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Edited by Euro_2016 at 30-6-2016 09:54 PM
Meh try kalau tuhan ko tu benar |
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Laaa , ko dah ketinggalan bas lah 'mat slow'. Isu ni dah dijelaskan sejak thn 2011. Lagi sekali kelemahan english ko tu perbodohkan diri ko lagi.
"The Poison/Toxin": The word actually used is "summ" which means, poison or toxin. The problem is some people think it is about instantly killing poisonous stuff. However the fact mention in Hadith that it benefits when taken as the first thing early in the morning and on regular basis itself establishes that it is about toxins, which are indeed poisonous and harmful to the body. Also see the following evidence. Al-Mawarid Arabic-English Dictionary Dar el-Elm Lilmalayin, Beirut 1995 p.642
Magic: As to magic, there are two possibilities. If it is literally a reference to magic as it was and is known then we cannot actually say much about it in the light of modern scientific research. Western science has, to the best of my knowledge, only skeptical notions about it which do not have any real value. (We earlier discussed a similar case about the Evil-eye)
It may simply be a reference to some diseases caused by apparently unknown factors expressed this way especially taking into account the times in which the statement was made.
The word "Sihr" is so called as "it changes health and soundness to disease" (see E.W. Lane's Lexicon Book I p.1316) and in that sense it is simply a reference to the something causing ailment like the word used to imply toxin poison and is hinted to by the word "or" used in many narrations. This might be a reference to certain radiations that adversely affect human body. And we know certain of the ingredients of dates like Calcium, magnesium, Selenium, Zinc, Vitamin C etc. are helpful against radiations.
Senang aje nak kantoikan ko tu.
LOL , 'mat slow' kena ketuk kepala lagi ....... kesian .....
Watch out folks .....'mat slow' akan meroyan lagi ulang statement bodoh dia tu pasal dia dah mati kutu

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Post time 1-7-2016 12:51 AM
From the mobile phone
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sam1528 replied at 1-7-2016 12:10 AM
Laaa , ko dah ketinggalan bas lah 'mat slow'. Isu ni dah dijelaskan sejak thn 2011. Lagi sekali kele ...
Sis, nak test? Teguk laa paraquat |
LOL , kebodohan ko menyerlah lagi.
Err , bila masa Ajwa Dates jadi Paraquat? Ko dah sewel kot pasal terlampau banyak kali kena ketuk kepala

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Post time 1-7-2016 01:30 PM
From the mobile phone
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sam1528 replied at 1-7-2016 10:54 AM
LOL , kebodohan ko menyerlah lagi.
Err , bila masa Ajwa Dates jadi Paraquat? Ko dah sewel kot p ...
Nabi ko bohong ke? Atau delusional? |
LOL , yang delusional & bohong adalak ko aje ...'mat slow'
Macamana ko tiba2 cakap pasal paraquat dimana kita dok cakap pasal ajwa dates? Unless pada ko ajwa dates = paraquat.
Something is wrong with you. Ko mabuk ketum ke?

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Post time 1-7-2016 02:44 PM
From the mobile phone
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sam1528 replied at 1-7-2016 02:22 PM
LOL , yang delusional & bohong adalak ko aje ...'mat slow'
Macamana ko tiba2 cakap pasal paraqu ...
Ko ni x reti bahasa kaa? |
LOL , yg mabuk ketum adalah diri ko aje.
Ko dah kena ketuk kepala pasal ajwa dates tetiba ko lari ke paraquat pulak. Lu sudah sewel lah 'mat slow'.
Aku dah ketuk kepala ko teruk sangat ke?

