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Author: Truth.8

Is God comprise of One, Two Or Three. One God BUT TWO

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Post time 29-8-2004 12:55 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 2004-7-31 10:49 AM:

pls come back because me waiting for u evidence that Jesus is not god. me hve proof Jesus is GOD accordingly Bible verses not my own words as the Bible says " It is written man s ...

bro deb***sfe's bible said god is 3 gods in 1 trinity god.  ur bible said god is 2 gods in 1 twoness god.  SONNYs bible said god is ONE.  the 10 commandments said god is ONE.  the jews said yahweh is ONE.  hence whos right whos wrong?  read  


Christadelphian website

There are two passages from the New Testament that are often used to prove the Trinity, John 1 and Luke 1:35. In reality, both of these show that the Trinity does not exist.

John 1:18 plainly states that "No man hath seen God at any time". It does not say " No man hath seen God the Father" at any time, but that no man has seen GOD at any time. It is obvious from the Gospels that people saw Jesus: therefore Jesus cannot be God, or any part of God. The verse goes on to say "the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him." Some other translations of this passage, which are based on other Greek manuscripts, have "the only begotten God" where the KJV has "only begotten Son". The Greek words for 'son' and 'god' in this context are very similar, and it seems likely that 'son' becoming 'god' was a simple slip of the pen when the early manuscripts were copied. The phrase 'only begotten God' is also at odds with the doctrine of the Trinity. Something that is begotten has a definite beginning and a cornerstone of the Trinity is that 'God the Son' has always existed.

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Post time 29-8-2004 12:59 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 2004-8-12 03:49 PM:
"'I said therefore to you, that you shall die in your sins; for unless you believe that I am He, you shall die in your sins'" ...



Christadelphian website

And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God." (Luke 1:35) Let us suppose that this passage does speak of the Trinity. It would seem then that the Holy Spirit is the Father of Christ, which would give a trinity of "God the Father & Holy Spirit, God the Son, and God the Redundant"! The more logical interpretation of this passage is that the Holy Spirit is simply the power of God.

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Post time 29-8-2004 01:10 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by treeza at 2004-8-15 10:13 PM:

Peace be with u.

Bible reveals the mystery of Trinity God, pls search into the following verses from THE NEW AMERICAN BIBLE:

1. Isa 6:2-3 Seraphim cried holy, holy, holy,.... three tim ...



biblical unitarians

John 17:3 tells us the importance of knowing God and Jesus in a personal sense:  And this is life eternal, that they might know thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent. The importance of this was demonstrated in the questions Jesus asked Peter. He asked him, Whom say the people that I am? 1 and, Whom say ye that I am? 2 The people were confused, Peter was not:  Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.3 Jesus affirmed Peter's response: And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven. 4 Having an appropriate understanding of who Jesus is is vital to one's relationship with him. We must covet a relationship with the man who bought us with a price in his mission to make God known, and who is now Lord to the church:

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Post time 29-8-2004 01:13 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 2004-8-16 12:42 AM:

Holy spirit is spirit frm God the father and Jesus because  God  and Jesus consider spirit and  Holy that comes to Holy spirit.

BTW, mind showing me the word trinity in the Bible?

theres no unitarian, twoness, trinity words in the bible.  nonetheless the 10 commandments said god is ONE.  they dont say god is 3 gods in 1 trinity god or 2 gods in 1 twoness god but GOD IS ONE  


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Post time 29-8-2004 01:17 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by treeza at 2004-8-16 11:38 PM:

Dear Truth.8,  

Long before Newton's discovery of gravity force, gravity existed though not a single book has written the word " gravity force" then.

When u introduce y ...



biblical unitarians

The question asked is exactly that which we now ask,—Whom do the Scriptures say that Jesus Christ is?  And the answer given is exactly the same which we, as Unitarian believers, would give.  We take the words in their fullest meaning, and adopt them as the confession of our faith.  "He is the Christ, the Son of the living God."  In these words, not only the statement of our belief is contained, but also the argument on which it rests.  The word "Christ" means anointed.  It is in the Greek, the same with "Messiah" in Hebrew, and implies that Jesus was anointed by God with the Holy Spirit and with power, to become a prince and a saviour, a prophet and a judge.  It implies, therefore, very high distinction, but at the same time a distinction conferred by one higher than himself. 5

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Post time 29-8-2004 01:20 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 2004-8-17 04:47 PM:

at least i am quoting from Bible verses to support my claimed that Holy spirit is not trinity, rite. where else u and rest christian only give view and opinion. The Bible made it clear that M ...



