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Edited by eddlisa_uyuk at 24-11-2016 08:52 AM
Hai awak.
momod, kalau tak sesuai boleh delete benang ini. tq
Aku antara penggemar tengok movie. sama ada kat panggung wayang atau komputer. kat sini aku harap kite dapat share tajuk movie yang best untuk jadi rujukan. mana - mana movie yang aku belum tengok, aku akan usaha cari 
regardless movie tempatan atau luar negara
format dia, kalau boleh tolong groupkan tajuk movie tu dengan genre dia, supaya senang yang lain jadikan rujukan.
prefer movie EVERGREEN dan tak berapa nak baru
ironmen, kepten emerika tu terlalu mainstream
menonton movie, ibarat melalui suasana itu
me, my favourite movie.
the godfather part 1,2,3 - genre action/love
the notebook - genre romantic
forest gump - genre romantic
12 years of slaves - based on true story
a walk in the cloud - genre romantic
law abiding citizen - genre action/thriller
time traveller's wife - genre romantic
a beautiful mind - based on true story
hope kite bole share tittle movie lama yang best supaya tidak ditelan zaman.
Pirates of the Caribbean
The green mile
Edited by FARRAZOOL at 22-11-2016 11:23 AM
Interview with the Vampire
The other - Nicole Kidman
Harry Potter
Xin Dong - Takeshi Kaneshiro n Gigi leong
Original Sin - Angelina Jolie
Jan Dara
Aku restless. Payah betul nak sit still tunggu movie abis. Movie ada Angelina Jolie je aku boleh gigeh tunggu. Biaq pi la karut ka apa bala 
Tak menepati kehendak thread kan komen aku? Eh lantak la  |

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Post time 22-11-2016 11:33 AM
From the mobile phone
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doublethread replied at 22-11-2016 11:32 AM
Aku restless. Payah betul nak sit still tunggu movie abis. Movie ada Angelina Jolie je aku boleh gig ...
Takpe i tak kisah u OT pon |

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Post time 22-11-2016 01:44 PM
From the mobile phone
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gerbera.memopad replied at 22-11-2016 01:42 PM
Aku skrg tgh cuba2 tengok movies yg dapat rating plg tinggi kat IMDB.
Setakat ni yg aku dah tengo ...
Colonia dh tgk? Best wei!
Godfather kene start tengok part 2, then part 1 dan part 3. Part 3 xbest. Movie ni meleret dan slow so bertabahlah but i like it.
Kalau Dicaprio iolls cop The Great Gatsby,
movie feveret lain semua da jawap kat atas tu |
Shawshank antara filem yg terbaik, pernah aku tengok.
Zaman VCD, aku ada beli, zaman DVD special edition pun ada (ada simpan lagi).
Zaman HBO kalau main aku akan tengok sampai habis dan siap rekod lagi, Dlm iPad pun ada download.
1995 acedemy awards filem ni di calonkan bersama forest gump. Pulp Fiction, The Quiz Show dan 4 weddings and a funeral. (forest gump menang). utk filem terbaik.
Naration Morgan Freeman, gandingan dgn Tim Robbins mmg klas A.
Oh ya, filem Highlander. (yg ori)
Oo, yang Part 2 best eh? Nanti aku try tengok. Msh trauma dgn Part 1 tu sbb ramai ckp best sgt, sekali tak blh in plak dgn aku.
Aha, best sgt movie NI. Lepas 1st time tgk, few days aku repeat. Aku dah siap nak hafal dah few line dlm movie ni tau . Thanks to Freeman's deep voice la. Berkesan gile bila buat naration .
Dramatik sgt Tom Hanks mng utk Forest Gump sbb watak Dufresne tu actually kena offer kat dia kan. But either way, dia takkan buat keputusan yg salah. Cuma fikir dapat ke tak dapat Oscar je.
The usual suspects
The game
Lock stock and two smoking barrel
Pulp fiction
The man from u.n.c.l.e |
I love watching movies...
Tp prefer tgk kat rumah sbb tak comfortable tgk kat cinema... Rasa irritated bila ada org bercakap buat summary / subtitle sendiri... 
Tunggu movie clear then download tgk dlm bilik kat rumah... My husband set up our own dolby atmos room..
My top 10 movies
1. Whiplash - drama music
2. The shawshank redemption - drama
3. The atonement - drama romance
4. Seven - crime thriller
5. Enemy at the gates - drama
6. No country for old men - crime thriller
7. The silence of the lambs - crime thriller
8. Kill bill vol 1 - crime thriller
9. American history x - crime drama
10. Braveheart - action drama |
godfather tu sebenarnya genre crime drama la TT.mana ada action/love |

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Post time 22-11-2016 08:00 PM
From the mobile phone
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alesandra replied at 22-11-2016 07:52 PM
godfather tu sebenarnya genre crime drama la TT.mana ada action/love
Sory. Nubis |
movie lama yang buat me manly tears, cast away.
sebelum flight bagi engagement ring kat gf..
duduk pulau 4 tahun.
selamat balik tengok gf dah kawen anak sorang 
walhal tiap hari dia ingat kat gf dia |
Yup Godfather genre crime, asal nya novel. Bila dibuat movie terus hit dan menjadi one of the greatest films. Part 1 & 2 best, part 3 dah start slow .... (nak tahu selanjutnya kena baca wiki)
beside its a mob drama, ia ada elemen on family ties.

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Post time 23-11-2016 01:16 AM
From the mobile phone
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SY_Mumi replied at 23-11-2016 12:03 AM
Yup Godfather genre crime, asal nya novel. Bila dibuat movie terus hit dan menjadi one of the greate ...
Yup..tolak tepi crime, jalan cerita, seni kamera dan prop dia sgt osem. Susunan cerita dia terlalu best terutama part2 time flashback vito dtg kt ny. |
The lord of the ring
Antara movie yg aku xjemu tengok.
Tengkiu yg bagi list. Boleh aku tengok.

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Post time 23-11-2016 01:26 AM
From the mobile phone
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Diann replied at 23-11-2016 01:25 AM
The lord of the ring
Wah! Jr tolkien ftw!
Sadly anak dia taknak jual karya silmarillion hollywood. Padahal tu antara part yang penting dalam sejarah middle earth dan first age |
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