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Post time 13-1-2006 03:09 PM | Show all posts
sukarno slamber jerk ckp tunku abd rahman bapa neo-colonization(betoiker ejaan??)...dier ingat mesia jajah sabah n srawak...hmmmmmmmmmmmm...

aper sbb sbenar yek brunei x sertai melayu rayer...



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ijad1986 This user has been deleted
Post time 13-1-2006 03:49 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by MOONkerBULAN at 13-1-2006 03:09 PM
sukarno slamber jerk ckp tunku abd rahman bapa neo-colonization(betoiker ejaan??)...dier ingat mesia jajah sabah n srawak...hmmmmmmmmmmmm...

Ijad pernah baca buku sejarah Indonesia. Buku tu cerita si Sukarno ni ada hati nak mencipta sebuah negara Melayu-Raya/Mega yang meliputi Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei, Singapura & Selatan Filipina (Pulau Mindanao). Indonesia cakap je yang Malaysia ni cuma negara boneka Inggeris & kata kita menjajah Sabah & Sarawak padahal niat sebenar diorg adalah utk mencipta sebuah negara Melayu-Raya yang dipanggil Indonesia. Tapi, tak tau la pulak kalau niat si Sukarno ni nak menyatukan seluruh Kepulauan Melayu,...:hmm::hmm::hmm:

Originally posted by MOONkerBULAN at 13-1-2006 03:09 PM
aper sbb sbenar yek brunei x sertai melayu rayer...

Ada DUA sebab --> Brunei tak menyertai kita sebab mereka pikir kerajaan Malaysia meletakkan baginda Sultan Brunei sebagai Raja Melayu yang ke-10 & paling rendah di antara Raja-Raja Melayu yang lain di Semenanjung kalau mengikut turutan. Sultan Brunei pkir, kalau baginda adalah Raja Melayu yang ke-10 di belakang 9 Raja-Raja Melayu yang lain, baginda takut tidak sempat menjadi Yang Di-Pertuan Agong Malaysia sebab Sultan Brunei adalah pewaris takhta Agong yang ke-10 kalau Brunei sertai Malaysia. Ijad pernah dengar 1 lagi sebab.... Brunei pernah menuntut Sarawak & Sabah dimasukkan semula ke bawah pemerintahan Sultan Brunei. Kerajaan Malaysia tak setuju & Sultan Brunei merajuk tidak mahu menyertai Malaysia. Brunei lebih rela menjadi sebuah negeri yang bergelar negara dari menyertai gagasan Malaysia sebab di negara diorg sekarang, Sultan Brunei adalah raja berkuasa mutlak & berkedudukan tinggi di negaranya. Segala kekayaan Brunei adalah ditangannya & rakyat Brunei menghormati Sultan Brunei.

[ Last edited by ijad1986 at 13-1-2006 03:51 PM ]



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Post time 13-1-2006 04:24 PM | Show all posts
May I add further to ijad1986 statement regarding Brunei not joining the Federation of Malaysia.

British recommended Brunei to join the Federation of Malaysia. However, due to the disagreements on the issue of the status of the Sultan as absolute power and the control of the oil revenue, Brunei choose to remain as British protectorate. Sultan of Brunei asserted the status quo of the Brunei governance should she join the Federation. This is not acceptable to Kuala Lumpur because the 1957 Constitution adopted the contitutional monarchy system. Ruler of Brunei is an old legecy of the Malay sultanate where the sultan is an absolute monarchy. There is no free election to elect state legistlator unlike Singapore the State Legislative Assembly elects a Chief Minister and a cabinet.

To avoid the 'square peg in the round hole' situation Tunku decided to proceed with the formation of Malaysia without Brunei. However, the relationship between the two countries has always been uneasy one. When Kuala Lumpur granted assylum to Azhari, a leftist who led the rebellion against the sultan, the sultan showed his displeasure by cutting off relationship with Malaysia to bare minimum. The relationship was normalised after a long period of empasse.

