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Author: naen


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Post time 11-10-2008 12:15 PM | Show all posts
men kat pc je

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 Author| Post time 11-10-2008 06:28 PM | Show all posts

Reply #41 MetalFire's post


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 Author| Post time 11-10-2008 06:32 PM | Show all posts

Pokemon Ranger : Shadows Of Almia - Starter & Partner

dulu masa game ranger, kita 'terpaksa' ambik plusle/minun sebagai starter
bergantung kepada gender player yg kita pilih, kan?

untuk game ranger almia, kita ada 3 pokemon pilihan untuk starter
STARLY - Group : Flying .. Field Ability : None .. Assist : Flying
PACHIRISU - Group : Electric .. Field Ability : None .. Assist : Electric
MUNCHLAX - Group : Normal .. Field Ability : None .. Assist : Normal

TAPI yg best tu - masa game ranger, kita terpaksa stick 2 plusle/minun je kan?
kali ni dalam ranger almia - KITA BOLEH CAPTURE POKEMON LAIN utk jadi PARTNER
bukan daripada field .. actually dah ditetapkan dah pun - dalam sub-quest
check it out -

ada 14 partner lain yg boleh dicapture sepanjang game ni
tapi, kita bukan aa bawak semua 14 pokemon tu jalan serentak .. haha!
so, untuk membolehkan kita guna function ni, kena activate dulu aa
ada satu tempat kat Chikore Village, kiranya tempat pokemon2 ni lepak
so bila2 sebelum quest/mission, just pegi ke tempat ni utk switch partner kita
cara utk activate - nanti bila2 dalam field, akan terserempak ngan KRICKETOT
capture KRIKETOT tu, dah activatekan partner switching tu aa

partner yg di-obtain directly in-game tanpa pape sub-quest/mission -
KRIKETOT - Group : Bug .. Field Ability : None .. Assist : Bug
CROAGUNK - Group : Poison .. Field Ability : None .. Assist : Poison
MIME Jr - Group : Psychic .. Field Ability : None .. Assist : Psychic

senarai 13 partner yg boleh di-obtain thru sub-quest -

CRANIDOS - Group : Rock .. Field Ability : None .. Assist : Rock
Just north of Vein Town, there will be a man. Speak to him and accept his quest in order to get Cranidos. Go north towards the first bridge you will see. Before going onto the bridge, follow the path left into you go down and go near a tree. Once at the tree, you will see Cranidos being chased by a Wartortle. When they see you, Cranidos will run up to you and you will have to face both of them. capture them both and Wartortle will leave. Cranidos will join your team here.

SHEILDON - Group : Steel .. Field Ability : None .. Assist : Steel
Go west of Pueru Townwn's Square. When you reach the far west of the area, you will discover this man. He will mention seeing a Sheildon stuck on the cliffs. Go up to the Mountains and you shall see it. Fall off the vines above it to land on the platform. Sheildon will require capturing in order for it to become one of your partners.

CHIMCHAR - Group : Fire .. Field Ability : None .. Assist : Fire
Go east of Pueru Town's Square. If you follow the path around, you will end up near a wood hut. At this hut is this hiker who says he has heard cries coming from the windy mountain side. Go there and in the top left, you will see a Chimchar getting attacked by two Beedrill. When you get there, Chimchar seeks your protection and you have to capture all three in order for Chimchar to join your Ranger force.

SNEASEL - Group : Dark .. Field Ability : None .. Assist : Dark
Inside a wood hut in the ice field to the west of the village near Lamia Palace, you will find an old lady who will tell you about a Sneasel up in the Lamia Palace. Go there and follow the palace through, you will eventually enter a room where a Sneasel is. The Sneasel is running around the room but once you enter, it will come up to you. capture it and its yours.

