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Report: Bin Laden announces "truce" with European countries
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The Star
Friday, April 16, 2004
Report: Bin Laden announces "truce" with European countries
CAIRO, EGYPT (AP)- In a new recording broadcast on Arab satellite networks Thursday, a man who identified himself as al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden offered a "truce'' to European countries that do not attack Muslims, saying it would begin when their soldiers leave Islamic nations.
"I announce a truce with the European countries that do not attack Muslim countries,'' the taped message said as the stations showed an old, still picture of bin Laden.
There was no way to verify the speaker's identity.
The message said the truce would last three months and could be extended.
However, the speaker indicated it would not begin right away: "The truce will begin when the last soldier leaves our countries,'' he said without elaborating.
"They say that we kill for the sake of killing, but reality shows that they lie,'' the speaker said.
Russians, he said, were only killed after attacking Afghanistan in the 1980s and Chechnya, Europeans after invading Iraq and Afghanistan and the Americans in New York after "supporting the Jews in Palestine and their invasion of the Arabian Peninsula.''
"Stop spilling our blood so we can stop spilling your blood,'' the message added.
"This is a difficult but easy equation.''
This truce, the message said, was to deny "the war mongers'' further opportunities and because polls have shown that "most of the European peoples want reconciliation'' with the Islamic world.
The message also vowed revenge for Israel's killing of Sheik Ahmed Yassin, leader of the Palestinian militant group Hamas.
"We vow before God to take revenge for him from America for this, God willing.''
The message said that American policy ignores the "real problem,'' which is "the occupation of all of Palestine.''
It denounced the U.S. was on Iraq, saying it was making "billions of dollars'' for companies, "whether those that make weapons or those that take part in reconstruction,'' naming the American firm Halliburton. - AP |
Originally posted by ariyamusafir at 16-4-2004 17:11:
It proves one thing people, that I was right, that Dr. M was right that the cause of terrorism in this era is the US. The chief of the so known as the main organistation of terrorism terrorised because of what was being done to their people. He have no wish to kill the europeans who are majority Christians (which proves that it is not against christians but against US) but to retaliate for what the US had done. Though not justified but the point is that the root of terrorism, is, the US and those who assist the US in their neo-imperialism and aggression. |
Nevermind, we will start one here since debmey abused his powers and deducted my credits when I had not breached rules and wasn't rude but he said I was rude but I was merely explaining who Kenkid meant to a nwcomer. I will be reporting it to the top. |
Go ahead, please complain. Hahahahahahahahahaha...............
Anyway, its dumb for Osama to try a cheap trick like that, nobody bought it. Hahahahahahahahaha............. |
Originally posted by Debmey at 16-4-2004 23:51:
Go ahead, please complain. Hahahahahahahahahaha...............
Anyway, its dumb for Osama to try a cheap trick like that, nobody bought it. Hahahahahahahahaha.............
No!!! It was not cheap trick. Do you have proof to your claim that it is cheap trick???? It only shows that they are acting the way they are because of what is done by the US and now, her allies. It proves that I am right, the root of the problem is US. Osama is willing to stop al attacks on Europe if they stop meddling in the internal affairs of the muslim world and also pull out their potential neo-imperialism forces out of those countries. So, why not Europe take the challenge and try and if it works, well very good. WHY THEY FEAR??? WHAT HAVE THEY GOT TO LOSE???? ACCEPTING THE AGREEMENT DOESN'T MEAN THAT THEY CANNOT ARREST OSAMA OR TRY TO DO SO YOU KNOW??? |
Originally posted by ariyamusafir at 18-4-2004 12:34 AM:
No!!! It was not cheap trick. Do you have proof to your claim that it is cheap trick???? It only shows that they are acting the way they are because of what is done by the ...
I know that generally Arabs doesnt mean any harm to others before this tragedy..But i do know Mr Osama and his goons' intention is to wiped all kafirs from this world starting with US and Jews and next is the others...You can check from his past speech..His truce is just some divertionary tactic to concentrate at US and then the rest... |
xxxariya doesn't know anything, thsts why he feel he needs to defend Osama. hahahahahahahahahah.....................
Any use of bad language or profanity will be edited.
[ Last edited by DARSITA on 19-4-2004 at 08:51 AM ] |
Originally posted by Debmey at 18-4-2004 08:23:
Dumariya doesn't know anything, thsts why he feel he needs to defend Osama. hahahahahahahahahah.....................
A manipulator and twister you are Debmey. You cannot provide proofs to your claim yet you call me knowing nothing. If I know nothing then how come I get to prove what I claim about the Kosovo under UN admin and you fail to prove when your claim is otherwise???? I know many things but the problem with you is tht you like to manipulate and twist your way through.
Please stay to the topic. It is not about me defending anyone but about what is the thing in which Europe is afraid to take up the wonderful offer in which terrorism can be stop in the Europe, why not??? Also, it also proves my claim that the root of terrorism in this era is US itself, showing why Osama commited the crimes in which he SHOULD NOT have done so. Osama is in the wrong but the ROOT is the US and its allies that assist them in oppressing the waek nations. |
Originally posted by Seraphim at 18-4-2004 01:52:
I know that generally Arabs doesnt mean any harm to others before this tragedy..But i do know Mr Osama and his goons' intention is to wiped all kafirs from this world starting with US and Jew ...