Shall Brunei be accepted to join Malaysia? My opinion is very unlikely unless there is a complete reform in the structure of the present goverment including the status of the absolute monarchy and the adoption of democratic system.

[ Last edited by thamrong at 13-1-2006 04:27 PM ]



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ijad1986 This user has been deleted
Post time 13-1-2006 06:03 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by thamrong at 13-1-2006 04:24 PM
May I add further to ijad1986 statement regarding Brunei not joining the Federation of Malaysia.

British recommended Brunei to joi ...

Thank you for the good information that you give to us, thamrong .

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Post time 15-1-2006 02:21 PM | Show all posts
Pentadbiran negara berpusat diJakarta dan dipecahkan kapada beberape privinsi yang di kepalai oleh Gabnor.

[ Last edited by thamrong at 15-1-2006 02:24 PM ]



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Post time 15-1-2006 03:42 PM | Show all posts
The Dutch East India Company (Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie atau VOC)

The Dutch East India Company (Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie atau VOC),atau lebih dikenali oleh warga Indonesia diwaktu itu sabagai 'kompeni' diperbadankan pada 20hb Nac 1602. Tujuan utama ialah memiliki monopoli perdagangan di Asia khususnya diHindi Timur(nama panggilan untuk Indonesia diwaktu itu). Sungguhpun dia diperbadankan sebagai sabuah syarikat tetapi mempunyai kuasa yang istimewa seperti memiliki tentera sendiri untuk menawan dan menduduki mana-mana tempat yang dikira sesuai untuk kepentingan dagangnya dan kuasa berunding cara terus dengan mana-mana pemerintah tempat untuk konsesi dagang. Kerana luas kuasa yang diberikan ia dianggap sabagai negra dalam negara.

Tertubuhnya VOC mulalah imperialisme dan kolonilisme Belanda diHindi Timur. Pusat atau markas pertama diHindi Timur adalah di Batavia atau dikenali dengan Sunda Kelapa, Jayakarta atau ini hari dipanggil Jakarta. VOC akhirnya dapat menguasai seluruh pulau Jawa( kerana raja-raja kecil(principalities) tidak bersatu) dan disaat itu boleh dianggap satu titik hitam dalam sejarah kolonialisme Jawa kerana undang-undang draconian yang dikenakan kapada rayaat tempatan.
Di sini adalah gambar evolusi perkembangan Batavia(Jakarta) semenjak datangnya Belanda.

Batavia 1672
Batavia 1681
Batavia 1726
Batavia 1750       

Batavia 1875

[ Last edited by thamrong at 15-1-2006 03:45 PM ]



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Post time 17-1-2006 02:08 PM | Show all posts
Belanda terkenl dengan kezalimannya di waktu menjajah Indonesia. Bemula dengan VOC(Dutch East India Company) dan seterusnya oleh kerajaan Belanda (United Province) sendiri. Campur tangan Belanda dalam pentadbiran India Timur (Nama asal Indonesi)  sungguh menyeksan terutama dalam urusan pengurusan perdagangan dan pembuatan, pugutan cukai dan hakmilik tanah. Kegiatan yang paling zalim ialah pengunaan buruh paksa. Warga biasa yang majoriti kaum tani dikerah sabagai hamba dan gulungan cerdik pandai dan bangsawan dipergunakan sabagai alat untuk kepentingannya dan kaum cina sabagi gulungan orang tengah dalam perdagangan termasuk penjualan candu.

Pengunaan Buruh Paksa warga Indonesia olhe penjajah Belanda.



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Post time 17-1-2006 02:10 PM | Show all posts
Indonesian Gay Boys



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Post time 18-1-2006 10:20 PM | Show all posts
MULTATULI (1820-1887)



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Post time 19-1-2006 11:32 AM | Show all posts
Pramoedya Ananta Toer


Pramoedya Ananta Toer, (born Feb. 20, 1925, Blora, Java, Dutch East Indies [now in Indonesia]),
Indonesian-language novelist and short-story writer, the preeminent prose writer of post-independence Indonesia.  