SNOVER - Group : Ice .. Field Ability : None .. Assist : Ice
If you head up into the west entrance of the cave on Boil Island, you will quickly find a man who will tell you about a lost Snover. This unlucky Snover can be found in the east entrance to Boil Island and requires you to surf around the cave on Torkoal to get to it. Capture it and, like the others, Snover will join you.

MISDREAVUS - Group : Ghost .. Field Ability : None .. Assist : Ghost
Near the mountain area in the east of Almia, just before the entrance to the underground caves you will discover a hiker who says he saw a ghost inside the cave. Go in and follow the path until your first north room. Go into that room and Misdreavus will spot you and vanish. Go to leave the room and it'll pop up behind you, scaring you and putting you into a battle with it. Like the others, it requires capturing to join you.

STARLY - Group : Flying .. Field Ability : None .. Assist : Flying
This quest only appears if you selected Pachirisu or Munchlax as your original starter. Right next to the temple in the Habura Desert, there is a hiker who will give you this mission. He will say about a bird getting into the temple. When you accept, follow the temple all the way until you get to the room with the classic arrow tiles. Starly will constantly fly away from you whenever you get near. However, when he gets to one specific point, he has some times right at him pointing to him. Go to these tiles and approach him from there. He will get startled and attack. Capture it and he will join your team.

MACHOP - Group : Fighting .. Field Ability : None .. Assist : Fighting
In the area south of the Ranger Union, a man with a quest will tell you that theres a Machop stuck in the Peril Cliff area. Follow this area through and you will find a Machop who is stuck behind a massive block. You need a Pok閙on with Break * 4 in order to break this rock. Once its broken, Machop will challenge you. As with the others, capture it and it will join your team.

PIPLUP - Group : Water .. Field Ability : None .. Assist : Water
In the North East of the icy field west of the Lamia Village, there will be a girl in a pink jacket. She will tell you that a Piplup is getting attacked in the ice field. Accept and go to the Sourth west of the field. Once there, you will see that Piplup is being chased around a tree by Houndoom. They will both run towards you. you have to capture them both and once done, Piplup will join your Ranger force.

TURTWIG - Group : Grass .. Field Ability : None .. Assist : Grass
Outside of the top-right house in Chikore Village is a boy who has this quest. He says that a Turtwig has been spotted beyond the beach. Go up to Vein Town and West along the beach and follow the path upwards until you reach the cliffside. Turtwig will see you and will attack. Capture him and he will join your team.

HIPPOPOTAS - Group : Ground .. Field Ability : None .. Assist : Ground
In the Habura Village, theres a boy just next to the Ranger Centre. Talk to him and he will say that a Hippopotas is about to fall on the Temple out in the Habura Desert. Go to the temple and follow it through until you reach the point where you get outside again. Once there, Hippopotas will spot you and challenge you. Capture him for him to join your team.

GIBLE - Group : Dragon .. Field Ability : None .. Assist : Dragon
Back on Boil Island, talk to the woman between the two top-most houses. She will say that theres a Pelipper inside the Volcano. Go in the east entrance and you will see the Pelipper as he flys off to take you somewhere. Follow him through the cave and then outside and he will show you that a Gible has found its way there. Gible will quickly attack. Capture him and he will join your team.

Use magic Report

Post time 11-10-2008 09:08 PM | Show all posts
nampak cam syok.tapi bile main.masyallah

tuhan je la yg tau

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 Author| Post time 12-10-2008 02:53 AM | Show all posts

Reply #44 MetalFire's post

a`ah .. nampak cambest ..
tapi macam leceh aa pulok nak lukis bulat2 tu ..
ko guna main guna pc, kan? camana nak lukis ek, kalau guna pc?

ada lagi info pasal ranger yg baru ni .. tapi esok2 aa buat ..
kemalasan + kepancitan ..