biblical unitarian

He (jesus) is also "the Son of God";  a phrase elsewhere bestowed upon prophets and righteous men, but here [Matt. 16:16] used with particular solemnity,—"the Son of the living God,"—and with peculiar meaning;  the same as when he is called "the beloved Son,"  or "the only begotten Son of his Father."  Such words, I think, announce peculiar exaltation,—peculiar nearness to God.  I doubt if we can at present understand their full meaning.  To me, when taken in connection with other expressions used by our Saviour concerning himself, they convey an idea of mystery, of union with God inexplicably close;  a mystery into which we can but imperfectly penetrate, because it is but imperfectly revealed.  But at the same time, while the expression conveys the idea of unknown exaltation, it distinctly implies derivation and dependence.  If words mean any thing,—if we are to use them according to their intelligible meaning,—the Son owes his existence to the Father, and cannot therefore be self-existent. The very idea of sonship is of derivation, and is therefore inconsistent with the doctrine both of identity and of equality.  If words mean any thing, he who is the Son of the living or supreme God cannot be himself the supreme God, but must be derived from him, and dependent on him. 9

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Post time 29-8-2004 01:23 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by treeza at 2004-8-17 09:05 PM:

Peace be with u.:ah::ah::ah:

Bible reveals the mystery of Trinity God, pls search into the following verses from THE NEW AMERICAN BIBLE:

1. Isa 6:2-3 Seraphim cried holy, holy, holy,.. ...



biblical unitarians

Many of the descriptions of Jesus directly imply the Father's supremacy over him. For example, the word son indicates a subordinate relationship to the Father. No elaboration is required to clarify its meaning. If Jesus is equal to the Father in any way, it is by virtue of what the Father has bestowed upon him. The term son demonstrates that the Father is the originator of what Jesus has and that Jesus is the recipient of what the Father has given him. We are free to make such a simple term as son to be a foundation of our faith. But the trinitarian hypothesis of the double nature of Christ was developed to circumvent the obvious import of this term and others of a similar simple nature. We are so familiar with the term son, just as we are with the term father, that when we are told that God is father to our Lord, and our Lord is son to our Father, these readily become cornerstones of our faith according to their common usage. The doctrine of Jesus' co-equality with the Father and of his alleged double nature makes mass confusion of such simple terms, and clouds the understanding of who Jesus really is:

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Post time 29-8-2004 01:27 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 2004-8-18 08:37 PM:

i hve search but nothing about trinity. the Holy Holy Holy did not indicate trinity.

instead of quoting me . Luke 1:26-38

4. Matt 3:13-17

5. Mark 1:9-11

6. Luke 3:21-22

7.John 1: ...



biblical unitarians

Jesus explained repeatedly, in various situations and to various people, that he did not have the qualities which apply to the Father:  

He could not have been more direct than in his proclamation, "My Father is greater than I."  His words were direct and honest, and no extrapolation is required to get meaning from them.  In the few cases in which he spoke difficult phrases, as when he spoke in parables, he alerted those around him that he had done so.  In all other cases his words were readily understood, even if the people disagreed with them.  His words may still be trusted, the proof of which is that God raised him from the dead.  Had his words been other than trustworthy he would not have been raised and our salvation would not have been secured.  It should not be believed that our Saviour was other than a straight-talking honest person, and he should never be represented as having spoken other than what he meant.

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 Author| Post time 30-8-2004 02:27 PM | Show all posts
sonny, u giving view and opinion. none of ur claimed proof Bible verses.

read my topic frm begining, I hve listed out Bible verses by verses to defend my faith.

pls list out Bible verses if Jesus not God.

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whitepig This user has been deleted
Post time 30-8-2004 03:47 PM | Show all posts
Sonny - your reply is required
here ... =3699787&page=1

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Post time 2-9-2004 09:37 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 2004-8-30 02:27 PM:
sonny, u giving view and opinion. none of ur claimed proof Bible verses.

read my topic frm begining, I hve listed out Bible verses by verses to defend my faith.

pls list out Bible ve ...

yup u gave lots of verses but NONE of em said jesus is god.  where?  u have to elaborate the verses to say jesus is god.  right?  but jesus or the bible never say jesus is god per se  


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Post time 2-9-2004 09:44 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 2004-7-9 08:07 PM:
The Gospel of John proves Jesus is God
The Gospel of John poses more problems for Unitarian theology than any other book of the Bible. Indeed, its theme can be s ...

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
Since in verse 14

"the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us,"
the Word undeniably was Jesus.

ur cut n paste is one example.  its stated the word is god, then the word becomes flesh n u assume the flesh is jesus n therefore jesus is god.  right?  why go round n round the mulberry bush?  why not god bein straightforward n declares outright that hes jesus n jesus is god?  why?  inother words ur assumption is wrong, indeed blaspemous.  simple  


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Post time 2-9-2004 09:52 AM | Show all posts
classic contradictions that show jesus is no god

jesus said "father n i is one".  thus trinity n twoness assume jesus is god.  unitarian assumes jesus wanna say he n father has same motive ie to bring good on earth

jesus said "father is greater than i".  thus unitarian, trinity n twoness assume jesus is no god.  right?  