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Post time 1-7-2016 06:30 PM
From the mobile phone
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sam1528 replied at 1-7-2016 05:10 PM
LOL , yg mabuk ketum adalah diri ko aje.
Ko dah kena ketuk kepala pasal ajwa dates tetiba ko la ...
Mashallah... ko mmg x reti bahasa |
Ha ha , ko dah mengaku kalah kan.
Ko tak ada ilmu nak cakap pasal Islam. Baik ko cakap pasal bintang porno yg ko tergila gilakan tu
Senang aje nak ketuk kepala ko. Lepas to ko macam kena ketum. Mula2 cakap pasal ajwa dates tiba2 tukar ke paraquat pulak.
Kena ketuk kepala kuat sangat ke? Ha ha 'mat slow' yg dah tak tahan marah ..... padan muka

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Post time 1-7-2016 09:39 PM
From the mobile phone
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sam1528 replied at 1-7-2016 07:12 PM
Ha ha , ko dah mengaku kalah kan.
Ko tak ada ilmu nak cakap pasal Islam. Baik ko cakap pasal b ...
Ko ni mmg tak reti bahasa kan? Masa SPM, ko fail BM kan |
LOL , ko dah meroyan bodoh.
Mula2 nak kononnya kutuk hadith ttg ajwa dates tapi ko tak tahu ini dah dijelaskan pada 2011 .... ko dah terlepas bas.
Skg ko dah malu. Tiba2 ko bukak pulak isu paraquat.
Ko dah mabuk ketum ke? Ko tak mampu fokus pada isu yg ko bawak iaitu ajwa dates? Pasal apa ko dok lari bila ko dah kantoi?
Ha ha , yg tak reti bahasa hanya ko aje. Kononnya nak jadi hero atheis tapi skg dah jadi 'mat slow' yg mabuk ketum , tak mampu fokus pada isu yg ko sendiri bawak.
Ha ha , masa kecik ko tak mau & benak belajar. Ko dah tua macam ni buat kena ketuk kepala aje dari org lain yg lebih berpelajaran dari ko.

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Post time 2-7-2016 02:36 AM
From the mobile phone
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sam1528 replied at 1-7-2016 11:49 PM
LOL , ko dah meroyan bodoh.
Mula2 nak kononnya kutuk hadith ttg ajwa dates tapi ko tak tahu ini ...
Siyes... ko ni mmg ada masalah pemahaman... ko fail BM spm kan? |
LOL , jawapan 'mat slow' yg dah kantoi - tak tau ttg hadith ajwa dates
Skg konon konon nak samakan ajwa dates dgn paraquat ..... in mabuk ketum
Org tak pergi sekolah pon tau hanya org kurang akan aje buat sedemikian

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Post time 2-7-2016 05:55 AM
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sam1528 replied at 2-7-2016 05:51 AM
LOL , jawapan 'mat slow' yg dah kantoi - tak tau ttg hadith ajwa dates
Skg konon konon nak sama ...
Sampai skrg si tolol masih x faham kaa?
Aku layan je kebebalan ko |
Sebenarnya ko layan kebebelan ko sendiri pasal ko dah malu .... ha ha ajwa dates dah jadi paraquat
Senang aje aku ketuk kepala ko

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Post time 2-7-2016 06:05 AM
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sam1528 replied at 2-7-2016 05:59 AM
Sebenarnya ko layan kebebelan ko sendiri pasal ko dah malu .... ha ha ajwa dates dah jadi paraquat ...
Ko nie mmg x reti bahasa? |
Ha ha , kesian 'mat slow' yg dah malu.
Dah lah kantoi ttg ajwa dates ... bila nak lari klaim pulak ajwa dates = paraquart
'mat slow' yg dah sewel & mereng ..... kena ketuk kepala terlampau banyak kali

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Post time 2-7-2016 07:03 AM
From the mobile phone
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sam1528 replied at 2-7-2016 06:15 AM
Ha ha , kesian 'mat slow' yg dah malu.
Dah lah kantoi ttg ajwa dates ... bila nak lari klaim pu ...
Aku rasa ko nie makin mereng 
Ko mmg fail pemahaman? Masa kecil nk pi majelis ilmu, pernah jatuh terhantuk lantai? |
LOL , ko dah kalah & dah mati kutu. Kan dah kena 'mat slow'
Tu lah , lain kali kalo nak cakap pasal hadith siasat dulu penjelasan dia tapi ko ni kureng cerdik. Ko hulur kepala kena ketuk lah jawab dia.
Tetiba ko samakan ajwa dates dgn paraquat pulak. Ini kegilaan apa? Ko dah mereng daa ...... memang sah ko dah mereng pasal kena ketuk kepala terlampau banyak kali
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