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Author: kelisa


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Post time 5-9-2011 09:51 AM | Show all posts
Alhamdulillah rose jumpa kucen2 rose..antara last batch yg dihantat ke balai polis sg pelong. Jumpa  ...
RoseJeanS Post at 4-9-2011 20:32

    rose..letak laa gambar

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Post time 5-9-2011 09:54 AM | Show all posts
aduhai..kak boochik...tak jumpe lagi ke mummycat...mlm td rina sempat chat ngn kak ata dlm kol 12-1 pg..dia still menunggu yg it bungalow punya dgr2 takde kucing pun kt ctu...the other 100 cat still missing....harap2 mummycat there anything i can help u?

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Post time 5-9-2011 10:03 AM | Show all posts
Reply  wiraputera

tak tahu la perasaan owner2 yg cats diorg died.
tabah yer korg2
atreyu05 Post at 5-9-2011 09:50

rina xpernah nk kasar bila dpt tahu pasal ni...mmg isk.....tak tertahan nk maki..masa org nk tgk keadaan pusat boarding tuh..dia tak bg..alasan sbb pusat boarding derang bukan nya tpt cat tak nk bg kita tgk kucing2 lain laa...end up...macam ni pulak....kucing2 ni mmg xdiberi makan etc..mana2 owner yg hantar dlm carrier...kucing2 nie still dlm carrier selama 9 hari...mana yg bg cage..ok laa hari no food n carrier penuh dgn pee n poo..kesian kucing2 ni kene aniaya..

harap2 kita dpt jpe another 100 cat.....sbb still ada yg missing

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Post time 5-9-2011 10:10 AM | Show all posts
Reply 429# anizarina

sedih membayangkan kalau mycats dalam keadaan mcm tu
tentu trauma..tambahan pulak mycats mmg jenis yg lmbt mesra dgn org
poor lil kitties..
dan semoga kucing boocik selamat jugak
be strong boocik

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Post time 5-9-2011 10:16 AM | Show all posts
pelik la.. kenapa dia org boleh buat mcm ni..
apa dia org ingat, dia org boleh lepas mcm tu aje ke?
klu tgk response korang mcm depa ni bagus servis nya..

tak malu ke nak hidup di dunia ni lps satu dunia tau perbuatan kejam dia?

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Post time 5-9-2011 10:23 AM | Show all posts
Reply  anizarina

sedih membayangkan kalau mycats dalam keadaan mcm tu
tentu trauma..tambahan  ...
atreyu05 Post at 5-9-2011 10:10

tuh laa...mesti semua trauma...semalam sempat sms ngn kak boochik...mujur ada kwn dia(kak ata) tlg jagakan...tgh tunggu update ni...sbb mebi ada another rescue mission sbb ada yg hilang lg

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Post time 5-9-2011 10:27 AM | Show all posts
sapa2 yg still xjumpa kucing mereka..view this album yaa....mana tahu ada yg telah selamat bersama fosterer ... 776.100001594362550



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Post time 5-9-2011 10:57 AM | Show all posts
Reply 426# atreyu05

mau tak sedih...kucing yg kita sayang hantar cat boarding utk
keselesaan dorang tau2 tak diberi mkn minum....:cry:

kesian kucing aku duduk dlm carrier je 2 ekor lak tuh..masa
book dok dlm bilik cermin....ampess tul dorang nih...

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Post time 5-9-2011 11:05 AM | Show all posts
oh my god!
terkejut baca info pasal kucin mati kat boarding.

my cats..2 ekor antar boarding kat klinik impian putra. nak ambik hari khamis..tapi dia org cuti lagi. end up hari jumaat baru ambik.

yg the rest kami lepas je belakang rumah. sebab yg lain2 tu memang kutip belakang rumah je. dia org familiar ngan area rumah tu.
tinggal 3 hari...cekeding jadinya kucing kat blakang rumah. dah org lain pon balik beraya jugak.
abih..antar boarding pon sama... kebulur gak 2 ekor kucing tuh

kesian mummy n kitten yg mati lam sangkar tuh

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Post time 5-9-2011 11:28 AM | Show all posts
ada press conf petang ni... rujuk link ni for details.. ... e/10150364105747195

ATTENTION ALL: A press conference will be held at Arcadia 1, level 3, Armada Hotel at 5 pm today re the pet hotel fiasco.

The press conference will also be a platform for NGOs to express their frustrations over the poor animal welfare laws which may see the operators walk away with a small fine.

We hope owners who have already collected their cats to also be there to speak to the media.

They were not held by the police and allowed to go yesterday itself.

All the animal welfare groups are expected to attend.

If you are an animal welfare/rescue group and have not received a phone or e-mail invitation, please regard this as your invitation.

We are working against time to get the press releases etc in place and because may have overlooked some things. Those who can attend, please be there to show support.

Forget about the traffic jam etc, we have to have it at 5pm because many are at work but can leave their respective offices a little early to be on time. This is important.

Please show your support!

Thanks MDDB for leading us a way to bring the culprits down!



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Post time 5-9-2011 11:49 AM | Show all posts
sgt menyedihkan...

yushairi.. tergamak kamu buat mereka begini..:cry:

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Post time 5-9-2011 11:51 AM | Show all posts
hotel ni kt ngn pj tau....kt sebelh fed klo xsilap..tebaca kt wall ktaj td

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Post time 5-9-2011 11:58 AM | Show all posts
Ya Allahh.. k leo baru masuk tenet hari ni lepas balik beraya.. terkejut giler baca news kat FB yg petnode boarding abused kucing2 org yg letak situ.. kenape jd mcm ni?? ishh.. x paham ape masalah owner/yus sampai sanggup buat kucing2 org yg beri amanah kat dia supaya menjaga dgn penuh tanggungjwp & kasih syg.. tp seolah2 hantar ke neraka??? sedih giler k leo tgk gambar2 kucing yg tak bermaya & sudah menjadi mayat itu... hanya Allah shj yg dapat membalas kekejaman yg owner tu buat pd makhluk2 Allah yg tak berdosa & berdaya ini..

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Post time 5-9-2011 12:01 PM | Show all posts
sapa dtg ptg ni? jom serbu ramai2
hotel ni kt fed hway. klu dari klang belah kiri. parking agk2 senang. tp klu ramai sgt mungkin sesak jugak

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Post time 5-9-2011 12:03 PM | Show all posts
Reply 406# boocik04

    boocik.. sabar... huhuhu
sedih sgt bila jd mcm ni.. x sangka sggh...

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Post time 5-9-2011 12:36 PM | Show all posts
Reply 441# leotazz818

kak, bukan apong and hensem tu dulu kucing akak ke?
akak handover kt diorg??? sy pun lupa2 igt

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Post time 5-9-2011 12:52 PM | Show all posts
Reply  leotazz818

kak, bukan apong and hensem tu dulu kucing akak ke?
akak handover kt diorg? ...
atreyu05 Post at 5-9-2011 12:36

    leh ingat nama encem sebab time anto encem dok cage atas sekali.. ingt kan cat owner.....time tu yakin  sebab dia dok sebut encem 2..

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Post time 5-9-2011 12:53 PM | Show all posts
Reply 442# atreyu05

apong ngan encem... semoga tuan kamu dibuka hati dan perasaan

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Post time 5-9-2011 12:54 PM | Show all posts
menitik air mata tgok anak beranak tu mati hadap muka satu sama lain:cry:

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Post time 5-9-2011 12:56 PM | Show all posts
Reply 443# nazadiyah

apong dan hensem tu mmg Petknode punya cats
seingat aku dulu la kak leo bagi diorg adopt
kalau salah kucing sori la yer....ampun

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