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Author: kikilalat

Prince Court Medical Centre

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Post time 19-4-2010 01:50 PM | Show all posts
ooo no wonder la masa DnC hari tu dapat ubat sampai 28biji tapi yang kene makan just 4biji je b4 DnC...lagi 24biji dorg ambik balik n i pun lupa nak tanya mana lebih ubat tu...

ada gak terfikir kenapa Dr seri ni prescribe sampai i know y

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Post time 19-4-2010 10:20 PM | Show all posts
Reply  ladY-appRhodite

i think i know which paed she's referring to coz i pernah discuss psl p ...
Calla lily Post at 19-4-2010 12:28

Calla, masalahnya, blh ke kita pilih2 paed? Sbb masa i attended ante natal class kat pcmc ari tu, diorang kata paed tu base on siapa yg available at that particular time. Tp come to think of it, we r paying kan, sukati la nak paed mana kan? Tp i akan sekeras2 nya refuse that paed kalu dia yg attend to my newborn nnt. Ur paed dr. Anthony ke? Dia ok tak? Bila u bawak baby adnan for check up berapa eh charges dia?

Anyone knows sapa paed yg best kat pcmc x?

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Post time 19-4-2010 11:20 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by Calla lily at 19-4-2010 23:39

Reply 1482# ladY-appRhodite

boleh pilih paed sebenarnya if you tau u nak paed mana
i dah tny dr. seri sblm i deliver dulu
mcm i czer i pilih siap2x lah
ckp ngan dr. seri, if normal delivery boleh tak u nak mintak paed nie
or u bgtau dia kalu boleh time delivery u tak nak paed ni (paed ur fren tu)
nnt dia akan bagi other paed yg free time tu lah
mcm tu jer

my son dgn dr. anthony
actually mula2x i tak nak dr. anthony sbb ramai forumer sini bg not so good feedback abt him
i ckp ngan dr. seri i nak paed lain (dr. ananda) tapi paed tu cuma visiting je, bkn residence paed situ
so his time very limited, kebetulan hari i nak czer tu dia tak masuk clinic
dr. seri ckplah ngan i, dr. anthony tu ok
if lagi satu paed tu (paed ur fren tu) dia pon tak rekomen
then dr. seri kata dia akan arrange i utk jumpa dr. anthony utk kenal2x dulu sblm warded
so while waiting for my room to be ready, dr. anthony come and see us at the waiting lounge
dia introduce himself and borak2x sket
pastu i tny dia camne procedure czer and will he be there during the procedure etc etc
nampak friendly and baik and suruh i jgn panik nak beranak esok
after delivery adelah 2-3 kali jumpa dia coz most of the time dia tgk baby je, tak jumpa kita pon

masa check up 1 month onwards barulah i feel comfortable with him
cara dia bagi injection, all the questions he asked and he's willing to listen and answer all my questions (byk sgt sampai i tulis dlm kertas before jumpa dia)
dia akan buat thorough examination to my son and main2x ngan dia sikit utk test his abilities
pastu dia rajin layan borak, dlm borak dia byk sgt info dia bagi on parenting
dia pon tak suka bagi ubat if not neccessary and prefer natural method
i like his approach and he's very good and passionate abt his speciality
dia suka share new research and apa2x yg dia baru bacalah
my son pon suka dia, semua injection yg dia bagi tak pernah demam
Alhamdullillah so far i puas hati ngan dia
charges dia pon quite reasonable
normally sekali check up ngan injection dlm rm100++ je

another good paed is dr. anna padma
when my son was in NICU due to jaundice, i always see dr. padma attending to the babies there
kebanyakan babies yg dr. padma jaga are premature babies
she will spent hours just to check on the babies and sometimes feed them
even nurse kat situ pon mmg tabik ngan dr. padma ni
i think dia specialize utk jaga premature babies yg byk complication kot
even some babies yg deliver kat glenangles derang bawak dtg sini under dr. padma

so far itu je yg i boleh share ngan u
dont worry, doa everything will be smooth sailing fo you
mula2x i pon risau psl cost jugak then my husband suruh jgn berkira sgt bab ni
sblm dpt baby we went for treatment and spent more than 10k for fertility treatment and takde hasil apa2x pon
now dah pregnant nak berkira lagi
so since then i just doa semoga everything ok
although i tak dpt normal delivery that i prayed for, but even czer pon i still puas hati and it worth every single cent