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Post time 2-9-2004 09:53 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by whitepig at 2004-8-30 03:47 PM:
Sonny - your reply is required
here ... =3699787&page=1

o?  ;)

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Post time 2-9-2004 12:48 PM | Show all posts
O.. is not an answer.

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Post time 3-9-2004 03:22 AM | Show all posts

Your guys need more time with the bible

Please remember, the christian faith only speaks of one god, even the simple prayer Jesus taught us talks of one god,

Our father in heaven,
Holy be thy name,
Thy kingdom come, thy will be done.....

Jesus only speaks of one kingdom of god.

Truth 8, you must remember, though Jesus was divinely made, he was still made very much a man. A man who fears, doubts and questions.

Do not judge GOD by man's numerical system of one, two, three - GOD in the new testament manifested in 3 forms. God the father( a name Jesus used to refer to GOD since now he is made a man of flesh and blood), Jesus the son, and the holy spirit that Jesus promise he will send to his followers during the last supper.

There are no two gods or 3 gods, just one. One GOD who wanted  to reach out to us through Jesus.

Muslims will say this is blesphamy, GOD is indivisible.
I say by who's scientific law do you say GOD obeys. GOD obeys no laws whether natural or un-natural because HE IS THE LAW. And if he wish to appear to us in 10,000 forms he can, it is his will.

So we christians, refer to this trinity not because we are praying to three gods, but to remind ourselves of the 3 forms that GOD has shown his face to us, recorded in the new testament.

If you do not wish to pray as Catholics do by refering to the trinity, you can. Just pray to Jesus as he has said - he is the way and only through him can we reach GOD.

GOD bless.


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treeza This user has been deleted
Post time 3-9-2004 02:08 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by nightlord at 3-9-2004 03:22 AM:
Please remember, the christian faith only speaks of one god, even the simple prayer Jesus taught us talks of one god,

Our father in heaven,
Holy be thy name,
Thy kingdom come, thy will be done ...


Acceptable :setuju::setuju::setuju:

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 Author| Post time 6-9-2004 10:41 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sonny~~ at  09:44 AM:

ur cut n paste is one example.  its stated the word is god, then the word becomes flesh n u assume the flesh is jesus n therefore jesus is god.  right?  why go round n round the mulberr ...

my cut and paste is a proof that  Jesus is God. In last day it is HE will judge the earth and human. so how HE cannot be God??? only God has power & judgment to do that.

Pls go and read my topic frm begining that Jesus is God.

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 Author| Post time 6-9-2004 10:45 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by nightlord at  03:22 AM:
Your guys need more time with the bible

Please remember, the christian faith only speaks of one god, even the simple prayer Jesus taught us talks of one god,

Our father in heaven,
Holy be thy name,
Thy kingdom come, thy will be done.....

Jesus only speaks of one kingdom of god.

Truth 8, you must remember, though Jesus was divinely made, he was still made very much a man. A man who fears, doubts and questions.

Do not judge GOD by man's numerical system of one, two, three - GOD in the new testament manifested in 3 forms. God the father( a name Jesus used to refer to GOD since now he is made a man of flesh and blood), Jesus the son, and the holy spirit that Jesus promise he will send to his followers during the last supper.

There are no two gods or 3 gods, just one. One GOD who wanted  to reach out to us through Jesus.

Muslims will say this is blesphamy, GOD is indivisible.
I say by who's scientific law do you say GOD obeys. GOD obeys no laws whether natural or un-natural because HE IS THE LAW. And if he wish to appear to us in 10,000 forms he can, it is his will.

So we christians, refer to this trinity not because we are praying to three gods, but to remind ourselves of the 3 forms that GOD has shown his face to us, recorded in the new testament.

If you do not wish to pray as Catholics do by refering to the trinity, you can. Just pray to Jesus as he has said - he is the way and only through him can we reach GOD.

GOD bless.


I am twoness not trinity. The Bible made it clear 'In the begining there was word and word was God .......

and many verses proof that Jesus is God. One God but TWO. Father and Christ.

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Post time 16-9-2004 01:51 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 2004-9-6 10:41 PM:

my cut and paste is a proof that  Jesus is God. In last day it is HE will judge the earth and human. so how HE cannot be God??? only God has power & judgment to do that.

Pls go ...

yup jesus gonna judge mankind but that dont mean hes god.  if hes truly god he wouldnt have contradicted his own words.  one classic eg father n i r 1 n father is greater than i.  no god wanna contradict his own words.  hence jesus is no god  


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