe..Hidup Pangako Sa'Yo

waa .. 3-1 ... caya la Man Utd .. idup Man Utd walaupun takde Beckham .. tp rindu kat Beckham ... ...  score 2-1 around kul 2 lebih kot .. tak prasan .. mata dok tenung screen .. telinga dengor2 bunyi tv ...

ermm .. guys .. ari nie nya sinops tak dpt disiarkan sebb tak dpt tgk ari .. Fly kluar sat ... tp don't worry .. esok Fly combine 2 episode ...

Use magic Report

Post time 6-8-2003 03:47 PM | Show all posts
today episode

Belen is aloof with Yna. Before Yna leaves for work, she reminds Belen not to let anyone inside the house. Belen assumes Yna is talking about Caloy so she answers coldly that she would not allow Caloy to enter. Yna confides to Cookie about Belen. It is not that Yna doubts Belen but it is Caloy that she does not trust. Cookie agrees for he also notices Caloy's malicious look at Yna.

Eduardo whistles as he prepares himself to meet up with Amor in their rest house. Before Amor leaves the office, Betty Mae hands her two plane tickets to Hong Kong - each for Amor and Eduardo. They have different flight schedule for safety.

Lia, Jonathan, Vinnie and the rest of the group go on a night out. They drink, disco and play billiards all night. Jonathan could not control Lia's drinking so he calls up Eduardo. Eduardo hurriedly goes to the bar and catches Lia in the act. He brings Lia home. Eduardo is not strict on Lia. All he asks is for Lia to be more responsible. He says that once she or her friends get drunk, they would not be aware of what is happening around and this might lead to accidents. Lia blames Eduardo for always being away. Eduardo apologizes for being preoccupied with work and explains that he has to prove something to Claudia that he could still provide even if they already financially down. Lia reasons out that she never liked going home for she considers it like hell.

Amor carefully prepares dinner and fixes the whole house. The dinner table is a masterpiece - candles are lit and fresh flowers are in the vase. She wears a simple but elegant black dress and sprays good perfume. Everything is complete and Amor sits in the table waiting for Eduardo. However, Eduardo feels guilty. He decides not to go to the rest house and stay with Lia for the rest of the night. He orders Pacita to prepare dinner for him. But he could not take a bite. He calls up Amor but she rejects his call. Amor cleans the table and packs everything away.

This time, Claudia agrees with Eduardo to have their marriage annulled. But she has one condition

Use magic Report

Post time 6-8-2003 03:49 PM | Show all posts

Caloy tries to convince Yna that is already a changed man, but Yna does not believe a bit. She even opts to give him some money just to make him leave. Belen tries to speak for Caloy but Yna does not want to hear anymore words so she goes inside the house. Caloy begs Belen to do something. For the next few days, Belen hardly talks to Yna. When Yna tries to help with the laundry, Belen utters that at least by washing clothes, she could help Yna. One day, Yna overhears Belen telling Isko how much she misses the time when their children were younger... When Caloy used to rub Isko's back in exchange for some coins. During mealtimes, Belen hardly touches her food. As much as possible Yna wants to please her mother. So Yna asks Belen if she really wants Caloy to live with them.

On the other hand, Eduardo apologizes to Amor for not showing up for their date. He tells her about Lia and Amor assures him she understands. She is quite sad when she hands him the place tickets for Hong Kong. Eduardo is depressed but he feels it is not the right time yet to have their vacation. Amor asks Eduardo to join her, together with some officers, for a meeting. Eduardo hesitates for he feels out of place. Amor accuses him of being insecure. She says that instead of Eduardo serving the boss, it is the boss who is serving him. Then Eduardo turns to Amor and thanks her for he has never felt concern from anyone for 20 years.

Tony's officers give a warning that if the merger with Liberty-Powers does not push through, they would get in big trouble with their business partners. Tony is determined to get a hold of Liberty-Powers no matter what happens.

Eduardo is thinking of ways on how to get out of his marriage with Claudia. So he asks Amor she does not find it difficult taking care of several businesses at the same time. She says that she has to work hard not for herself but for the people who depend on her for work. She feels good to see them succeed as the company meets its targets and goals. She mentions that there was a time she wanted to give it back to Claudia. But the employees objected because they didn't like the way it was being run. And she doesn't want them to lose the only hope they have for a better life.

Lia continues to go out with her friends. She discovers that Vinnie's parents are separated and already have a family of their own. He also admits that he lives on the fast lane but made a decision to enjoy life for all its worth.

Beabianca finally opens up to the doctor and says how she wants to be free. The doctor assures her that she could be.

Diego comes to Manila and seeks out Erwin Tulfo, who did the interview with Ka Adora. But he is told that any information on her is strictly confidential, even if Diego tells him that Adora may be his long-lost wife. Erwin promises to contact him if his source agrees to give him more information.

One day, Caloy shows up at Yna's house. Nanay excitedly tells Tatay and Flerida that Caloy will be living with them. Flerida is hesitant, especially Yna who still does not trust Caloy

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