Use magic Report

Post time 13-10-2008 10:57 AM | Show all posts
segala touch screen kat nds,kene gune mouse.tekan je kat skrin yg disediakan.leceh laa.bile nak buat poffin dulu asik hangus je

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Post time 13-10-2008 03:03 PM | Show all posts
pokemon ranger yg first tu korg main smp abis ke?
aku main smp abis tp end up aku nye screen protector kt nds tu ade calar yg tak leh ilang, huhu..

skang aku dh nak abis main Mysterious Dungeon, tp last sekali lwn dialga, susah bangat.. smp skang tak lepas2.. br ingat nak main mission yg membolehkan sume pokemon evolve.. yg skang aku main ni ade ke skitty ngan turtwig nak kalahkan dialga..

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 Author| Post time 13-10-2008 08:05 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by MetalFire at 13-10-2008 10:57 AM

segala touch screen kat nds,kene gune mouse.tekan je kat skrin yg disediakan.leceh laa.bile nak buat poffin dulu asik hangus je

dia nak mintak hang beli nds tu ..

ohh yek .. sekarang dah ada NDS yg baru .. NDSi ..
skrin besar sikit .. siap ada kamera & memory slot .. TAPI!!!!!
tapi TAKDE GBA SLOT .. bleahhh!

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 Author| Post time 13-10-2008 08:07 PM | Show all posts

Reply #47 farixwan's post

aku main sampai habis ..

ko tak beli screen protector ke farix? kan ada jual kat kedai2 game ..
ada yg clear, ada yg gelap sikit ..

aku hari tu main 40 min je .. yg mystery dungeon time/darkness ..
dah habis membantai drowzee tu, aku terus tak main dah .. hahaha

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Post time 14-10-2008 09:21 AM | Show all posts

Reply #49 naen's post

mmg ade screen protector tp aku rasa yg aku nye tu tak bagus la sbb aku main lama2 game pokemon ranger tu dia jadik calar.. tp tu yg kat aku nye NDS Phat..

skrg aku ade NDSL.. yg Phat tu aku guna klu nk transfer pape or main lwn dgn anak buah aku..

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 Author| Post time 14-10-2008 10:35 PM | Show all posts

Reply #50 farixwan's post

ko ganas sangat kot farix

wahhh ko ada NDS phat?
aku lagi berkenan kat yg phat, banding yg lite ..
masa aku nak beli tahun lepas, kedai2 dah takde jual yg phat dah ..
terpaksa aa beli yg lite .. puas hati gak aa .. asalkan ada

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Post time 15-10-2008 08:26 AM | Show all posts

Reply #51 naen's post

phat tu pun member aku jual kt aku...
dia beli tp dia tak tau nak flash+pakai supercard so blh main game ori je la..
lelama dia dh tak pakai, aku beli...

sebenarnya aku sker design phat lagi, cuma klu phat tu dgn rupa yg sama tp ringan sikit, skrin lg besar n blh adjust kecerahan.. button on/off phat lg ok drp ndsl..

ndsi siap ade kamera eh.. berapa juta la regenya

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 Author| Post time 16-10-2008 12:25 AM | Show all posts

Reply #52 farixwan's post

oooooo ceritanya ..

aku rasa mau cecah ribu kot harga dia ..

ni aku dapat info skit -

The Nintendo DSi is 12% or 2.6 millimeters slimmer than the Nintendo DS Lite, but Nintendo had to sacrifice the GBA slot in order to make the Nintendo DSi smaller. The Nintendo DSi has two beautiful 3.25 inch screens and better speakers. The device has a 3 megapixel on the outside and a 0.3 megapixel VGA camera located next to the DSi抯 microphone, both have a 640

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Post time 16-10-2008 08:23 AM | Show all posts

Reply #53 naen's post

gempak kan ndsi..
aku tak rasa mcm nak beli pun..
sbb konfem rege dia 1k++
tp x tau la in the future klu dh ade pokemon game yg guna kamera ke...

smlm aku officially abis main game mysterious dungeon... well tak la abis sepenuhnya tp aku dh kalahkan dialga n aku dh graduate drp guild yg aku keje tu.. ade 2 lg mission selepas final battle tu yg aku tak wat lg.. jumpa manaphy ngan lwn 3 regis.. owh kekadang rasa lemas gak main game ni tp bila aku dh blh teruskan cam best je lak.. nanti abis ni aku nak main lak yg first game tu blk..