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Post time 20-4-2010 09:46 PM | Show all posts
Reply 1483# Calla lily

        calla, thanks a lot for the info. very very useful. on my next check up i will let dr.seri know about my prefered paed. dr.anthony sounds good to me. in the same time i mintak dr. seri suggest which paed. if dia suggest dr. anthony jugak,memang tak syak lagi la i akan amik dr. anthony terus.

btw, i lupa lah why u kena c-zer ek? actually, im a bit worried too sbb last check up last saturday (at 32weeks) dr.kata my plasenta kat bawah. tp kepala my baby lagi bawah la dr plasenta tu. takut jugak sementara nak reach edd, plasenta dah turun ke bawah terus. dr. kata if bleeding ke cepat2 la dtg takut gak plasenta previa (sorry kalu silap nama). sebab kalu betul plasenta i kat bawah, memang kena c-zer kan..

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Post time 21-4-2010 12:37 PM | Show all posts
Reply 1484# ladY-appRhodite

i czer sbb my baby dlm kedudukan melintang
masa tu dah 38 weeks and boleh deliver anytime kan
mmg kalu transverse position confirm czer lah
nak tunggu lagi takut risiko if i pecah air ketuban palcenta jatuh dulu

for your case kene monitor closely sbb placenta dah turun kan
chances utk czer tu maybe ade
since u hv this problem, think you should consider czer jugak
i mean if dpt normal is better tapi kalau kene czer pon redhalah
janji mak and baby selamatkan

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Post time 23-4-2010 11:05 AM | Show all posts
Dong understand doctors and/or hospitals yang suka suka nak overcharge patient. Anyways, my appt with dr Paul Tay is scheduled for this Monday. (very excited hehehe).

Nak tanya, kalau kita nak tour labour n maternity ward kena bagitau awal awal ke or can just ask masa dah habis appt nanti? And ngan sape nak tanya?

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Post time 23-4-2010 02:06 PM | Show all posts
Reply 1486# gwenrocks

masa appointment nnt u boleh bgtau dr. paul yg u nak tour
nnt dia akan bgtau nurse to bring u to the maternity and labor ward

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Post time 23-4-2010 03:15 PM | Show all posts
Thanks calla...

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Post time 4-5-2010 03:24 PM | Show all posts
Reply 1477# ladY-appRhodite

thanks for the info lady!
my check-up kul 2pm... urs kul bape? insyaAllah leh jumpe..

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Post time 5-5-2010 09:38 PM | Show all posts
kat prince court ni apa yang memang inclusive of room charges & what is not?
so far i know kalau single room kalau nak guna sofa bed baru they charge additional to the room price, tapi kalau amik suite tu sof bed is all inclusive (tak kira guna ke tak).

what about the other stuffs?? toiletries etcs??

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Post time 10-5-2010 06:40 PM | Show all posts
Reply 10# kikilalat

    not necesarily gynea pompuan garang..depends on that person first 2 children i bersalin kat kg, at a small MC, islamic medical comment, they do what they preach....i pernah jugak buat check up (sblm blk bersalin kat kg) ngan female doc kat KL (also islamic MC) but i would say i would never go back to fact the male doc yg pernah check i is much more polite and me it depends on whether u want a female or male, muslim or non muslim and also ur me i am more comfortable with female doc...walaupun i dgr dr aziz tu glamour (and mayb be bagus) i am still not comfortable having him as my gynea..

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Post time 10-5-2010 06:49 PM | Show all posts
Reply 1209# misy

    i rasa supporting staff kat situ mmg inexperienced...even jawab phone pun selalunya teragak2...i wonder jugak, hospital baru but tak kan takde experienced staff kat situ?

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Post time 11-5-2010 09:40 PM | Show all posts
kat prince court ni apa yang memang inclusive of room charges & what is not?
so far i know kalau si ...
gwenrocks Post at 5-5-2010 21:38

as i know, sofa bed mmg kena charge kalau guna xkira single room or suite.... xtra bantal & blanket free... hehhehehhe....