The son of a schoolteacher, Pramoedya went to Jakarta while a teenager and worked as a typist there under the Japanese occupation during World War II. When the Indonesian revolt against renewed Dutch colonial rule broke out in 1945, he joined the nationalists, working in radio and producing an Indonesian-language magazine before he was arrested by the Dutch authorities in 1947. He wrote his first published novel, Perburuan (1950; The Fugitive), during a two-year term in a Dutch prison camp (1947-49). This work describes the flight of an anti-Japanese rebel back to his home in Java.  

After Indonesia gained independence in 1949, Pramoedya produced a stream of novels and short stories that established his reputation.  The novel Keluarga gerilja (1950; "Guerrilla Family") chronicles the tragic consequences of divided political sympathies in a Javanese family during the Indonesian Revolution against Dutch rule.   
Mereka jang dilumpuhkan (1951; "The Paralyzed") depicts the odd assortment of inmates Pramoedya became acquainted with in the Dutch prison camp.  
The short stories collected in Subuh (1950; "Dawn") and Pertjikan revolusi (1950; "Sparks of Revolution") are set during the Indonesian Revolution, while those in Tjerita dari Blora (1952; "Tales of Bora") depict Javanese provincial life in the period of Dutch rule.  
The sketches in Tjerita dari Djakarta (1957; "Tales of Jakarta") examine the strains and injustices Pramoedya perceived within Indonesian society after independence had been achieved.  
In these early works Pramoedya evolved a rich prose style that incorporates Javanese everyday speech and images from classical Javanese culture.  

By the late 1950s Pramoedya had become sympathetic toward the Indonesian Communist Party, and after 1958 he abandoned fiction for essays and cultural criticism that reflect a left-wing viewpoint. By 1962 he had become closely aligned with communist-sponsored cultural groups. As a result, he was jailed by the army in the course of its bloody suppression of a communist coup in 1965. He was not released until 1980, but during his imprisonment he wrote a series of four historical novels that further enhanced his reputation. Two of these, Bumi manusia (1980; This Earth of Mankind) and Anak semua bangsa (1980; Child of All Nations), met with great critical and popular acclaim in Indonesia after their publication, but the government subsequently banned them from circulation, and the last two volumes of the tetralogy, Jejak langkah ("Steps Forward") and Rumah kaca ("House of Glass"), had to be published abroad. These late works comprehensively depict Javanese society under Dutch colonial rule in the early 20th century. In contrast to his earlier works, they are written in a plain, fast-paced narrative style. Pramoedya was confined to the city of Jakarta after his release from prison in 1980.



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Post time 19-1-2006 01:34 PM | Show all posts


Great Mosque



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Post time 19-1-2006 01:35 PM | Show all posts

Medan ..

Sikh Temple

Chinese Temple



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Post time 19-1-2006 01:35 PM | Show all posts
Medan, Indonesia

Medan is the capital city of the Sumatera Utara (North Sumatra) province of Indonesia. It is located in the north of the province, at , and has a nearby harbour, Belawan, and an international airport.

Officially Medan's birthdate is 1 July, 1590.

The city is Indonesia's third most populous after Surabaya and Jakarta, with approximately 2.5 million people. Compared to (Capital and largest city of Indonesia; located on the island of Java; founded by the Dutch in 17th century) Jakarta, the city might seem a little provincial, as it lacks most of the glossy Western skyscrapers and shops.

Medan's embryo was a village called Kampung Medan (Medan Village). Kampung Medan was founded by Guru Patimpus around the (Click link for more info and facts about 1590s) 1590s. Because Kampung Medan sits on Tanah Deli (Land of Deli), Kampung Medan is also referred as Medan-Deli. The original location of Kampung Medan is an area where the River of Deli meets River Babura.