He offered, why not try??? After all, isn't it correct for the troops of a country to NOT BE in anotherr country when they have no business there, when they SHOULD NOT be there as that is the soverign nation such as the Iraq case????????? |
Originally posted by ariyamusafir at 2004-4-18 09:00 PM:
He offered, why not try??? After all, isn't it correct for the troops of a country to NOT BE in anotherr country when they have no business there, when they SHOULD NOT be there as th ...
Why make deals with terrorists? Only fools will do that.
peace |
Originally posted by ariyamusafir at 18-4-2004 09:00 PM:
He offered, why not try??? After all, isn't it correct for the troops of a country to NOT BE in anotherr country when they have no business there, when they SHOULD NOT be there as th ...
Terrorists arent countries..They dont represent any countries..You dont make deal or forgive terrorists that are on the loose...You either bring them to justice(if possible) or hunt them down like vermins..Dealing with terrorists makes them feel that their terrorr attacks are worth it and will make more future demands especially Mr Osama and his goons...They are fanatical and extremists bend to bring death and chaos to kafirs...Say NO to terrorists offer...:nerd: |
Originally posted by Seraphim at 18-4-2004 22:18:
Terrorists arent countries..They dont represent any countries..You dont make deal or forgive terrorists that are on the loose...You either bring them to justice(if possible) or hunt them down l ...
Come on, pulling out your armed forces from soverign countries in which you have no right and not welcomed in that country is what you ought to do. It doesn't matter if you are country or no country, the thing is that by doing what is right, you can have peace, why not. After all, terrorism was caused by the actions of these people. It is because of what they are doing to the muslim states and others which made the hate and anger towards them stronger. To ovrcome terrorism, you should not use brute force but use wisdom to destroy the cause or root of terrorism itself.
They can still hunt Osama down if accept the deal as the deal is about their troops pullout, not about they hunting him down.
Also, from your post, it can be seen that you are instigating hate. You are no better then terrorist themselves and in fact, even worst as you only want them dead. You arer not interested in the end of terrorism, in the ceasetion of it but interested in killing those people involve in it which will not help.
Dealing with terrorists makes them feel that their terrorr attacks are worth it and will make more future demands especially Mr Osama and his goons...They are fanatical and extremists bend to bring death and chaos to kafirs...Say NO to terrorists offer...
No!!! The thing is that if Europe pull their troops out when it is what they should have been done without people asking for it, you will never know till you try. |
Originally posted by Debmey at 18-4-2004 22:14:
Why make deals with terrorists? Only fools will do that.
You see, it is not deal with terrorist. It is a deal to end terrorism. |
Still the fact remains that no negotiations must be done with terrorists factions
Well terrorists that can be successfully captured will but judged in a court if possible..As for those terrorists who resisted or running away ...only death awaits them... And finally..i didnt instigate any hate here..Just describing the truth  |
Originally posted by Seraphim at 19-4-2004 01:27:
Still the fact remains that no negotiations must be done with terrorists factions
Well terrorists that can be successfully captured will but judged in a court if possible..As for those terrorist ...
You are not describing the truth. Terrorism was born out of hate, anger and violance. Just like fire, if you fight fire with fire, you are going to add in more fire. If Osama bin Syeikh Mohamad (bin Oud bin Laden) is killed today, there will be other Osama.
Also, if the you fight them the way they fight you, you both are indiferrent.
Not only that, who is the one who is the terrorist at the first place?Who is the one who causes terror?Who is the one who is able to seat in the office and with one phone call, he can kill many people? Who is the one who sent in thousands and thousands of his forces of terror into a soverign state where it is clear sign of imperialism???? |
Appeasement is never a viable option because yu will encourage even more terrorism. Thats why no govts want truce with Al Qaeda. |
Originally posted by pas-S*** at 19-4-2004 10:20 AM:
what's your problem, r u supporting that bastarrd osama,
why don't u offer your mother or sister even better your wife to osama
to start the peace process with . i think that will be a goo ...
No..Osama just want Kafirs to lie down and basically die... |
Originally posted by Debmey at 19-4-2004 08:49:
Appeasement is never a viable option because yu will encourage even more terrorism. Thats why no govts want truce with Al Qaeda.
The problem lies with these people who send their armed forces to soverign nations where they should not have and interfering in the internal affairs of others which they are not invited and also their oppression and killings of muslims, their chasing out of muslims and others who are non-muslims(such as Arab Palestinians who are not muslims) from their homeland.
The deal is not actually giving in to terrorist demands but doing what is right by stoping any agreesions. Once aggressions have stop, only then I am of the opinion that terror will stop. |
Originally posted by Seraphim at 19-4-2004 15:29:
No..Osama just want Kafirs to lie down and basically die...
I am not supporting Osama's way of dealing things as what he had done in killing of non-related innocent is wrong but I am saying that US and its allies, who are the causes of his organisation's terrorism should stop in order for the whole thing to stop. |
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