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Post time 15-5-2010 10:35 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by ladY-appRhodite at 15-5-2010 22:37

td check up 36 weeks. baby tak enggaged lagik. next check up will be in 2 weeks time. hopefully masa next check up (38 weeks) baby dah enggage. so far tak de rasa apa apa pun lagi. tak rasa sangat contraction (ke tak tau rasa contraction sebab 1st timer OR daya tahan sakit yang tinggi huhuhuhu) . jalan pun masih laju mcm tak 36 weeks je.

tp dr. seri advice not to exceed due date. (EDD 8 june) sbb ada history of miscarriage dulu. bedebar gak cuma few weeks to go. sunggoh tak sangka finally dah nak deliver. rasa mcm baru je preggy.

oh btw, dah informed dr. seri td that we wish to choose paed for the baby. kitorang decided on dr. anthony. takut la terkena paed yang overcharged tu. so td dia dah siap2 put remarks for the admission nanti. cuma dia advice nanti bila admit kena remind the nurse again takut ada miscommunication plak later on.

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Post time 15-5-2010 10:39 PM | Show all posts
bila ye kita kena kira baby tendang2 tu? dr. seri takde kata apa apa pun on that. kita orang pun lupa nak tanya td. dah balik baru teringat.

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Post time 15-5-2010 11:33 PM | Show all posts
Reply 1494# ladY-appRhodite

dah 36 weeks dah ? cepatnye masa berlalukan tak engage but in what position ekh ?
fyi, my baby mmg tak pernah engage, either melintang kaki atas or kaki bwah until 38 weeks
calla bukan nak takutkan you but if by 38 weeks tak engage, chances utk czer tu agak tinggilah
thats the reason why i went in for czer after my 38 week check up
and masa czer dr. seri had to lift up my fibroid to reach the head and get my baby out
i mmg ada fibroid and position dia kat pintu rahim tu
thats why kepala baby tak turun, dia floating je dlm perut
dr. seri ada mention apa2x abt why tak engage and what need to be done etc tak ?

psl baby tendang2x tu senang je nak kira
if let say one day u dah rasa baby u move more than 10x then tak yah kira dah
cam my baby selalu aktif waktu subuh, dia akan tendang perut i many times
so i akan kire every kick that he make
then when i drive to work dia akan kick lagi
time tu i malas nak kire dah sbb dah 10x kira pagi tadi
kalau baby u kurang move, try to talk to him
usap perut and panggil nama dia, ketuk2x sket perut u bagi dia jaga
kalu one day tak rasa any movement at all, cepat2x gi hospital check
all the best to you
insyaAllah everything will be smooth
bag nak ke hospital kene standby dlm kereta so that tak kelam kabut nnt
nnt citerlah experience bersalin nnt ye
i pon nak start plan for no. 2 now

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Post time 19-5-2010 10:48 PM | Show all posts
hi calla, yup! i pun mcm WOW, cepatnya masa berlalu. rasa mcm i baru je join thread ni couple of months back. dah almost 9 months dah rupanya. heheheh

baby's position facing down, kepala dah bawah. cuma tak masuk saluran nye je lagi. tu la berdebar ni nak tunggu next week 38th check up. kalu tak engage jugak.. hmmmmm terima je la hakikat.

wahhh calla dah planning no 2 dahhh... semoga berjaya!! hehee

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Post time 25-5-2010 10:05 AM | Show all posts
Reply 1497# ladY-appRhodite

lady, u dah nak bersalin around 2nd week of june kan? my prayers are with u. semoga segala urusan dipermudahkan Allah SWT insyaAllah...   nanti jgn lupe tulih experience, pics bb etc etc yer...

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Post time 25-5-2010 02:06 PM | Show all posts
Reply 1496# Calla lily

good luck calla, for baby num#2!!

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Post time 25-5-2010 05:07 PM | Show all posts
Reply 1499# iRa

thanks ira,
nnt nak kene jumpa gynae mintak ubat power lak

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