The first inhabitants of Medan came from the Batak Karo community. It was not until the King of Aceh, Sultan Iskandar Muda, sent his warlord, Gocah Pahlawan Laksamana Khoja Bintan, to be the Kingdom of Aceh's representative in Tanah Deli, that the Kingdom of Deli started to grow. This growth stimulated growth in both the population and culture of Medan.

Medan did not enjoy vast development until the (The decade from 1860 to 1869) 1860s, when the (The West Germanic language of the Netherlands) Dutch colonialists began clearing the land for (Leaves of the tobacco plant dried and prepared for smoking or ingestion) tobacco plantations. Medan quickly became a centre of government and commercial activity, dominating development of Indonesia's western region.

The Dutch governed Tanah Deli from 1658, after Sultan Ismail, ruler of the Kingdom of Siak Sri Indrapura, yielded some of his once-ruled land, Deli, Langkat, and Serdang. In 1915 Medan officially became the capital of North Sumatera Province, and officially a city at 1918.

There are many older buildings in Medan that still retain their Dutch architecture. Some buildings are: the old City Hall, Post Office Center, Water Tower which has been Medan City's icon, and Titi Gantung - a bridge over railway.

There are several historic places such as Maimun Palace and the Great Mosque (Masjid Raya) of Medan.

The newest food court in central of Medan city is Kesawan Square. Many kinds of Indonesian, Western and Chinese cuisine become special interest.

A uniqueness of Medan is its motorized becaks found almost everywhere in Medan. Unlike traditional becaks, a motorized becak can take its passenger to anywhere in the city. There are also more common transport like taxis and minibuses.

Railroad tracks connect Medan to Tanjungpura to the northwest, to port of Belawan to the north, and to Binjai, Tebing Tinggi and Pematang Siantar to the southeast.

The seaport of Belawan is about 20 km to the north. Polonia International Airport is located in the heart of the city.

A tollroad connects Medan to Belawan and Tanjungmorawa. Medan朙ubuk Pakam and Medan朆injai are being planned.,_indonesia.htm



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Post time 19-1-2006 01:36 PM | Show all posts
Maimun Palace



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Post time 19-1-2006 01:36 PM | Show all posts
All Chinese in Medan speak Min nan Hua (Southern Min) dialect from Chuang Chiu (nearby Xiamern) region, which is known in Indonesia simply as Hokkien. The version spoken is 99% the same as the Penang version.

All Medanese Chinese who have moved to other parts of Indonesia also continue to speak Hokkien. You can find a lot of them in Jakarta, Batam and Surabaya.

Min nan Hua (Hokkien) is the lingua franca among all Chinese in Medan and surronding cities in North Sumatra. If you are a Cantonese in Medan, then you usually speak cantonese at home and Hokkien when you do any business dealings with other Chinese or at school and with your friends. If you are a Hakka (Ke Jia Ren) in Medan, then you speak Hakka at home and a Hokkien when you do any business dealings with other Chinese or at school and with your friends.

- saya paste dari satu portal  .



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Post time 19-1-2006 03:43 PM | Show all posts
aku nak tahu jugak sejarah rakyat indonesia menentang penjajah belanda mengunakan buluh runcing....



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Post time 21-1-2006 06:22 PM | Show all posts
Time-line pergerakan nasionalisme Indonesia  1912 hingga 1930




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Post time 21-1-2006 06:37 PM | Show all posts
sara juga nak tahu peristiwa pembunuhan pemimpin indonesia semasa sukarno berkuasa dulu.. kalu tak silap sara peristiwa tu berlaku di Lubuk Buaya

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Post time 21-1-2006 06:50 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by HangPC2 at 19-1-2006 03:43 PM
aku nak tahu jugak sejarah rakyat indonesia menentang penjajah belanda mengunakan buluh runcing....