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 Author| Post time 16-10-2008 06:38 PM | Show all posts

Reply #54 farixwan's post

harga tu satu hal (besar), lagi satu - sbb takde GBA slot ..

tapi .. ko tau2 je aa nintendo ni kan ..
salah satu game yg derang paling buat duit = POKEMON
tiap kali ada generation baru pokemon, sure ada new console model

aku dok pikir2 .. untuk generation DPP ni, mungkin guna series DS kot ..
kalau ada new generation pasni, for sure ada new console lagi ..
aku tengok NDSi ni cam takde beza sangat ngan NDS - just gempaq je lebih sikit
so aku pass aa .. lagipun aku dah ada 2 NDS

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 Author| Post time 16-10-2008 06:39 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by farixwan at 16-10-2008 08:23 AM

smlm aku officially abis main game mysterious dungeon... well tak laabis sepenuhnya tp aku dh kalahkan dialga n aku dh graduate drp guildyg aku keje tu.. ade 2 lg mission selepas final battle tu yg aku takwat lg.. jumpa manaphy ngan lwn 3 regis.. owh kekadang rasa lemas gakmain game ni tp bila aku dh blh teruskan cam best je lak.. nanti abisni aku nak main lak yg first game tu blk..

wehh tahniah!!! :pompom:

aku je yg malas nak main mystery dungeon ni ..
tengok aa nanti kalau terbuang tebiat ke apa
tapi rasa2nya tak kot .. tgh kumpul energy nak main ranger almia & platinum

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Post time 17-10-2008 09:36 AM | Show all posts
ko ade dua NDS?? jual kat aku sekeping

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Post time 17-10-2008 10:51 AM | Show all posts

Reply #55 naen's post

tulah pasal.. pasni kuar lg konsol baru utk 5th generation.. masa RGB, GSC dgn RSE dulu aku main kt pc je.. masa DP kuar aritu blm ade emulator utk NDS tu yg aku beli NDS..

smlm aku main mysterious dungeon, member aku tgk pastu dia kata ko main pokemon ke? ni bukan game budak2 ke.. aku ckp dgn dia pokemon ni mula kuar time aku skola menengah kira2 10 taun lepas.. ko bygkan klu time dia kuar tu let say sorg budak darjah 4 main, sampai skang ni budak darjah 4 tu pun dah 20 taun.. pastu dia terdiam.. haha

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Post time 17-10-2008 10:55 AM | Show all posts

Reply #56 naen's post

thanks.. aku tgh main mission manaphy..

shadows of almia tu cara capture pokemon dia dh improved kan..
let say klu yg first tu nak tangkap satu pokemon tu kena pusing 10 kali, klu kita pusing 10 kali pastu dia terlanggar kita nye bulatan tu, kena start blk kan.. ini takyah sbb sekali pusing tu akan kurangkan HP pokemon tu sikit.. so blh buat bnyk kali tanpe perlu ulang blk if pokemon tu langgar bulatan tu.. mcm senang sket kot

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 Author| Post time 17-10-2008 09:39 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by MetalFire at 17-10-2008 09:36 AM

ko ade dua NDS?? jual kat aku sekeping

alamak.. budget ko berapa?

tunggu jap lagi aa metal .. aku rasa harga ndsl pun dah drop banyak
masa aku nak rembat 2nd ndsl tu, harga dah kurang separuh dari aku nye yg 1st
ni dah ada model baru, aku rasa drop lagi kot harga dia ..

cuba usha2 kat farix .. kot farix nak tolak ke

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