Senjata buluh runcing adalah senjata premitif orang-orang Jawa. Tidak ada istimewa tentang senjata ini kerana senjata yang stander yang digunakan untuk berperang adalah tombak dan parang. Ramai yang menyangkakan kris digunnakan untuk menyerang tetapi anggapan itu salah. Keris hanya satu perhiasan menunjukkan darjat seseorang dalam satu negri.

VOC atau East India Company dipanggil oleh orang Jawa 'Kompeni' adalah agent kolonialisme kerajaan Belanda. Dengan kuasa monopoli dan konsesi VOC merupakan 'kerajaan dalam kerajaan'. Sasaran pertama untuk mengembangkan perdagangan di India Timur ialah menguasai Pulau Jawa. Disinilah timbulnya 'the romence of the buluh runcing'. Pulau Jawa disaat itu diperintah oleh raja-raja kecil(principalities) yang tidak bergabung dan mudah ditewaskan oleh Belanda. Sungguh pun jumlah askar kompeni Belanda terlalu kecil namun Pulau Jawa dapat ditawan kerana persenjataan yang morden.

Disini saya ingin panjangkan cerita yang patut dibuat renungan. Orang Jawa diwaktu itu tidak punya senjata moden. Tetapi rayaat biasa diperdayakan dengan ilmu mistik dimana seorang itu akan kebal bila menghadapi musuh. Budaya ini ada kaitnnya dengan kerpercayaan simbologi dan cosmologi Jawa diwaktu. Namun pada orang Belanda itu perkara karut dan dibuktikan dengan kekalahan orang-orang Jawa.



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Post time 21-1-2006 07:23 PM | Show all posts
The Gestapu 30 September dan Pembunuhan Jeneral-Jeneral sayap kanan.

In the late evening of 30 September 1965, on the orders of a commander of President Sukarno's Palace Guard, Lt. Col. Untung, and a commander of the Army's Jakarta region, Col. Latief, six top generals of the Army were seized in their houses and taken to Halim air base near Jakarta. The generals were:
1. Gen. Ahmad Yani, Army Commander and Minister;
2. Maj.Gen. Suprapto, Second Deputy Commander of the Army, specially charged with administration;
3. Maj.Gen. Harjono, Third Deputy Commander, in charge of financial management and public relations;
4. Maj.Gen. S.Parman, First Assistant of the Army Commander, in charge of intelligence work;
5. Brig.Gen.D.I. Pandjaitan, Forth Assistant of the Army Commander, in charge of logistics;
6. Brig.Gen. Sutojo Siswomihardjo, Prosecutor General of the Army.

A seventh general who was also haunted by the kidnappers, managed to escape. This was the Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces, Gen. Abdul Harris Nasution.
In order to carry out the aims of the kidnapping, three task forces were established some time between 14 August and 30 September 1965:
1. Pasopati Task Force (headquarter: SENKO I; commander: Lt. Dul Arief [Tjakrabirawa Regiment], a subordinate of Lt.Col.Untung) consisted of: soldiers of Untung's batallion in the Tjakrabira- wa, complemented by two platoons of the First Infantry Brigade of the Military District Jakarta and a unit of the Paratroop Brigade of that territory,
2. Pringgodani Task Force (headquarter: SENKO II; commander: Maj.Sujono [responsible for guarding the Halim air base]) had two influential members Sjam (alias Kamaruzaman) and Pono (alias Bono) "allegedly" from the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI),
3. Bimasakti Task Force (headquarter: SENKO I; commander: Col.Latief) consisted of two parts; the first part consisted of the 454th Diponegoro Division and the 530th Brawijaya Division, plus other smaller units; the second part consisted of a radio broadcasting team headed by Captain Suradi of the Intelligence Service of Col. Latief's Brigade.

Later it became known that all six generals were murdered at the LUBANG BUAYA (Crocodile Hole) near Halim air base. From that time on, every year the Indonesian people celebrate the Pancasila Sacredness on October 1, as a reaction to the so-called Gestapu (the 30th September 1965 Movement) "coup".



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